[global] # DATABASE # no database for ipa-webgui since everything is stored in LDAP # IDENTITY # Our our sqlobject-derived proxy provider identity.provider='proxyprovider' # the first thing checked on any request. We want to short-circuit this # as early as possible identity.source = 'visit' # Turn on identity and visit (visit is required for identity) identity.on=True identity.failure_url="/loginfailed" visit.on=True visit.manager='proxyvisit' # SERVER server.environment="production" autoreload.package="ipagui" autoreload.on = False # Sets the number of threads the server uses server.thread_pool = 10 # if this is part of a larger site, you can set the path # to the TurboGears instance here # server.webpath="" # Set to True if you are deploying your App behind a proxy # e.g. Apache using mod_proxy # base_url_filter.on = False # Set to True if your proxy adds the x_forwarded_host header # base_url_filter.use_x_forwarded_host = True # If your proxy does not add the x_forwarded_host header, set # the following to the *public* host url. # (Note: This will be overridden by the use_x_forwarded_host option # if it is set to True and the proxy adds the header correctly. # base_url_filter.base_url = "http://www.example.com" # Set to True if you'd like to abort execution if a controller gets an # unexpected parameter. False by default # tg.strict_parameters = False # LOGGING # Logging configuration generally follows the style of the standard # Python logging module configuration. Note that when specifying # log format messages, you need to use *() for formatting variables. # Deployment independent log configuration is in ipagui/config/log.cfg [logging] [[formatters]] [[[message_only]]] format='*(message)s' [[[full_content]]] format='*(asctime)s *(name)s *(levelname)s *(message)s' [[handlers]] [[[debug_out]]] class='StreamHandler' level='DEBUG' args='(sys.stdout,)' formatter='full_content' [[[access_out]]] class='StreamHandler' level='INFO' args='(sys.stdout,)' formatter='message_only' [[[error_out]]] class='StreamHandler' level='ERROR' args='(sys.stdout,)' [[loggers]] [[[ipagui]]] level='DEBUG' qualname='ipagui' handlers=['debug_out'] [[[allinfo]]] level='INFO' handlers=['debug_out'] [[[access]]] level='INFO' qualname='turbogears.access' handlers=['access_out'] propagate=0