/* Authors: * Pavel Zuna * Adam Young * Endi Sukma Dewata * Petr Vobornik * * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define(['./ipa', './jquery', './details', './search', './association', './entity', './certificate'], function(IPA, $) { IPA.user = {}; IPA.user.entity = function(spec) { var that = IPA.entity(spec); that.init = function() { that.entity_init(); var self_service = IPA.nav.name === 'self-service'; var link = self_service ? false : undefined; that.builder.search_facet({ row_disabled_attribute: 'nsaccountlock', columns: [ 'uid', 'givenname', 'sn', { name: 'nsaccountlock', label: IPA.messages.status.label, formatter: IPA.boolean_status_formatter({ invert_value: true }) }, 'uidnumber', 'mail', 'telephonenumber', 'title' ], actions: [ { factory: IPA.batch_disable_action, hide_cond: ['self-service'] }, { factory: IPA.batch_enable_action, hide_cond: ['self-service'] } ], control_buttons: [ { name: 'disable', label: IPA.messages.buttons.disable, icon: 'disabled-icon' }, { name: 'enable', label: IPA.messages.buttons.enable, icon: 'enabled-icon' } ] }). details_facet({ factory: IPA.user.details_facet, sections: [ { name: 'identity', label: IPA.messages.details.identity, fields: [ 'title', 'givenname', 'sn', 'cn', 'displayname', 'initials', 'gecos' ] }, { name: 'account', action_panel: { factory: IPA.action_panel, name: 'account_actions', actions: ['reset_password'] }, fields: [ 'uid', { factory: IPA.user_password_widget, name: 'has_password', metadata: IPA.get_entity_param('user', 'userpassword') }, { name: 'krbpasswordexpiration', label: IPA.messages.objects.user.krbpasswordexpiration, read_only: true, formatter: IPA.utc_date_formatter() }, 'uidnumber', 'gidnumber', 'loginshell', 'homedirectory', { type: 'sshkeys', name: 'ipasshpubkey', label: IPA.messages.objects.sshkeystore.keys } ] }, { name: 'pwpolicy', label: IPA.messages.objects.pwpolicy.identity, fields: [ { name: 'krbmaxpwdlife', label: IPA.get_entity_param('pwpolicy', 'krbmaxpwdlife').label, read_only: true }, { name: 'krbminpwdlife', label: IPA.get_entity_param('pwpolicy', 'krbminpwdlife').label, read_only: true }, { name: 'krbpwdhistorylength', label: IPA.get_entity_param('pwpolicy', 'krbpwdhistorylength').label, read_only: true, measurement_unit: 'number_of_passwords' }, { name: 'krbpwdmindiffchars', label: IPA.get_entity_param('pwpolicy', 'krbpwdmindiffchars').label, read_only: true }, { name: 'krbpwdminlength', label: IPA.get_entity_param('pwpolicy', 'krbpwdminlength').label, read_only: true }, { name: 'krbpwdmaxfailure', label: IPA.get_entity_param('pwpolicy', 'krbpwdmaxfailure').label, read_only: true }, { name: 'krbpwdfailurecountinterval', label: IPA.get_entity_param('pwpolicy', 'krbpwdfailurecountinterval').label, read_only: true, measurement_unit: 'seconds' }, { name: 'krbpwdlockoutduration', label: IPA.get_entity_param('pwpolicy', 'krbpwdlockoutduration').label, read_only: true, measurement_unit: 'seconds' } ] }, { name: 'krbtpolicy', label: IPA.messages.objects.krbtpolicy.identity, fields: [ { name: 'krbmaxrenewableage', label: IPA.get_entity_param('krbtpolicy', 'krbmaxrenewableage').label, read_only: true, measurement_unit: 'seconds' }, { name: 'krbmaxticketlife', label: IPA.get_entity_param('krbtpolicy', 'krbmaxticketlife').label, read_only: true, measurement_unit: 'seconds' } ] }, { name: 'contact', fields: [ { type: 'multivalued', name: 'mail' }, { type: 'multivalued', name: 'telephonenumber' }, { type: 'multivalued', name: 'pager' }, { type: 'multivalued', name: 'mobile' }, { type: 'multivalued', name: 'facsimiletelephonenumber' } ] }, { name: 'mailing', fields: ['street', 'l', 'st', 'postalcode'] }, { name: 'employee', fields: [ 'ou', { type: 'entity_select', name: 'manager', other_entity: 'user', other_field: 'uid' } ] }, { name: 'misc', fields: [ 'carlicense' ] } ], actions: [ IPA.select_action, IPA.enable_action, IPA.disable_action, IPA.delete_action, IPA.user.reset_password_action ], header_actions: ['select_action', 'enable', 'disable', 'delete'], state: { evaluators: [ { factory: IPA.enable_state_evaluator, field: 'nsaccountlock', invert_value: true }, IPA.user.reset_password_acl_evaluator ], summary_conditions: [ IPA.enabled_summary_cond(), IPA.disabled_summary_cond() ] } }). association_facet({ name: 'memberof_group', associator: IPA.serial_associator, link: link, read_only: self_service }). association_facet({ name: 'memberof_netgroup', associator: IPA.serial_associator, link: link, read_only: self_service }). association_facet({ name: 'memberof_role', associator: IPA.serial_associator, link: link, read_only: self_service }). association_facet({ name: 'memberof_hbacrule', associator: IPA.serial_associator, add_method: 'add_user', remove_method: 'remove_user', link: link, read_only: self_service }). association_facet({ name: 'memberof_sudorule', associator: IPA.serial_associator, add_method: 'add_user', remove_method: 'remove_user', link: link, read_only: self_service }). standard_association_facets({ link: link }). adder_dialog({ factory: IPA.user_adder_dialog, sections: [ { fields: [ { name: 'uid', required: false }, 'givenname', 'sn' ] }, { fields: [ { name: 'userpassword', label: IPA.messages.password.new_password, type: 'password' }, { name: 'userpassword2', label: IPA.messages.password.verify_password, type: 'password' } ] } ] }); }; return that; }; IPA.user.details_facet = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = IPA.details_facet(spec); that.refresh_on_success = function(data, text_status, xhr) { // do not load data from batch that.show_content(); }; that.create_refresh_command = function() { var pkey = IPA.nav.get_state(that.entity.name+'-pkey'); var batch = IPA.batch_command({ name: 'user_details_refresh' }); var user_command = that.details_facet_create_refresh_command(); user_command.on_success = function(data, text_status, xhr) { // create data that mimics user-show output var user_data = {}; user_data.result = data; that.load(user_data); }; batch.add_command(user_command); var pwpolicy_command = IPA.command({ entity: 'pwpolicy', method: 'show', options: { user: pkey, all: true, rights: true } }); pwpolicy_command.on_success = function(data, text_status, xhr) { // TODO: Use nested fields: that.fields.get_field('pwpolicy').get_fields(); var fields = that.fields.get_fields(); for (var i=0; i', { name: that.name }).appendTo(container); }; that.update = function(values) { if (values && values[0]) { that.display_control.text(that.set_value); } else { that.display_control.text(that.unset_value); } }; that.clear = function() { that.display_control.text(''); }; return that; }; IPA.user_password_dialog = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; spec.width = spec.width || 400; spec.title = spec.title || IPA.messages.password.reset_password; spec.sections = spec.sections || []; spec.sections.push( { name: 'input', fields: [ { name: 'current_password', label: IPA.messages.password.current_password, type: 'password', required: true }, { name: 'password1', label: IPA.messages.password.new_password, type: 'password', required: true }, { name: 'password2', label: IPA.messages.password.verify_password, type: 'password', validators: [IPA.same_password_validator({ other_field: 'password1' })], required: true } ] }); var that = IPA.dialog(spec); IPA.confirm_mixin().apply(that); that.success_handler = spec.on_success; that.error_handler = spec.on_error; that.self_service = spec.self_service; //option to force self-service that.get_pkey = function() { var pkey; if (that.self_service) { pkey = IPA.whoami.uid[0]; } else { pkey = IPA.nav.get_state('user-pkey'); } return pkey; }; that.is_self_service = function() { var pkey = that.get_pkey(); var self_service = pkey === IPA.whoami.uid[0]; return self_service; }; that.open = function() { var self_service = that.is_self_service(); var section = that.widgets.get_widget('input'); var current_password_f = that.fields.get_field('current_password'); that.dialog_open(); section.set_row_visible('current_password', self_service); current_password_f.set_required(self_service); that.focus_first_element(); }; that.create_buttons = function() { that.create_button({ name: 'reset_password', label: IPA.messages.password.reset_password, click: that.on_reset_click }); that.create_button({ name: 'cancel', label: IPA.messages.buttons.cancel, click: function() { that.close(); } }); }; that.on_confirm = function() { that.on_reset_click(); }; that.on_reset_click = function() { if (!that.validate()) return; var pkey = that.get_pkey(); var self_service = that.is_self_service(); var record = {}; that.save(record); var current_password = self_service ? record.current_password[0] : undefined; var new_password = record.password1[0]; var repeat_password = record.password2[0]; that.set_password( pkey, current_password, new_password, that.on_reset_success, that.on_reset_error); }; that.set_password = function(pkey, current_password, password, on_success, on_error) { var command = IPA.command({ method: 'passwd', args: [ pkey ], options: { current_password: current_password, password: password }, on_success: on_success, on_error: on_error }); command.execute(); }; that.on_reset_success = function(data, text_status, xhr) { if (that.success_handler) { that.success_handler.call(this, data, text_status, xhr); } else { IPA.notify_success(IPA.messages.password.password_change_complete); that.close(); // refresh password expiration field var facet = IPA.current_entity.get_facet(); facet.refresh(); if (that.is_self_service()) { var command = IPA.get_whoami_command(); command.execute(); } } }; that.on_reset_error = function(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { if (that.error_handler) { that.error_handler.call(this, xhr, text_status, error_thrown); } else { that.close(); } }; that.create_buttons(); return that; }; IPA.user.reset_password_action = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; spec.name = spec.name || 'reset_password'; spec.label = spec.label || IPA.messages.password.reset_password; spec.enable_cond = spec.enable_cond || ['userpassword_w']; var that = IPA.action(spec); that.execute_action = function(facet) { var dialog = IPA.user_password_dialog({ entity: facet.entity }); dialog.open(); }; return that; }; IPA.user.reset_password_acl_evaluator = function(spec) { spec.name = spec.name || 'reset_password_acl_evaluator'; spec.attribute = spec.attribute || 'userpassword'; var that = IPA.acl_state_evaluator(spec); return that; }; IPA.register('user', IPA.user.entity); return {}; });