/* Authors: * Adam Young * Endi S. Dewata * * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define([ 'dojo/on', './metadata', './ipa', './jquery', './phases', './reg', './text', './details', './search', './association', './entity'], function(on, metadata_provider, IPA, $, phases, reg, text) { /** * Widgets, entities and fields related to Access Control that means * Permissions, Privilege, Role, Delegation and Self-service. * * @class aci * @singleton */ var aci = {}; /** * List of fields which are disabled for managed permissions * @property {Array} */ aci.managed_fields = [ 'ipapermright', 'extratargetfilter', 'memberof', 'ipapermlocation', 'ipapermtarget', 'type' ]; var make_permission_spec = function() { return { name: 'permission', facet_groups: ['settings', 'privilege'], facets: [ { $type: 'search', columns: [ 'cn' ] }, { $factory: aci.permission_details_facet, $type: 'details', fields: [ { name:'cn', widget: 'identity.cn' }, { $type: 'radio', name:'ipapermbindruletype', widget: 'identity.ipapermbindruletype', flags: ['w_if_no_aci'] }, { $type: 'rights', name: 'ipapermright', widget: 'identity.ipapermright', required: true, flags: ['w_if_no_aci'] }, { $type: 'multivalued', name: 'extratargetfilter', widget: 'target.extratargetfilter', acl_param: 'ipapermtargetfilter', enabled: false, flags: ['w_if_no_aci'] }, { $type: 'multivalued', name: 'memberof', widget: 'target.memberof', enabled: false, flags: ['w_if_no_aci'] }, { name: 'ipapermlocation', widget: 'target.ipapermlocation', enabled: false, flags: ['w_if_no_aci'] }, { name: 'ipapermtarget', widget: 'target.ipapermtarget', enabled: false, flags: ['w_if_no_aci'] }, { $type: 'select', name: 'type', widget: 'target.type', enabled: false, flags: ['w_if_no_aci'] }, { name: 'attrs', widget: 'target.attrs', enabled: false, flags: ['w_if_no_aci'] }, { name: 'attrs_multi', param: 'attrs', $type: 'multivalued', widget: 'target.attrs_multi', enabled: false, flags: ['w_if_no_aci'] }, { name: 'ipapermdefaultattr', $type: 'multivalued', widget: 'managed.ipapermdefaultattr' }, { name: 'ipapermincludedattr', $type: 'multivalued', widget: 'managed.ipapermincludedattr', read_only: true }, { name: 'ipapermexcludedattr', $type: 'multivalued', widget: 'managed.ipapermexcludedattr', read_only: true } ], widgets: [ { $type: 'details_section', name: 'identity', label: '@i18n:objects.permission.identity', widgets: [ 'cn', { $type: 'radio', name: 'ipapermbindruletype', options: ['permission', 'all', 'anonymous'] }, { $type: 'rights', name: 'ipapermright', layout: 'columns' } ] }, { $type: 'permission_target', container_factory: IPA.details_section, label: '@i18n:objects.permission.target', name: 'target' }, { $type: 'details_section', name: 'managed', label: '@i18n:objects.permission.managed', widgets: [ { $type: 'multivalued', name: 'ipapermdefaultattr' }, { $type: 'multivalued', name: 'ipapermincludedattr' }, { $type: 'multivalued', name: 'ipapermexcludedattr' } ] } ], policies: [ aci.permission_managed_policy, { $factory: aci.permission_target_policy, widget_name: 'target' } ] }, { $type: 'association', name: 'member_privilege', facet_group: 'privilege' } ], adder_dialog: { height: 450, fields: [ { name:'cn', widget: 'general.cn' }, { $type: 'radio', name:'ipapermbindruletype', widget: 'general.ipapermbindruletype' }, { $type: 'rights', name: 'ipapermright', widget: 'general.ipapermright', required: true }, { $type: 'multivalued', name: 'extratargetfilter', widget: 'target.extratargetfilter', acl_param: 'ipapermtargetfilter', enabled: false }, { $type: 'multivalued', name: 'memberof', widget: 'target.memberof', enabled: false }, { name: 'ipapermlocation', widget: 'target.ipapermlocation', enabled: false }, { name: 'ipapermtarget', widget: 'target.ipapermtarget', enabled: false }, { $type: 'select', name: 'type', widget: 'target.type', enabled: false }, { name: 'attrs', widget: 'target.attrs', enabled: false }, { name: 'attrs_multi', $type: 'multivalued', param: 'attrs', widget: 'target.attrs_multi', enabled: false } ], widgets: [ { $type: 'details_section', name: 'general', widgets: [ 'cn', { $type: 'radio', name: 'ipapermbindruletype', options: ['permission', 'all', 'anonymous'], default_value: 'permission' }, { $type: 'rights', name: 'ipapermright', layout: 'columns' } ] }, { $type: 'permission_target', name:'target' } ], policies: [ { $factory: aci.permission_target_policy, widget_name: 'target' } ] } };}; /** * @class aci.permission_details_facet * @extends details.details_facet */ aci.permission_details_facet = function(spec) { var that = IPA.details_facet(spec); that.get_refresh_command_name = function() { return that.entity.name+'_show_'+that.get_pkey(); }; return that; }; var make_privilege_spec = function() { return { name: 'privilege', facet_groups: ['permission', 'settings', 'role'], facets: [ { $type: 'search', columns: [ 'cn', 'description' ] }, { $type: 'details', sections: [ { name: 'identity', label: '@i18n:details.identity', fields: [ 'cn', { $type: 'textarea', name: 'description' } ] } ] }, { $type: 'association', name: 'member_role', facet_group: 'role', add_method: 'add_privilege', remove_method: 'remove_privilege', associator: IPA.serial_associator }, { $type: 'association', name: 'memberof_permission', facet_group: 'permission', add_method: 'add_permission', remove_method: 'remove_permission' } ], standard_association_facets: true, adder_dialog: { fields: [ 'cn', { $type: 'textarea', name: 'description' } ] } };}; var make_role_spec = function() { return { name: 'role', facet_groups: ['member', 'privilege', 'settings'], facets: [ { $type: 'search', columns: [ 'cn', 'description' ] }, { $type: 'details', sections: [ { name: 'identity', label: '@i18n:objects.role.identity', fields: [ 'cn', { $type: 'textarea', name: 'description' } ] } ] }, { $type: 'association', name: 'memberof_privilege', facet_group: 'privilege', add_method: 'add_privilege', remove_method: 'remove_privilege' } ], standard_association_facets: true, adder_dialog: { fields: [ 'cn', { $type: 'textarea', name: 'description' } ] } };}; var make_selfservice_spec = function() { return { name: 'selfservice', facets: [ { $type: 'search', columns: [ 'aciname' ], pagination: false }, { $type: 'details', check_rights: false, sections: [ { name: 'general', label: '@i18n:details.general', fields: [ 'aciname', { $type: 'attributes', object_type: 'user', name: 'attrs' } ] } ] } ], adder_dialog: { fields: [ 'aciname', { $type: 'attributes', object_type: 'user', name: 'attrs' } ] } };}; var make_delegation_spec = function() { return { name: 'delegation', facets: [ { $type: 'search', columns: [ 'aciname' ], pagination: false }, { $type: 'details', check_rights: false, sections: [ { name: 'general', label: '@i18n:details.general', fields: [ 'aciname', { $type: 'checkboxes', name: 'permissions', required: true, options: IPA.create_options(['read', 'write']) }, { $type: 'entity_select', name: 'group', other_entity: 'group', other_field: 'cn' }, { $type: 'entity_select', name: 'memberof', other_entity: 'group', other_field: 'cn' }, { $type: 'attributes', name: 'attrs', object_type: 'user' } ] } ] } ], standard_association_facets: false, adder_dialog: { fields: [ 'aciname', { $type: 'checkboxes', name: 'permissions', options: IPA.create_options(['read', 'write']) }, { $type: 'entity_select', name: 'group', other_entity: 'group', other_field: 'cn' }, { $type: 'entity_select', name: 'memberof', other_entity: 'group', other_field: 'cn' }, { $type: 'attributes', name: 'attrs', object_type: 'user' } ] } };}; /** * @class aci.attributes_widget * @extends IPA.checkboxes_widget */ aci.attributes_widget = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; spec.layout = spec.layout || 'columns attribute_widget'; var that = IPA.checkboxes_widget(spec); /** * Additional options which are not defined in metadata * @property {string[]} */ that.custom_options = spec.custom_options || []; that.object_type = spec.object_type; that.skip_unmatched = spec.skip_unmatched === undefined ? false : spec.skip_unmatched; var id = spec.name; that.create = function(container) { that.container = container; that.widget_create(container); that.controls = $('
', { 'class': 'form-inline controls' }); that.controls.appendTo(container); that.create_search_filter(that.controls); that.create_add_control(that.controls); if (that.undo) { that.create_undo(that.controls); } that.owb_create(container); that.create_error_link(container); }; that.create_search_filter = function(container) { var filter_container = $('
', { 'class': 'search-filter' }); that.filter = $('', { type: 'text', name: 'filter', 'class': 'form-control', placeholder: text.get('@i18n:objects.permission.filter') }).appendTo(filter_container); that.filter.keyup(function(e) { that.filter_options(); }); var find_button = IPA.action_button({ name: 'find', icon: 'fa-search', click: function() { that.filter_options(); return false; } }).appendTo(filter_container); filter_container.appendTo(container); }; that.create_add_control = function(container) { that.add_button = IPA.button({ label: '@i18n:buttons.add', click: that.show_add_dialog }); container.append(' '); that.add_button.appendTo(container); }; that.show_add_dialog = function() { var dialog = IPA.form_dialog({ name: "add_option", title: "@i18n:objects.permission.add_custom_attr", fields: [ { name: 'attr', label: '@i18n:objects.permission.attribute', required: true } ] }); dialog.on_confirm = function() { if (!dialog.validate()) return; var attr = dialog.get_field('attr'); var value = attr.get_value()[0]; that.add_custom_option(value, false, true, true); dialog.close(); }; dialog.open(); }; that.filter_options = function() { $("li", that.$node).each(function() { var item = $(this); if(item.find('input').val().indexOf(that.filter.val()) === -1) { item.css('display','none'); } else { item.css('display','inline'); } }); }; that.update = function(values) { that.values = []; values = values || []; for (var i=0; i use it as pristine value so undo will // work correctly. loc_f.set_value([IPA.env.basedn], true); } else { attrs = attr_multi.save(); attr_table.update(attrs); // notification will be done by `set_attrs_type` } } that.set_attrs_type(type, true); }; that.set_attrs_type = function(type, skip_unmatched) { var attribute_field = that.container.fields.get_field('attrs'); var attribute_table = that.permission_target.widgets.get_widget('attrs'); var skip_unmatched_org = attribute_table.skip_unmatched; attribute_table.object_type = type; // UI doesn't always know what are the possible attributes. // In case of managed permissions, one of the possible lists is in ipapermdefaultattr. var default_attrs = that.container.fields.get_field('ipapermdefaultattr'); if (default_attrs && default_attrs.enabled) { // if managed permission attribute_table.custom_options = default_attrs.get_value(); } else { attribute_table.custom_options = []; } // skip values which don't belong to new type. Bug #2617 attribute_table.skip_unmatched = skip_unmatched || skip_unmatched_org; attribute_field.reset(); // force value_change to update dirty status if some unmatched values were skipped attribute_table.value_changed.notify([], attribute_table); attribute_table.skip_unmatched = skip_unmatched_org; }; that.update_attrs = function() { var type_select = that.permission_target.widgets.get_widget('type'); var type = type_select.save()[0]; that.set_attrs_type(type, false); }; that.post_create = function() { that.select_target(aci.default_target); }; that.post_load = function(data) { var displayed_target = 'general'; var permtype = data.result.result.ipapermissiontype; that.managed = permtype && permtype.indexOf("MANAGED") > -1; that.system = permtype && permtype.indexOf("SYSTEM") > -1 && permtype.length === 1; for (var target in that.target_mapping) { var property = that.target_mapping[target].property; if (property && data.result.result[property]) { displayed_target = target; } else { that.set_target_visible(target, false); } } if (displayed_target) { that.permission_target.target = displayed_target; that.set_target_visible(displayed_target, true); } }; that.select_target = function(target) { that.set_target_visible(that.permission_target.target, false); that.permission_target.target = target; that.set_target_visible(that.permission_target.target, true); }; that.set_target_visible = function(target, visible) { var target_info = that.target_mapping[target]; for (var i=0,l=target_info.fields.length; i -1; var enabled = !(managed_f && that.managed) && visible && !that.system; field.set_enabled(enabled); field.set_required(visible && target_info.required); widget.set_visible(visible); }; that.target_mapping = { general: { fields: [ { name: 'extratargetfilter' }, { name: 'ipapermlocation', required: true }, { name: 'ipapermtarget' }, { name: 'type' }, { name: 'memberof' }, { name: 'attrs_multi' } ] }, type: { property: 'type', fields: [ { name: 'extratargetfilter' }, { name: 'memberof' }, { name: 'type' }, { name: 'attrs' }, { name: 'ipapermtarget' } ], action: function() { that.update_attrs(); } } }; return that; }; /** * Facet policy which shows and hides managed section based on presence * "MANAGED" in ippapermissiontype attribute * @class aci.permission_managed_policy * @extends IPA.facet_policy */ aci.permission_managed_policy = function (spec) { var that = IPA.facet_policy(); that.post_load = function(data) { var permtype = data.result.result.ipapermissiontype; var managed = permtype && permtype.indexOf("MANAGED") > -1; var system = permtype && permtype.indexOf("SYSTEM") > -1 && permtype.length === 1; var m_section = that.container.widgets.get_widget("managed"); m_section.set_visible(managed); var fields = that.container.fields.get_fields(); for (var i=0, l=fields.length; i -1; field.set_enabled(!system && !(managed_f && managed)); } }; return that; }; /** * Permission entity spec * @member aci */ aci.permission_entity_spec = make_permission_spec(); /** * Privilege entity spec * @member aci */ aci.privilege_entity_spec = make_privilege_spec(); /** * Role entity spec * @member aci */ aci.role_entity_spec = make_role_spec(); /** * Self-service entity spec * @member aci */ aci.selfservice_entity_spec = make_selfservice_spec(); /** * Delegation entity spec * @member aci */ aci.delegation_entity_spec = make_delegation_spec(); /** * Register entities, widgets and fields to global registers. * @member aci */ aci.register = function() { var e = reg.entity; var w = reg.widget; var f = reg.field; e.register({ type: 'permission', spec: aci.permission_entity_spec }); e.register({ type: 'privilege', spec: aci.privilege_entity_spec }); e.register({ type: 'role', spec: aci.role_entity_spec }); e.register({ type: 'selfservice', spec: aci.selfservice_entity_spec }); e.register({ type: 'delegation', spec: aci.delegation_entity_spec }); w.register('attributes', aci.attributes_widget); f.register('attributes', IPA.field); w.register('rights', aci.rights_widget); f.register('rights', IPA.field); w.register('permission_target', aci.permission_target_widget); }; phases.on('registration', aci.register); return aci; });