/* Authors: * Petr Vobornik * * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define(['dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/dom-construct', 'dojo/dom-style', 'dojo/query', 'dojo/on', '../ipa', '../auth', '../reg', '../FieldBinder', '../text', '../util', './LoginScreenBase' ], function(declare, lang, construct, dom_style, query, on, IPA, auth, reg, FieldBinder, text, util, LoginScreenBase) { /** * Widget with login form. * * Supported operations: * * - login with password, kerberos * - password change * * @class widgets.LoginScreen */ var LoginScreen = declare([LoginScreenBase], { expired_msg: "Your session has expired. Please re-login.", form_auth_msg: " To login with username and password, enter them in the corresponding fields, then click Login.", kerberos_msg: " To login with Kerberos, please make sure you" + " have valid tickets (obtainable via kinit) and " + "configured" + " the browser correctly, then click Login. ", form_auth_failed: "The password or username you entered is incorrect. ", krb_auth_failed: "Authentication with Kerberos failed", password_expired: "Your password has expired. Please enter a new password.", password_change_complete: "Password change complete", denied: "Sorry you are not allowed to access this service.", //nodes: login_btn_node: null, reset_btn_node: null, /** * View this form is in. * * Possible views: ['login', 'reset'] * @property {string} */ view: 'login', render_buttons: function(container) { this.sync_btn_node = IPA.button({ name: 'sync', label: text.get('@i18n:login.sync_otp_token', "Sync OTP Token"), button_class: 'btn btn-link', click: lang.hitch(this, this.on_sync) })[0]; construct.place(this.sync_btn_node, container); construct.place(document.createTextNode(" "), container); this.login_btn_node = IPA.button({ name: 'login', label: text.get('@i18n:login.login', "Login"), 'class': 'btn-primary btn-lg', click: lang.hitch(this, this.on_confirm) })[0]; construct.place(this.login_btn_node, container); construct.place(document.createTextNode(" "), container); this.cancel_btn_node = IPA.button({ name: 'cancel', label: text.get('@i18n:buttons.cancel', "Cancel"), 'class': 'btn-default', click: lang.hitch(this, this.on_cancel) })[0]; construct.place(this.cancel_btn_node, container); construct.place(document.createTextNode(" "), container); this.reset_btn_node = IPA.button({ name: 'reset', label: text.get('@i18n:buttons.reset_password', "Reset Password"), 'class': 'btn-primary btn-lg', click: lang.hitch(this, this.on_confirm) })[0]; construct.place(this.reset_btn_node, container); construct.place(document.createTextNode(" "), container); this.reset_and_login_btn_node = IPA.button({ name: 'reset_and_login', label: text.get('@i18n:buttons.reset_password_and_login', "Reset Password and Login"), 'class': 'btn-primary btn-lg', click: lang.hitch(this, this.on_confirm) })[0]; construct.place(this.reset_and_login_btn_node, container); }, set_visible_buttons: function(buttons) { if (!this.buttons_node) return; query('button', this.buttons_node).forEach(function(el) { if (buttons.indexOf(el.name) > -1) { dom_style.set(el, 'display', ''); } else { dom_style.set(el, 'display', 'none'); } }); }, post_create_fields: function() { var u_f = this.get_field('username'); var p_f = this.get_field('password'); var otp_f = this.get_field('otp'); u_f.on('value-change', lang.hitch(this, this.on_form_change)); p_f.on('value-change', lang.hitch(this, this.on_form_change)); otp_f.on('value-change', lang.hitch(this, this.on_otp_change)); this.on_form_change(); }, on_form_change: function(event) { var u_f = this.get_field('username'); var p_f = this.get_field('password'); var required = !util.is_empty(u_f.get_value()) || !util.is_empty(p_f.get_value()) || !this.kerberos_enabled(); u_f.set_required(required); p_f.set_required(required); }, on_otp_change: function(event) { if (this.view === 'login') return; if (!event.value[0]) { this.set_visible_buttons(['cancel', 'reset_and_login']); } else { this.set_visible_buttons(['cancel', 'reset']); } }, on_sync: function() { var user = this.get_field('username').get_value()[0]; this.get_widget('validation').remove_all('error'); this.emit('require-otp-sync', { source: this, user: user }); }, on_confirm: function() { if (this.view == 'login') { this.login(); } else { this.login_and_reset(); } }, on_cancel: function() { this.set('view', 'login'); }, login: function() { var val_summary = this.get_widget('validation'); val_summary.remove('login'); if (!this.validate()) return; var login = this.get_field('username').get_value()[0]; if (util.is_empty(login) && this.kerberos_enabled()) { this.login_with_kerberos(); } else { this.login_with_password(); } }, login_with_kerberos: function() { IPA.get_credentials().then(lang.hitch(this, function(status) { if (status === 200) { this.emit('logged_in'); } else { var val_summary = this.get_widget('validation'); val_summary.add_error('login', this.krb_auth_failed); } })); }, login_with_password: function() { if(!this.password_enabled()) return; var val_summary = this.get_widget('validation'); var login = this.get_field('username').get_value()[0]; var password_f = this.get_field('password'); var password = password_f.get_value()[0]; IPA.login_password(login, password).then( lang.hitch(this, function(result) { if (result === 'success') { this.emit('logged_in'); password_f.set_value(''); } else if (result === 'password-expired') { this.set('view', 'reset'); val_summary.add_info('login', this.password_expired); } else { val_summary.add_error('login', this.form_auth_failed); password_f.set_value(''); } })); }, login_and_reset: function() { var val_summary = this.get_widget('validation'); val_summary.remove('login'); if (!this.validate()) return; var psw_f = this.get_field('password'); var psw_f2 = this.get_field('current_password'); var otp_f = this.get_field('otp'); var new_f = this.get_field('new_password'); var ver_f = this.get_field('verify_password'); var username_f = this.get_field('username'); var psw = psw_f2.get_value()[0] || psw_f.get_value()[0]; var otp = otp_f.get_value()[0]; var result = IPA.reset_password( username_f.get_value()[0], psw, new_f.get_value()[0], otp); if (result.status === 'ok') { val_summary.add_success('login', this.password_change_complete); psw_f.set_value(''); psw_f2.set_value(''); // do not login if otp is used because it will fail (reuse of OTP) if (!otp) { psw_f.set_value(new_f.get_value()); this.login(); } this.set('view', 'login'); } else { val_summary.add_error('login', result.message); } otp_f.set_value(''); new_f.set_value(''); ver_f.set_value(''); }, refresh: function() { if (this.view === 'reset') { this.show_reset_view(); } else { this.show_login_view(); } }, show_login_view: function() { this.set_login_aside_text(); if (auth.current.expired) { var val_summary = this.get_widget('validation'); val_summary.add_info('expired', this.expired_msg); } this.set_visible_buttons(['sync', 'login']); if (this.password_enabled()) { this.use_fields(['username', 'password']); var username_f = this.get_field('username'); if (username_f.get_value()[0]) { this.get_widget('password').focus_input(); } else { this.get_widget('username').focus_input(); } } else { this.use_fields([]); this.login_btn_node.focus(); } }, show_reset_view: function() { this.set_reset_aside_text(); this.set_visible_buttons(['cancel', 'reset_and_login']); this.use_fields(['username_r', 'current_password', 'otp', 'new_password', 'verify_password']); var val_summary = this.get_widget('validation'); var u_f = this.fields.get('username'); var u_r_f = this.fields.get('username_r'); u_r_f.set_value(u_f.get_value()); this.get_widget('current_password').focus_input(); }, set_login_aside_text: function() { var aside = ""; if (this.password_enabled()) { aside += "


"; } if (this.kerberos_enabled()) { aside += "


"; } this.set('aside', aside); }, set_reset_aside_text: function() { this.set('aside', "


"); }, constructor: function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; this.expired_msg = text.get(spec.expired_msg || '@i18n:ajax.401.message', this.expired_msg); this.form_auth_msg = text.get(spec.form_auth_msg || '@i18n:login.form_auth', this.form_auth_msg); this.kerberos_msg = text.get(spec.kerberos_msg || '@i18n:login.krb_auth_msg', this.kerberos_msg); this.kerberos_msg = this.kerberos_msg.replace('${host}', window.location.hostname); this.password_change_complete = text.get(spec.password_change_complete || '@i18n:password.password_change_complete', this.password_change_complete); this.krb_auth_failed = text.get(spec.krb_auth_failed, this.krb_auth_failed); this.field_specs = LoginScreen.field_specs; } }); LoginScreen.field_specs = [ { $type: 'text', name: 'username', label: text.get('@i18n:login.username', "Username"), placeholder: text.get('@i18n:login.username', "Username"), show_errors: false, undo: false }, { $type: 'password', name: 'password', label: text.get('@i18n:login.password', "Password"), placeholder: text.get('@i18n:login.password_and_otp', 'Password or Password+One-Time-Password'), show_errors: false, undo: false }, { name: 'username_r', read_only: true, label: text.get('@i18n:login.username', "Username"), show_errors: false, undo: false }, { name: 'current_password', $type: 'password', label: text.get('@i18n:login.current_password', "Current Password"), placeholder: text.get('@i18n:login.current_password', "Current Password"), show_errors: false, undo: false }, { name: 'otp', $type: 'password', label: text.get('@i18n:password.otp', "OTP"), placeholder: text.get('@i18n:password.otp_long', 'One-Time-Password'), show_errors: false, undo: false }, { name: 'new_password', $type: 'password', required: true, label: text.get('@i18n:password.new_password)', "New Password"), placeholder: text.get('@i18n:password.new_password)', "New Password"), show_errors: false, undo: false }, { name: 'verify_password', $type: 'password', required: true, label: text.get('@i18n:password.verify_password', "Verify Password"), placeholder: text.get('@i18n:password.new_password)', "New Password"), validators: [{ $type: 'same_password', other_field: 'new_password' }], show_errors: false, undo: false } ]; return LoginScreen; });