/* Authors: * Adam Young * * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* REQUIRES: ipa.js */ /* CURRENTLY ALSO REQUIRES search.js, because it reuses it's code to create * the AssociationList elements; IT NEEDS IT'S OWN CODE! */ /** *This associator is built for the case where each association requires a separate rpc */ function SerialAssociator(form, manyObjPkeys, on_success) { var associator = this; this.form = form; this.manyObjPkeys = manyObjPkeys; this.on_success = on_success; this.associateNext = function(){ var form = this.form; //TODO assert pre-conditions var manyObjPkey = manyObjPkeys.shift(); if (manyObjPkey){ var options = {}; options[form.oneObj] = form.pkey; var args = [manyObjPkey]; ipa_cmd( form.method,args, options , function(data, text_status, xhr) { if (data.error){ alert('error adding member: '+data.error.message); }else{ associator.associateNext(); } }, function(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { alert('associateFailure'); }, form.manyObj ); }else{ associator.on_success(); } } } /** *This associator is for the common case where all the asociations can be sent in a single rpc */ function BulkAssociator(form, manyObjPkeys, on_success) { var associator = this; this.form = form; this.manyObjPkeys = manyObjPkeys; this.on_success = on_success; this.associateNext = function() { var form = this.form; var option = manyObjPkeys.shift(); while(manyObjPkeys.length > 0) { option += ',' + manyObjPkeys.shift(); } var options = { 'all':true }; options[form.manyObj] = option; var args = [form.pkey]; ipa_cmd( form.method,args, options , function(data, text_status, xhr) { if (data.error){ alert('error adding member: '+data.error.message); }else{ associator.on_success(); } }, function(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { alert('associateFailure'); }, form.oneObj ); } } /** * Create a form for a one to many association. * */ function AssociationForm(oneObj, pkey, manyObj, on_success, associatorConstructor, method) { var form = this; this.oneObj = oneObj; this.pkey = pkey; this.manyObj = manyObj; this.on_success = on_success; this.dialog = $('
'); //An optional parameter to determine what ipa method to call to create //the association if (method) this.method = method; else this.method = 'add_member'; if (associatorConstructor) this.associatorConstructor = associatorConstructor; else this.associatorConstructor = BulkAssociator; this.setup = function() { var label = IPA.metadata[form.manyObj].label; form.dialog.attr('title', 'Enroll '+form.oneObj+' '+form.pkey+' in '+label); association_form_create(form.dialog); var availableList = $('#availableList', form.dialog); availableList.html(''); var enrollments = $('#enrollments', form.dialog); enrollments.html(''); $('#addToList', form.dialog).click(function(){ $('#availableList :selected', form.dialog).each(function(i, selected){ enrollments.append(selected); }); $('#availableList :selected', form.dialog).remove(); }); $('#removeFromList', form.dialog).click(function(){ $('#enrollments :selected', form.dialog).each(function(i, selected){ availableList.append(selected); }); $('#enrollments :selected', form.dialog).remove(); }); $('#find', form.dialog).click(function(){ form.search(); }); form.dialog.dialog({ modal: true, width: 600, buttons: { 'Enroll': function(evt) { form.associate(form.on_success); }, 'Cancel': form.close } }); }; this.close = function() { form.dialog.dialog('close'); }; this.search = function() { function search_on_win(data, text_status, xhr) { var results = data.result; var list = $('#availableList', form.dialog); list.html(''); var searchColumn = IPA.metadata[form.manyObj].primary_key; for (var i =0; i != results.count; i++){ var result = results.result[i]; $('',{ value: result[searchColumn][0], html: result[searchColumn][0] }).appendTo(list); } } function search_on_fail(xhr, text_status, errow_thrown) { alert('associationSearchFailure'); } var queryFilter = $('#associateFilter', form.dialog).val(); ipa_cmd('find', [queryFilter], {}, search_on_win, null, form.manyObj); }; this.associate = function (on_success) { var manyObjPkeys = []; $('#enrollments', form.dialog).children().each(function (i, selected) { manyObjPkeys.push(selected.value); }); var associator = new this.associatorConstructor(form, manyObjPkeys, on_success); associator.associateNext(); }; } function ipa_association_config(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = {}; that.name = spec.name; that.associator = spec.associator; that.method = spec.method; return that; } function ipa_association_facet(spec) { spec = spec || {}; var that = ipa_facet(spec); that.configs = []; that.configs_by_name = {}; that.other_entity = null; that.get_configs = function() { return that.configs; }; that.get_config = function(name) { return that.configs_by_name[name]; }; that.add_config = function(config) { that.configs.push(config); that.configs_by_name[config.name] = config; }; that.create_config = function(spec) { var config = ipa_association_config(spec); that.add_config(config); return config; }; that.is_dirty = function() { var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || ''; var other_entity = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-enroll', true) || ''; return pkey != that.pkey || other_entity != that.other_entity; }; that.setup = function(container, unspecified) { that.pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || ''; that.other_entity = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-enroll', true) || ''; that.member_attrribute = ipa_get_member_attribute(that.entity_name, that.other_entity); that.columns = [ { 'title': IPA.metadata[that.other_entity].label, 'column': that.member_attrribute + '_' + that.other_entity } ]; var config = that.get_config(that.other_entity); that.associator = config ? config.associator : null; that.method = config ? config.method : null; that.setup_views(container); //TODO I18N var header_message = that.other_entity + '(s) enrolled in ' + that.entity_name + ' ' + that.pkey; container.append($('

',{html: header_message }) ); association_list_create(that.entity_name, container); container.find('.search-filter').css('display', 'none'); container.find('.search-buttons').html(''); $('', { type: 'button', value: 'enroll', click: function() { that.show_enrollment_dialog(); } }).appendTo(container.find('.search-buttons')); var header = $('').appendTo(container.find('.search-table thead:last')); for (var i =0 ; i != that.columns.length ;i++){ $('',{ html: that.columns[i].title }).appendTo(header); } that.refresh(container); }; that.refresh = function(container) { function refresh_on_success(data, text_status, xhr) { var tbody = container.find('.search-table tbody'); tbody.empty(); var associationList = data.result.result[that.columns[0].column]; for (var j = 0; j < associationList.length; j++){ var row = $('').appendTo(tbody); for (var k = 0; k < that.columns.length ;k++){ var column = that.columns[k].column; $('',{ html: data.result.result[column][j] }).appendTo(row); } } } function refresh_on_error(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) { var search_results = $('.search-results', container).empty(); search_results.append('

Error: '+error_thrown.name+'

'); search_results.append('


'); search_results.append('


'); } ipa_cmd('show', [that.pkey], {}, refresh_on_success, refresh_on_error, that.entity_name); }; that.show_enrollment_dialog = function() { var enrollment_dialog = new AssociationForm( that.entity_name, that.pkey, that.other_entity, function() { that.refresh(); enrollment_dialog.close(); }, that.associator, that.method ); enrollment_dialog.setup(); }; return that; } function association_form_create(jobj) { var div = $('
'); var form = $('
'); var form_div = $('
'); form_div.css('border-width', '1px'); var sub_div = $('
'); sub_div.append($('', { id: 'associateFilter', type: 'text' })); sub_div.append($('', { id: 'find', type: 'button', value: 'Find' })); form_div.append(sub_div); form.append(form_div); var form_div = $('
'); form_div.css('border', '2px solid rgb(0, 0, 0)'); form_div.css('position', 'relative'); form_div.css('height', '200px'); var sub_div = $('
'); sub_div.css('float', 'left'); sub_div.append($('
', { text: 'Available' })); sub_div.append($('', { id: 'availableList', width: '150px', size: '10', multiple: 'true' })); form_div.append(sub_div); var sub_div = $('
'); sub_div.css('float', 'left'); var p = $('

'); p.append($('', { id: 'removeFromList', type: 'button', value: '<<' })); sub_div.append(p); var p = $('

'); p.append($('', { id: 'addToList', type: 'button', value: '>>' })); sub_div.append(p); form_div.append(sub_div); var sub_div = $('
'); sub_div.css('float', 'left'); sub_div.append($('
', { text: 'Prospective' })); sub_div.append($('', { id: 'enrollments', width: '150px', size: '10', multiple: 'true' })); form_div.append(sub_div); form.append(form_div); form.append($('
')); form.append($('
', { text: 'Message Area' })); form.append($('
')); var form_div = $('
'); var span = $(''); span.css('float', 'left'); span.append($('

', { text: '*Enter Group Names and Press Groups' })); span.append($('

', { text: '*More stuff' })); span.append($('

', { text: '*More stuff' })); form_div.append(span); form.append(form_div); div.append(form); jobj.append(div); } function association_list_create(obj_name, jobj) { search_create(obj_name, [], jobj); }