/* Authors: * Petr Vobornik * * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ define([ 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/Deferred', 'dojo/on', 'dojo/topic', 'dojo/query', 'dojo/dom-class', './auth', './json2', './widgets/App', './widgets/FacetContainer', './ipa', './reg', './navigation/Menu', './navigation/Router', './navigation/routing', './navigation/menu_spec', './plugins/load_page' ], function(declare, lang, array, Deferred, on, topic, query, dom_class, auth, JSON, App_widget, FacetContainer, IPA, reg, Menu, Router, routing, menu_spec) { /** * Application controller * * Controls interaction between navigation, menu and facets. * * @class Application_controller */ var App = declare(null, { /** * Facet container map */ containers: null, app_widget: null, router: null, menu: null, initialized: false, facet_changing: false, /** * Currently displayed facet * */ current_facet: null, /** * Currently displayed facet container */ current_container: null, init: function() { this.menu = new Menu(); this.router = new Router(); routing.init(this.router); var body_node = query('body')[0]; this.app_widget = new App_widget(); this.app_widget.container_node = body_node; this.app_widget.menu_widget.set_menu(this.menu); var simple_container = new FacetContainer(); simple_container.container_node = body_node; var notification_container = new FacetContainer({ container_node: body_node, id: "notification", 'class': '' }); this.containers = { // Default view main: { widget: this.app_widget }, // Mainly for standalone facets simple: { widget: simple_container } }; on(this.app_widget.menu_widget, 'item-select', lang.hitch(this, this.on_menu_click)); on(this.app_widget, 'profile-click', lang.hitch(this, this.on_profile)); on(this.app_widget, 'logout-click', lang.hitch(this, this.on_logout)); on(this.app_widget, 'password-reset-click', lang.hitch(this, this.on_password_reset)); on(this.app_widget, 'about-click', lang.hitch(this, this.on_about)); on(this.router, 'facet-show', lang.hitch(this, this.on_facet_show)); on(this.router, 'facet-change', lang.hitch(this, this.on_facet_change)); on(this.router, 'facet-change-canceled', lang.hitch(this, this.on_facet_canceled)); on(this.router, 'error', lang.hitch(this, this.on_router_error)); topic.subscribe('phase-error', lang.hitch(this, this.on_phase_error)); topic.subscribe('authenticate', lang.hitch(this, this.on_authenticate)); this.app_widget.render(); this.app_widget.hide(); simple_container.render(); simple_container.hide(); notification_container.render(); var load_facet = reg.facet.get('load'); this.show_facet(load_facet); IPA.opened_dialogs.start_handling(this); }, /** * Gets: * * metadata * * server configuration * * user information */ get_configuration: function(success_handler, error_handler) { IPA.init({ on_success: success_handler, on_error: error_handler}); }, /** * Deduces current application profile - administraion or self-service. * Initializes profiles's menu. */ choose_profile: function() { // TODO: change IPA.whoami.cn[0] to something readable this.update_logged_in(true, IPA.whoami.cn[0]); var selfservice = this.is_selfservice(); this.app_widget.menu_widget.ignore_changes = true; if (selfservice) { this.menu.name = menu_spec.self_service.name; this.menu.add_items(menu_spec.self_service.items); } else { this.menu.name = menu_spec.admin.name; this.menu.add_items(menu_spec.admin.items); } this.app_widget.menu_widget.ignore_changes = false; this.app_widget.menu_widget.render(); this.app_widget.menu_widget.select(this.menu.selected); }, start_runtime: function() { this.run_time = new Deferred(); // hide load or login facets this.hide_facet(); IPA.update_password_expiration(); // now we are ready for displaying a facet, // it can match a facet if hash is set this.router.startup(); // choose default facet if not defined by route if (!this.current_facet) { this.navigate_to_default(); } return this.run_time.promise; }, navigate_to_default: function() { if (IPA.is_selfservice) { this.on_profile(); } else { routing.navigate(routing.default_path); } }, start_logout: function() { IPA.logout(); }, is_selfservice: function() { var whoami = IPA.whoami; var self_service = true; if (whoami.hasOwnProperty('memberof_group') && whoami.memberof_group.indexOf('admins') !== -1) { self_service = false; } else if (whoami.hasOwnProperty('memberofindirect_group')&& whoami.memberofindirect_group.indexOf('admins') !== -1) { self_service = false; } else if (whoami.hasOwnProperty('memberof_role') && whoami.memberof_role.length > 0) { self_service = false; } else if (whoami.hasOwnProperty('memberofindirect_role') && whoami.memberofindirect_role.length > 0) { self_service = false; } IPA.is_selfservice = self_service; // quite ugly, needed for users return self_service; }, update_logged_in: function(logged_in, fullname) { this.app_widget.set('logged', logged_in); this.app_widget.set('fullname', fullname); }, on_profile: function() { routing.navigate(['entity', 'user', 'details', [IPA.whoami.uid[0]]]); }, on_logout: function(event) { this.run_time.resolve(); }, on_password_reset: function() { IPA.password_selfservice(); }, on_about: function() { var dialog = IPA.about_dialog(); dialog.open(); }, on_phase_error: function(error) { error = error || {}; var name = error.name || 'Runtime error'; var error_container = $('
', { 'class': 'container facet-content facet-error' }).appendTo($('.app-container .content').empty()); error_container.append($('

', { text: name })); var details = $('
', { 'class': 'error-details' }).appendTo(error_container); details.append($('

', { text: 'Web UI got in unrecoverable state during "' + error.phase + '" phase' })); if (error.name) window.console.error(error.name); if (error.results) { var msg = error.results.message; var stack = error.results.stack.toString(); window.console.error(stack); details.append('

Technical details:

'); details.append($('
', { text: error.results.message })); details.append($('
').append($('', { text: stack }))); } }, on_facet_change: function(event) { //this.facet_changing = true; var new_facet = event.facet; var current_facet = this.current_facet; if (current_facet === new_facet) return; if (current_facet && !current_facet.can_leave()) { var permit_clb = lang.hitch(this, function() { // Some facet's might not call reset before this call but after // so they are still dirty. Calling reset prevent's opening of // dirty dialog again. if (current_facet.is_dirty()) current_facet.reset(); //TODO change this.router.navigate_to_hash(event.hash, event.facet); }); var dialog = current_facet.show_leave_dialog(permit_clb); this.router.canceled = true; dialog.open(); } }, on_facet_canceled: function(event) { }, on_facet_state_changed: function(event) { if (event.facet === this.current_facet) { routing.update_hash(event.facet, event.state); } }, on_facet_show: function(event) { this.show_facet(event.facet); }, show_facet: function(facet) { // prevent changing facet when authenticating if (this.current_facet && this.current_facet.name === 'login' && !auth.current.authenticated && facet.requires_auth) { return; } // choose container var container = this.containers[facet.preferred_container]; if (!container) container = this.containers.main; if (this.current_container !== container) { if (this.current_container) { this.current_container.widget.hide(); } this.current_container = container; this.current_container.widget.show(); } // update menu var menu_item = this._find_menu_item(facet); if (menu_item) this.menu.select(menu_item); // show facet if (!facet.container_node) { facet.container_node = container.widget.content_node; on(facet, 'facet-state-change', lang.hitch(this, this.on_facet_state_changed)); } if (this.current_facet !== facet) { IPA.opened_dialogs.hide(); } this.hide_facet(); this.current_facet = facet; facet.show(); IPA.opened_dialogs.focus_top(); }, hide_facet: function() { if (this.current_facet) { this.current_facet.hide(); } this.current_facet = null; }, _find_menu_item: function(facet) { var items = []; // entity facets if (facet.entity) { items = this.menu.query({ entity: facet.entity.name, facet: facet.name }); } // entity fallback if (!items.total && facet.entity) { items = this.menu.query({ entity: facet.entity.name }); } // normal facets if (!items.total) { items = this.menu.query({ facet: facet.name }); } // fallback: Top level item if (!items.total) { items = this.menu.query({ parent: null }); } if (items.total) { if (items.total === 1) return items[0]; // select the menu item with the most similar state as the facet var best = items[0]; var best_score = 0; var item, i, j, l, score; var state = facet.state; for (i=0, l=items.total; i -1) score++; } } if (item.args) { for (var name in item.args) { if (!item.args.hasOwnProperty(name)) continue; if (state[name] == item.args[name]) score++; } } if (score > best_score) { best_score = score; best = item; } } return best; } }, on_router_error: function(error) { if (error.type === 'route') { this.navigate_to_default(); } }, /** * Tries to find menu item with assigned facet and navigate to it. */ on_menu_click: function(menu_item) { this._navigate_to_menu_item(menu_item); }, _navigate_to_menu_item: function(menu_item) { if (menu_item.entity) { // entity pages routing.navigate([ 'entity', menu_item.entity, menu_item.facet, menu_item.pkeys, menu_item.args]); } else if (menu_item.facet) { // concrete facets routing.navigate(['generic', menu_item.facet, menu_item.args]); } else { // categories, select first posible child, it may be the last var children = this.menu.query({parent: menu_item.name }); if (children.total) { var success = false; for (var i=0; i