path: root/ipalib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ipalib/')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipalib/ b/ipalib/
index 097747ac7..c00db9dc6 100644
--- a/ipalib/
+++ b/ipalib/
@@ -240,3 +240,140 @@ class MissingOverrideError(RegistrationError):
def __str__(self):
return self.msg % (self.base.__name__, self.cls.__name__, self.cls)
+class GenericError(IPAError):
+ """Base class for our custom exceptions"""
+ faultCode = 1000
+ fromFault = False
+ def __str__(self):
+ try:
+ return str(self.args[0]['args'][0])
+ except:
+ try:
+ return str(self.args[0])
+ except:
+ return str(self.__dict__)
+class DatabaseError(GenericError):
+ """A database error has occurred"""
+ faultCode = 1001
+class MidairCollision(GenericError):
+ """Change collided with another change"""
+ faultCode = 1002
+class NotFound(GenericError):
+ """Entry not found"""
+ faultCode = 1003
+class Duplicate(GenericError):
+ """This entry already exists"""
+ faultCode = 1004
+class MissingDN(GenericError):
+ """The distinguished name (DN) is missing"""
+ faultCode = 1005
+class EmptyModlist(GenericError):
+ """No modifications to be performed"""
+ faultCode = 1006
+class InputError(GenericError):
+ """Error on input"""
+ faultCode = 1007
+class SameGroupError(InputError):
+ """You can't add a group to itself"""
+ faultCode = 1008
+class AdminsImmutable(InputError):
+ """The admins group cannot be renamed"""
+ faultCode = 1009
+class UsernameTooLong(InputError):
+ """The requested username is too long"""
+ faultCode = 1010
+class PrincipalError(GenericError):
+ """There is a problem with the kerberos principal"""
+ faultCode = 1011
+class MalformedServicePrincipal(PrincipalError):
+ """The requested service principal is not of the form: service/fully-qualified host name"""
+ faultCode = 1012
+class RealmMismatch(PrincipalError):
+ """The realm for the principal does not match the realm for this IPA server"""
+ faultCode = 1013
+class PrincipalRequired(PrincipalError):
+ """You cannot remove IPA server service principals"""
+ faultCode = 1014
+class InactivationError(GenericError):
+ """This entry cannot be inactivated"""
+ faultCode = 1015
+class ConnectionError(GenericError):
+ """Connection to database failed"""
+ faultCode = 1016
+class NoCCacheError(GenericError):
+ """No Kerberos credentials cache is available. Connection cannot be made"""
+ faultCode = 1017
+class GSSAPIError(GenericError):
+ """GSSAPI Authorization error"""
+ faultCode = 1018
+class ServerUnwilling(GenericError):
+ """Account inactivated. Server is unwilling to perform"""
+ faultCode = 1018
+class ConfigurationError(GenericError):
+ """A configuration error occurred"""
+ faultCode = 1019
+class DefaultGroup(ConfigurationError):
+ """You cannot remove the default users group"""
+ faultCode = 1020
+class FunctionDeprecated(GenericError):
+ """Raised by a deprecated function"""
+ faultCode = 2000
+def convertFault(fault):
+ """Convert a fault to the corresponding Exception type, if possible"""
+ code = getattr(fault,'faultCode',None)
+ if code is None:
+ return fault
+ for v in globals().values():
+ if type(v) == type(Exception) and issubclass(v,GenericError) and \
+ code == getattr(v,'faultCode',None):
+ ret = v(fault.faultString)
+ ret.fromFault = True
+ return ret
+ #otherwise...
+ return fault
+def listFaults():
+ """Return a list of faults
+ Returns a list of dictionaries whose keys are:
+ faultCode: the numeric code used in fault conversion
+ name: the name of the exception
+ desc: the description of the exception (docstring)
+ """
+ ret = []
+ for n,v in globals().items():
+ if type(v) == type(Exception) and issubclass(v,GenericError):
+ code = getattr(v,'faultCode',None)
+ if code is None:
+ continue
+ info = {}
+ info['faultCode'] = code
+ info['name'] = n
+ info['desc'] = getattr(v,'__doc__',None)
+ ret.append(info)
+ ret.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a['faultCode'],b['faultCode']))
+ return ret