path: root/ipalib/plugins/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipalib/plugins/')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ipalib/plugins/ b/ipalib/plugins/
index f788061f0..d31e0d356 100644
--- a/ipalib/plugins/
+++ b/ipalib/plugins/
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ import string
import posixpath
import os
+from copy import deepcopy
from ipalib import api, errors
from ipalib import Flag, Int, Password, Str, Bool, StrEnum, DateTime
from ipalib.plugable import Registry
-from ipalib.plugins.baseldap import LDAPCreate, DN, entry_to_dict
+from ipalib.plugins.baseldap import LDAPCreate, LDAPQuery, LDAPSearch, DN, entry_to_dict, pkey_to_value
from ipalib.plugins import baseldap
from ipalib.plugins.baseuser import baseuser, baseuser_add, baseuser_del, \
baseuser_mod, baseuser_find, baseuser_show, \
@@ -344,3 +345,207 @@ class stageuser_show(baseuser_show):
entry_attrs['nsaccountlock'] = True
self.post_common_callback(ldap, dn, entry_attrs, **options)
return dn
+class stageuser_activate(LDAPQuery):
+ __doc__ = _('Activate a stage user.')
+ msg_summary = _('Activate a stage user "%(value)s"')
+ preserved_DN_syntax_attrs = ('manager', 'managedby', 'secretary')
+ searched_operational_attributes = ['uidNumber', 'gidNumber', 'nsAccountLock', 'ipauniqueid']
+ has_output = output.standard_entry
+ has_output_params = LDAPQuery.has_output_params + stageuser_output_params
+ def __dict_new_entry(self, *args, **options):
+ ldap = self.obj.backend
+ entry_attrs = self.args_options_2_entry(*args, **options)
+ entry_attrs = ldap.make_entry(DN(), entry_attrs)
+ self.process_attr_options(entry_attrs, None, args, options)
+ entry_attrs['objectclass'] = deepcopy(self.obj.object_class)
+ if self.obj.object_class_config:
+ config = ldap.get_ipa_config()
+ entry_attrs['objectclass'] = config.get(
+ self.obj.object_class_config, entry_attrs['objectclass']
+ )
+ return(entry_attrs)
+ def __merge_values(self, args, options, entry_from, entry_to, attr):
+ '''
+ This routine merges the values of attr taken from entry_from, into entry_to.
+ If attr is a syntax DN attribute, it is replaced by an empty value. It is a preferable solution
+ compare to skiping it because the final entry may no longer conform the schema.
+ An exception of this is for a limited set of syntax DN attribute that we want to
+ preserved (defined in preserved_DN_syntax_attrs)
+ see
+ '''
+ if not attr in entry_to:
+ if isinstance(entry_from[attr], (list, tuple)):
+ # attr is multi value attribute
+ entry_to[attr] = []
+ else:
+ # attr single valued attribute
+ entry_to[attr] = None
+ # At this point entry_to contains for all resulting attributes
+ # either a list (possibly empty) or a value (possibly None)
+ for value in entry_from[attr]:
+ # merge all the values from->to
+ v = self.__value_2_add(args, options, attr, value)
+ if (isinstance(value, str) and v in ('', None)) or \
+ (isinstance(value, unicode) and v in (u'', None)):
+ try:
+ v.decode('utf-8')
+ self.log.debug("merge: %s:%r wiped" % (attr, v))
+ except:
+ self.log.debug("merge %s: [no_print %s]" % (attr, v.__class__.__name__))
+ pass
+ if isinstance(entry_to[attr], (list, tuple)):
+ # multi value attribute
+ if v not in entry_to[attr]:
+ # it may has been added before in the loop
+ # so add it only if it not present
+ entry_to[attr].append(v)
+ else:
+ # single value attribute
+ # keep the value defined in staging
+ entry_to[attr] = v
+ else:
+ try:
+ v.decode('utf-8')
+ self.log.debug("Add: %s:%r" % (attr, v))
+ except:
+ self.log.debug("Add %s: [no_print %s]" % (attr, v.__class__.__name__))
+ pass
+ if isinstance(entry_to[attr], (list, tuple)):
+ # multi value attribute
+ if value not in entry_to[attr]:
+ entry_to[attr].append(value)
+ else:
+ # single value attribute
+ if value:
+ entry_to[attr] = value
+ def __value_2_add(self, args, options, attr, value):
+ '''
+ If the attribute is NOT syntax DN it returns its value.
+ Else it checks if the value can be preserved.
+ To be preserved:
+ - attribute must be in preserved_DN_syntax_attrs
+ - value must be an active user DN (in Active container)
+ - the active user entry exists
+ '''
+ ldap = self.obj.backend
+ if ldap.has_dn_syntax(attr):
+ if attr.lower() in self.preserved_DN_syntax_attrs:
+ # we are about to add a DN syntax value
+ # Check this is a valid DN
+ if not isinstance(value, DN):
+ return u''
+ if not self.obj.active_user(value):
+ return u''
+ # Check that this value is a Active user
+ try:
+ entry_attrs = self._exc_wrapper(args, options, ldap.get_entry)(value, ['dn'])
+ return value
+ except errors.NotFound:
+ return u''
+ else:
+ return u''
+ else:
+ return value
+ def execute(self, *args, **options):
+ ldap = self.obj.backend
+ staging_dn = self.obj.get_dn(*args, **options)
+ assert isinstance(staging_dn, DN)
+ # retrieve the current entry
+ try:
+ entry_attrs = self._exc_wrapper(args, options, ldap.get_entry)(
+ staging_dn, ['*']
+ )
+ except errors.NotFound:
+ self.obj.handle_not_found(*args)
+ entry_attrs = dict((k.lower(), v) for (k, v) in entry_attrs.iteritems())
+ # Check it does not exist an active entry with the same RDN
+ active_dn = DN(staging_dn[0], api.env.container_user, api.env.basedn)
+ try:
+ test_entry_attrs = self._exc_wrapper(args, options, ldap.get_entry)(
+ active_dn, ['dn']
+ )
+ assert isinstance(staging_dn, DN)
+ raise errors.DuplicateEntry(message=_('Active user %(user)s already exists') % dict(
+ user=test_entry_attrs.dn))
+ except errors.NotFound:
+ pass
+ # Time to build the new entry
+ result_entry = {'dn' : active_dn}
+ new_entry_attrs = self.__dict_new_entry()
+ for (attr, values) in entry_attrs.iteritems():
+ self.__merge_values(args, options, entry_attrs, new_entry_attrs, attr)
+ result_entry[attr] = values
+ # Allow Managed entry plugin to do its work
+ if 'description' in new_entry_attrs and NO_UPG_MAGIC in new_entry_attrs['description']:
+ new_entry_attrs['description'].remove(NO_UPG_MAGIC)
+ if result_entry['description'] == NO_UPG_MAGIC:
+ del result_entry['description']
+ for (k,v) in new_entry_attrs.iteritems():
+ self.log.debug("new entry: k=%r and v=%r)" % (k, v))
+ # Add the Active entry
+ entry = ldap.make_entry(active_dn, new_entry_attrs)
+ self._exc_wrapper(args, options, ldap.add_entry)(entry)
+ # Now delete the Staging entry
+ try:
+ self._exc_wrapper(args, options, ldap.delete_entry)(staging_dn)
+ except:
+ try:
+ self.log.error("Fail to delete the Staging user after activating it %s " % (staging_dn))
+ self._exc_wrapper(args, options, ldap.delete_entry)(active_dn)
+ except:
+ self.log.error("Fail to cleanup activation. The user remains active %s" % (active_dn))
+ pass
+ raise
+ # add the user we just created into the default primary group
+ config = ldap.get_ipa_config()
+ def_primary_group = config.get('ipadefaultprimarygroup')
+ group_dn = self.api.Object['group'].get_dn(def_primary_group)
+ # if the user is already a member of default primary group,
+ # do not raise error
+ # this can happen if automember rule or default group is set
+ try:
+ ldap.add_entry_to_group(active_dn, group_dn)
+ except errors.AlreadyGroupMember:
+ pass
+ # Now retrieve the activated entry
+ result_entry = self._exc_wrapper(args, options, ldap.get_entry)(active_dn)
+ result_entry = entry_to_dict(result_entry, **options)
+ result_entry['dn'] = active_dn
+ return dict(result=result_entry,
+ summary=unicode(_('Stage user %s activated' % staging_dn[0].value)),
+ value=pkey_to_value(args[-1], options))