#include "topology.h" /* generate the dn for a topology segment by providing replroot and segment name */ char * ipa_topo_segment_dn(TopoReplica *tconf, char *segname) { char *dn = NULL; dn = slapi_ch_smprintf("cn=%s,%s", segname, tconf->shared_config_base); return dn; } /* generate the rdn for a replication agreement by providing connected nodes */ char * ipa_topo_agmt_gen_rdn(char *from, char *to) { char *agmt_rdn = slapi_ch_smprintf("cn=%s-to-%s", from, to); return agmt_rdn; } /* generate the rdn for a replication agreement by providing target node */ char * ipa_topo_agmt_std_rdn(char *to) { char *agmt_rdn = slapi_ch_smprintf("cn=meTo%s", to); return agmt_rdn; } /* generate the dn for a replication agreement by providing replroot and host */ char * ipa_topo_agreement_dn(TopoReplica *conf, TopoReplicaAgmt *agmt, char *rdn) { char *dn; char *filter; Slapi_PBlock *pb; Slapi_Entry **entries; int ret; pb = slapi_pblock_new(); filter = slapi_ch_smprintf("(&(objectclass=nsds5replica)(nsds5replicaroot=%s))", conf->repl_root); slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, "cn=config", LDAP_SCOPE_SUB, filter, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ipa_topo_get_plugin_id(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); if (ret != 0) { dn = NULL; } else { slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (NULL == entries || NULL == entries[0]) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, IPA_TOPO_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "ipa_topo_agreement_dn: no replica found\n"); dn = NULL; } else if (rdn) { dn = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s,%s", rdn, slapi_entry_get_dn_const(entries[0])); } else { dn = slapi_ch_smprintf("cn=meTo%s,%s", agmt->target, slapi_entry_get_dn_const(entries[0])); } } slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return dn; } int ipa_topo_agmt_new(char *hostname, TopoReplica *conf, TopoReplicaAgmt *agmt) { int ret = 0; if ((agmt->repl_bind_method == NULL) /* use GSSAPI as default */ || (strcasecmp(agmt->repl_bind_method,"SASL/GSSAPI") == 0)) { ret = ipa_topo_agmt_setup(hostname, conf, agmt, 1); } else { ret = ipa_topo_agmt_setup(hostname, conf, agmt, 0); } return ret; } int ipa_topo_agmt_mod(TopoReplica *conf, TopoReplicaAgmt *agmt, LDAPMod **mods, char *direction) { int ret; Slapi_PBlock *pb; char *dn = NULL; Slapi_Entry **entries; int i; LDAPMod *tmp; Slapi_Mods *smods = NULL; dn = ipa_topo_agreement_dn(conf, agmt, agmt->rdn); if (dn == NULL) return 1; pb = slapi_pblock_new(); slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=*", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, ipa_topo_get_plugin_id(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); if (ret != 0) { /* search failed */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, IPA_TOPO_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "ipa_topo_agmt_mod: agreement not found: %s\n", dn); goto done; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (NULL == entries || NULL == entries[0]) { /* no entry */ ret = 1; goto done; } /* apply mods to entry */ smods = slapi_mods_new(); for (i = 0; (mods != NULL) && (mods[i] != NULL); i++) { char *type = ipa_topo_agmt_attr_is_managed(mods[i]->mod_type,direction); if (type) { tmp = mods[i]; switch (tmp->mod_op & ~LDAP_MOD_BVALUES) { case LDAP_MOD_DELETE: break; case LDAP_MOD_ADD: case LDAP_MOD_REPLACE: slapi_mods_add_modbvps(smods, LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, type, tmp->mod_bvalues); break; } slapi_ch_free_string(&type); } } if (slapi_mods_get_num_mods(smods) > 0) { Slapi_DN *sdn = slapi_sdn_new_normdn_byref(dn); ipa_topo_util_modify(sdn, smods); slapi_sdn_free(&sdn); } else { slapi_ch_free_string(&dn); } slapi_mods_free(&smods); done: if (ret) slapi_ch_free_string(&dn); slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return ret; } int ipa_topo_agmt_del(char *hostname, TopoReplica *conf, TopoReplicaAgmt *agmt) { char *dn = NULL; int rc; dn = ipa_topo_agreement_dn(conf, agmt, agmt->rdn); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, IPA_TOPO_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "ipa_topo_agmt_del: %s\n", agmt->rdn?agmt->rdn:"RDN missing"); if (dn == NULL) return (-1); rc = ipa_topo_agmt_del_dn(dn); slapi_ch_free_string(&dn); return rc; } int ipa_topo_agmt_del_dn(char *dn) { int ret = 0; Slapi_PBlock *pb; pb = slapi_pblock_new(); slapi_delete_internal_set_pb(pb, dn, NULL, NULL, ipa_topo_get_plugin_id(), 0); slapi_delete_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return ret; } int ipa_topo_agmt_setup(char *hostname, TopoReplica *conf, TopoReplicaAgmt *agmt, int isgssapi) { Slapi_Entry *e = NULL; Slapi_PBlock *pb; char *dn = NULL; Slapi_DN *sdn = NULL; char *cn; char port[] = "389"; char *description; int ret; /* Set up the new replication agreement entry */ agmt->rdn = ipa_topo_agmt_gen_rdn(agmt->origin, agmt->target); dn = ipa_topo_agreement_dn(conf, agmt, agmt->rdn); if (dn == NULL) return -1; sdn = slapi_sdn_new_normdn_byref(dn); e = slapi_entry_alloc(); /* the entry now owns the dup'd dn */ slapi_entry_init_ext(e, sdn, NULL); /* sdn is copied into e */ slapi_sdn_free(&sdn); slapi_entry_add_string(e, SLAPI_ATTR_OBJECTCLASS, "nsds5replicationagreement"); slapi_entry_add_string(e, SLAPI_ATTR_OBJECTCLASS, "ipaReplTopoManagedAgreement"); cn = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s-to-%s", agmt->origin, agmt->target); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "cn",cn); slapi_ch_free_string(&cn); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5replicahost",hostname); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5replicaport",port); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5replicatimeout",AGMT_TIMEOUT); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5replicaroot",agmt->repl_root); description = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s to %s", ipa_topo_get_plugin_hostname(), hostname); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "description",description); slapi_ch_free_string(&description); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "ipaReplTopoManagedAgreementState", "managed agreement - generated by topology plugin"); if (isgssapi) { slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5replicatransportinfo","LDAP"); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5replicabindmethod","SASL/GSSAPI"); } else { slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5replicabinddn",REPL_MAN_DN); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5replicacredentials",REPL_MAN_PASSWD); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5replicatransportinfo","TLS"); slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5replicabindmethod","simple"); } if (agmt->repl_attrs) { slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList",agmt->repl_attrs); } else { slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeList", REPL_ATTR_LIST); } if (agmt->strip_attrs) { slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5ReplicaStripAttrs", agmt->strip_attrs); } else { slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsds5ReplicaStripAttrs", REPL_ATTR_STRIP); } if (agmt->total_attrs) { slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeListTotal", agmt->total_attrs); } else { slapi_entry_add_string(e, "nsDS5ReplicatedAttributeListTotal", REPL_ATTR_LIST_TOTAL); } pb = slapi_pblock_new(); slapi_pblock_init(pb); /* e will be consumed by slapi_add_internal() */ slapi_add_entry_internal_set_pb(pb, e, NULL, ipa_topo_get_plugin_id(), 0); slapi_add_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return ret; } int ipa_topo_agmt_initialize_replication(char *hostname, TopoReplica *conf, TopoReplicaAgmt *agmt) { int ret = 0; char *dn; Slapi_Mods *smods = slapi_mods_new(); slapi_mods_add_string(smods, LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, "nsds5ReplicaEnabled", "on"); slapi_mods_add_string(smods, LDAP_MOD_ADD, "nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh", "start"); if (slapi_mods_get_num_mods(smods) > 0) { dn = ipa_topo_agreement_dn(conf, agmt, agmt->rdn); Slapi_DN *sdn = slapi_sdn_new_normdn_byref(dn); ipa_topo_util_modify(sdn, smods); slapi_sdn_free(&sdn); } slapi_mods_free(&smods); return ret; } char * ipa_topo_agmt_attr_is_managed(char *type, char *direction) { char *mtype = NULL; char **mattrs = NULL; char *subtype; char *ctype = slapi_ch_strdup(type); int i; /* segment attrs have the form * attrtype od attrtype;direction * find the attrtype and return the corresponding * repl agreeement attribute type */ subtype = strchr(ctype,';'); if (subtype) { /* attr is handling specific direction, * check if interested */ if (strstr(ctype,direction)) { *subtype = '\0'; } else { return NULL; } } mattrs = ipa_topo_get_plugin_managed_attrs(); for (i=0; mattrs[i]; i++) { if(0 == strcasecmp(mattrs[i], ctype)) { mtype = slapi_ch_strdup(mattrs[i]); break; } } return mtype; }