/*jsl:import ipa.js */ /*jsl:import facet.js */ /*jsl:import navigation.js */ /* Authors: * Pavel Zuna * Endi Sukma Dewata * Adam Young * Petr Vobornik * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* REQUIRES: ipa.js, facet.js, details.js, search.js, add.js */ IPA.entity = function(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = {}; that.name = spec.name; that.label = spec.label; that.metadata = spec.metadata; that.builder = spec.builder; that.dialogs = $.ordered_map(); that.dialog_specs = spec.dialogs || []; that.dialogs_created = false; that.facets = $.ordered_map(); that.facet_groups = $.ordered_map(); that.facet_specs = spec.facets || []; that.facets_created = false; // current facet that.facet = null; that.redirect_facet = spec.redirect_facet; that.containing_entity = null; that.init = function() { if (!that.metadata) { that.metadata = that.get_default_metadata(); if (!that.metadata) { throw { expected: true, message: "Entity " + that.name + " not supported by server." }; } } that.label = that.label || that.metadata.label || that.name; }; that.get_default_metadata = function() { return IPA.metadata.objects[that.name]; }; that.get_containing_entity = function() { return that.containing_entity ? IPA.get_entity(that.containing_entity) : null; }; that.get_dialog = function(name) { //build all dialogs on the first time if(!that.dialogs_created) { var builder = IPA.dialog_builder(that); builder.build_dialogs(); that.dialogs_created = true; } return that.dialogs.get(name); }; that.add_dialog = function(dialog) { return that.dialog(dialog); }; that.dialog = function(dialog) { dialog.entity_name = that.name; that.dialogs.put(dialog.name, dialog); return that; }; that.add_facet_group = function(facet_group) { that.facet_groups.put(facet_group.name, facet_group); }; that.get_facet_group = function(name) { return that.facet_groups.get(name); }; that.remove_facet_groups = function() { that.facet_groups.empty(); }; that.get_facet = function(name) { //build all facets on the first time if(!that.facets_created) { var builder = IPA.facet_builder(that); builder.build_facets(); that.facets_created = true; } if (name === undefined) { // return the current facet if (that.facet) return that.facet; // return the main facet return that.facets.values[0]; } else if (name === 'default') { // return the first facet in the first facet group var facet_groups = that.facet_groups.values; for (var i=0; i return if (that == prev_entity && that.facet == prev_facet && !needs_update) { return; } if (prev_facet) { prev_facet.hide(); } var facet_container = $('.facet[name="'+that.facet.name+'"]', that.container); if (!facet_container.length) { facet_container = $('
', { name: that.facet.name, 'class': 'facet' }).appendTo(that.container); that.facet.create(facet_container); } if (needs_update) { that.facet.clear(); that.facet.show(); that.facet.header.select_tab(); that.facet.refresh(); } else { that.facet.show(); that.facet.header.select_tab(); } }; that.get_primary_key_prefix = function() { var pkey = []; var current_entity = that; current_entity = current_entity.get_containing_entity(); while(current_entity !== null){ var key = IPA.nav.get_state(current_entity.name+'-pkey'); if (key){ pkey.unshift(key); } current_entity = current_entity.get_containing_entity(); } return pkey; }; /*gets the primary key for the current entity out of the URL parameters */ that.get_primary_key = function() { var pkey = that.get_primary_key_prefix(); var current_entity = that; pkey.unshift(IPA.nav.get_state(current_entity.name+'-pkey')); return pkey; }; /* most entites only require -pkey for their primary keys, but some are more specific. This call allows those entites a place to override the other parameters. */ that.get_key_names = function() { return [that.name + '-pkey']; }; that.entity_init = that.init; return that; }; IPA.nested_tab_labels = {}; IPA.get_nested_tab_label = function(entity_name){ if (!IPA.nested_tab_labels[entity_name]){ IPA.nested_tab_labels[entity_name] = "LABEL"; } return IPA.nested_tab_labels[entity_name]; }; /*Returns the entity requested, as well as: any nested tabs underneath it or its parent tab and the others nested at the same level*/ IPA.nested_tabs = function(entity_name) { var siblings = []; var i; var i2; var nested_entities; var sub_i; var sub_tab; var key = entity_name; function push_sibling(sibling){ siblings.push (sibling); IPA.nested_tab_labels[key] = sub_tab; } if (!IPA.nav.tabs) { siblings.push(entity_name); return siblings; } for (var top_i = 0; top_i < IPA.nav.tabs.length; top_i++) { var top_tab = IPA.nav.tabs[top_i]; for (sub_i = 0; sub_i < top_tab.children.length; sub_i++) { sub_tab = top_tab.children[sub_i]; nested_entities = sub_tab.children; if (sub_tab.name === entity_name){ push_sibling(entity_name); } if (sub_tab.children){ for (i = 0; i < nested_entities.length; i += 1){ if (sub_tab.name === entity_name){ push_sibling(nested_entities[i].name); }else{ if (nested_entities[i].name === entity_name){ push_sibling(sub_tab.name); for (i2 = 0; i2 < nested_entities.length; i2 += 1){ key = nested_entities[i].name; push_sibling(nested_entities[i2].name); } } } } } } } return siblings; }; IPA.entity_builder = function() { var that = {}; var entity = null; var facet_group = null; var facet = null; var section = null; that.entity = function(spec) { var factory = IPA.entity; if (spec instanceof Object) { factory = spec.factory || IPA.entity; } else { spec = { name: spec }; } entity = factory(spec); that.facet_groups([ 'member', 'settings', 'memberof', 'managedby' ]); return that; }; that.facet_group = function(spec) { spec.entity = entity; if (spec instanceof Object) { var factory = spec.factory || IPA.facet_group; facet_group = factory(spec); } else { facet_group = IPA.facet_group({ name: spec }); } if (facet_group.label == undefined) { facet_group.label = IPA.messages.facet_groups[facet_group.name]; } entity.add_facet_group(facet_group); return that; }; that.facet_groups = function(specs) { entity.remove_facet_groups(); for (var i=0; i -1) { var direct_attribute_member = attribute_member.substring(0, index); return get_spec_by_name(facets, direct_attribute_member+'_'+other_entity); } return null; } function add_redirect_info(facet_name){ if (!entity.redirect_facet){ entity.redirect_facet = 'search'; } } that.containing_entity = function(entity_name) { add_redirect_info(); entity.containing_entity = entity_name; return that; }; that.dialog = function(spec) { if (spec instanceof Object) { spec.factory = spec.factory || IPA.dialog; spec.entity = entity; } else { spec = { factory: IPA.dialog, name: spec, entity: entity }; } entity.dialog_specs.push(spec); return that; }; that.adder_dialog = function(spec) { spec.factory = spec.factory || IPA.entity_adder_dialog; spec.name = spec.name || 'add'; if (!spec.title) { var title = IPA.messages.dialogs.add_title; var label = entity.metadata.label_singular; spec.title = title.replace('${entity}', label); } return that.dialog(spec); }; that.deleter_dialog = function(spec) { spec.factory = spec.factory || IPA.search_deleter_dialog; spec.name = spec.name || 'remove'; return that.dialog(spec); }; that.build = function(){ return entity; }; return that; }; IPA.dialog_builder = function(entity) { var that = {}; that.build_dialogs = function() { if(entity.dialog_specs && entity.dialog_specs.length) { var dialogs = entity.dialog_specs; for(var i=0; i