#! /usr/bin/python -E # Authors: Karl MacMillan # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # requires the following packages: # fedora-ds-base # openldap-clients # nss-tools VERSION = "%prog .1" import sys sys.path.append("/usr/share/ipa") import socket import logging import pwd import getpass from optparse import OptionParser import ipaserver.dsinstance import ipaserver.krbinstance import ipaserver.bindinstance from ipa.ipautil import run def parse_options(): parser = OptionParser(version=VERSION) parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="ds_user", help="ds user") parser.add_option("-r", "--realm", dest="realm_name", help="realm name") parser.add_option("-p", "--ds-password", dest="dm_password", help="admin password") parser.add_option("-P", "--master-password", dest="master_password", help="kerberos master password") parser.add_option("-a", "--admin-password", dest="admin_password", help="admin user kerberos password") parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="print debugging information") parser.add_option("--hostname", dest="host_name", help="fully qualified name of server") parser.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_address", help="Master Server IP Address") parser.add_option("--setup-bind", dest="setup_bind", action="store_true", default=False, help="configure bind with our zone file") parser.add_option("-U", "--unattended", dest="unattended", action="store_true", default=False, help="unattended installation never prompts the user") options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.unattended and (not options.ds_user or not options.realm_name or not options.dm_password or not options.admin_password or not options.master_password): parser.error("error: In unattended mode you need to provide iat least -u, -r, -p and -P options") return options def logging_setup(options): # Always log everything (i.e., DEBUG) to the log # file. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', filename='ipaserver-install.log', filemode='w') console = logging.StreamHandler() # If the debug option is set, also log debug messages to the console if options.debug: console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: # Otherwise, log critical and error messages console.setLevel(logging.ERROR) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') console.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console) def main(): options = parse_options() logging_setup(options) ds_user = "" realm_name = "" host_name = "" domain_name = "" ip_address = "" master_password = "" dm_password = "" admin_password = "" # check bind packages are installed bind = ipaserver.bindinstance.BindInstance() if options.setup_bind: if not bind.check_inst(): print "--setup-bind was specified but bind is not installed on the system" print "Please install bind (you also need the package 'caching-nameserver') and restart the setup program" return "-Fatal Error-" # check the hostname is correctly configured, it must be as the kldap # utilities just use the hostname as returned by gethostbyname to set # up some of the standard entries host_name = "" if options.host_name: host_name = options.host_name else: try: host_name = socket.gethostname() except: pass if options.unattended: if len(host_name.split(".")) < 2 or host_name == "localhost.localdomain": print "Invalid hostname: "+host_name print "This host name can't be used as a hostname for an IPA Server" return "-Fatal Error-" else: host_ok = False while not host_ok: if host_name == "": print "" host_name = raw_input("Please provide a Fully Qualified name to use for your system [master.example.com]: ") if host_name != "": host_name = "master.example.com" if len(host_name.split(".")) < 2 or host_name == "localhost.localdomain": print "Invalid hostname: "+host_name print "This host name can't be used as a hostname for an IPA Server" host_name = "" continue else: host_ok = True yesno = raw_input("Please confirm this ["+host_name+"] is the server hostname you want to use [Y/n]: ") if yesno != "" and yesno.lower() != 'y': host_name = "" host_ok = False domain_name = host_name[host_name.find(".")+1:] # Check we have a public IP that is associated with the hostname ip = "" askip = False try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(host_name) if ip == "" or ip == "::1": print "The hostname resolves to the localhost address (" print "Please change your /etc/hosts file so that the hostname" print "resolves to the ip address of your network interface." print "The KDC service does not listen on localhost" print "" print "Please fix your /etc/hosts file and restart the setup program" return "-Fatal Error-" except: print "The provided hostname can't actually be use to resolve the IP address" if options.ip_address: ip = options.ip_address else: askip = True if ip != "": try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip) except: try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip) except: print "Invalid IP format" if options.unattended: return "-Fatal Error-" else: ip = "" askip = True if options.ip_address and options.ip_address != ip: if options.setup_bind: ip = options.ip_address else: print "Error: the hostname resolves to an IP that is different from the one provided on the command line" print "Please fix your DNS or /etc/hosts file to provide consistent information and restart the setup program" return "-Fatal Error-" if options.unattended: if askip or ip == "": print "Unable to resolve IP address" return "-Fatal Error-" while askip: ip = raw_input("Please provide the IP address to be used for this host name: ") if ip == "": print "An empty IP is not acceptable" continue if ip == "" or ip == "::1": print "The IPA Server can't use localhost as a valid IP" continue try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip) except: try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip) except: print "Invalid IP format" continue print "Adding ["+ip+" "+host_name+"] to your /etc/hosts file" hosts_fd = open('/etc/hosts', 'r+') hosts_fd.seek(0, 2) hosts_fd.write(ip+'\t'+host_name+' '+host_name[:host_name.find('.')]+'\n') hosts_fd.close() askip = False ip_address = ip print "The IPA Master Server Name will be: " + host_name + ". With IP address: " + ip_address print "The IPA Domain Name will be: " + domain_name print "" if not options.ds_user: try: pwd.getpwnam('dirsrv') print "To securely run Directory Server we need a user account to be set up." print "This will allow DS to run as a user and not as root." print "The user account will have access to some security material so it should not be shared with any other application." print "A user account named 'dirsrv' already exist. You should not share the account with any other service." print "" yesno = raw_input("Do you want to use the existing 'dirsrv' account ? (y/N)") print "" if yesno.lower() == "y": ds_user = "dirsrv" else: ds_user = raw_input("Which account name do you want to use for the DS instance ? ") print "" except KeyError: ds_user = "dirsrv" if ds_user == "": return "-Aborted-" else: ds_user = options.ds_user if not options.realm_name: print "The kerberos protocol requires a Realm name to be defined." print "Usually the domain name all in uppercase is used as realm name." print "" upper_dom = domain_name.upper() realm_name = raw_input("Please provide a realm name ["+upper_dom+"]: ") print "" if realm_name == "": realm_name = upper_dom else: upper_dom = realm_name.upper() if upper_dom != realm_name: print "It is strongly adviced to use a completely uppercased name for the realm." dom_realm = raw_input("Do you want to use "+upper_dom+" as realm name ? [Y/n] ") print "" if dom_realm.lower() != "y": print "WARNING: Using a non upper-cased realm name may cause unexpected problems." else: realm_name = upper_dom else: realm_name = options.realm_name if not options.dm_password: print "The Directory Manager user is the equivalent of 'root' for Diretcory Server." print "This account has full access to the Directory and is used for system management tasks." print "" #TODO: provide the option of generating a random password correct = False while not correct: dm_password = getpass.getpass("Please provide a password for the Directory Manager: ") pwd_confirm = getpass.getpass("Please confirm the password: ") if dm_password != pwd_confirm: print "Password mismatch!" print "" else: correct = True print "" else: dm_password = options.dm_password if not options.master_password: print "The Kerberos database is usually encrypted using a master password." print "Please store this password offline in a secure place." print "It may be necessary in a recovery situation or to install a replica." print "Without the master password the encrypted material can't be used by the KDC." print "If the master password gets lost all kerberos related secrets will be lost." print "" #TODO: provide the option of generating a random password correct = False while not correct: master_password = getpass.getpass("Please provide a master password: ") pwd_confirm = getpass.getpass("Please confirm the password: ") if master_password != pwd_confirm: print "Password mismatch!" print "" else: correct = True print "" else: master_password = options.master_password if not options.admin_password: print "The 'admin' user is the administrative user used to administare an IPA server." print "This account is the one that will be used for normal administration and is also a regular unix user" print "" #TODO: provide the option of generating a random password correct = False while not correct: admin_password = getpass.getpass("Please provide a kerberos password for the 'admin' user: ") pwd_confirm = getpass.getpass("Please confirm the password: ") if admin_password != pwd_confirm: print "Password mismatch!" print "" else: correct = True print "" else: admin_password = options.admin_password if not options.unattended: print "" print "The following operations may take some minutes to complete." print "Please wait until the prompt is returned." # Create a directory server instance ds = ipaserver.dsinstance.DsInstance() ds.create_instance(ds_user, realm_name, host_name, dm_password) # Create a kerberos instance krb = ipaserver.krbinstance.KrbInstance() krb.create_instance(ds_user, realm_name, host_name, dm_password, master_password) bind.setup(host_name, ip_address, realm_name) if options.setup_bind: skipbind = False if not options.unattended: print "This program is about to replace the DNS Server configuration," print "with an automatically generated one, based on the data gathered so far." print "This will REPLACE any existing configuration." yesno = raw_input("Are you sure you want to configure the DNS Server ? [y/N]: ") if yesno.lower() != 'y': skipbind = True if not skipbind: bind.create_instance() else: bind.create_sample_bind_zone() # Restart ds and krb after configurations have been changed ds.restart() krb.restart() # Restart apache run(["/sbin/service", "httpd", "restart"]) # Set apache to start on boot run(["/sbin/chkconfig", "httpd", "on"]) # Set fedora-ds to start on boot run(["/sbin/chkconfig", "dirsrv", "on"]) # Set the KDC to start on boot run(["/sbin/chkconfig", "krb5kdc", "on"]) # Set the Kpasswd to start on boot run(["/sbin/chkconfig", "ipa-kpasswd", "on"]) # Start Kpasswd run(["/sbin/service", "ipa-kpasswd", "start"]) # Set the admin user kerberos password ds.change_admin_password(admin_password) # Create the config file fd = open("/etc/ipa/ipa.conf", "w") fd.write("[defaults]\n") fd.write("server=" + host_name + "\n") fd.write("realm=" + realm_name + "\n") fd.close() return 0 main()