#!/usr/bin/env python # Authors: Rob Crittenden # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Documentation can be found at http://freeipa.org/page/LdapUpdate # TODO # save undo files? UPDATES_DIR="/usr/share/ipa/updates/" import sys try: from optparse import OptionParser from ipaserver import ipaldap from ipa import entity, ipaerror, ipautil, config from ipaserver import installutils import ldap import logging import re import krbV import platform import shlex import time import random import os import fnmatch except ImportError: print >> sys.stderr, """\ There was a problem importing one of the required Python modules. The error was: %s """ % sys.exc_value sys.exit(1) # global variable sub_dict = {} live_run = True class BadSyntax(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) def parse_options(): usage = "%prog [options] input_file(s)\n" usage += "%prog [options]\n" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, formatter=config.IPAFormatter()) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", help="Display debugging information about the update(s)") parser.add_option("-t", "--test", action="store_true", dest="test", help="Run through the update without changing anything") parser.add_option("-y", dest="password", help="File containing the Directory Manager password") config.add_standard_options(parser) options, args = parser.parse_args() config.init_config(options) return options, args def get_dirman_password(fqdn): """Prompt the user for the Directory Manager password and verify its correctness. """ password = installutils.read_password("Directory Manager", confirm=False, validate=False) # Try out the password try: conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(fqdn) conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=password) conn.unbind() except ldap.CONNECT_ERROR, e: sys.exit("\nUnable to connect to LDAP server %s" % fqdn) except ldap.SERVER_DOWN, e: sys.exit("\nUnable to connect to LDAP server %s" % fqdn) except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e : sys.exit("\nThe password provided is incorrect for LDAP server %s" % fqdn) return password def detail_error(detail): """IPA returns two errors back. One a generic one indicating the broad problem and a detailed message back as well which should have come from LDAP. This function will parse that into a human-readable string. """ msg = "" desc = detail[0].get('desc') info = detail[0].get('info') if desc: msg = desc if info: msg = msg + " " + info return msg def identify_arch(): """On multi-arch systems some libraries may be in /lib64, /usr/lib64, etc. Determine if a suffix is needed based on the current architecture. """ arch = platform.platform() if arch == "x86_64": return "64" else: return "" def template_str(s): global sub_dict try: return ipautil.template_str(s, sub_dict) except KeyError, e: raise BadSyntax("Unknown template keyword %s" % e) def remove_quotes(line): """Remove leading and trailng double or single quotes""" if line.startswith('"'): line = line[1:] if line.endswith('"'): line = line[:-1] if line.startswith("'"): line = line[1:] if line.endswith("'"): line = line[:-1] return line def parse_values(line): """Parse a comma-separated string into separate values and convert them into a list. This should handle quoted-strings with embedded commas """ lexer = shlex.shlex(line) lexer.wordchars = lexer.wordchars + ".()-" l = [] v = "" for token in lexer: if token != ',': if v: v = v + " " + token else: v = token else: l.append(remove_quotes(v)) v = "" l.append(remove_quotes(v)) return l def read_file(filename): if filename == '-': fd = sys.stdin else: fd = open(filename) text = fd.readlines() if fd != sys.stdin: fd.close() return text def entry_to_entity(ent): """Tne Entry class is a bare LDAP entry. The Entity class has a lot more helper functions that we need, so convert to dict and then to Entity. """ entry = dict(ent.data) entry['dn'] = ent.dn for key,value in entry.iteritems(): if isinstance(value,list) or isinstance(value,tuple): if len(value) == 0: entry[key] = '' elif len(value) == 1: entry[key] = value[0] return entity.Entity(entry) def combine_updates(dn_list, all_updates, update): """Combine a new update with the list of total updates Updates are stored in 2 lists: dn_list: contains a unique list of DNs in the updates all_updates: the actual updates that need to be applied We want to apply the updates from the shortest to the longest path so if new child and parent entries are in different updates we can be sure the parent gets written first. This also lets us apply any schema first since it is in the very short cn=schema. """ dn = update.get('dn') dns = ldap.explode_dn(dn.lower()) l = len(dns) if dn_list.get(l): if dn not in dn_list[l]: dn_list[l].append(dn) else: dn_list[l] = [dn] if not all_updates.get(dn): all_updates[dn] = update return all_updates e = all_updates[dn] e['updates'] = e['updates'] + update['updates'] all_updates[dn] = e return all_updates def parse_update_file(conn, data, all_updates, dn_list): """Parse the update file into a dictonary of lists and apply the update for each DN in the file.""" valid_keywords = ["default", "add", "remove", "only"] update = {} dn = None lcount = 0 for line in data: # Strip out \n and extra white space lcount = lcount + 1 # skip comments and empty lines line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith('#') or line == '': continue if line.lower().startswith('dn:'): if dn is not None: all_updates = combine_updates(dn_list, all_updates, update) update = {} dn = line[3:].strip() update['dn'] = template_str(dn) else: if dn is None: raise BadSyntax, "dn is not defined in the update" if line.startswith(' '): v = d[len(d) - 1] v = v + " " + line.strip() d[len(d) - 1] = v update[index] = d continue line = line.strip() values = line.split(':', 2) if len(values) != 3: raise BadSyntax, "Bad formatting on line %d: %s" % (lcount,line) index = values[0].strip().lower() if index not in valid_keywords: raise BadSyntax, "Unknown keyword %s" % index attr = values[1].strip() value = values[2].strip() value = template_str(value) new_value = "" if index == "default": new_value = attr + ":" + value else: new_value = index + ":" + attr + ":" + value index = "updates" d = update.get(index, []) d.append(new_value) update[index] = d if dn is not None: all_updates = combine_updates(dn_list, all_updates, update) return (all_updates, dn_list) def create_index_task(conn, attribute): """Create a task to update an index for an attribute""" global live_run r = random.SystemRandom() # Refresh the time to make uniqueness more probable. Add on some # randomness for good measure. sub_dict['TIME'] = int(time.time()) + r.randint(0,10000) cn = template_str("indextask_$TIME") dn = "cn=%s, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config" % cn e = ipaldap.Entry(dn) e.setValues('objectClass', ['top', 'extensibleObject']) e.setValue('cn', cn) e.setValue('nsInstance', 'userRoot') e.setValues('nsIndexAttribute', attribute) logging.info("Creating task to index attribute: %s", attribute) logging.debug("Task id: %s", dn) if live_run: conn.addEntry(e.dn, e.toTupleList()) return dn def monitor_index_task(conn, dn): """Give a task DN monitor it and wait until it has completed (or failed)""" global live_run if not live_run: # If not doing this live there is nothing to monitor return # Pause for a moment to give the task time to be created time.sleep(1) attrlist = ['nstaskstatus', 'nstaskexitcode'] entry = None done = False while not done: try: entry = conn.getEntry(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", attrlist) except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND): logging.error("Task not found: %s", dn) return except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_DATABASE_ERROR), e: logging.error("Task lookup failure %s: %s", e, detail_error(e.detail)) return status = entry.getValue('nstaskstatus') if status is None: # task doesn't have a status yet time.sleep(1) continue if status.lower().find("finished") > -1: logging.info("Indexing finished") done = True logging.debug("Indexing in progress") time.sleep(1) return def create_default_entry(dn, default): """Create the default entry from the values provided. The return type is entity.Entity """ entry = ipaldap.Entry(dn) if not default: # This means that the entire entry needs to be created with add return entry_to_entity(entry) for line in default: # We already do syntax-parsing so this is safe (k, v) = line.split(':',1) e = entry.getValues(k) if e: # multi-valued attribute e = list(e) e.append(v) else: e = v entry.setValues(k, e) return entry_to_entity(entry) def get_entry(conn, dn): """Retrieve an object from LDAP. The return type is ipaldap.Entry """ searchfilter="objectclass=*" sattrs = ["*"] scope = ldap.SCOPE_BASE return conn.getList(dn, scope, searchfilter, sattrs) def apply_updates(dn, updates, entry): """updates is a list of changes to apply entry is the thing to apply them to returns the modified entry """ if not updates: return entry only = {} for u in updates: # We already do syntax-parsing so this is safe (utype, k, values) = u.split(':',2) values = parse_values(values) e = entry.getValues(k) if not isinstance(e, list): if e is None: e = [] else: e = [e] for v in values: if utype == 'remove': logging.debug("remove: '%s' from %s, current value %s", v, k, e) try: e.remove(v) except ValueError: logging.warn("remove: '%s' not in %s", v, k) pass entry.setValues(k, e) logging.debug('remove: updated value %s', e) elif utype == 'add': logging.debug("add: '%s' to %s, current value %s", v, k, e) # Remove it, ignoring errors so we can blindly add it later try: e.remove(v) except ValueError: pass e.append(v) logging.debug('add: updated value %s', e) entry.setValues(k, e) elif utype == 'only': logging.debug("only: set %s to '%s', current value %s", k, v, e) if only.get(k): e.append(v) else: e = v only[k] = True entry.setValues(k, e) logging.debug('only: updated value %s', e) print_entity(entry) return entry def print_entity(e, message=None): """The entity object currently lacks a str() method""" logging.debug("---------------------------------------------") if message: logging.debug("%s", message) logging.debug("dn: " + e.dn) attr = e.attrList() for a in attr: value = e.getValues(a) if isinstance(value,str): logging.debug(a + ": " + value) else: logging.debug(a + ": ") for l in value: logging.debug("\t" + l) def update_record(conn, update): global live_run found = False new_entry = create_default_entry(update.get('dn'), update.get('default')) try: e = get_entry(conn, new_entry.dn) if len(e) > 1: # we should only ever get back one entry raise BadSyntax, "More than 1 entry returned on a dn search!? %s" % new_entry.dn entry = entry_to_entity(e[0]) found = True logging.info("Updating existing entry: %s", entry.dn) except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND): # Doesn't exist, start with the default entry entry = new_entry logging.info("New entry: %s", entry.dn) except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_DATABASE_ERROR): # Doesn't exist, start with the default entry entry = new_entry logging.info("New entry, using default value: %s", entry.dn) print_entity(entry) # Bring this entry up to date entry = apply_updates(entry.dn, update.get('updates'), entry) print_entity(entry, "Final value") if not found: # New entries get their orig_data set to the entry itself. We want to # empty that so that everything appears new when generating the # modlist # entry.orig_data = {} try: if live_run: conn.addEntry(entry.dn, entry.toTupleList()) except Exception, e: logging.error("Add failure %s: %s", e, detail_error(e.detail)) else: # Update LDAP try: logging.debug("%s" % conn.generateModList(entry.origDataDict(), entry.toDict())) if live_run: conn.updateEntry(entry.dn, entry.origDataDict(), entry.toDict()) logging.info("Done") except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST), e: logging.info("Entry already up-to-date") except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_DATABASE_ERROR), e: logging.error("Update failed: %s: %s", e, detail_error(e.detail)) if ("cn=index" in entry.dn and "cn=userRoot" in entry.dn): id = create_index_task(conn, entry.cn) monitor_index_task(conn, id) return def get_all_files(root, recursive=False): """Get all update files""" f = [] for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(root): for name in files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, "*.update"): f.append(os.path.join(path, name)) if not recursive: break return f def main(): global sub_dict, live_run loglevel = logging.INFO options, args = parse_options() if options.debug: loglevel = logging.DEBUG if options.test: live_run = False logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel, format='%(levelname)s %(message)s') try: krbctx = krbV.default_context() except krbV.Krb5Error, e: print "Unable to get default kerberos realm: %s" % e[1] sys.exit(1) fqdn = installutils.get_fqdn() if fqdn is None: print "Unable to determine hostname" sys.exit(1) domain = ipautil.get_domain_name() libarch = identify_arch() suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(krbctx.default_realm) sub_dict = { "REALM" : krbctx.default_realm, "FQDN": fqdn, "DOMAIN" : domain, "SUFFIX" : suffix, "LIBARCH" : libarch, "TIME" : int(time.time()) } dirman_password = "" if options.password: pw = read_file(options.password) dirman_password = pw[0].strip() else: dirman_password = get_dirman_password(fqdn) files=[] if len(args) < 1: files = get_all_files(UPDATES_DIR) else: files = args conn = None try: conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(fqdn) conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=dirman_password) all_updates = {} dn_list = {} for f in files: try: logging.info("Parsing file %s" % f) data = read_file(f) except Exception, e: print e sys.exit(1) (all_updates, dn_list) = parse_update_file(conn, data, all_updates, dn_list) sortedkeys = dn_list.keys() sortedkeys.sort() for k in sortedkeys: for dn in dn_list[k]: update_record(conn, all_updates[dn]) finally: if conn: conn.unbind() return try: if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) except BadSyntax, e: print "There is a syntax error in this update file:" print " %s" % e sys.exit(1) except SystemExit, e: sys.exit(e) except KeyboardInterrupt, e: sys.exit(1)