#! /usr/bin/python -E # Authors: Karl MacMillan # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 or later # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # import subprocess import string import tempfile import shutil import logging import pwd from util import * SHARE_DIR = "/usr/share/ipa/" SERVER_ROOT_64 = "/usr/lib64/fedora-ds-base" SERVER_ROOT_32 = "/usr/lib/fedora-ds-base" def generate_serverid(): """Generate a UUID (universally unique identifier) suitable for use as a unique identifier for a DS instance. """ try: import uuid id = str(uuid.uuid1()) except ImportError: import commands id = commands.getoutput("/usr/bin/uuidgen") return id def realm_to_suffix(realm_name): s = realm_name.split(".") terms = ["dc=" + x.lower() for x in s] return ",".join(terms) def find_server_root(): if dir_exists(SERVER_ROOT_64): return SERVER_ROOT_64 else: return SERVER_ROOT_32 INF_TEMPLATE = """ [General] FullMachineName= $FQHN SuiteSpotUserID= $USER ServerRoot= $SERVER_ROOT [slapd] ServerPort= 389 ServerIdentifier= $SERVERID Suffix= $SUFFIX RootDN= cn=Directory Manager RootDNPwd= $PASSWORD """ class DsInstance: def __init__(self): self.serverid = None self.realm_name = None self.host_name = None self.admin_password = None self.sub_dict = None def create_instance(self, ds_user, realm_name, host_name, admin_password): self.ds_user = ds_user self.serverid = generate_serverid() self.realm_name = realm_name.upper() self.host_name = host_name self.admin_password = admin_password self.__setup_sub_dict() self.__create_ds_user() self.__create_instance() self.__add_default_schemas() self.__enable_ssl() self.__certmap_conf() self.restart() self.__add_default_layout() self.__create_test_users() def config_dirname(self): if not self.serverid: raise RuntimeError("serverid not set") return "/etc/fedora-ds/slapd-" + self.serverid + "/" def schema_dirname(self): return self.config_dirname() + "/schema/" def stop(self): run(["/sbin/service", "fedora-ds", "stop"]) def start(self): run(["/sbin/service", "fedora-ds", "start"]) def restart(self): run(["/sbin/service", "fedora-ds", "restart"]) def __setup_sub_dict(self): suffix = realm_to_suffix(self.realm_name) server_root = find_server_root() self.sub_dict = dict(FQHN=self.host_name, SERVERID=self.serverid, PASSWORD=self.admin_password, SUFFIX=suffix, REALM=self.realm_name, USER=self.ds_user, SERVER_ROOT=server_root) def __create_ds_user(self): try: pwd.getpwnam(self.ds_user) logging.debug("ds user %s exists" % self.ds_user) except KeyError: logging.debug("adding ds user %s" % self.ds_user) args = ["/usr/sbin/useradd", "-c", "DS System User", "-d", "/var/lib/fedora-ds", "-M", "-r", "-s", "/sbin/nologin", self.ds_user] run(args) logging.debug("done adding user") def __create_instance(self): logging.debug("creating ds instance . . . ") inf_txt = template_str(INF_TEMPLATE, self.sub_dict) logging.debug(inf_txt) inf_fd = write_tmp_file(inf_txt) logging.debug("writing inf template") if file_exists("/usr/sbin/setup-ds.pl"): args = ["/usr/sbin/setup-ds.pl", "--silent", "--logfile", "-", "-f", inf_fd.name] logging.debug("calling setup-ds.pl") else: args = ["/usr/bin/ds_newinst.pl", inf_fd.name] logging.debug("calling ds_newinst.pl") run(args) logging.debug("completed creating ds instance") logging.debug("restarting ds instance") self.restart() logging.debug("done restarting ds instance") def __add_default_schemas(self): shutil.copyfile(SHARE_DIR + "60kerberos.ldif", self.schema_dirname() + "60kerberos.ldif") shutil.copyfile(SHARE_DIR + "60samba.ldif", self.schema_dirname() + "60samba.ldif") def __enable_ssl(self): logging.debug("configuring ssl for ds instance") dirname = self.config_dirname() args = ["/usr/sbin/ipa-server-setupssl", self.admin_password, dirname, self.host_name] run(args) logging.debug("done configuring ssl for ds instance") def __add_default_layout(self): txt = template_file(SHARE_DIR + "bootstrap-template.ldif", self.sub_dict) inf_fd = write_tmp_file(txt) logging.debug("adding default ds layout") args = ["/usr/bin/ldapmodify", "-xv", "-D", "cn=Directory Manager", "-w", self.admin_password, "-f", inf_fd.name] run(args) logging.debug("done adding default ds layout") def __create_test_users(self): logging.debug("create test users ldif") txt = template_file(SHARE_DIR + "test-users-template.ldif", self.sub_dict) user_fd = open(SHARE_DIR+"test-users.ldif", "w") user_fd.write(txt) user_fd.close() logging.debug("done creating test users ldif") def __certmap_conf(self): logging.debug("configuring certmap.conf for ds instance") dirname = self.config_dirname() certmap_conf = template_file(SHARE_DIR+"certmap.conf.template", self.sub_dict) certmap_fd = open(dirname+"certmap.conf", "w+") certmap_fd.write(certmap_conf) certmap_fd.close() logging.debug("done configuring certmap.conf for ds instance")