# Authors: # Jason Gerard DeRose # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ Functionality for Command Line Interface. """ import re import sys import code import optparse import frontend import errors import plugable import ipa_types from config import set_default_env, read_config def exit_error(error): sys.exit('ipa: ERROR: %s' % error) def to_cli(name): """ Takes a Python identifier and transforms it into form suitable for the Command Line Interface. """ assert isinstance(name, str) return name.replace('_', '-') def from_cli(cli_name): """ Takes a string from the Command Line Interface and transforms it into a Python identifier. """ return str(cli_name).replace('-', '_') class text_ui(frontend.Application): """ Base class for CLI commands with special output needs. """ def print_dashed(self, string, top=True, bottom=True): dashes = '-' * len(string) if top: print dashes print string if bottom: print dashes def print_name(self, **kw): self.print_dashed('%s:' % self.name, **kw) class help(frontend.Application): 'Display help on a command.' takes_args = ['command'] def run(self, key): key = str(key) if key not in self.application: print 'help: no such command %r' % key sys.exit(2) cmd = self.application[key] print 'Purpose: %s' % cmd.doc self.application.build_parser(cmd).print_help() def print_commands(self): std = set(self.api.Command) - set(self.api.Application) print '\nStandard IPA commands:' for key in sorted(std): cmd = self.api.Command[key] self.print_cmd(cmd) print '\nSpecial CLI commands:' for cmd in self.api.Application(): self.print_cmd(cmd) print '\nUse the --help option to see all the global options' print '' def print_cmd(self, cmd): print ' %s %s' % ( to_cli(cmd.name).ljust(self.mcl), cmd.doc, ) class console(frontend.Application): 'Start the IPA interactive Python console.' def run(self): code.interact( '(Custom IPA interactive Python console)', local=dict(api=self.api) ) class show_api(text_ui): 'Show attributes on dynamic API object' takes_args = ('namespaces*',) def run(self, namespaces): if namespaces is None: names = tuple(self.api) else: for name in namespaces: if name not in self.api: exit_error('api has no such namespace: %s' % name) names = namespaces lines = self.__traverse(names) ml = max(len(l[1]) for l in lines) self.print_name() first = True for line in lines: if line[0] == 0 and not first: print '' if first: first = False print '%s%s %r' % ( ' ' * line[0], line[1].ljust(ml), line[2], ) if len(lines) == 1: s = '1 attribute shown.' else: s = '%d attributes show.' % len(lines) self.print_dashed(s) def __traverse(self, names): lines = [] for name in names: namespace = self.api[name] self.__traverse_namespace('%s' % name, namespace, lines) return lines def __traverse_namespace(self, name, namespace, lines, tab=0): lines.append((tab, name, namespace)) for member_name in namespace: member = namespace[member_name] lines.append((tab + 1, member_name, member)) if not hasattr(member, '__iter__'): continue for n in member: attr = member[n] if isinstance(attr, plugable.NameSpace) and len(attr) > 0: self.__traverse_namespace(n, attr, lines, tab + 2) class plugins(text_ui): """Show all loaded plugins""" def run(self): plugins = sorted(self.api.plugins, key=lambda o: o.plugin) return tuple( (p.plugin, p.bases) for p in plugins ) def output_for_cli(self, result): self.print_name() first = True for (plugin, bases) in result: if first: first = False else: print '' print ' Plugin: %s' % plugin print ' In namespaces: %s' % ', '.join(bases) if len(result) == 1: s = '1 plugin loaded.' else: s = '%d plugins loaded.' % len(result) self.print_dashed(s) cli_application_commands = ( help, console, show_api, plugins, ) class KWCollector(object): def __init__(self): object.__setattr__(self, '_KWCollector__d', {}) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in self.__d: v = self.__d[name] if type(v) is tuple: value = v + (value,) else: value = (v, value) self.__d[name] = value object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __todict__(self): return dict(self.__d) class CLI(object): __d = None __mcl = None def __init__(self, api, argv): self.api = api self.argv = tuple(argv) self.__done = set() def __doing(self, name): if name in self.__done: raise StandardError( '%s.%s() already called' % (self.__class__.__name__, name) ) self.__done.add(name) def __do_if_not_done(self, name): if name not in self.__done: getattr(self, name)() def isdone(self, name): return name in self.__done def __contains__(self, key): assert self.__d is not None, 'you must call finalize() first' return key in self.__d def __getitem__(self, key): assert self.__d is not None, 'you must call finalize() first' return self.__d[key] def finalize(self): api = self.api for klass in cli_application_commands: api.register(klass) api.finalize() for a in api.Application(): a.set_application(self) self.build_map() def build_map(self): assert self.__d is None self.__d = dict( (c.name.replace('_', '-'), c) for c in self.api.Command() ) def run(self): self.finalize() set_default_env(self.api.env) args = self.parse_globals() if len(args) < 1: self.print_commands() print 'Usage: ipa [global-options] COMMAND' sys.exit(2) key = args[0] if key not in self: self.print_commands() print 'ipa: ERROR: unknown command %r' % key sys.exit(2) return self.run_cmd( self[key], list(s.decode('utf-8') for s in args[1:]) ) def run_cmd(self, cmd, argv): kw = self.parse(cmd, argv) try: self.run_interactive(cmd, kw) except KeyboardInterrupt: return 0 except errors.RuleError, e: print e return 2 return 0 def run_interactive(self, cmd, kw): for param in cmd.params(): if param.name not in kw: if not param.required: if not self.__all_interactive: continue elif self.__not_interactive: exit_error('Not enough arguments given') default = param.get_default(**kw) if default is None: prompt = '%s: ' % param.cli_name else: prompt = '%s [%s]: ' % (param.cli_name, default) error = None while True: if error is not None: print '>>> %s: %s' % (param.cli_name, error) raw = raw_input(prompt) try: value = param(raw, **kw) if value is not None: kw[param.name] = value break except errors.ValidationError, e: error = e.error if self.api.env.server_context: try: import krbV import ldap from ipa_server import conn from ipa_server.servercore import context krbccache = krbV.default_context().default_ccache().name context.conn = conn.IPAConn(self.api.env.ldaphost, self.api.env.ldapport, krbccache) except ImportError: print >> sys.stderr, "There was a problem importing a Python module: %s" % sys.exc_value return 2 except ldap.LDAPError, e: print >> sys.stderr, "There was a problem connecting to the LDAP server: %s" % e[0].get('desc') return 2 ret = cmd(**kw) if callable(cmd.output_for_cli): return cmd.output_for_cli(ret) else: return 0 def parse(self, cmd, argv): parser = self.build_parser(cmd) (kwc, args) = parser.parse_args(argv, KWCollector()) kw = kwc.__todict__() try: arg_kw = cmd.args_to_kw(*args) except errors.ArgumentError, e: exit_error('%s %s' % (to_cli(cmd.name), e.error)) assert set(arg_kw).intersection(kw) == set() kw.update(arg_kw) return kw def build_parser(self, cmd): parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage=self.get_usage(cmd), ) for option in cmd.options(): o = optparse.make_option('--%s' % to_cli(option.cli_name), dest=option.name, metavar=option.type.name.upper(), help=option.doc, ) if isinstance(option.type, ipa_types.Bool): o.action = 'store_true' o.default = option.default o.type = None parser.add_option(o) return parser def parse_globals(self): self.__doing('parse_globals') parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option('-a', dest='prompt_all', action='store_true', help='Prompt for all missing options interactively') parser.add_option('-n', dest='interactive', action='store_false', help='Don\'t prompt for any options interactively') parser.add_option('-c', dest='config_file', help='Specify different configuration file') parser.add_option('-e', dest='environment', help='Specify or override environment variables') parser.add_option('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose output') parser.set_defaults( prompt_all=False, interactive=True, verbose=False, ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(list(self.argv)) self.options = options self.cmd_argv = tuple(args) def bootstrap(self): self.__doing('bootstrap') self.parse_globals() # if options.interactive == True: # self.__all_interactive = True # elif options.interactive == False: # self.__not_interactive = True # if options.verbose != None: # self.api.env.verbose = True # if options.environment: # env_dict = {} # for a in options.environment.split(','): # a = a.split('=', 1) # if len(a) < 2: # parser.error('badly specified environment string,'\ # 'use var1=val1[,var2=val2]..') # env_dict[a[0].strip()] = a[1].strip() # self.api.env.update(env_dict, True) # if options.config_file: # self.api.env.update(read_config(options.config_file), True) # else: # self.api.env.update(read_config(), True) # return args def get_usage(self, cmd): return ' '.join(self.get_usage_iter(cmd)) def get_usage_iter(self, cmd): yield 'Usage: %%prog [global-options] %s' % to_cli(cmd.name) for arg in cmd.args(): name = to_cli(arg.cli_name).upper() if arg.multivalue: name = '%s...' % name if arg.required: yield name else: yield '[%s]' % name def __get_mcl(self): """ Returns the Max Command Length. """ if self.__mcl is None: if self.__d is None: return None self.__mcl = max(len(k) for k in self.__d) return self.__mcl mcl = property(__get_mcl)