/* Authors: * Petr Vobornik * * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define(['dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/Evented', 'dojo/io-query', 'dojo/router', '../ipa', '../reg' ], function(declare, lang, array, Evented, ioquery, router, IPA, reg) { /** * Router * * This component keeps menu and routes in sync. It signalizes * other components to display facet by sending 'show-facet' event. * Other components can use navigate_to_* methods to change currently * displayed facet. This change can be canceled in 'facet-change' * event handler. * @class navigation.Router */ var navigation = declare([Evented], { /** * Holds references to register route handlers. * Can be used for unregistering routes. * @property {Array.} */ route_handlers: [], /** * Prefix of all routes for this navigation. Useful for multiple * navigation objects in one application. * @property {string} */ route_prefix: '', /** * Variations of entity routes * @property {Array.} */ entity_routes: [ '/e/:entity/:facet/:pkeys/*args', '/e/:entity/:facet//*args', '/e/:entity/:facet/:pkeys', '/e/:entity/:facet', '/e/:entity' ], /** * Variations of simple page routes * @property {Array.} */ page_routes: [ '/p/:page/*args', '/p/:page' ], /** * Used during facet changing. Set it to true in 'facet-change' * event handler to stop the change. * @property {boolean} */ canceled: false, /** * Flag to indicate that next hash change should not invoke showing a * facet. * Main purpose: updating hash. * @property {boolean} */ ignore_next: false, /** * Register a route-handler pair to a dojo.router * Handler will be run in context of this object * * @param {string|Array.} route or routes to register * @param {Function} handler to be associated with the route(s) */ register_route: function(route, handler) { // TODO: add multiple routes for one handler route = this.route_prefix + route; this.route_handlers.push(router.register(route, lang.hitch(this, handler))); }, /** * Initializates router * - registers handlers */ init_router: function() { // entity pages array.forEach(this.entity_routes, function(route) { this.register_route(route, this.entity_route_handler); }, this); // special pages array.forEach(this.page_routes, function(route) { this.register_route(route, this.page_route_handler); }, this); }, /** * Handler for entity routes * Shouldn't be invoked directly. * @param {Object} event route event args */ entity_route_handler: function(event) { if (this.check_clear_ignore()) return; var entity_name = event.params.entity; var facet_name = event.params.facet; var pkeys, args; try { pkeys = this._decode_pkeys(event.params.pkeys || ''); args = ioquery.queryToObject(event.params.args || ''); } catch (e) { this._error('URI error', 'route', event.params); return; } args.pkeys = pkeys; // set new facet state var entity = reg.entity.get(entity_name); if (!entity) { this._error('Unknown entity', 'route', event.params); return; } var facet = entity.get_facet(facet_name); if (!facet) { this._error('Unknown facet', 'route', event.params); return; } facet.reset_state(args); this.show_facet(facet); }, /** * General facet route handler * Shouldn't be invoked directly. * @param {Object} event route event args */ page_route_handler: function(event) { if (this.check_clear_ignore()) return; var facet_name = event.params.page; var args; try { args = ioquery.queryToObject(event.params.args || ''); } catch (e) { this._error('URI error', 'route', event.params); return; } // set new facet state var facet = reg.facet.get(facet_name); if (!facet) { this._error('Unknown facet', 'route', event.params); return; } facet.reset_state(args); this.show_facet(facet); }, /** * Used for switching to entitie's facets. Current target facet * state is used as params (pkeys, args) when none of pkeys and args * are used (useful for switching to previous page with keeping the context). */ navigate_to_entity_facet: function(entity_name, facet_name, pkeys, args) { var entity = reg.entity.get(entity_name); if (!entity) { this._error('Unknown entity', 'navigation', { entity: entity_name}); return false; } var facet = entity.get_facet(facet_name); if (!facet) { this._error('Unknown facet', 'navigation', { facet: facet_name}); return false; } // Use current state if none supplied if (!pkeys && !args) { args = facet.get_state(); } args = args || {}; // Facets may be nested and require more pkeys than supplied. args.pkeys = facet.get_pkeys(pkeys); var hash = this._create_entity_facet_hash(facet, args); return this.navigate_to_hash(hash, facet); }, /** * Navigate to other facet. */ navigate_to_facet: function(facet_name, args) { var facet = reg.facet.get(facet_name); if (!facet) { this._error('Unknown facet', 'navigation', { facet: facet_name}); return false; } if (!args) args = facet.get_state(); var hash = this._create_facet_hash(facet, args); return this.navigate_to_hash(hash, facet); }, /** * Low level function. * * Public usage should be limited reinitializing canceled navigations. */ navigate_to_hash: function(hash, facet) { this.canceled = false; this.emit('facet-change', { facet: facet, hash: hash }); if (this.canceled) { this.emit('facet-change-canceled', { facet: facet, hash : hash }); return false; } this.update_hash(hash, false); return true; }, /** * Changes hash to supplied * * @param {string} Hash to set * @param {boolean} Whether to suppress following hash change handler */ update_hash: function(hash, ignore_change) { this.ignore_next = !!ignore_change; router.go(hash); }, /** * Returns and resets `ignore_next` property. */ check_clear_ignore: function() { var ignore = this.ignore_next; this.ignore_next = false; return ignore; }, /** * Creates from facet state appropriate hash. */ _create_entity_facet_hash: function(facet, state) { state = lang.clone(state); var entity_name = facet.entity.name; var pkeys = this._encode_pkeys(state.pkeys || []); delete state.pkeys; var args = ioquery.objectToQuery(state || {}); var path = [this.route_prefix, 'e', entity_name, facet.name]; if (!IPA.is_empty(args)) path.push(pkeys, args); else if (!IPA.is_empty(pkeys)) path.push(pkeys); var hash = path.join('/'); return hash; }, /** * Creates hash of general facet. */ _create_facet_hash: function(facet, state) { var args = ioquery.objectToQuery(state.args || {}); var path = [this.route_prefix, 'p', facet.name]; if (!IPA.is_empty(args)) path.push(args); var hash = path.join('/'); return hash; }, /** * Creates hash from supplied facet and state. * * @param {facet.facet} facet * @param {Object} state */ create_hash: function(facet, state) { if (facet.entity) return this._create_entity_facet_hash(facet, state); else return this._create_facet_hash(facet, state); }, /** * Tells other component to show given facet. */ show_facet: function(facet) { this.emit('facet-show', { facet: facet }); }, /** * URI Encodes array items and delimits them by '&' * Example: ['foo ', 'bar'] => 'foo%20&bar' */ _encode_pkeys: function(pkeys) { var ret = []; array.forEach(pkeys, function(pkey) { ret.push(encodeURIComponent(pkey)); }); return ret.join('&'); }, /** * Splits strings by '&' and return an array of URI decoded parts. * Example: 'foo%20&bar' => ['foo ', 'bar'] */ _decode_pkeys: function(str) { if (!str) return []; var keys = str.split('&'); for (var i=0; i