path: root/ipaserver/
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add client capabilities, enable messagesPetr Viktorin2013-02-211-1/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The API version the client sends can now be used to check what the client expects or is capable of. All version tests IPA does will be be named and listed in one module, ipalib.capabilities, which includes a function to test a specific capability against an API version. Similarly to Python's __future__ module, also serves as documentation of backwards-incompatible changes to the API. The first capability to be defined is "messages". Recent enough clients can accept a list of warnings or other info under the "messages" key in the result dict. If a JSON client does not send the API version, it is assumed this is a testing client (e.g. curl from the command line). Such a client "has" all capabilities, but it will always receive a warning mentioning that forward compatibility is not guaranteed. If a XML client does not send the API version, it is assumed it uses the API version before capabilities were introduced. (This is to keep backwards compatibility with clients containing bug Whenever a capability is added, the API version must be incremented. To ensure that, capabilities are written to API.txt and checked by `makeapi --validate`. Design page: Ticket:
* Drop ipapython.compat.Jan Cholasta2013-02-011-3/+2
* Compliant client side session cookie behaviorJohn Dennis2012-12-101-2/+4
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | In summary this patch does: * Follow the defined rules for cookies when: - receiving a cookie (process the attributes) - storing a cookie (store cookie + attributes) - sending a cookie + validate the cookie domain against the request URL + validate the cookie path against the request URL + validate the cookie expiration + if valid then send only the cookie, no attribtues * Modifies how a request URL is stored during a XMLRPC request/response sequence. * Refactors a bit of the request/response logic to allow for making the decision whether to send a session cookie instead of full Kerberous auth easier. * The server now includes expiration information in the session cookie it sends to the client. The server always had the information available to prevent using an expired session cookie. Now that expiration timestamp is returned to the client as well and now the client will not send an expired session cookie back to the server. * Adds a new module and unit test for cookies (see below) Formerly we were always returning the session cookie no matter what the domain or path was in the URL. We were also sending the cookie attributes which are for the client only (used to determine if to return a cookie). The attributes are not meant to be sent to the server and the previous behavior was a protocol violation. We also were not checking the cookie expiration. Cookie library issues: We need a library to create, parse, manipulate and format cookies both in a client context and a server context. Core Python has two cookie libraries, and Why did we add a new cookie module instead of using either of these two core Python libaries? is designed for server side generation but can be used to parse cookies on the client. It's the library we were using in the server. However when I tried to use it in the client I discovered it has some serious bugs. There are 7 defined cookie elements, it fails to correctly parse 3 of the 7 elements which makes it unusable because we depend on those elements. Since was designed for server side cookie processing it's not hard to understand how fails to correctly parse a cookie because that's a client side need. ( also has an awkward baroque API and is missing some useful functionality we would have to build on top of it). is designed for client side. It's fully featured and obeys all the RFC's. It would be great to use however it's tightly coupled with another core library, The http request and response objects must be urllib2 objects. But we don't use urllib2, rather we use httplib because xmlrpclib uses httplib. I don't see a reason why a cookie library should be so tightly coupled to a protocol library, but it is and that means we can't use it (I tried to just pick some isolated entrypoints for our use but I kept hitting interaction/dependency problems). I decided to solve the cookie library problems by writing a minimal cookie library that does what we need and no more than that. It is a new module in ipapython shared by both client and server and comes with a new unit test. The module has plenty of documentation, no need to repeat it here. Request URL issues: We also had problems in whereby information from the request which is needed when we process the response is not available. Most important was the requesting URL. It turns out that the way the class and object relationships are structured it's impossible to get this information. Someone else must have run into the same issue because there was a routine called reconstruct_url() which attempted to recreate the request URL from other available information. Unfortunately reconstruct_url() was not callable from inside the response handler. So I decided to store the information in the thread context and when the request is received extract it from the thread context. It's perhaps not an ideal solution but we do similar things elsewhere so at least it's consistent. I removed the reconstruct_url() function because the exact information is now in the context and trying to apply heuristics to recreate the url is probably not robust. Ticket
* Add detection for users from trusted/invalid realmsTomas Babej2012-12-061-2/+35
| | | | | | | | | | | | When user from other realm than FreeIPA's tries to use Web UI (login via forms-based auth or with valid trusted realm ticket), the 401 Unauthorized error with X-Ipa-Rejection-Reason=denied is returned. Also, the support for usernames of the form user@SERVER.REALM or user@server.realm was added.
* Internationalization for public errorsPetr Viktorin2012-09-031-21/+17
| | | | | | | | | | | | Currently, we throw many public exceptions without proper i18n. Wrap natural-language error messages in _() so they can be translated. In the service plugin, raise NotFound errors using handle_not_found helper so the error message contains the offending service. Use ScriptError instead of NotFoundError in bindinstance install.
* Use DN objects instead of stringsJohn Dennis2012-08-121-24/+10
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Convert every string specifying a DN into a DN object * Every place a dn was manipulated in some fashion it was replaced by the use of DN operators * Add new DNParam parameter type for parameters which are DN's * DN objects are used 100% of the time throughout the entire data pipeline whenever something is logically a dn. * Many classes now enforce DN usage for their attributes which are dn's. This is implmented via ipautil.dn_attribute_property(). The only permitted types for a class attribute specified to be a DN are either None or a DN object. * Require that every place a dn is used it must be a DN object. This translates into lot of:: assert isinstance(dn, DN) sprinkled through out the code. Maintaining these asserts is valuable to preserve DN type enforcement. The asserts can be disabled in production. The goal of 100% DN usage 100% of the time has been realized, these asserts are meant to preserve that. The asserts also proved valuable in detecting functions which did not obey their function signatures, such as the baseldap pre and post callbacks. * Moved ipalib.dn to ipapython.dn because DN class is shared with all components, not just the server which uses ipalib. * All API's now accept DN's natively, no need to convert to str (or unicode). * Removed ipalib.encoder and encode/decode decorators. Type conversion is now explicitly performed in each IPASimpleLDAPObject method which emulates a ldap.SimpleLDAPObject method. * Entity & Entry classes now utilize DN's * Removed __getattr__ in Entity & Entity clases. There were two problems with it. It presented synthetic Python object attributes based on the current LDAP data it contained. There is no way to validate synthetic attributes using code checkers, you can't search the code to find LDAP attribute accesses (because synthetic attriutes look like Python attributes instead of LDAP data) and error handling is circumscribed. Secondly __getattr__ was hiding Python internal methods which broke class semantics. * Replace use of methods inherited from ldap.SimpleLDAPObject via IPAdmin class with IPAdmin methods. Directly using inherited methods was causing us to bypass IPA logic. Mostly this meant replacing the use of search_s() with getEntry() or getList(). Similarly direct access of the LDAP data in classes using IPAdmin were replaced with calls to getValue() or getValues(). * Objects returned by ldap2.find_entries() are now compatible with either the python-ldap access methodology or the Entity/Entry access methodology. * All ldap operations now funnel through the common IPASimpleLDAPObject giving us a single location where we interface to python-ldap and perform conversions. * The above 4 modifications means we've greatly reduced the proliferation of multiple inconsistent ways to perform LDAP operations. We are well on the way to having a single API in IPA for doing LDAP (a long range goal). * All certificate subject bases are now DN's * DN objects were enhanced thusly: - find, rfind, index, rindex, replace and insert methods were added - AVA, RDN and DN classes were refactored in immutable and mutable variants, the mutable variants are EditableAVA, EditableRDN and EditableDN. By default we use the immutable variants preserving important semantics. To edit a DN cast it to an EditableDN and cast it back to DN when done editing. These issues are fully described in other documentation. - first_key_match was removed - DN equalty comparison permits comparison to a basestring * Fixed ldapupdate to work with DN's. This work included: - Enhance to do more checking after applying update. Add test for update_from_dict(). Convert code to use unittest classes. - Consolidated duplicate code. - Moved code which should have been in the class into the class. - Fix the handling of the 'deleteentry' update action. It's no longer necessary to supply fake attributes to make it work. Detect case where subsequent update applies a change to entry previously marked for deletetion. General clean-up and simplification of the 'deleteentry' logic. - Rewrote a couple of functions to be clearer and more Pythonic. - Added documentation on the data structure being used. - Simplfy the use of update_from_dict() * Removed all usage of get_schema() which was being called prior to accessing the .schema attribute of an object. If a class is using internal lazy loading as an optimization it's not right to require users of the interface to be aware of internal optimization's. schema is now a property and when the schema property is accessed it calls a private internal method to perform the lazy loading. * Added SchemaCache class to cache the schema's from individual servers. This was done because of the observation we talk to different LDAP servers, each of which may have it's own schema. Previously we globally cached the schema from the first server we connected to and returned that schema in all contexts. The cache includes controls to invalidate it thus forcing a schema refresh. * Schema caching is now senstive to the run time context. During install and upgrade the schema can change leading to errors due to out-of-date cached schema. The schema cache is refreshed in these contexts. * We are aware of the LDAP syntax of all LDAP attributes. Every attribute returned from an LDAP operation is passed through a central table look-up based on it's LDAP syntax. The table key is the LDAP syntax it's value is a Python callable that returns a Python object matching the LDAP syntax. There are a handful of LDAP attributes whose syntax is historically incorrect (e.g. DistguishedNames that are defined as DirectoryStrings). The table driven conversion mechanism is augmented with a table of hard coded exceptions. Currently only the following conversions occur via the table: - dn's are converted to DN objects - binary objects are converted to Python str objects (IPA convention). - everything else is converted to unicode using UTF-8 decoding (IPA convention). However, now that the table driven conversion mechanism is in place it would be trivial to do things such as converting attributes which have LDAP integer syntax into a Python integer, etc. * Expected values in the unit tests which are a DN no longer need to use lambda expressions to promote the returned value to a DN for equality comparison. The return value is automatically promoted to a DN. The lambda expressions have been removed making the code much simpler and easier to read. * Add class level logging to a number of classes which did not support logging, less need for use of root_logger. * Remove ipaserver/, it was unused. * Consolidated duplicate code wherever it was found. * Fixed many places that used string concatenation to form a new string rather than string formatting operators. This is necessary because string formatting converts it's arguments to a string prior to building the result string. You can't concatenate a string and a non-string. * Simplify logic in rename_managed plugin. Use DN operators to edit dn's. * The live version of ipa-ldap-updater did not generate a log file. The offline version did, now both do.
* Store session cookie in ccache for cli usersRob Crittenden2012-06-141-66/+164
| | | | | | | | | Try to use the URI /ipa/session/xml if there is a key in the kernel keyring. If there is no cookie or it turns out to be invalid (expired, whatever) then use the standard URI /ipa/xml. This in turn will create a session that the user can then use later.
* Password change capability for form-based authMartin Kosek2012-06-111-1/+107
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | IPA server web form-based authentication allows logins for users which for some reason cannot use Kerberos authentication. However, when a password for such users expires, they are unable change the password via web interface. This patch adds a new WSGI script attached to URL /ipa/session/change_password which can be accessed without authentication and which provides password change capability for web services. The actual password change in the script is processed by LDAP password change command. Password result is passed both in the resulting HTML page, but also in HTTP headers for easier parsing in web services: X-IPA-Pwchange-Result: {ok, invalid-password, policy-error, error} (optional) X-IPA-Pwchange-Policy-Error: $policy_error_text
* Remove duplicate and unused utility codePetr Viktorin2012-05-091-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | IPA has some unused code from abandoned features (Radius, ipa 1.x user input, commant-line tab completion), as well as some duplicate utilities. This patch cleans up the utility modules. Duplicate code consolidated into ipapython.ipautil: {ipalib.util,ipaserver.ipautil,ipapython.ipautil}.realm_to_suffix {ipaserver,ipapython}.ipautil.CIDict (with style improvements from the ipaserver version) {ipapython.entity,ipaserver.ipautil}.utf8_encode_value {ipapython.entity,ipaserver.ipautil}.utf8_encode_values ipalib.util.get_fqdn was removed in favor of the same function in ipaserver.install.installutils Removed unused code: ipalib.util: load_plugins_in_dir import_plugins_subpackage make_repr (was imported but unused; also removed from tests) ipapython.ipautil: format_list parse_key_value_pairs read_pairs_file read_items_file user_input_plain AttributeValueCompleter ItemCompleter ipaserver.ipautil: get_gsserror (a different version exists in ipapython.ipautil) ipaserver.ipautil ended up empty and is removed entirely.
* Return consistent expiration message for forms-based loginRob Crittenden2012-04-161-2/+39
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | We need to inform users when a forms-based login fails due to the password needing to be reset. Currently there is no way to distinguish a reset case vs an incorrect password. This will bind the user using a simple LDAP bind over ldapi (by default) and if that is successful, check the expiration date against the current time. The UI portion of this that uses this message will come later.
* Fix WSGI error handlingRob Crittenden2012-03-021-6/+12
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A number of different errors could occur when trying to handle an error which just confused matters. If no CCache was received then trying to retrieve context.principal in the error message caused yet another exception to be raised. Trying to get Command[name] if name wasn't defined in command would raise an exception. Trying to raise errors.CCache was failing because the response hadn't been started.
* subclass HTTP_Status from plugable.Plugin, fix not_found testsRob Crittenden2012-02-291-1/+2
| | | | | | HTTP_Status needs to subclass from Plugin because it does its own logging. Add tests for other methods of HTTP_Status
* Fixed content type check in login_passwordPetr Vobornik2012-02-281-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | login_password is expecting that request content_type will be 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. Current check is an equality check of content_type http header. RFC 3875 defines that content type can contain parameters separated by ';'. For example: when firefox is doing ajax call it sets the request header to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' which leads to negative result. This patch makes the check more benevolent to allow such values. Patch is a fixup for:
* Log a message when returning non-success HTTP resultJohn Dennis2012-02-281-53/+66
| | | | | The routines used to return a non-success HTTP result from WSGI failed to log the aberrant event, this corrects that omission.
* Implement password based session loginJohn Dennis2012-02-271-58/+200
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Adjust URL's - rename /ipa/login -> /ipa/session/login_kerberos - add /ipa/session/login_password * Adjust Kerberos protection on URL's in ipa.conf * Bump VERSION in httpd ipa.conf to pick up session changes. * Adjust login URL in ipa.js * Add InvalidSessionPassword to * Rename krblogin class to login_kerberos for consistency with new login_password class * Implement login_password.kinit() method which invokes /usr/bin/kinit as a subprocess * Add login_password class for WSGI dispatch, accepts POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded user & password parameters. We form the Kerberos principal from the server's realm. * Add function krb5_unparse_ccache() * Refactor code to share common code * Clean up use of ccache names, be consistent * Replace read_krbccache_file(), store_krbccache_file(), delete_krbccache_file() with load_ccache_data(), bind_ipa_ccache(), release_ipa_ccache(). bind_ipa_ccache() now sets environment KRB5CCNAME variable. release_ipa_ccache() now clears environment KRB5CCNAME variable. * ccache names should now support any ccache storage scheme, not just FILE based ccaches * Add utilies to return HTTP status from wsgi handlers, use constants for HTTP status code for consistency. Use utilies for returning from wsgi handlers rather than duplicated code. * Add KerberosSession.finalize_kerberos_acquisition() method so different login handlers can share common code. * add Requires: krb5-workstation to server (server now calls kinit) * Fix to use new dispatch inside route() method
* Implement session activity timeoutJohn Dennis2012-02-271-25/+71
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Previously sessions expired after session_auth_duration had elapsed commencing from the start of the session. We new support a "rolling" expiration where the expiration is advanced by session_auth_duration everytime the session is accessed, this is equivalent to a inactivity timeout. The expiration is still constrained by the credential expiration in all cases. The session expiration behavior is configurable based on the session_auth_duration_type. * Reduced the default session_auth_duration from 1 hour to 20 minutes. * Replaced the sesssion write_timestamp with the access_timestamp and update the access_timestamp whenever the session data is created, retrieved, or written. * Modify set_session_expiration_time to handle both an inactivity timeout and a fixed duration. * Introduce KerberosSession as a mixin class to share session duration functionality with all classes manipulating session data with Kerberos auth. This is both the non-RPC login class and the RPC classes. * Update make-lint to handle new classes. * Added session_auth_duration_type config item. * Updated default.conf.5 man page for new session_auth_duration_type item. * Removed these unused config items: mount_xmlserver, mount_jsonserver, webui_assets_dir
* Tweak the session auth to reflect developer consensus.John Dennis2012-02-271-92/+161
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Increase the session ID from 48 random bits to 128. * Implement the sesison_logout RPC command. It permits the UI to send a command that destroys the users credentials in the current session. * Restores the original web URL's and their authentication protections. Adds a new URL for sessions /ipa/session/json. Restores the original Kerberos auth which was for /ipa and everything below. New /ipa/session/json URL is treated as an exception and turns all authenticaion off. Similar to how /ipa/ui is handled. * Refactor the RPC handlers in such that there is one handler per URL, specifically one handler per RPC and AuthMechanism combination. * Reworked how the URL names are used to map a URL to a handler. Previously it only permitted one level in the URL path hierarchy. We now dispatch on more that one URL path component. * Renames the api.Backend.session object to wsgi_dispatch. The use of the name session was historical and is now confusing since we've implemented sessions in a different location than the api.Backend.session object, which is really a WSGI dispatcher, hence the new name wsgi_dispatch. * Bullet-proof the setting of the KRB5CCNAME environment variable. ldap2.connect already sets it via the create_context() call but just in case that's not called or not called early enough (we now have other things besides ldap which need the ccache) we explicitly set it early as soon as we know it. * Rework how we test for credential validity and expiration. The previous code did not work with s4u2proxy because it assumed the existance of a TGT. Now we first try ldap credentials and if we can't find those fallback to the TGT. This logic was moved to the KRB5_CCache object, it's an imperfect location for it but it's the only location that makes sense at the moment given some of the current code limitations. The new methods are KRB5_CCache.valid() and KRB5_CCache.endtime(). * Add two new classes to AuthManager and SessionAuthManager. Their purpose is to emit authication events to interested listeners. At the moment the logout event is the only event, but the framework should support other events as they arise. * Add BuildRequires python-memcached to * Removed the marshaled_dispatch method, it was cruft, no longer referenced.
* Catch public exceptions when creating the LDAP context in WSGI.Rob Crittenden2012-02-241-1/+7
| | | | | | Made specifically for the case where S4U2Proxy delegation fails.
* Move the compat module from ipalib to ipapython.Jan Cholasta2012-02-131-1/+1
| | | | | | Fixes import problems trying to import just ipalib/
* add session manager and cache krb authJohn Dennis2012-02-091-6/+166
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This patch adds a session manager and support for caching authentication in the session. Major elements of the patch are: * Add a session manager to support cookie based sessions which stores session data in a memcached entry. * Add ipalib/ which contains functions to parse ccache names, format principals, format KRB timestamps, and a KRB_CCache class which reads ccache entry and allows one to extract information such as the principal, credentials, credential timestamps, etc. * Move krb constants defined in ipalib/ to so that all kerberos items are co-located. * Modify javascript in ipa.js so that the IPA.command() RPC call checks for authentication needed error response and if it receives it sends a GET request to /ipa/login URL to refresh credentials. * Add session_auth_duration config item to, used to configure how long a session remains valid. * Add parse_time_duration utility to ipalib/ Used to parse the session_auth_duration config item. * Update the default.conf.5 man page to document session_auth_duration config item (also added documentation for log_manager config items which had been inadvertantly omitted from a previous commit). * Add SessionError object to ipalib/ * Move Kerberos protection in Apache config from /ipa to /ipa/xml and /ipa/login * Add SessionCCache class to to manage temporary Kerberos ccache file in effect for the duration of an RPC command. * Adds a krblogin plugin used to implement the /ipa/login handler. login handler sets the session expiration time, currently 60 minutes or the expiration of the TGT, whichever is shorter. It also copies the ccache provied by mod_auth_kerb into the session data. The json handler will later extract and validate the ccache belonging to the session. * Refactored the WSGI handlers so that json and xlmrpc could have independent behavior, this also moves where create and destroy context occurs, now done in the individual handler rather than the parent class. * The json handler now looks up the session data, validates the ccache bound to the session, if it's expired replies with authenicated needed error. * Add documentation to Fully documents the entire process, got questions, read the doc. * Add exclusions to make-lint as needed.
* Replace float with DecimalMartin Kosek2012-01-201-0/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Having float type as a base type for floating point parameters in ipalib introduces several issues, e.g. problem with representation or value comparison. Python language provides a Decimal type which help overcome these issues. This patch replaces a float type and Float parameter with a decimal.Decimal type in Decimal parameter. A precision attribute was added to Decimal parameter that can be used to limit a number of decimal places in parameter representation. This approach fixes a problem with API.txt validation where comparison of float values may fail on different architectures due to float representation error. In order to safely transfer the parameter value over RPC it is being converted to string which is then converted back to decimal.Decimal number on a server side.
* Reload UI on server upgrade.Endi Sukma Dewata2011-12-211-0/+2
| | | | | | | | | | The JSON server has been modified to return the version number in all responses. The UI has been modified to keep the version obtained during env operation and check the version returned in subsequent operations. If the version changes the UI will reload itself. Ticket #946
* Reload UI when the user changes.Endi Sukma Dewata2011-12-211-0/+1
| | | | | | | | | | The JSON server has been modified to return the principal name in all responses. The UI has been modified to keep the principal obtained during whoami operation and check the principal returned in subsequent operations. If the principal changes the UI will reload itself. Ticket #1400
* Require an HTTP Referer header in the server. Send one in ipa tools.Rob Crittenden2011-12-121-1/+6
| | | | | | | | | | This is to prevent a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack where a rogue server tricks a user who was logged into the FreeIPA management interface into visiting a specially-crafted URL where the attacker could perform FreeIPA oonfiguration changes with the privileges of the logged-in user.
* Finalize plugin initialization on demand.Jan Cholasta2011-11-221-6/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | This patch changes the way plugins are initialized. Instead of finalizing all the plugins at once, plugins are finalized only after they are accessed (currently applies to Command, Object and Attribute subclasses, only in CLI by default). This change provides significant performance boost, as only the plugins that are actually used are finalized. ticket 1336
* Fix dnszone-add name_from_ip server validationMartin Kosek2011-10-111-1/+8
| | | | | | | | | | | | Ticket 1627 contained a (temporary hack-ish) fix for dnszone-add name_from_ip validation which works fine for CLI. However, when the command is not proceeded via CLI and sent directly to the RPC server, the server throws Internal Server Error. Make sure that the server returns a reasonable error. Also implement 2 unit cases testing this option
* Log each command in a batch separately.Rob Crittenden2011-08-191-1/+6
| | | | | | | This also fixes command logging in general, it wasn't working in most cases as a regression in ticket 1322.
* Don't let a JSON error get lost in cascading errors.Rob Crittenden2011-06-151-5/+6
| | | | | | | If a JSON decoding error was found we were still trying to call the XML-RPC function, losing the original error.
* Test for forwarded Kerberos credentials cache in wsgi code.Rob Crittenden2011-05-181-1/+3
| | | | | | | | | We should more gracefully handle if the TGT has not been forwarded than returning a 500 error. Also catch and display KerberosErrors from ping() in the client better. ticket 1101
* Fix uninitialized attributes.Jan Cholasta2011-04-211-0/+1
* Send Accept-Language header over XML-RPC and translate on server.Pavel Zuna2011-03-011-4/+10
| | | | | Fix #904 Fix #917
* Add default success/failure output logging.Rob Crittenden2011-02-141-4/+9
| | | | | | | | | | Request logging on the server only happened if you added verbose=True or debug=True to the IPA config file. We should log the basics at least: who, what, result. Move a lot of entries from info to debug logging as well. Related to ticket 873
* Convert json strings to unicode when they are unmarshalled.Rob Crittenden2011-02-111-2/+11
| | | | | | | | | This patch removes some individual work-arounds of converting strings to unicode, they only masked the problem. String values are not passed to the validator or normalizers so things like adding the realm automatically to services weren't happening. ticket 941
* Don't include in the error response in the JSON server.Rob Crittenden2011-02-111-1/+0
| | | | | | | This can include a full exception which cannot be marshalled. This value contains duplicate information and isn't used by the client. ticket 905
* Change FreeIPA license to GPLv3+Jakub Hrozek2010-12-201-5/+5
| | | | | | | | | | The changes include: * Change license blobs in source files to mention GPLv3+ not GPLv2 only * Add GPLv3+ license text * Package COPYING not LICENSE as the license blobs (even the old ones) mention COPYING specifically, it is also more common, I think
* language as a listAdam Young2010-09-211-1/+3
| | | | Now parsing the list of languages set in the http header, and selecting the first. Handles weighting as well.
* I18N of RPCAdam Young2010-09-201-1/+6
| | | | | | Uses the HTTP header to perform set the LANG environment variable in Python, used for the gettext translations Author: adam <>
* Use the certificate subject base in IPA when requesting certs in certmonger.Rob Crittenden2010-04-231-1/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | When using the dogtag CA we can control what the subject of an issued certificate is regardless of what is in the CSR, we just use the CN value. The selfsign CA does not have this capability. The subject format must match the configured format or certificate requests are rejected. The default format is CN=%s,O=IPA. certmonger by default issues requests with just CN so all requests would fail if using the selfsign CA. This subject base is stored in cn=ipaconfig so we can just fetch that value in the enrollment process and pass it to certmonger to request the right thing. Note that this also fixes ipa-join to work with the new argument passing mechanism.
* XML-RPC signature changeJason Gerard DeRose2010-03-301-4/+3
* Log some information on the result of a requestRob Crittenden2010-03-301-0/+2
* Fix JSON binary encode and decode errorsJohn Dennis2010-03-041-2/+99
| | | | | | | | | Traverse the objects passed to JSON for encoding and decoding. When binary data is seen during encode replace the binary data with a dict {'__base64__' : base64_encoding_of_binary_value}. On decode if a dict is seen whose single key is '__base64__' replace that dict with the base64 decoded value of the key's value.
* Consolidate to single WSGI entry pointJason Gerard DeRose2010-03-011-32/+117
* Enabled CRUDS in webUI using wehjit 0.2.0Jason Gerard DeRose2010-01-261-0/+1
* Remove some left-over debugging statementsRob Crittenden2009-12-161-3/+0
* Take 2: Extensible return values and validation; steps toward a single ↵Jason Gerard DeRose2009-12-101-1/+4
| | | | output_for_cli(); enable more webUI stuff
* Add mod_python adapter and some UI tuningJason Gerard DeRose2009-10-271-0/+5
* First pass at enforcing certificates be requested from same hostRob Crittenden2009-10-211-2/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | We want to only allow a machine to request a certificate for itself, not for other machines. I've added a new taksgroup which will allow this. The requesting IP is resolved and compared to the subject of the CSR to determine if they are the same host. The same is done with the service principal. Subject alt names are not queried yet. This does not yet grant machines actual permission to request certificates yet, that is still limited to the taskgroup request_certs.
* Fixed compatability break in rpcserver.pyJason Gerard DeRose2009-10-171-2/+2
* Fixed 'import json' for simplejson compatabilityJason Gerard DeRose2009-10-161-1/+1
* parse_qs is in cgi on Python < 2.6, use that insteadRob Crittenden2009-10-161-1/+1
| | | | | Python 2.6's cgi module calls the parse_qs in urlparse for backwards compatibility