From cb48ec3508a131f95f215831bf220aac3fb33928 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rob Crittenden Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 10:54:13 -0500 Subject: Ignore case when removing group members. ticket 944 --- tests/test_xmlrpc/ | 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+) (limited to 'tests') diff --git a/tests/test_xmlrpc/ b/tests/test_xmlrpc/ index a541cae12..7c13eb46b 100644 --- a/tests/test_xmlrpc/ +++ b/tests/test_xmlrpc/ @@ -29,11 +29,13 @@ import base64 fqdn1 = u'testhost1.%s' % api.env.domain fqdn2 = u'testhost2.%s' % api.env.domain +fqdn3 = u'TestHost3.%s' % api.env.domain service1 = u'HTTP/%s@%s' % (fqdn1, api.env.realm) hostprincipal1 = u'host/%s@%s' % (fqdn1, api.env.realm) service1dn = u'krbprincipalname=%s,cn=services,cn=accounts,%s' % (service1.lower(), api.env.basedn) host1dn = u'fqdn=%s,cn=computers,cn=accounts,%s' % (fqdn1, api.env.basedn) host2dn = u'fqdn=%s,cn=computers,cn=accounts,%s' % (fqdn2, api.env.basedn) +host3dn = u'fqdn=%s,cn=computers,cn=accounts,%s' % (fqdn3.lower(), api.env.basedn) servercert = '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' @@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ class test_host(Declarative): cleanup_commands = [ ('host_del', [fqdn1], {}), ('host_del', [fqdn2], {}), + ('host_del', [fqdn3], {}), ('service_del', [service1], {}), ] @@ -120,6 +123,32 @@ class test_host(Declarative): ), + dict( + desc='Create %r' % fqdn3, + command=('host_add', [fqdn3], + dict( + description=u'Test host 3', + l=u'Undisclosed location 3', + force=True, + ), + ), + expected=dict( + value=fqdn3.lower(), + summary=u'Added host "%s"' % fqdn3.lower(), + result=dict( + dn=host3dn, + fqdn=[fqdn3.lower()], + description=[u'Test host 3'], + l=[u'Undisclosed location 3'], + krbprincipalname=[u'host/%s@%s' % (fqdn3.lower(), api.env.realm)], +, + ipauniqueid=[fuzzy_uuid], + managedby_host=[u'%s' % fqdn3.lower()], + ), + ), + ), + + dict( desc='Create %r' % service1, command=('service_add', [service1], @@ -226,6 +255,96 @@ class test_host(Declarative): ), + dict( + desc='Add non-existent host to %r' % service1, + command=('service_add_host', [service1], dict(host='notfound')), + expected=dict( + failed=dict(managedby=dict(host=[(u'notfound', u'no such entry')])), + completed=0, + result=dict( + dn=service1dn, + krbprincipalname=[service1], + managedby_host=[fqdn1], + ), + ), + ), + + + dict( + desc='Remove non-existent host from %r' % service1, + command=('service_remove_host', [service1], dict(host='notfound')), + expected=dict( + failed=dict(managedby=dict(host=[(u'notfound', u'This entry is not a member')])), + completed=0, + result=dict( + dn=service1dn, + krbprincipalname=[service1], + managedby_host=[fqdn1], + ), + ), + ), + + + dict( + desc='Add host to %r' % service1, + command=('service_add_host', [service1], dict(host=fqdn2)), + expected=dict( + failed=dict(managedby=dict(host=[])), + completed=1, + result=dict( + dn=service1dn, + krbprincipalname=[service1], + managedby_host=[fqdn1, fqdn2], + ), + ), + ), + + + dict( + desc='Remove host from %r' % service1, + command=('service_remove_host', [service1], dict(host=fqdn2)), + expected=dict( + failed=dict(managedby=dict(host=[])), + completed=1, + result=dict( + dn=service1dn, + krbprincipalname=[service1], + managedby_host=[fqdn1], + ), + ), + ), + + + dict( + desc='Add mixed-case host to %r' % service1, + command=('service_add_host', [service1], dict(host=fqdn3)), + expected=dict( + failed=dict(managedby=dict(host=[])), + completed=1, + result=dict( + dn=service1dn, + krbprincipalname=[service1], + managedby_host=[fqdn1, fqdn3.lower()], + ), + ), + ), + + + dict( + desc='Remove mixed-case host from %r' % service1, + command=('service_remove_host', [service1], dict(host=fqdn3)), + expected=dict( + failed=dict(managedby=dict(host=[])), + completed=1, + result=dict( + dn=service1dn, + krbprincipalname=[service1], + managedby_host=[fqdn1], + ), + ), + ), + + dict( desc='Update %r' % service1, command=('service_mod', [service1], dict(usercertificate=servercert)), -- cgit