path: root/ipaserver/install/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ipaserver/install/')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipaserver/install/ b/ipaserver/install/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5a903b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipaserver/install/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Authors: Rob Crittenden <>
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
+import os.path
+import subprocess
+import string
+import tempfile
+import logging
+import pwd
+import fileinput
+import sys
+import shutil
+import service
+import certs
+import dsinstance
+import installutils
+from ipa import sysrestore
+from ipa import ipautil
+HTTPD_DIR = "/etc/httpd"
+SSL_CONF = HTTPD_DIR + "/conf.d/ssl.conf"
+NSS_CONF = HTTPD_DIR + "/conf.d/nss.conf"
+NSS_DIR = HTTPD_DIR + "/alias"
+selinux_warning = """WARNING: could not set selinux boolean httpd_can_network_connect to true.
+The web interface may not function correctly until this boolean is
+successfully change with the command:
+ /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect true
+Try updating the policycoreutils and selinux-policy packages.
+class WebGuiInstance(service.SimpleServiceInstance):
+ def __init__(self):
+ service.SimpleServiceInstance.__init__(self, "ipa_webgui")
+class HTTPInstance(service.Service):
+ def __init__(self, fstore = None):
+ service.Service.__init__(self, "httpd")
+ if fstore:
+ self.fstore = fstore
+ else:
+ self.fstore = sysrestore.FileStore('/var/lib/ipa/sysrestore')
+ def create_instance(self, realm, fqdn, domain_name, autoconfig=True, pkcs12_info=None):
+ self.fqdn = fqdn
+ self.realm = realm
+ self.domain = domain_name
+ self.pkcs12_info = pkcs12_info
+ self.sub_dict = { "REALM" : realm, "FQDN": fqdn, "DOMAIN" : self.domain }
+ self.step("disabling mod_ssl in httpd", self.__disable_mod_ssl)
+ self.step("Setting mod_nss port to 443", self.__set_mod_nss_port)
+ self.step("Adding URL rewriting rules", self.__add_include)
+ self.step("configuring httpd", self.__configure_http)
+ self.step("creating a keytab for httpd", self.__create_http_keytab)
+ self.step("Setting up ssl", self.__setup_ssl)
+ if autoconfig:
+ self.step("Setting up browser autoconfig", self.__setup_autoconfig)
+ self.step("configuring SELinux for httpd", self.__selinux_config)
+ self.step("restarting httpd", self.__start)
+ self.step("configuring httpd to start on boot", self.__enable)
+ self.start_creation("Configuring the web interface")
+ def __start(self):
+ self.backup_state("running", self.is_running())
+ self.restart()
+ def __enable(self):
+ self.backup_state("enabled", self.is_running())
+ self.chkconfig_on()
+ def __selinux_config(self):
+ selinux=0
+ try:
+ if (os.path.exists('/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled')):
+ selinux=1
+ except ipautil.CalledProcessError:
+ # selinuxenabled returns 1 if not enabled
+ pass
+ if selinux:
+ try:
+ # returns e.g. "httpd_can_network_connect --> off"
+ (stdout, stderr) =["/usr/sbin/getsebool",
+ "httpd_can_network_connect"])
+ self.backup_state("httpd_can_network_connect", stdout.split()[2])
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Allow apache to connect to the turbogears web gui
+ # This can still fail even if selinux is enabled
+ try:
+["/usr/sbin/setsebool", "-P", "httpd_can_network_connect", "true"])
+ except:
+ self.print_msg(selinux_warning)
+ def __create_http_keytab(self):
+ http_principal = "HTTP/" + self.fqdn + "@" + self.realm
+ installutils.kadmin_addprinc(http_principal)
+ installutils.create_keytab("/etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab", http_principal)
+ pent = pwd.getpwnam("apache")
+ os.chown("/etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab", pent.pw_uid, pent.pw_gid)
+ def __configure_http(self):
+ http_txt = ipautil.template_file(ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "ipa.conf", self.sub_dict)
+ self.fstore.backup_file("/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa.conf")
+ http_fd = open("/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa.conf", "w")
+ http_fd.write(http_txt)
+ http_fd.close()
+ http_txt = ipautil.template_file(ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "ipa-rewrite.conf", self.sub_dict)
+ self.fstore.backup_file("/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-rewrite.conf")
+ http_fd = open("/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa-rewrite.conf", "w")
+ http_fd.write(http_txt)
+ http_fd.close()
+ def __disable_mod_ssl(self):
+ if os.path.exists(SSL_CONF):
+ self.fstore.backup_file(SSL_CONF)
+ os.unlink(SSL_CONF)
+ def __set_mod_nss_port(self):
+ self.fstore.backup_file(NSS_CONF)
+ if installutils.update_file(NSS_CONF, '8443', '443') != 0:
+ print "Updating port in %s failed." % NSS_CONF
+ def __set_mod_nss_nickname(self, nickname):
+ installutils.set_directive(NSS_CONF, 'NSSNickname', nickname)
+ def __add_include(self):
+ """This should run after __set_mod_nss_port so is already backed up"""
+ if installutils.update_file(NSS_CONF, '</VirtualHost>', 'Include conf.d/ipa-rewrite.conf\n</VirtualHost>') != 0:
+ print "Adding Include conf.d/ipa-rewrite to %s failed." % NSS_CONF
+ def __setup_ssl(self):
+ ds_ca = certs.CertDB(dsinstance.config_dirname(dsinstance.realm_to_serverid(self.realm)))
+ ca = certs.CertDB(NSS_DIR)
+ if self.pkcs12_info:
+ ca.create_from_pkcs12(self.pkcs12_info[0], self.pkcs12_info[1], passwd="")
+ server_certs = ca.find_server_certs()
+ if len(server_certs) == 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Could not find a suitable server cert in import in %s" % pkcs12_info[0])
+ # We only handle one server cert
+ nickname = server_certs[0][0]
+ self.__set_mod_nss_nickname(nickname)
+ else:
+ ca.create_from_cacert(ds_ca.cacert_fname)
+ ca.create_server_cert("Server-Cert", "cn=%s,ou=Apache Web Server" % self.fqdn, ds_ca)
+ ca.create_signing_cert("Signing-Cert", "cn=%s,ou=Signing Certificate,o=Identity Policy Audit" % self.fqdn, ds_ca)
+ # Fix the database permissions
+ os.chmod(NSS_DIR + "/cert8.db", 0640)
+ os.chmod(NSS_DIR + "/key3.db", 0640)
+ os.chmod(NSS_DIR + "/secmod.db", 0640)
+ pent = pwd.getpwnam("apache")
+ os.chown(NSS_DIR + "/cert8.db", 0, pent.pw_gid )
+ os.chown(NSS_DIR + "/key3.db", 0, pent.pw_gid )
+ os.chown(NSS_DIR + "/secmod.db", 0, pent.pw_gid )
+ def __setup_autoconfig(self):
+ prefs_txt = ipautil.template_file(ipautil.SHARE_DIR + "preferences.html.template", self.sub_dict)
+ prefs_fd = open("/usr/share/ipa/html/preferences.html", "w")
+ prefs_fd.write(prefs_txt)
+ prefs_fd.close()
+ # The signing cert is generated in __setup_ssl
+ ds_ca = certs.CertDB(dsinstance.config_dirname(dsinstance.realm_to_serverid(self.realm)))
+ ca = certs.CertDB(NSS_DIR)
+ # Publish the CA certificate
+ shutil.copy(ds_ca.cacert_fname, "/usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt")
+ os.chmod("/usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt", 0444)
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = "tmp-")
+ shutil.copy("/usr/share/ipa/html/preferences.html", tmpdir)
+ ca.run_signtool(["-k", "Signing-Cert",
+ "-Z", "/usr/share/ipa/html/configure.jar",
+ "-e", ".html",
+ tmpdir])
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ def uninstall(self):
+ running = self.restore_state("running")
+ enabled = self.restore_state("enabled")
+ if not running is None:
+ self.stop()
+ if not enabled is None and not enabled:
+ self.chkconfig_off()
+ for f in ["/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa.conf", SSL_CONF, NSS_CONF]:
+ try:
+ self.fstore.restore_file(f)
+ except ValueError, error:
+ logging.debug(error)
+ pass
+ sebool_state = self.restore_state("httpd_can_network_connect")
+ if not sebool_state is None:
+ try:
+["/usr/sbin/setsebool", "-P", "httpd_can_network_connect", sebool_state])
+ except:
+ self.print_msg(selinux_warning)
+ if not running is None and running:
+ self.start()