import logging import StringIO import traceback import cherrypy import turbogears from turbogears import controllers, expose, flash from turbogears import config from turbogears import validators, validate from turbogears import widgets, paginate from turbogears import error_handler from turbogears import identity import ipa.config import ipa.ipaclient from subcontrollers.user import UserController from import GroupController from subcontrollers.delegation import DelegationController from subcontrollers.policy import PolicyController from subcontrollers.ipapolicy import IPAPolicyController from subcontrollers.principal import PrincipalController ipa.config.init_config() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Root(controllers.RootController): user = UserController() group = GroupController() delegate = DelegationController() policy = PolicyController() ipapolicy = IPAPolicyController() principal = PrincipalController() @expose(template="ipagui.templates.welcome") @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous()) def index(self): return dict() @expose() @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous()) def topsearch(self, **kw): if kw.get('searchtype') == "Users": return Root.user.list(uid=kw.get('searchvalue')) else: return'searchvalue')) @expose("ipagui.templates.loginfailed") def loginfailed(self, **kw): return dict() _error_codes = { None: u'General Error', 400: u'400 - Bad Request', 401: u'401 - Unauthorized', 403: u'403 - Forbidden', 404: u'404 - Not Found', 500: u'500 - Internal Server Error', 501: u'501 - Not Implemented', 502: u'502 - Bad Gateway', } def handle_error(self, status, message): """This method is derived from the sample error catcher on""" try: cherrypy._cputil._cp_on_http_error(status, message) error_msg = self._error_codes.get(status, self._error_codes[None]) url = "%s %s" % (cherrypy.request.method, cherrypy.request.path) log.exception("CherryPy %s error (%s) for request '%s'", status, error_msg, url) if config.get('server.environment') == 'production': details = '' else: buf = StringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=buf) details = buf.getvalue() buf.close() data = dict( status = status, message = message, error_msg = error_msg, url = url, details = details, ) body = controllers._process_output( data, 'ipagui.templates.unhandled_exception', 'html', 'text/html', None ) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(body) cherrypy.response.body = body # don't catch SystemExit except StandardError, exc: log.exception('Error handler failed: %s', exc) # To hook in error handler for production only: # if config.get('server.environment') == 'production': # _cp_on_http_error = handle_error _cp_on_http_error = handle_error