#!/usr/bin/env python # # Authors: # Rob Crittenden # # Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Configure the automount client for ldap. import sys import os import urlparse import time import tempfile import SSSDConfig from optparse import OptionParser from ipalib import api, errors from ipapython import sysrestore from ipapython import ipautil from ipaclient import ipadiscovery from ipaclient import ipachangeconf from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import * from ipapython.dn import DN from ipapython import services as ipaservices AUTOFS_CONF = '/etc/sysconfig/autofs' NSSWITCH_CONF = '/etc/nsswitch.conf' AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH = '/etc/autofs_ldap_auth.conf' NFS_CONF = '/etc/sysconfig/nfs' IDMAPD_CONF = '/etc/idmapd.conf' def parse_options(): usage = "%prog [options]\n" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--server", dest="server", help="IPA server") parser.add_option("--location", dest="location", help="Automount location", default="default") parser.add_option("-S", "--no-sssd", dest="sssd", action="store_false", default=True, help="Do not configure the client to use SSSD for automount") parser.add_option("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="enable debugging") parser.add_option("-U", "--unattended", dest="unattended", action="store_true", default=False, help="unattended installation never prompts the user") parser.add_option("--uninstall", dest="uninstall", action="store_true", default=False, help="Unconfigure automount") options, args = parser.parse_args() return options, args def wait_for_sssd(): """ It takes a bit for sssd to get going, lets loop until it is serving data. This function returns nothing. """ n = 0 found = False time.sleep(1) while n < 10 and not found: try: ipautil.run(["getent", "passwd", "admin"]) found = True except Exception, e: time.sleep(1) n = n + 1 # This should never happen but if it does, may as well warn the user if not found: root_logger.debug("Unable to find 'admin' user with 'getent passwd admin'!") print "Unable to find 'admin' user with 'getent passwd admin'!" print "This may mean that sssd didn't re-start properly after the configuration changes." def configure_xml(fstore): from lxml import etree fstore.backup_file(AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH) try: f = open(AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH, 'r') lines = f.read() f.close() saslconf = etree.fromstring(lines) element = saslconf.xpath('//autofs_ldap_sasl_conf') root = saslconf.getroottree() except IOError, e: root_logger.debug('Unable to open file %s' % e) root_logger.debug('Creating new from template') element = [etree.Element('autofs_ldap_sasl_conf')] root = element[0].getroottree() if len(element) != 1: raise RuntimeError('Unable to parse %s' % AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH) element[0].set('usetls', 'no') element[0].set('tlsrequired', 'no') element[0].set('authrequired', 'yes') element[0].set('authtype', 'GSSAPI') element[0].set('clientprinc', 'host/%s@%s' % (api.env.host, api.env.realm)) newconf = open(AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH, 'w') try: root.write(newconf, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8') newconf.close() except IOError, e: print "Unable to write %s: %s" % (AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH, e) print "Configured %s" % AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH def configure_nsswitch(fstore, options): """ Point automount to ldap in nsswitch.conf """ fstore.backup_file(NSSWITCH_CONF) conf = ipachangeconf.IPAChangeConf("IPA Installer") conf.setOptionAssignment(':') if options.sssd: nss_value = ' sss files' else: nss_value = ' ldap files' opts = [{'name':'automount', 'type':'option', 'action':'set', 'value':nss_value}, {'name':'empty', 'type':'empty'}] conf.changeConf(NSSWITCH_CONF, opts) print "Configured %s" % NSSWITCH_CONF def configure_autofs_sssd(fstore, statestore, autodiscover, options): try: sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig() sssdconfig.import_config() domains = sssdconfig.list_active_domains() except Exception, e: sys.exit(e) if 'autofs' not in sssdconfig.list_services(): sssdconfig.new_service('autofs') try: sssdconfig.activate_service('autofs') except SSSDConfig.NoServiceError: print "Unable to activate the autofs service in SSSD config." root_logger.debug("Unable to activate the autofs service in SSSD config.") domain = None for name in domains: domain = sssdconfig.get_domain(name) try: provider = domain.get_option('id_provider') except SSSDConfig.NoOptionError: continue if provider == "ipa": domain.add_provider('ipa', 'autofs') try: location = domain.get_option('ipa_automount_location') sys.exit('An automount location is already configured') except SSSDConfig.NoOptionError: domain.set_option('ipa_automount_location', options.location) break if domain is None: sys.exit('SSSD is not configured.') sssdconfig.save_domain(domain) sssdconfig.write("/etc/sssd/sssd.conf") statestore.backup_state('autofs', 'sssd', True) sssd = ipaservices.service('sssd') sssd.restart() print "Restarting sssd, waiting for it to become available." wait_for_sssd() def configure_autofs(fstore, statestore, autodiscover, server, options): """ fstore: the FileStore to back up files in options.server: the IPA server to use options.location: the Automount location to use """ if not autodiscover: ldap_uri = "ldap://%s" % server else: ldap_uri = "ldap:///%s" % api.env.basedn search_base = str(DN(('cn', options.location), api.env.container_automount, api.env.basedn)) replacevars = { 'MAP_OBJECT_CLASS': 'automountMap', 'ENTRY_OBJECT_CLASS': 'automount', 'MAP_ATTRIBUTE': 'automountMapName', 'ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE': 'automountKey', 'VALUE_ATTRIBUTE': 'automountInformation', 'SEARCH_BASE': search_base, 'LDAP_URI': ldap_uri, } ipautil.backup_config_and_replace_variables(fstore, AUTOFS_CONF, replacevars=replacevars) ipaservices.restore_context(AUTOFS_CONF) statestore.backup_state('autofs', 'sssd', False) print "Configured %s" % AUTOFS_CONF def configure_autofs_common(fstore, statestore, options): autofs = ipaservices.knownservices.autofs statestore.backup_state('autofs', 'enabled', autofs.is_enabled()) statestore.backup_state('autofs', 'running', autofs.is_running()) try: autofs.restart() print "Started %s" % autofs.service_name except Exception, e: root_logger.error("%s failed to restart: %s", autofs.service_name, e) try: autofs.enable() except Exception, e: print "Failed to configure automatic startup of the %s daemon" % (autofs.service_name) root_logger.error("Failed to enable automatic startup of the %s daemon: %s" % (autofs.service_name, str(e))) def uninstall(fstore, statestore): print "Restoring configuration" if fstore.has_file(AUTOFS_CONF): fstore.restore_file(AUTOFS_CONF) if fstore.has_file(NSSWITCH_CONF): fstore.restore_file(NSSWITCH_CONF) if fstore.has_file(AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH): fstore.restore_file(AUTOFS_LDAP_AUTH) if fstore.has_file(NFS_CONF): fstore.restore_file(NFS_CONF) if fstore.has_file(IDMAPD_CONF): fstore.restore_file(IDMAPD_CONF) if statestore.has_state('autofs'): enabled = statestore.restore_state('autofs', 'enabled') running = statestore.restore_state('autofs', 'running') sssd = statestore.restore_state('autofs', 'sssd') autofs = ipaservices.knownservices.autofs if not enabled: autofs.disable() if not running: autofs.stop() if sssd: try: sssdconfig = SSSDConfig.SSSDConfig() sssdconfig.import_config() sssdconfig.deactivate_service('autofs') domains = sssdconfig.list_active_domains() for name in domains: domain = sssdconfig.get_domain(name) try: provider = domain.get_option('id_provider') except SSSDConfig.NoOptionError: continue if provider == "ipa": domain.remove_option('ipa_automount_location') domain.remove_provider('autofs') break sssdconfig.save_domain(domain) sssdconfig.write("/etc/sssd/sssd.conf") sssd = ipaservices.service('sssd') sssd.restart() wait_for_sssd() except Exception, e: print 'Unable to restore SSSD configuration: %s' % str(e) root_logger.debug('Unable to restore SSSD configuration: %s' % str(e)) if statestore.has_state('rpcidmapd'): enabled = statestore.restore_state('rpcidmapd', 'enabled') running = statestore.restore_state('rpcidmapd', 'running') rpcidmapd = ipaservices.knownservices.rpcidmapd if not enabled: rpcidmapd.disable() if not running: rpcidmapd.stop() if statestore.has_state('rpcgssd'): enabled = statestore.restore_state('rpcgssd', 'enabled') running = statestore.restore_state('rpcgssd', 'running') rpcgssd = ipaservices.knownservices.rpcgssd if not enabled: rpcgssd.disable() if not running: rpcgssd.stop() return 0 def configure_nfs(fstore, statestore): """ Configure secure NFS """ replacevars = { 'SECURE_NFS': 'YES', } ipautil.backup_config_and_replace_variables(fstore, NFS_CONF, replacevars=replacevars) ipaservices.restore_context(NFS_CONF) print "Configured %s" % NFS_CONF replacevars = { 'Domain': api.env.domain, } ipautil.backup_config_and_replace_variables(fstore, IDMAPD_CONF, replacevars=replacevars) ipaservices.restore_context(IDMAPD_CONF) print "Configured %s" % IDMAPD_CONF rpcidmapd = ipaservices.knownservices.rpcidmapd statestore.backup_state('rpcidmapd', 'enabled', rpcidmapd.is_enabled()) statestore.backup_state('rpcidmapd', 'running', rpcidmapd.is_running()) try: rpcidmapd.restart() print "Started %s" % rpcidmapd.service_name except Exception, e: root_logger.error("%s failed to restart: %s", rpcidmapd.service_name, e) try: rpcidmapd.enable() except Exception, e: print "Failed to configure automatic startup of the %s daemon" % (rpcidmapd.service_name) root_logger.error("Failed to enable automatic startup of the %s daemon: %s" % (rpcidmapd.service_name, str(e))) rpcgssd = ipaservices.knownservices.rpcgssd statestore.backup_state('rpcgssd', 'enabled', rpcgssd.is_enabled()) statestore.backup_state('rpcgssd', 'running', rpcgssd.is_running()) try: rpcgssd.restart() print "Started %s" % rpcgssd.service_name except Exception, e: root_logger.error("%s failed to restart: %s", rpcgssd.service_name, e) try: rpcgssd.enable() except Exception, e: print "Failed to configure automatic startup of the %s daemon" % (rpcgssd.service_name) root_logger.error("Failed to enable automatic startup of the %s daemon: %s" % (rpcgssd.service_name, str(e))) def main(): fstore = sysrestore.FileStore('/var/lib/ipa-client/sysrestore') statestore = sysrestore.StateFile('/var/lib/ipa-client/sysrestore') if not fstore.has_files(): sys.exit('IPA client is not configured on this system.\n') options, args = parse_options() standard_logging_setup( '/var/log/ipaclient-install.log', verbose=False, debug=options.debug, filemode='a', console_format='%(message)s') cfg = dict( context='cli_installer', in_server=False, debug=options.debug, verbose=0, ) api.bootstrap(**cfg) api.finalize() if options.uninstall: return uninstall(fstore, statestore) if statestore.has_state('autofs'): sys.exit('automount is already configured on this system.\n') autodiscover = False server = options.server ds = ipadiscovery.IPADiscovery() if not server: print "Searching for IPA server..." ret = ds.search() root_logger.debug('Executing DNS discovery') if ret == ipadiscovery.NO_LDAP_SERVER: root_logger.debug('Autodiscovery did not find LDAP server') if not server: s = urlparse.urlsplit(api.env.xmlrpc_uri) server = s.netloc root_logger.debug('Setting server to %s' % s.netloc) else: autodiscover = True server = ds.getServerName() if not server: sys.exit('Autodiscovery was successful but didn\'t return a server') root_logger.debug('Autodiscovery success, setting server to %s' % server) # Now confirm that our server is an IPA server root_logger.debug("Verifying that %s is an IPA server" % server) ldapret = ds.ipacheckldap(server, api.env.realm) if ldapret[0] != 0: sys.exit('Unable to confirm that %s is an IPA v2 server' % server) if not autodiscover: print "IPA server: %s" % server root_logger.debug('Using fixed server %s' % server) else: print "IPA server: DNS discovery" root_logger.debug('Configuring to use DNS discovery') search_base = str(DN(('cn', options.location), api.env.container_automount, api.env.basedn)) print "Location: %s" % options.location root_logger.debug('Using automount location %s' % options.location) # Verify that the location is valid (ccache_fd, ccache_name) = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(ccache_fd) try: try: os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = ccache_name ipautil.run(['/usr/bin/kinit', '-k', '-t', '/etc/krb5.keytab', 'host/%s@%s' % (api.env.host, api.env.realm)]) except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e: sys.exit("Failed to obtain host TGT.") # Now we have a TGT, connect to IPA try: api.Backend.xmlclient.connect() except errors.KerberosError, e: sys.exit('Cannot connect to the server due to ' + str(e)) try: api.Command['automountlocation_show'](unicode(options.location)) except errors.VersionError, e: sys.exit('This client is incompatible: ' + str(e)) except errors.NotFound: sys.exit("Automount location '%s' does not exist" % options.location) except errors.PublicError, e: sys.exit("Cannot connect to the server due to generic error: %s" % str(e)) finally: os.remove(ccache_name) if not options.unattended and not ipautil.user_input("Continue to configure the system with these values?", False): sys.exit("Installation aborted") try: configure_nsswitch(fstore, options) configure_nfs(fstore, statestore) if options.sssd: configure_autofs_sssd(fstore, statestore, autodiscover, options) else: configure_xml(fstore) configure_autofs(fstore, statestore, autodiscover, server, options) configure_autofs_common(fstore, statestore, options) except Exception, e: root_logger.debug('Raised exception %s' % e) print "Installation failed. Rolling back changes." uninstall(fstore, statestore) return 1 return 0 try: if not os.geteuid()==0: sys.exit("\nMust be run as root\n") sys.exit(main()) except SystemExit, e: sys.exit(e) except RuntimeError, e: sys.exit(e) except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): sys.exit(1)