function setupNetgroup(facet){ netgroupForms.setup(facet); } var netgroupForms = new NetgroupForms(); function NetgroupForms(){ this.obj='netgroup'; this.pkeycol = 'cn'; this.facets = ["details","users","assignusers","groups","assigngroups","hosts","assignhosts","hostgroups","assignhostgroups"]; this.netgroupSearchColumns = [ {title:"Netgroup",column:"cn",render: function(current,cell){ renderPkeyColumn2('netgroup', 'cn', current,cell); }}, {title:"Description", column:"description",render: renderSimpleColumn}]; this.details_list = [['identity', 'Netgroup Details', [ ['cn', 'Netgroup Name'], ['description', 'Description'], ['nisdomainname', 'NIS Domain']]]]; this.details = new DetailsForm(this.obj,this.details_list,this.pkeycol, this.facets) ; this.add_properties = [{title: 'Netgroup Name', id: 'pkey', type: 'text'}, {title: 'Description', id: 'description', type: 'text'}]; this.add = new EntityBuilder("netgroup",this.add_properties); this.add.getOptions = function() { var options = { name: $('#pkey').val(), description: $('#description').val() }; return options; } = new SearchForm("netgroup", "find", this.netgroupSearchColumns); this.userListColumns = [ {title:"user",column:"memberuser_user", }]; this.users = new AssociationList( this.obj, "users", "assignusers", this.userListColumns, this.facets ); this.assignusers = new AssociationForm( this.obj, "user", "assignuser", this.facets, "uid", function(){ return 'Add Hosts to to netgroup : ' + qs['pkey'] ; }, BulkAssociator); this.groupListColumns = [ {title:"group",column:"memberuser_group", }]; this.groups = new AssociationList( this.obj, "groups", "assigngroups", this.groupListColumns, this.facets ); this.assigngroups = new AssociationForm( this.obj, "group", "assigngroup", this.facets, "cn", function(){ return 'Add Hosts to to netgroup : ' + qs['pkey'] ; }, BulkAssociator); this.hostListColumns = [ {title:"host",column:"memberhost_host", }]; this.hosts = new AssociationList( this.obj, "hosts", "assignhosts", this.hostListColumns, this.facets ); this.assignhosts = new AssociationForm( this.obj, "host", "assignhosts", this.facets, "fqdn", function(){ return 'Add Hosts to to netgroup : ' + qs['pkey'] ; }, BulkAssociator); this.hostgroupListColumns = [ {title:"hostgroup",column:"memberhost_hostgroup", }]; this.hostgroups = new AssociationList( this.obj, "hostgroups", "assignhostgroups", this.hostgroupListColumns, this.facets ); this.assignhostgroups = new AssociationForm( this.obj, "hostgroup", "assignhostgroups", this.facets, "cn", function(){ return 'Add Hostgroups to to netgroup : ' + qs['pkey'] ; }, BulkAssociator); this.unspecified =; this.setup = function(facet){ if (this[facet]){ this[facet].setup(); }else{ this.unspecified.setup(); } } }