# Authors: Karl MacMillan # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import time from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import * import os import sys import ldap from ipaserver import ipaldap from ipapython import services as ipaservices import installutils from ldap import modlist from ipalib import util from ipalib import errors from ipapython import ipautil from ipalib.dn import DN DIRMAN_CN = "cn=directory manager" CACERT = "/etc/ipa/ca.crt" # the default container used by AD for user entries WIN_USER_CONTAINER = "cn=Users" # the default container used by IPA for user entries IPA_USER_CONTAINER = "cn=users,cn=accounts" PORT = 636 TIMEOUT = 120 REPL_MAN_DN = "cn=replication manager,cn=config" IPA_REPLICA = 1 WINSYNC = 2 def replica_conn_check(master_host, host_name, realm, check_ca, admin_password=None): """ Check the ports used by the replica both locally and remotely to be sure that replication will work. Does not return a value, will sys.exit() on failure. """ print "Run connection check to master" args = ["/usr/sbin/ipa-replica-conncheck", "--master", master_host, "--auto-master-check", "--realm", realm, "--principal", "admin", "--hostname", host_name] nolog=tuple() if admin_password: args.extend(["--password", admin_password]) nolog=(admin_password,) if check_ca: args.append('--check-ca') (stdin, stderr, returncode) = ipautil.run(args,raiseonerr=False,capture_output=False, nolog=nolog) if returncode != 0: sys.exit("Connection check failed!" + "\nPlease fix your network settings according to error messages above." + "\nIf the check results are not valid it can be skipped with --skip-conncheck parameter.") else: print "Connection check OK" def enable_replication_version_checking(hostname, realm, dirman_passwd): """ Check the replication version checking plugin. If it is not enabled then enable it and restart 389-ds. If it is enabled the do nothing. """ conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(hostname, realm=realm, ldapi=True) if dirman_passwd: conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=dirman_passwd) else: conn.do_sasl_gssapi_bind() entry = conn.search_s('cn=IPA Version Replication,cn=plugins,cn=config', ldap.SCOPE_BASE, 'objectclass=*') if entry[0].getValue('nsslapd-pluginenabled') == 'off': conn.modify_s(entry[0].dn, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-pluginenabled', 'on')]) conn.unbind() serverid = "-".join(realm.split(".")) ipaservices.knownservices.dirsrv.restart(instance_name=serverid) installutils.wait_for_open_ports('localhost', [389, 636], 300) else: conn.unbind() class ReplicationManager(object): """Manage replication agreements between DS servers, and sync agreements with Windows servers""" def __init__(self, realm, hostname, dirman_passwd, port=PORT, starttls=False): self.hostname = hostname self.port = port self.dirman_passwd = dirman_passwd self.realm = realm self.starttls = starttls tmp = util.realm_to_suffix(realm) self.suffix = str(DN(tmp)).lower() self.need_memberof_fixup = False # If we are passed a password we'll use it as the DM password # otherwise we'll do a GSSAPI bind. if starttls: self.conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(hostname, port=port) ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, CACERT) self.conn.start_tls_s() else: self.conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(hostname, port=port, cacert=CACERT) if dirman_passwd: self.conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=dirman_passwd) else: self.conn.do_sasl_gssapi_bind() self.repl_man_passwd = dirman_passwd # these are likely constant, but you could change them # at runtime if you really want self.repl_man_dn = REPL_MAN_DN self.repl_man_cn = "replication manager" def _get_replica_id(self, conn, master_conn): """ Returns the replica ID which is unique for each backend. conn is the connection we are trying to get the replica ID for. master_conn is the master we are going to replicate with. """ # First see if there is already one set dn = self.replica_dn() try: replica = conn.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=*")[0] if replica.getValue('nsDS5ReplicaId'): return int(replica.getValue('nsDS5ReplicaId')) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass # Ok, either the entry doesn't exist or the attribute isn't set # so get it from the other master retval = -1 dn = str(DN(('cn','replication'),('cn','etc'), self.suffix)) try: replica = master_conn.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=*")[0] if not replica.getValue('nsDS5ReplicaId'): root_logger.debug("Unable to retrieve nsDS5ReplicaId from remote server") raise RuntimeError("Unable to retrieve nsDS5ReplicaId from remote server") except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: root_logger.debug("Unable to retrieve nsDS5ReplicaId from remote server") raise # Now update the value on the master retval = int(replica.getValue('nsDS5ReplicaId')) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsDS5ReplicaId', str(retval + 1))] try: master_conn.modify_s(dn, mod) except Exception, e: root_logger.debug("Problem updating nsDS5ReplicaID %s" % e) raise return retval def find_replication_agreements(self): """ The replication agreements are stored in cn="$SUFFIX",cn=mapping tree,cn=config FIXME: Rather than failing with a read error if a user tries to read this it simply returns zero entries. We need to use GER to determine if we are allowed to read this to return a proper response. For now just return "No entries" even if the user may not be allowed to see them. """ filt = "(|(objectclass=nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement)(objectclass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement))" try: ents = self.conn.search_s("cn=mapping tree,cn=config", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filt) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: ents = [] return ents def find_ipa_replication_agreements(self): """ The replication agreements are stored in cn="$SUFFIX",cn=mapping tree,cn=config Return the list of hosts we have replication agreements. """ res = [] filt = "(objectclass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement)" try: ents = self.conn.search_s("cn=mapping tree,cn=config", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filt) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: return res for ent in ents: res.append(ent.nsds5replicahost) return res def add_replication_manager(self, conn, dn, pw): """ Create a pseudo user to use for replication. """ edn = ldap.dn.str2dn(dn) rdn_attr = edn[0][0][0] rdn_val = edn[0][0][1] ent = ipaldap.Entry(dn) ent.setValues("objectclass", "top", "person") ent.setValues(rdn_attr, rdn_val) ent.setValues("userpassword", pw) ent.setValues("sn", "replication manager pseudo user") try: conn.add_s(ent) except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: conn.modify_s(dn, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "userpassword", pw)]) pass def delete_replication_manager(self, conn, dn=REPL_MAN_DN): try: conn.delete_s(dn) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass def get_replica_type(self, master=True): if master: return "3" else: return "2" def replica_dn(self): return str(DN(('cn','replica'),('cn',self.suffix),('cn','mapping tree'),('cn','config'))) def replica_config(self, conn, replica_id, replica_binddn): dn = self.replica_dn() try: entry = conn.getEntry(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE) managers = entry.getValues('nsDS5ReplicaBindDN') for m in managers: if DN(replica_binddn) == DN(m): return # Add the new replication manager mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'nsDS5ReplicaBindDN', replica_binddn)] conn.modify_s(dn, mod) # replication is already configured return except errors.NotFound: pass replica_type = self.get_replica_type() entry = ipaldap.Entry(dn) entry.setValues('objectclass', "top", "nsds5replica", "extensibleobject") entry.setValues('cn', "replica") entry.setValues('nsds5replicaroot', self.suffix) entry.setValues('nsds5replicaid', str(replica_id)) entry.setValues('nsds5replicatype', replica_type) entry.setValues('nsds5flags', "1") entry.setValues('nsds5replicabinddn', [replica_binddn]) entry.setValues('nsds5replicalegacyconsumer', "off") conn.add_s(entry) def setup_changelog(self, conn): dn = "cn=changelog5, cn=config" dirpath = conn.dbdir + "/cldb" entry = ipaldap.Entry(dn) entry.setValues('objectclass', "top", "extensibleobject") entry.setValues('cn', "changelog5") entry.setValues('nsslapd-changelogdir', dirpath) try: conn.add_s(entry) except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: return def setup_chaining_backend(self, conn): chaindn = "cn=chaining database, cn=plugins, cn=config" benamebase = "chaindb" urls = [self.to_ldap_url(conn)] cn = "" benum = 1 done = False while not done: try: cn = benamebase + str(benum) # e.g. localdb1 dn = "cn=" + cn + ", " + chaindn entry = ipaldap.Entry(dn) entry.setValues('objectclass', 'top', 'extensibleObject', 'nsBackendInstance') entry.setValues('cn', cn) entry.setValues('nsslapd-suffix', self.suffix) entry.setValues('nsfarmserverurl', urls) entry.setValues('nsmultiplexorbinddn', self.repl_man_dn) entry.setValues('nsmultiplexorcredentials', self.repl_man_passwd) self.conn.add_s(entry) done = True except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: benum += 1 except ldap.LDAPError, e: print "Could not add backend entry " + dn, e raise return cn def to_ldap_url(self, conn): return "ldap://%s/" % ipautil.format_netloc(conn.host, conn.port) def setup_chaining_farm(self, conn): try: conn.modify_s(self.suffix, [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'aci', [ "(targetattr = \"*\")(version 3.0; acl \"Proxied authorization for database links\"; allow (proxy) userdn = \"ldap:///%s\";)" % self.repl_man_dn ])]) except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: root_logger.debug("proxy aci already exists in suffix %s on %s" % (self.suffix, conn.host)) def get_mapping_tree_entry(self): try: entry = self.conn.getEntry("cn=mapping tree,cn=config", ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "(cn=\"%s\")" % (self.suffix)) except errors.NotFound, e: root_logger.debug("failed to find mappting tree entry for %s" % self.suffix) raise e return entry def enable_chain_on_update(self, bename): mtent = self.get_mapping_tree_entry() dn = mtent.dn plgent = self.conn.getEntry("cn=Multimaster Replication Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config", ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", ['nsslapd-pluginPath']) path = plgent.getValue('nsslapd-pluginPath') mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-state', 'backend'), (ldap.MOD_ADD, 'nsslapd-backend', bename), (ldap.MOD_ADD, 'nsslapd-distribution-plugin', path), (ldap.MOD_ADD, 'nsslapd-distribution-funct', 'repl_chain_on_update')] try: self.conn.modify_s(dn, mod) except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: root_logger.debug("chainOnUpdate already enabled for %s" % self.suffix) def setup_chain_on_update(self, other_conn): chainbe = self.setup_chaining_backend(other_conn) self.enable_chain_on_update(chainbe) def add_passsync_user(self, conn, password): pass_dn = "uid=passsync,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,%s" % self.suffix print "The user for the Windows PassSync service is %s" % pass_dn try: conn.getEntry(pass_dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE) print "Windows PassSync entry exists, not resetting password" return except errors.NotFound: pass # The user doesn't exist, add it entry = ipaldap.Entry(pass_dn) entry.setValues("objectclass", ["account", "simplesecurityobject"]) entry.setValues("uid", "passsync") entry.setValues("userPassword", password) conn.add_s(entry) # Add it to the list of users allowed to bypass password policy extop_dn = "cn=ipa_pwd_extop,cn=plugins,cn=config" entry = conn.getEntry(extop_dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE) pass_mgrs = entry.getValues('passSyncManagersDNs') if not pass_mgrs: pass_mgrs = [] if not isinstance(pass_mgrs, list): pass_mgrs = [pass_mgrs] pass_mgrs.append(pass_dn) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passSyncManagersDNs', pass_mgrs)] conn.modify_s(extop_dn, mod) # And finally grant it permission to write passwords mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'aci', ['(targetattr = "userPassword || krbPrincipalKey || sambaLMPassword || sambaNTPassword || passwordHistory")(version 3.0; acl "Windows PassSync service can write passwords"; allow (write) userdn="ldap:///%s";)' % pass_dn])] try: conn.modify_s(self.suffix, mod) except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: root_logger.debug("passsync aci already exists in suffix %s on %s" % (self.suffix, conn.host)) def setup_winsync_agmt(self, entry, win_subtree=None): if win_subtree is None: win_subtree = WIN_USER_CONTAINER + "," + self.ad_suffix ds_subtree = IPA_USER_CONTAINER + "," + self.suffix windomain = '.'.join(ldap.explode_dn(self.suffix, 1)) entry.setValues("objectclass", "nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement") entry.setValues("nsds7WindowsReplicaSubtree", win_subtree) entry.setValues("nsds7DirectoryReplicaSubtree", ds_subtree) # for now, just sync users and ignore groups entry.setValues("nsds7NewWinUserSyncEnabled", 'true') entry.setValues("nsds7NewWinGroupSyncEnabled", 'false') entry.setValues("nsds7WindowsDomain", windomain) def agreement_dn(self, hostname, master=None): """ IPA agreement use the same dn on both sides, dogtag does not. master is not used for IPA agreements but for dogtag it will tell which side we want. """ cn = "meTo%s" % (hostname) dn = "cn=%s, %s" % (cn, self.replica_dn()) return (cn, dn) def setup_agreement(self, a_conn, b_hostname, port=389, repl_man_dn=None, repl_man_passwd=None, iswinsync=False, win_subtree=None, isgssapi=False, master=None): """ master is used to determine which side of the agreement we are creating. This is only needed for dogtag replication agreements which use a different name on each side. If master is None then isn't a dogtag replication agreement. """ cn, dn = self.agreement_dn(b_hostname, master=master) try: a_conn.getEntry(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE) return except errors.NotFound: pass # List of attributes that need to be excluded from replication initialization. totalexcludes = ('entryusn', 'krblastsuccessfulauth', 'krblastfailedauth', 'krbloginfailedcount') # List of attributes that need to be excluded from normal replication. excludes = ('memberof', ) + totalexcludes entry = ipaldap.Entry(dn) entry.setValues('objectclass', "nsds5replicationagreement") entry.setValues('cn', cn) entry.setValues('nsds5replicahost', b_hostname) entry.setValues('nsds5replicaport', str(port)) entry.setValues('nsds5replicatimeout', str(TIMEOUT)) entry.setValues('nsds5replicaroot', self.suffix) if master is None: entry.setValues('nsds5replicaupdateschedule', '0000-2359 0123456') entry.setValues('nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList', '(objectclass=*) $ EXCLUDE %s' % " ".join(excludes)) entry.setValues('description', "me to %s" % b_hostname) if isgssapi: entry.setValues('nsds5replicatransportinfo', 'LDAP') entry.setValues('nsds5replicabindmethod', 'SASL/GSSAPI') else: entry.setValues('nsds5replicabinddn', repl_man_dn) entry.setValues('nsds5replicacredentials', repl_man_passwd) entry.setValues('nsds5replicatransportinfo', 'TLS') entry.setValues('nsds5replicabindmethod', 'simple') if iswinsync: self.setup_winsync_agmt(entry, win_subtree) a_conn.add_s(entry) try: mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeListTotal', '(objectclass=*) $ EXCLUDE %s' % " ".join(totalexcludes))] a_conn.modify_s(dn, mod) except ldap.LDAPError, e: # Apparently there are problems set the total list # Probably the master is an old 389-ds server, tell the caller # that we will have to set the memberof fixup task self.need_memberof_fixup = True entry = a_conn.waitForEntry(entry) def needs_memberof_fixup(self): return self.need_memberof_fixup def setup_krb_princs_as_replica_binddns(self, a, b): """ Search the appropriate principal names so we can get the correct DNs to store in the replication agreements. Then modify the replica object to allow these DNs to act as replication agents. """ rep_dn = self.replica_dn() filter_a = '(krbprincipalname=ldap/%s@%s)' % (a.host, self.realm) filter_b = '(krbprincipalname=ldap/%s@%s)' % (b.host, self.realm) a_pn = b.search_s(self.suffix, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr=filter_a) b_pn = a.search_s(self.suffix, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr=filter_b) if a_pn is None: root_logger.critical('Unable to find entry for %s on %s' % (filter_a, str(b))) if b_pn is None: root_logger.critical('Unable to find entry for %s on %s' % (filter_b, str(a))) if a_pn is None or b_pn is None: raise RuntimeError('Replication agreement cannot be converted') # Add kerberos principal DNs as valid bindDNs for replication try: mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, "nsds5replicabinddn", b_pn[0].dn)] a.modify_s(rep_dn, mod) except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: pass try: mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, "nsds5replicabinddn", a_pn[0].dn)] b.modify_s(rep_dn, mod) except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: pass def gssapi_update_agreements(self, a, b): self.setup_krb_princs_as_replica_binddns(a, b) #change replication agreements to connect to other host using GSSAPI mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsds5replicatransportinfo", "LDAP"), (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsds5replicabindmethod", "SASL/GSSAPI"), (ldap.MOD_DELETE, "nsds5replicabinddn", None), (ldap.MOD_DELETE, "nsds5replicacredentials", None)] cn, a_ag_dn = self.agreement_dn(b.host) a.modify_s(a_ag_dn, mod) cn, b_ag_dn = self.agreement_dn(a.host) b.modify_s(b_ag_dn, mod) # Finally remove the temporary replication manager user try: a.delete_s(self.repl_man_dn) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass try: b.delete_s(self.repl_man_dn) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass def delete_agreement(self, hostname): cn, dn = self.agreement_dn(hostname) return self.conn.deleteEntry(dn) def delete_referral(self, hostname): esc1_suffix = self.suffix.replace('=', '\\3D').replace(',', '\\2C') esc2_suffix = self.suffix.replace('=', '%3D').replace(',', '%2C') dn = 'cn=%s,cn=mapping tree,cn=config' % esc1_suffix # TODO: should we detect proto/port somehow ? mod = [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'nsslapd-referral', 'ldap://%s/%s' % (ipautil.format_netloc(hostname, 389), esc2_suffix))] try: self.conn.modify_s(dn, mod) except Exception, e: root_logger.debug("Failed to remove referral value: %s" % str(e)) def check_repl_init(self, conn, agmtdn): done = False hasError = 0 attrlist = ['cn', 'nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh', 'nsds5replicaUpdateInProgress', 'nsds5ReplicaLastInitStatus', 'nsds5ReplicaLastInitStart', 'nsds5ReplicaLastInitEnd'] entry = conn.getEntry(agmtdn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", attrlist) if not entry: print "Error reading status from agreement", agmtdn hasError = 1 else: refresh = entry.nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh inprogress = entry.nsds5replicaUpdateInProgress status = entry.nsds5ReplicaLastInitStatus if not refresh: # done - check status if not status: print "No status yet" elif status.find("replica busy") > -1: print "[%s] reports: Replica Busy! Status: [%s]" % (conn.host, status) done = True hasError = 2 elif status.find("Total update succeeded") > -1: print "Update succeeded" done = True elif inprogress.lower() == 'true': print "Update in progress yet not in progress" else: print "[%s] reports: Update failed! Status: [%s]" % (conn.host, status) hasError = 1 done = True else: print "Update in progress" return done, hasError def check_repl_update(self, conn, agmtdn): done = False hasError = 0 attrlist = ['cn', 'nsds5replicaUpdateInProgress', 'nsds5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus', 'nsds5ReplicaLastUpdateStart', 'nsds5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd'] entry = conn.getEntry(agmtdn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", attrlist) if not entry: print "Error reading status from agreement", agmtdn hasError = 1 else: inprogress = entry.nsds5replicaUpdateInProgress status = entry.nsds5ReplicaLastUpdateStatus start = entry.nsds5ReplicaLastUpdateStart end = entry.nsds5ReplicaLastUpdateEnd # incremental update is done if inprogress is false and end >= start done = inprogress and inprogress.lower() == 'false' and start and end and (start <= end) root_logger.info("Replication Update in progress: %s: status: %s: start: %s: end: %s" % (inprogress, status, start, end)) if not done and status: # check for errors # status will usually be a number followed by a string # number != 0 means error rc, msg = status.split(' ', 1) if rc != '0': hasError = 1 done = True return done, hasError def wait_for_repl_init(self, conn, agmtdn): done = False haserror = 0 while not done and not haserror: time.sleep(1) # give it a few seconds to get going done, haserror = self.check_repl_init(conn, agmtdn) return haserror def wait_for_repl_update(self, conn, agmtdn, maxtries=600): done = False haserror = 0 while not done and not haserror and maxtries > 0: time.sleep(1) # give it a few seconds to get going done, haserror = self.check_repl_update(conn, agmtdn) maxtries -= 1 if maxtries == 0: # too many tries print "Error: timeout: could not determine agreement status: please check your directory server logs for possible errors" haserror = 1 return haserror def start_replication(self, conn, hostname=None, master=None): print "Starting replication, please wait until this has completed." if hostname == None: hostname = self.conn.host cn, dn = self.agreement_dn(hostname, master) mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh', 'start')] conn.modify_s(dn, mod) return self.wait_for_repl_init(conn, dn) def basic_replication_setup(self, conn, replica_id, repldn, replpw): if replpw is not None: self.add_replication_manager(conn, repldn, replpw) self.replica_config(conn, replica_id, repldn) self.setup_changelog(conn) def setup_replication(self, r_hostname, r_port=389, r_sslport=636, r_binddn=None, r_bindpw=None, starttls=False): # note - there appears to be a bug in python-ldap - it does not # allow connections using two different CA certs if starttls: r_conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(r_hostname, port=r_port) ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, CACERT) r_conn.start_tls_s() else: r_conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(r_hostname, port=r_sslport, cacert=CACERT) if r_bindpw: r_conn.do_simple_bind(binddn=r_binddn, bindpw=r_bindpw) else: r_conn.do_sasl_gssapi_bind() #Setup the first half l_id = self._get_replica_id(self.conn, r_conn) self.basic_replication_setup(self.conn, l_id, self.repl_man_dn, self.repl_man_passwd) # Now setup the other half r_id = self._get_replica_id(r_conn, r_conn) self.basic_replication_setup(r_conn, r_id, self.repl_man_dn, self.repl_man_passwd) self.setup_agreement(r_conn, self.conn.host, port=r_port, repl_man_dn=self.repl_man_dn, repl_man_passwd=self.repl_man_passwd, master=True) self.setup_agreement(self.conn, r_hostname, port=r_port, repl_man_dn=self.repl_man_dn, repl_man_passwd=self.repl_man_passwd, master=False) #Finally start replication ret = self.start_replication(r_conn, master=True) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed to start replication") def setup_winsync_replication(self, ad_dc_name, ad_binddn, ad_pwd, passsync_pw, ad_subtree, cacert=CACERT): self.ad_suffix = "" try: # Validate AD connection ad_conn = ldap.initialize('ldap://%s' % ipautil.format_netloc(ad_dc_name)) #the next one is to workaround bugs arounf opendalp libs+NSS db ad_conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEWCTX, 0) ad_conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, cacert) ad_conn.start_tls_s() ad_conn.simple_bind_s(ad_binddn, ad_pwd) res = ad_conn.search_s("", ldap.SCOPE_BASE, '(objectClass=*)', ['defaultNamingContext']) for dn,entry in res: if dn == "": self.ad_suffix = entry['defaultNamingContext'][0] root_logger.info("AD Suffix is: %s" % self.ad_suffix) if self.ad_suffix == "": raise RuntimeError("Failed to lookup AD's Ldap suffix") ad_conn.unbind_s() del ad_conn except Exception, e: root_logger.info("Failed to connect to AD server %s" % ad_dc_name) root_logger.info("The error was: %s" % e) raise RuntimeError("Failed to setup winsync replication") # Setup the only half. # there is no other side to get a replica ID from # So we generate one locally replica_id = self._get_replica_id(self.conn, self.conn) self.basic_replication_setup(self.conn, replica_id, self.repl_man_dn, self.repl_man_passwd) #now add a passync user allowed to access the AD server self.add_passsync_user(self.conn, passsync_pw) self.setup_agreement(self.conn, ad_dc_name, repl_man_dn=ad_binddn, repl_man_passwd=ad_pwd, iswinsync=True, win_subtree=ad_subtree) root_logger.info("Added new sync agreement, waiting for it to become ready . . .") cn, dn = self.agreement_dn(ad_dc_name) self.wait_for_repl_update(self.conn, dn, 30) root_logger.info("Agreement is ready, starting replication . . .") # Add winsync replica to the public DIT dn = str(DN(('cn',ad_dc_name),('cn','replicas'),('cn','ipa'),('cn','etc'), self.suffix)) entry = ipaldap.Entry(dn) entry.setValues("objectclass", ["nsContainer", "ipaConfigObject"]) entry.setValues("cn", ad_dc_name) entry.setValues("ipaConfigString", "winsync:%s" % self.hostname) try: self.conn.add_s(entry) except Exception, e: root_logger.info("Failed to create public entry for winsync replica") #Finally start replication ret = self.start_replication(self.conn, ad_dc_name) if ret != 0: raise RuntimeError("Failed to start replication") def convert_to_gssapi_replication(self, r_hostname, r_binddn, r_bindpw): r_conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(r_hostname, port=PORT, cacert=CACERT) if r_bindpw: r_conn.do_simple_bind(binddn=r_binddn, bindpw=r_bindpw) else: r_conn.do_sasl_gssapi_bind() # First off make sure servers are in sync so that both KDCs # have all princiapls and their passwords and can release # the right tickets. We do this by force pushing all our changes self.force_sync(self.conn, r_hostname) cn, dn = self.agreement_dn(r_hostname) self.wait_for_repl_update(self.conn, dn, 30) # now in the opposite direction self.force_sync(r_conn, self.hostname) cn, dn = self.agreement_dn(self.hostname) self.wait_for_repl_update(r_conn, dn, 30) # now that directories are in sync, # change the agreements to use GSSAPI self.gssapi_update_agreements(self.conn, r_conn) def setup_gssapi_replication(self, r_hostname, r_binddn=None, r_bindpw=None): """ Directly sets up GSSAPI replication. Only usable to connect 2 existing replicas (needs existing kerberos principals) """ # note - there appears to be a bug in python-ldap - it does not # allow connections using two different CA certs r_conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(r_hostname, port=PORT, cacert=CACERT) if r_bindpw: r_conn.do_simple_bind(binddn=r_binddn, bindpw=r_bindpw) else: r_conn.do_sasl_gssapi_bind() # Allow krb principals to act as replicas self.setup_krb_princs_as_replica_binddns(self.conn, r_conn) # Create mutual replication agreementsausiung SASL/GSSAPI self.setup_agreement(self.conn, r_hostname, isgssapi=True) self.setup_agreement(r_conn, self.conn.host, isgssapi=True) def initialize_replication(self, dn, conn): mod = [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh', 'start')] try: conn.modify_s(dn, mod) except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS: return def force_sync(self, conn, hostname): newschedule = '2358-2359 0' filter = '(&(nsDS5ReplicaHost=%s)' \ '(|(objectclass=nsDSWindowsReplicationAgreement)' \ '(objectclass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement)))' % hostname entry = conn.search_s("cn=config", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter) if len(entry) == 0: root_logger.error("Unable to find replication agreement for %s" % (hostname)) raise RuntimeError("Unable to proceed") if len(entry) > 1: root_logger.error("Found multiple agreements for %s" % hostname) root_logger.error("Using the first one only (%s)" % entry[0].dn) dn = entry[0].dn schedule = entry[0].nsds5replicaupdateschedule if schedule is None: schedule = '0000-2359 0123456' # On the remote chance of a match. We force a synch to happen right # now by changing the schedule to something else and quickly changing # it back. if newschedule == schedule: newschedule = '2358-2359 1' root_logger.info("Changing agreement %s schedule to %s to force synch" % (dn, newschedule)) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule', [ newschedule ])] conn.modify_s(dn, mod) time.sleep(1) root_logger.info("Changing agreement %s to restore original schedule %s" % (dn, schedule)) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsDS5ReplicaUpdateSchedule', [ schedule ])] conn.modify_s(dn, mod) def get_agreement_type(self, hostname): cn, dn = self.agreement_dn(hostname) entry = self.conn.getEntry(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE) objectclass = entry.getValues("objectclass") for o in objectclass: if o.lower() == "nsdswindowsreplicationagreement": return WINSYNC return IPA_REPLICA def replica_cleanup(self, replica, realm, force=False): """ This function removes information about the replica in parts of the shared tree that expose it, so clients stop trying to use this replica. """ err = None if replica == self.hostname: raise RuntimeError("Can't cleanup self") # delete master kerberos key and all its svc principals try: filter='(krbprincipalname=*/%s@%s)' % (replica, realm) entries = self.conn.search_s(self.suffix, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr=filter) if len(entries) != 0: dnset = self.conn.get_dns_sorted_by_length(entries, reverse=True) for dns in dnset: for dn in dns: self.conn.deleteEntry(dn) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass except errors.NotFound: pass except Exception, e: if not force: raise e else: err = e # delete master entry with all active services try: dn = 'cn=%s,cn=masters,cn=ipa,cn=etc,%s' % (replica, self.suffix) entries = self.conn.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE) if len(entries) != 0: dnset = self.conn.get_dns_sorted_by_length(entries, reverse=True) for dns in dnset: for dn in dns: self.conn.deleteEntry(dn) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass except errors.NotFound: pass except Exception, e: if not force: raise e elif not err: err = e try: basedn = 'cn=etc,%s' % self.suffix filter = '(dnaHostname=%s)' % replica entries = self.conn.search_s(basedn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filterstr=filter) if len(entries) != 0: for e in entries: self.conn.deleteEntry(e.dn) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass except errors.NotFound: pass except Exception, e: if not force: raise e elif not err: err = e try: dn = 'cn=default,ou=profile,%s' % self.suffix ret = self.conn.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, '(objectclass=*)')[0] srvlist = ret.data.get('defaultServerList') if len(srvlist) > 0: srvlist = srvlist[0].split() if replica in srvlist: srvlist.remove(replica) attr = ' '.join(srvlist) mod = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'defaultServerList', attr)] self.conn.modify_s(dn, mod) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: pass except ldap.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE: pass except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS: pass except Exception, e: if force and err: raise err #pylint: disable=E0702 else: raise e if err: raise err #pylint: disable=E0702