path: root/ipapython/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipapython/')
1 files changed, 451 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipapython/ b/ipapython/
index 426c80996..e190a7093 100644
--- a/ipapython/
+++ b/ipapython/
@@ -18,8 +18,14 @@
import os
+import re
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+from nss import nss
+from nss.error import NSPRError
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
+from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import root_logger
from ipapython import ipautil
@@ -48,3 +54,448 @@ def create_ipa_nssdb():
os.chmod(os.path.join(paths.IPA_NSSDB_DIR, 'cert8.db'), 0644)
os.chmod(os.path.join(paths.IPA_NSSDB_DIR, 'key3.db'), 0644)
os.chmod(os.path.join(paths.IPA_NSSDB_DIR, 'secmod.db'), 0644)
+def find_cert_from_txt(cert, start=0):
+ """
+ Given a cert blob (str) which may or may not contian leading and
+ trailing text, pull out just the certificate part. This will return
+ the FIRST cert in a stream of data.
+ Returns a tuple (certificate, last position in cert)
+ """
+ s = cert.find('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', start)
+ e = cert.find('-----END CERTIFICATE-----', s)
+ if e > 0:
+ e = e + 25
+ if s < 0 or e < 0:
+ raise RuntimeError("Unable to find certificate")
+ cert = cert[s:e]
+ return (cert, e)
+class NSSDatabase(object):
+ """A general-purpose wrapper around a NSS cert database
+ For permanent NSS databases, pass the cert DB directory to __init__
+ For temporary databases, do not pass nssdir, and call close() when done
+ to remove the DB. Alternatively, a NSSDatabase can be used as a
+ context manager that calls close() automatically.
+ """
+ # Traditionally, we used CertDB for our NSS DB operations, but that class
+ # got too tied to IPA server details, killing reusability.
+ # BaseCertDB is a class that knows nothing about IPA.
+ # Generic NSS DB code should be moved here.
+ def __init__(self, nssdir=None):
+ if nssdir is None:
+ self.secdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self._is_temporary = True
+ else:
+ self.secdir = nssdir
+ self._is_temporary = False
+ def close(self):
+ if self._is_temporary:
+ shutil.rmtree(self.secdir)
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
+ self.close()
+ def run_certutil(self, args, stdin=None):
+ new_args = [paths.CERTUTIL, "-d", self.secdir]
+ new_args = new_args + args
+ return, stdin)
+ def create_db(self, password_filename):
+ """Create cert DB
+ :param password_filename: Name of file containing the database password
+ """
+ self.run_certutil(["-N", "-f", password_filename])
+ def list_certs(self):
+ """Return nicknames and cert flags for all certs in the database
+ :return: List of (name, trust_flags) tuples
+ """
+ certs, stderr, returncode = self.run_certutil(["-L"])
+ certs = certs.splitlines()
+ # FIXME, this relies on NSS never changing the formatting of certutil
+ certlist = []
+ for cert in certs:
+ match = re.match(r'^(.+?)\s+(\w*,\w*,\w*)\s*$', cert)
+ if match:
+ certlist.append(match.groups())
+ return tuple(certlist)
+ def find_server_certs(self):
+ """Return nicknames and cert flags for server certs in the database
+ Server certs have an "u" character in the trust flags.
+ :return: List of (name, trust_flags) tuples
+ """
+ server_certs = []
+ for name, flags in self.list_certs():
+ if 'u' in flags:
+ server_certs.append((name, flags))
+ return server_certs
+ def get_trust_chain(self, nickname):
+ """Return names of certs in a given cert's trust chain
+ :param nickname: Name of the cert
+ :return: List of certificate names
+ """
+ root_nicknames = []
+ chain, stderr, returncode = self.run_certutil([
+ "-O", "-n", nickname])
+ chain = chain.splitlines()
+ for c in chain:
+ m = re.match('\s*"(.*)" \[.*', c)
+ if m:
+ root_nicknames.append(m.groups()[0])
+ return root_nicknames
+ def import_pkcs12(self, pkcs12_filename, db_password_filename,
+ pkcs12_passwd=None):
+ args = [paths.PK12UTIL, "-d", self.secdir,
+ "-i", pkcs12_filename,
+ "-k", db_password_filename, '-v']
+ if pkcs12_passwd is not None:
+ pkcs12_passwd = pkcs12_passwd + '\n'
+ args = args + ["-w", paths.DEV_STDIN]
+ try:
+, stdin=pkcs12_passwd)
+ except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e:
+ if e.returncode == 17:
+ raise RuntimeError("incorrect password for pkcs#12 file %s" %
+ pkcs12_filename)
+ elif e.returncode == 10:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to open %s" % pkcs12_filename)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("unknown error import pkcs#12 file %s" %
+ pkcs12_filename)
+ def import_files(self, files, db_password_filename, import_keys=False,
+ key_password=None, key_nickname=None):
+ """
+ Import certificates and a single private key from multiple files
+ The files may be in PEM and DER certificate, PKCS#7 certificate chain,
+ PKCS#8 and raw private key and PKCS#12 formats.
+ :param files: Names of files to import
+ :param db_password_filename: Name of file containing the database
+ password
+ :param import_keys: Whether to import private keys
+ :param key_password: Password to decrypt private keys
+ :param key_nickname: Nickname of the private key to import from PKCS#12
+ files
+ """
+ key_file = None
+ extracted_key = None
+ extracted_certs = ''
+ for filename in files:
+ try:
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ data =
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Failed to open %s: %s" % (filename, e.strerror))
+ # Try to parse the file as PEM file
+ matches = list(re.finditer(
+ r'-----BEGIN (.+?)-----(.*?)-----END \1-----', data, re.DOTALL))
+ if matches:
+ loaded = False
+ for match in matches:
+ body =
+ label =
+ line = len(data[:match.start() + 1].splitlines())
+ if label in ('CERTIFICATE', 'X509 CERTIFICATE',
+ try:
+ x509.load_certificate(
+ except NSPRError as e:
+ if label != 'CERTIFICATE':
+ root_logger.warning(
+ "Skipping certificate in %s at line %s: %s",
+ filename, line, e)
+ continue
+ else:
+ extracted_certs += body + '\n'
+ loaded = True
+ continue
+ if label in ('PKCS7', 'PKCS #7 SIGNED DATA', 'CERTIFICATE'):
+ args = [
+ paths.OPENSSL, 'pkcs7',
+ '-print_certs',
+ ]
+ try:
+ stdout, stderr, rc =, stdin=body)
+ except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e:
+ if label == 'CERTIFICATE':
+ root_logger.warning(
+ "Skipping certificate in %s at line %s: %s",
+ filename, line, e)
+ else:
+ root_logger.warning(
+ "Skipping PKCS#7 in %s at line %s: %s",
+ filename, line, e)
+ continue
+ else:
+ extracted_certs += stdout + '\n'
+ loaded = True
+ continue
+ if not import_keys:
+ continue
+ if key_file:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Can't load private key from both %s and %s" %
+ (key_file, filename))
+ args = [
+ paths.OPENSSL, 'pkcs8',
+ '-topk8',
+ '-passout', 'file:' + db_password_filename,
+ ]
+ if ((label != 'PRIVATE KEY' and key_password) or
+ key_pwdfile = ipautil.write_tmp_file(key_password)
+ args += [
+ '-passin', 'file:' +,
+ ]
+ try:
+ stdout, stderr, rc =, stdin=body)
+ except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e:
+ root_logger.warning(
+ "Skipping private key in %s at line %s: %s",
+ filename, line, e)
+ continue
+ else:
+ extracted_key = stdout
+ key_file = filename
+ loaded = True
+ continue
+ if loaded:
+ continue
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to load %s" % filename)
+ # Try to load the file as DER certificate
+ try:
+ x509.load_certificate(data, x509.DER)
+ except NSPRError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ data = x509.make_pem(base64.b64encode(data))
+ extracted_certs += data + '\n'
+ continue
+ # Try to import the file as PKCS#12 file
+ if import_keys:
+ try:
+ self.import_pkcs12(
+ filename, db_password_filename, key_password)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if key_file:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Can't load private key from both %s and %s" %
+ (key_file, filename))
+ key_file = filename
+ server_certs = self.find_server_certs()
+ if key_nickname:
+ for nickname, trust_flags in server_certs:
+ if nickname == key_nickname:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Server certificate \"%s\" not found in %s" %
+ (key_nickname, filename))
+ else:
+ if len(server_certs) > 1:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "%s server certificates found in %s, "
+ "expecting only one" %
+ (len(server_certs), filename))
+ continue
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to load %s" % filename)
+ if import_keys and not key_file:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "No server certificates found in %s" % (', '.join(files)))
+ nss_certs = x509.load_certificate_list(extracted_certs)
+ nss_cert = None
+ for nss_cert in nss_certs:
+ nickname = str(nss_cert.subject)
+ self.add_cert(nss_cert.der_data, nickname, ',,')
+ del nss_certs, nss_cert
+ if extracted_key:
+ in_file = ipautil.write_tmp_file(extracted_certs + extracted_key)
+ out_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ out_password = ipautil.ipa_generate_password()
+ out_pwdfile = ipautil.write_tmp_file(out_password)
+ args = [
+ paths.OPENSSL, 'pkcs12',
+ '-export',
+ '-in',,
+ '-out',,
+ '-passin', 'file:' + db_password_filename,
+ '-passout', 'file:' +,
+ ]
+ try:
+ except ipautil.CalledProcessError as e:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "No matching certificate found for private key from %s" %
+ key_file)
+ self.import_pkcs12(, db_password_filename,
+ out_password)
+ def trust_root_cert(self, root_nickname, trust_flags=None):
+ if root_nickname[:7] == "Builtin":
+ root_logger.debug(
+ "No need to add trust for built-in root CAs, skipping %s" %
+ root_nickname)
+ else:
+ if trust_flags is None:
+ trust_flags = 'C,,'
+ try:
+ self.run_certutil(["-M", "-n", root_nickname,
+ "-t", trust_flags])
+ except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Setting trust on %s failed" % root_nickname)
+ def get_cert(self, nickname, pem=False):
+ args = ['-L', '-n', nickname]
+ if pem:
+ args.append('-a')
+ else:
+ args.append('-r')
+ try:
+ cert, err, returncode = self.run_certutil(args)
+ except ipautil.CalledProcessError:
+ raise RuntimeError("Failed to get %s" % nickname)
+ return cert
+ def export_pem_cert(self, nickname, location):
+ """Export the given cert to PEM file in the given location"""
+ cert = self.get_cert(nickname)
+ with open(location, "w+") as fd:
+ fd.write(cert)
+ os.chmod(location, 0444)
+ def import_pem_cert(self, nickname, flags, location):
+ """Import a cert form the given PEM file.
+ The file must contain exactly one certificate.
+ """
+ try:
+ with open(location) as fd:
+ certs =
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Failed to open %s: %s" % (location, e.strerror)
+ )
+ cert, st = find_cert_from_txt(certs)
+ self.add_cert(cert, nickname, flags, pem=True)
+ try:
+ find_cert_from_txt(certs, st)
+ except RuntimeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('%s contains more than one certificate' %
+ location)
+ def add_cert(self, cert, nick, flags, pem=False):
+ args = ["-A", "-n", nick, "-t", flags]
+ if pem:
+ args.append("-a")
+ self.run_certutil(args, stdin=cert)
+ def delete_cert(self, nick):
+ self.run_certutil(["-D", "-n", nick])
+ def verify_server_cert_validity(self, nickname, hostname):
+ """Verify a certificate is valid for a SSL server with given hostname
+ Raises a ValueError if the certificate is invalid.
+ """
+ certdb = cert = None
+ if nss.nss_is_initialized():
+ nss.nss_shutdown()
+ nss.nss_init(self.secdir)
+ try:
+ certdb = nss.get_default_certdb()
+ cert = nss.find_cert_from_nickname(nickname)
+ intended_usage = nss.certificateUsageSSLServer
+ try:
+ approved_usage = cert.verify_now(certdb, True, intended_usage)
+ except NSPRError, e:
+ if e.errno != -8102:
+ raise ValueError(e.strerror)
+ approved_usage = 0
+ if not approved_usage & intended_usage:
+ raise ValueError('invalid for a SSL server')
+ if not cert.verify_hostname(hostname):
+ raise ValueError('invalid for server %s' % hostname)
+ finally:
+ del certdb, cert
+ nss.nss_shutdown()
+ return None
+ def verify_ca_cert_validity(self, nickname):
+ certdb = cert = None
+ if nss.nss_is_initialized():
+ nss.nss_shutdown()
+ nss.nss_init(self.secdir)
+ try:
+ certdb = nss.get_default_certdb()
+ cert = nss.find_cert_from_nickname(nickname)
+ if not cert.subject:
+ raise ValueError("has empty subject")
+ if not cert.is_ca_cert():
+ raise ValueError("not a CA certificate")
+ intended_usage = nss.certificateUsageSSLCA
+ try:
+ approved_usage = cert.verify_now(certdb, True, intended_usage)
+ except NSPRError, e:
+ if e.errno != -8102: # SEC_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_USAGE
+ raise ValueError(e.strerror)
+ approved_usage = 0
+ if approved_usage & intended_usage != intended_usage:
+ raise ValueError('invalid for a CA')
+ finally:
+ del certdb, cert
+ nss.nss_shutdown()