path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 838 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9c8479bb0..000000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,838 +0,0 @@
-# Authors:
-# John Dennis <>
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat
-# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-# WARNING: Do not import ipa modules, this is also used as a
-# stand-alone script (invoked from install/po Makefile).
-import optparse
-import sys
-import gettext
-import locale
-import re
-import os
-import traceback
-import polib
-from collections import namedtuple
-We test our translations by taking the original untranslated string
-(e.g. msgid) and prepend a prefix character and then append a suffix
-character. The test consists of asserting that the first character in the
-translated string is the prefix, the last character in the translated string
-is the suffix and the everything between the first and last character exactly
-matches the original msgid.
-We use unicode characters not in the ascii character set for the prefix and
-suffix to enhance the test. To make reading the translated string easier the
-prefix is the unicode right pointing arrow and the suffix left pointing arrow,
-thus the translated string looks like the original string enclosed in
-arrows. In ASCII art the string "foo" would render as:
-verbose = False
-print_traceback = False
-pedantic = False
-show_strings = True
-# Unicode right pointing arrow
-prefix = u'\u2192' # utf-8 == '\xe2\x86\x92'
-# Unicode left pointing arrow
-suffix = u'\u2190' # utf-8 == '\xe2\x86\x90'
-page_width = 80
-section_seperator = '=' * page_width
-entry_seperator = '-' * page_width
-# For efficiency compile these regexps just once
-_substitution_regexps = [re.compile(r'%[srduoxf]\b'), # e.g. %s
- re.compile(r'%\(\w+\)[srduoxf]\b'), # e.g. %(foo)s
- re.compile(r'\$\w+'), # e.g. $foo
- re.compile(r'\${\w+}'), # e.g. ${foo}
- re.compile(r'\$\(\w+\)') # e.g. $(foo)
- ]
-# Python style substitution, e.g. %(foo)s
-# where foo is the key and s is the format char
-# group 1: whitespace between % and (
-# group 2: whitespace between ( and key
-# group 3: whitespace between key and )
-# group 4: whitespace between ) and format char
-# group 5: format char
-_python_substitution_regexp = re.compile(r'%(\s*)\((\s*)\w+(\s*)\)(\s*)([srduoxf]\b)?')
-# Shell style substitution, e.g. $foo $(foo) ${foo}
-# where foo is the variable
-_shell_substitution_regexp = re.compile(r'\$(\s*)([({]?)(\s*)\w+(\s*)([)}]?)')
-# group 1: whitespace between $ and delimiter
-# group 2: begining delimiter
-# group 3: whitespace between beginning delmiter and variable
-# group 4: whitespace between variable and ending delimiter
-# group 5: ending delimiter
-printf_fmt_re = re.compile(
- r"%" # start
- "(\d+\$)?" # fmt_arg (group 1)
- "(([#0 +'I]|-(?!\d))*)" # flags (group 2)
- "(([+-]?([1-9][0-9]*)?)|(\*|\*\d+\$))?" # width (group 4)
- "(\.((-?\d*)|(\*|)|(\*\d+\$)))?" # precision (group 8)
- "(h|hh|l|ll|L|j|z|t)?" # length (group 13)
- "([diouxXeEfFgGaAcspnm%])") # conversion (group 14)
-def get_prog_langs(entry):
- '''
- Given an entry in a pot or po file return a set of the
- programming languges it was found in. It needs to be a set
- because the same msgid may appear in more than one file which may
- be in different programming languages.
- Note: One might think you could use the c-format etc. flags to
- attached to entry to make this determination, but you can't. Those
- flags refer to the style of the string not the programming
- language it came from. Also the flags are often omitted and/or are
- inaccurate.
- For now we just look at the file extension. If we knew the path to
- the file we could use other heuristics such as looking for the
- shbang interpreter string.
- The set of possible language types witch might be returned are:
- * c
- * python
- '''
- result = set()
- for location in entry.occurrences:
- filename = location[0]
- ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
- if ext in ('.c', '.h', '.cxx', '.cpp', '.hxx'):
- result.add('c')
- elif ext in ('.py'):
- result.add('python')
- return result
-def parse_printf_fmt(s):
- '''
- Parse a printf style format string and return a list of format
- conversions found in the string.
- Each conversion specification is introduced by the character %, and
- ends with a conversion specifier. In between there may be (in this
- order) zero or more flags, an optional minimum field width, an
- optional precision and an optional length modifier. See "man 3
- printf" for details.
- Each item in the returned list is a dict whose keys are the
- sub-parts of a conversion specification. The key and values are:
- fmt
- The entire format conversion specification
- fmt_arg
- The positional index of the matching argument in the argument
- list, e.g. %1$ indicates the first argument in the argument
- will be read for this conversion, excludes the leading % but
- includes the trailing $, 1$ is the fmt_arg in %1$.
- flags
- The flag characaters, e.g. 0 is the flag in %08d
- width
- The width field, e.g. 20 is the width in %20s
- precision
- The precisioin field, e.g. .2 is the precision in %8.2f
- length
- The length modifier field, e.g. l is the length modifier in %ld
- conversion
- The conversion specifier character, e.g. d is the conversion
- specification character in %ld
- If the part is not found in the format it's value will be None.
- '''
- result = []
- # get list of all matches, but skip escaped %
- matches = [x for x in printf_fmt_re.finditer(s) if != "%%"]
- # build dict of each sub-part of the format, append to result
- for match in matches:
- parts = {}
- parts['fmt'] =
- parts['fmt_arg'] =
- parts['flags'] = or None
- parts['width'] = or None
- parts['precision'] =
- parts['length'] =
- parts['conversion'] =
- result.append(parts)
- return result
-def validate_substitutions_match(s1, s2, s1_name='string1', s2_name='string2'):
- '''
- Validate both s1 and s2 have the same number of substitution strings.
- A substitution string would be something that looked like this:
- * %(foo)s
- * $foo
- * ${foo}
- * $(foo)
- The substitutions may appear in any order in s1 and s2, however their
- format must match exactly and the exact same number of each must exist
- in both s1 and s2.
- A list of error diagnostics is returned explaining how s1 and s2 failed
- the validation check. If the returned error list is empty then the
- validation succeeded.
- :param s1: First string to validate
- :param s2: First string to validate
- :param s1_name: In diagnostic messages the name for s1
- :param s2_name: In diagnostic messages the name for s2
- :return: List of diagnostic error messages, if empty then success
- '''
- errors = []
- def get_subs(s):
- '''
- Return a dict whoses keys are each unique substitution and whose
- value is the count of how many times that substitution appeared.
- '''
- subs = {}
- for regexp in _substitution_regexps:
- for match in regexp.finditer(s):
- matched =
- subs[matched] = subs.get(matched, 0) + 1
- return subs
- # Get the substitutions and their occurance counts
- subs1 = get_subs(s1)
- subs2 = get_subs(s2)
- # Form a set for each strings substitutions and
- # do set subtraction and interesection
- set1 = set(subs1.keys())
- set2 = set(subs2.keys())
- missing1 = set2 - set1
- missing2 = set1 - set2
- common = set1 & set2
- # Test for substitutions which are absent in either string
- if missing1:
- errors.append("The following substitutions are absent in %s: %s" %
- (s1_name, ' '.join(missing1)))
- if missing2:
- errors.append("The following substitutions are absent in %s: %s" %
- (s2_name, ' '.join(missing2)))
- if pedantic:
- # For the substitutions which are shared assure they occur an equal number of times
- for sub in common:
- if subs1[sub] != subs2[sub]:
- errors.append("unequal occurances of '%s', %s has %d occurances, %s has %d occurances" %
- (sub, s1_name, subs1[sub], s2_name, subs2[sub]))
- if errors:
- if show_strings:
- errors.append('>>> %s <<<' % s1_name)
- errors.append(s1.rstrip())
- errors.append('>>> %s <<<' % s2_name)
- errors.append(s2.rstrip())
- return errors
-def validate_substitution_syntax(s, s_name='string'):
- '''
- If s has one or more substitution variables then validate they
- are syntactically correct.
- A substitution string would be something that looked like this:
- * %(foo)s
- * $foo
- * ${foo}
- * $(foo)
- A list of error diagnostics is returned explaining how s1 and s2 failed
- the validation check. If the returned error list is empty then the
- validation succeeded.
- :param s: String to validate
- :param s_name: In diagnostic messages the name for s
- :return: List of diagnostic error messages, if empty then success
- '''
- errors = []
- # Look for Python style substitutions, e.g. %(foo)s
- for match in _python_substitution_regexp.finditer(s):
- if
- errors.append("%s has whitespace between %% and key in '%s'" %
- (s_name,
- if or
- errors.append("%s has whitespace next to key in '%s'" %
- (s_name,
- if
- errors.append("%s has whitespace between key and format character in '%s'" %
- (s_name,
- if not
- errors.append("%s has no format character in '%s'" %
- (s_name,
- # Look for shell style substitutions, e.g. $foo $(foo) ${foo}
- for match in _shell_substitution_regexp.finditer(s):
- if
- errors.append("%s has whitespace between $ and variable in '%s'" %
- (s_name,
- if or ( and
- errors.append("%s has whitespace next to variable in '%s'" %
- (s_name,
- beg_delimiter =
- end_delimiter =
- matched_delimiters = {'': '', '(': ')', '{': '}'}
- if beg_delimiter is not None or end_delimiter is not None:
- if matched_delimiters[beg_delimiter] != end_delimiter:
- errors.append("%s variable delimiters do not match in '%s', begin delimiter='%s' end delimiter='%s'" %
- (s_name,, beg_delimiter, end_delimiter))
- if errors:
- if show_strings:
- errors.append('>>> %s <<<' % s_name)
- errors.append(s.rstrip())
- return errors
-def validate_positional_substitutions(s, prog_langs, s_name='string'):
- '''
- We do not permit multiple positional substitutions in translation
- strings (e.g. '%s') because they do not allow translators to reorder the
- wording. Instead keyword substitutions should be used when there are
- more than one.
- '''
- errors = []
- fmts = parse_printf_fmt(s)
- n_fmts = len(fmts)
- errors = []
- if n_fmts > 1:
- for i, fmt_parts in enumerate(fmts):
- fmt = fmt_parts['fmt']
- fmt_arg = fmt_parts['fmt_arg']
- width = fmt_parts['width']
- if width == '*':
- errors.append("Error: * width arg in format '%s should be indexed" % fmt)
- if fmt_arg is None:
- if 'c' in prog_langs:
- errors.append("%s format '%s' is positional, should use indexed argument" %
- (s_name, fmt))
- else:
- errors.append("%s format '%s' is positional, should use keyword substitution" %
- (s_name, fmt))
- if errors:
- if show_strings:
- errors.append('>>> %s <<<' % s_name)
- errors.append(s.rstrip())
- return errors
-def validate_file(file_path, validation_mode, reference_pot=None):
- '''
- Given a pot or po file scan all it's entries looking for problems
- with variable substitutions. See the following functions for
- details on how the validation is performed.
- * validate_substitutions_match()
- * validate_substitution_syntax()
- * validate_positional_substitutions()
- Returns the number of entries with errors.
- For po files, ``reference_pot`` gives a pot file to merge with (to recover
- comments and file locations)
- '''
- def emit_messages():
- if n_warnings:
- warning_lines.insert(0, section_seperator)
- warning_lines.insert(1, "%d validation warnings in %s" % (n_warnings, file_path))
- print '\n'.join(warning_lines)
- if n_errors:
- error_lines.insert(0, section_seperator)
- error_lines.insert(1, "%d validation errors in %s" % (n_errors, file_path))
- print '\n'.join(error_lines)
- Result = namedtuple('ValidateFileResult', ['n_entries', 'n_msgids', 'n_msgstrs', 'n_warnings', 'n_errors'])
- warning_lines = []
- error_lines = []
- n_entries = 0
- n_msgids = 0
- n_msgstrs = 0
- n_entries = 0
- n_warnings = 0
- n_errors = 0
- n_plural_forms = 0
- if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
- error_lines.append(entry_seperator)
- error_lines.append('file does not exist "%s"' % (file_path))
- n_errors += 1
- emit_messages()
- return Result(n_entries=n_entries, n_msgids=n_msgids, n_msgstrs=n_msgstrs, n_warnings=n_warnings, n_errors=n_errors)
- try:
- po = polib.pofile(file_path)
- except Exception, e:
- error_lines.append(entry_seperator)
- error_lines.append('Unable to parse file "%s": %s' % (file_path, e))
- n_errors += 1
- emit_messages()
- return Result(n_entries=n_entries, n_msgids=n_msgids, n_msgstrs=n_msgstrs, n_warnings=n_warnings, n_errors=n_errors)
- if validation_mode == 'po' and reference_pot:
- # Merge the .pot file for comments and file locations
- po.merge(reference_pot)
- if validation_mode == 'po':
- plural_forms = po.metadata.get('Plural-Forms')
- if not plural_forms:
- error_lines.append(entry_seperator)
- error_lines.append("%s: does not have Plural-Forms header" % file_path)
- n_errors += 1
- match ='\bnplurals\s*=\s*(\d+)', plural_forms)
- if match:
- n_plural_forms = int(
- else:
- error_lines.append(entry_seperator)
- error_lines.append("%s: does not specify integer nplurals in Plural-Forms header" % file_path)
- n_errors += 1
- n_entries = len(po)
- for entry in po:
- entry_warnings = []
- entry_errors = []
- have_msgid = entry.msgid.strip() != ''
- have_msgid_plural = entry.msgid_plural.strip() != ''
- have_msgstr = entry.msgstr.strip() != ''
- if have_msgid:
- n_msgids += 1
- if have_msgid_plural:
- n_msgids += 1
- if have_msgstr:
- n_msgstrs += 1
- if validation_mode == 'pot':
- prog_langs = get_prog_langs(entry)
- if have_msgid:
- errors = validate_positional_substitutions(entry.msgid, prog_langs, 'msgid')
- entry_errors.extend(errors)
- if have_msgid_plural:
- errors = validate_positional_substitutions(entry.msgid_plural, prog_langs, 'msgid_plural')
- entry_errors.extend(errors)
- elif validation_mode == 'po':
- if have_msgid:
- if have_msgstr:
- errors = validate_substitutions_match(entry.msgid, entry.msgstr, 'msgid', 'msgstr')
- entry_errors.extend(errors)
- if have_msgid_plural and have_msgstr:
- n_plurals = 0
- for index, msgstr in entry.msgstr_plural.items():
- have_msgstr_plural = msgstr.strip() != ''
- if have_msgstr_plural:
- n_plurals += 1
- errors = validate_substitutions_match(entry.msgid_plural, msgstr, 'msgid_plural', 'msgstr_plural[%s]' % index)
- entry_errors.extend(errors)
- else:
- entry_errors.append('msgstr_plural[%s] is empty' % (index))
- if n_plural_forms != n_plurals:
- entry_errors.append('%d plural forms specified, but this entry has %d plurals' % (n_plural_forms, n_plurals))
- if pedantic:
- if have_msgid:
- errors = validate_substitution_syntax(entry.msgid, 'msgid')
- entry_warnings.extend(errors)
- if have_msgid_plural:
- errors = validate_substitution_syntax(entry.msgid_plural, 'msgid_plural')
- entry_warnings.extend(errors)
- errors = validate_substitutions_match(entry.msgid, entry.msgid_plural, 'msgid', 'msgid_plural')
- entry_warnings.extend(errors)
- for index, msgstr in entry.msgstr_plural.items():
- have_msgstr_plural = msgstr.strip() != ''
- if have_msgstr_plural:
- errors = validate_substitution_syntax(msgstr, 'msgstr_plural[%s]' % index)
- entry_warnings.extend(errors)
- if have_msgstr:
- errors = validate_substitution_syntax(entry.msgstr, 'msgstr')
- entry_warnings.extend(errors)
- if entry_warnings:
- warning_lines.append(entry_seperator)
- warning_lines.append('locations: %s' % (', '.join(["%s:%d" % (x[0], int(x[1])) for x in entry.occurrences])))
- warning_lines.extend(entry_warnings)
- n_warnings += 1
- if entry_errors:
- error_lines.append(entry_seperator)
- error_lines.append('locations: %s' % (', '.join(["%s:%d" % (x[0], int(x[1])) for x in entry.occurrences])))
- error_lines.extend(entry_errors)
- n_errors += 1
- emit_messages()
- return Result(n_entries=n_entries, n_msgids=n_msgids, n_msgstrs=n_msgstrs, n_warnings=n_warnings, n_errors=n_errors)
-def create_po(pot_file, po_file, mo_file):
- if not os.path.isfile(pot_file):
- print >>sys.stderr, 'file does not exist "%s"' % (pot_file)
- return 1
- try:
- po = polib.pofile(pot_file)
- except Exception, e:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'Unable to parse file "%s": %s' % (pot_file, e)
- return 1
- # Update the metadata in the po file header
- # It's case insensitive so search the keys in a case insensitive manner
- #
- # We need to update the Plural-Forms otherwise will raise the
- # following error:
- #
- # raise ValueError, 'plural forms expression could be dangerous'
- #
- # It is demanding the rhs of plural= only contains the identifer 'n'
- for k,v in po.metadata.items():
- if k.lower() == 'plural-forms':
- po.metadata[k] = 'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)'
- break
- # Iterate over all msgid's and form a the msgstr by prepending
- # the prefix and appending the suffix
- for entry in po:
- if entry.msgid_plural:
- entry.msgstr_plural = {0: prefix + entry.msgid + suffix,
- 1: prefix + entry.msgid_plural + suffix}
- else:
- entry.msgstr = prefix + entry.msgid + suffix
- # Write out the po and mo files
- print "Wrote: %s" % (po_file)
- po.save_as_mofile(mo_file)
- print "Wrote: %s" % (mo_file)
- return 0
-def validate_unicode_edit(msgid, msgstr):
- # Verify the first character is the test prefix
- if msgstr[0] != prefix:
- raise ValueError('First char in translated string "%s" not equal to prefix "%s"' %
- (msgstr.encode('utf-8'), prefix.encode('utf-8')))
- # Verify the last character is the test suffix
- if msgstr[-1] != suffix:
- raise ValueError('Last char in translated string "%s" not equal to suffix "%s"' %
- (msgstr.encode('utf-8'), suffix.encode('utf-8')))
- # Verify everything between the first and last character is the
- # original untranslated string
- if msgstr[1:-1] != msgid:
- raise ValueError('Translated string "%s" minus the first & last character is not equal to msgid "%s"' %
- (msgstr.encode('utf-8'), msgid))
- if verbose:
- msg = 'Success: message string "%s" maps to translated string "%s"' % (msgid, msgstr)
- print msg.encode('utf-8')
-def test_translations(po_file, lang, domain, locale_dir):
- # The test installs the test message catalog under the xh_ZA
- # (e.g. Zambia Xhosa) language by default. It would be nice to
- # use a dummy language not associated with any real language,
- # but the setlocale function demands the locale be a valid
- # known locale, Zambia Xhosa is a reasonable choice :)
- os.environ['LANG'] = lang
- # Create a gettext translation object specifying our domain as
- # 'ipa' and the locale_dir as 'test_locale' (i.e. where to
- # look for the message catalog). Then use that translation
- # object to obtain the translation functions.
- t = gettext.translation(domain, locale_dir)
- get_msgstr = t.ugettext
- get_msgstr_plural = t.ungettext
- return po_file_iterate(po_file, get_msgstr, get_msgstr_plural)
-def po_file_iterate(po_file, get_msgstr, get_msgstr_plural):
- try:
- # Iterate over the msgid's
- if not os.path.isfile(po_file):
- print >>sys.stderr, 'file does not exist "%s"' % (po_file)
- return 1
- try:
- po = polib.pofile(po_file)
- except Exception, e:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'Unable to parse file "%s": %s' % (po_file, e)
- return 1
- n_entries = 0
- n_translations = 0
- n_valid = 0
- n_fail = 0
- for entry in po:
- if entry.msgid_plural:
- msgid = entry.msgid
- msgid_plural = entry.msgid_plural
- msgstr = get_msgstr_plural(msgid, msgid_plural, 1)
- msgstr_plural = get_msgstr_plural(msgid, msgid_plural, 2)
- try:
- n_translations += 1
- validate_unicode_edit(msgid, msgstr)
- n_valid += 1
- except Exception, e:
- n_fail += 1
- if print_traceback:
- traceback.print_exc()
- print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % e
- try:
- n_translations += 1
- validate_unicode_edit(msgid_plural, msgstr_plural)
- n_valid += 1
- except Exception, e:
- n_fail += 1
- if print_traceback:
- traceback.print_exc()
- print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % e
- else:
- msgid = entry.msgid
- msgstr = get_msgstr(msgid)
- try:
- n_translations += 1
- validate_unicode_edit(msgid, msgstr)
- n_valid += 1
- except Exception, e:
- n_fail += 1
- if print_traceback:
- traceback.print_exc()
- print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % e
- n_entries += 1
- except Exception, e:
- if print_traceback:
- traceback.print_exc()
- print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % e
- return 1
- if not n_entries:
- print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: no translations found in %s" % (po_filename)
- return 1
- if n_fail:
- print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: %d failures out of %d translations" % (n_fail, n_entries)
- return 1
- print "%d translations in %d messages successfully tested" % (n_translations, n_entries)
- return 0
-usage ='''
-%prog --test-gettext
-%prog --create-test
-%prog --validate-pot [pot_file1, ...]
-%prog --validate-po po_file1 [po_file2, ...]
-def main():
- global verbose, print_traceback, pedantic, show_strings
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
- mode_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Operational Mode',
- 'You must select one these modes to run in')
- mode_group.add_option('-g', '--test-gettext', action='store_const', const='test_gettext', dest='mode',
- help='create the test translation file(s) and exercise them')
- mode_group.add_option('-c', '--create-test', action='store_const', const='create_test', dest='mode',
- help='create the test translation file(s)')
- mode_group.add_option('-P', '--validate-pot', action='store_const', const='validate_pot', dest='mode',
- help='validate pot file(s)')
- mode_group.add_option('-p', '--validate-po', action='store_const', const='validate_po', dest='mode',
- help='validate po file(s)')
- parser.add_option_group(mode_group)
- parser.set_defaults(mode='')
- parser.add_option('-s', '--show-strings', action='store_true', dest='show_strings', default=False,
- help='show the offending string when an error is detected')
- parser.add_option('--pedantic', action='store_true', dest='pedantic', default=False,
- help='be aggressive when validating')
- parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False,
- help='be informative')
- parser.add_option('--traceback', action='store_true', dest='print_traceback', default=False,
- help='print the traceback when an exception occurs')
- param_group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Run Time Parameters',
- 'These may be used to modify the run time defaults')
- param_group.add_option('--test-lang', action='store', dest='test_lang', default='test',
- help="test po file uses this as it's basename (default=test)")
- param_group.add_option('--lang', action='store', dest='lang', default='xh_ZA',
- help='lang used for locale, MUST be a valid lang (default=xh_ZA)')
- param_group.add_option('--domain', action='store', dest='domain', default='ipa',
- help='translation domain used during test (default=ipa)')
- param_group.add_option('--locale-dir', action='store', dest='locale_dir', default='test_locale',
- help='locale directory used during test (default=test_locale)')
- param_group.add_option('--pot-file', action='store', dest='pot_file', default='ipa.pot',
- help='default pot file, used when validating pot file or generating test po and mo files (default=ipa.pot)')
- parser.add_option_group(param_group)
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- verbose = options.verbose
- print_traceback = options.print_traceback
- pedantic = options.pedantic
- show_strings = options.show_strings
- if not options.mode:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: no mode specified'
- return 1
- if options.mode == 'validate_pot' or options.mode == 'validate_po':
- if options.mode == 'validate_pot':
- files = args
- if not files:
- files = [options.pot_file]
- validation_mode = 'pot'
- reference_pot = None
- elif options.mode == 'validate_po':
- files = args
- if not files:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: no po files specified'
- return 1
- validation_mode = 'po'
- reference_pot = polib.pofile(options.pot_file)
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: unknown validation mode "%s"' % (options.mode)
- return 1
- total_entries = 0
- total_msgids = 0
- total_msgstrs = 0
- total_warnings = 0
- total_errors = 0
- for f in files:
- result = validate_file(f, validation_mode, reference_pot)
- total_entries += result.n_entries
- total_msgids += result.n_msgids
- total_msgstrs += result.n_msgstrs
- total_warnings += result.n_warnings
- total_errors += result.n_errors
- print "%s: %d entries, %d msgid, %d msgstr, %d warnings %d errors" % \
- (f, result.n_entries, result.n_msgids, result.n_msgstrs, result.n_warnings, result.n_errors)
- if total_errors:
- print section_seperator
- print "%d errors in %d files" % (total_errors, len(files))
- return 1
- else:
- return 0
- elif options.mode == 'create_test' or 'test_gettext':
- po_file = '%s.po' % options.test_lang
- pot_file = options.pot_file
- msg_dir = os.path.join(options.locale_dir, options.lang, 'LC_MESSAGES')
- if not os.path.exists(msg_dir):
- os.makedirs(msg_dir)
- mo_basename = '' % options.domain
- mo_file = os.path.join(msg_dir, mo_basename)
- result = create_po(pot_file, po_file, mo_file)
- if result:
- return result
- if options.mode == 'create_test':
- return result
- # The test installs the test message catalog under the xh_ZA
- # (e.g. Zambia Xhosa) language by default. It would be nice to
- # use a dummy language not associated with any real language,
- # but the setlocale function demands the locale be a valid
- # known locale, Zambia Xhosa is a reasonable choice :)
- lang = options.lang
- # Create a gettext translation object specifying our domain as
- # 'ipa' and the locale_dir as 'test_locale' (i.e. where to
- # look for the message catalog). Then use that translation
- # object to obtain the translation functions.
- domain = options.domain
- locale_dir = options.locale_dir
- return test_translations(po_file, lang, domain, locale_dir)
- else:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: unknown mode "%s"' % (options.mode)
- return 1
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main())