path: root/install/ui/dns.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'install/ui/dns.js')
1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/install/ui/dns.js b/install/ui/dns.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1fce532e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/ui/dns.js
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+/*jsl:import ipa.js */
+/*jsl:import search.js */
+/* Authors:
+ * Adam Young <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat
+ * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+/* REQUIRES: ipa.js, details.js, search.js, add.js, entity.js */
+/* DNS */
+IPA.entity_factories.dnszone = function() {
+ return IPA.entity_builder().
+ entity('dnszone').
+ search_facet({
+ columns:['idnsname'],
+ add_fields: ['idnsname','idnssoamname','idnssoarname']
+ }).
+ details_facet([{
+ section:'identity',
+ fields:[
+ 'idnsname',
+ 'idnszoneactive',
+ 'idnssoamname',
+ 'idnssoarname',
+ 'idnssoaserial',
+ 'idnssoarefresh',
+ 'idnssoaretry',
+ 'idnssoaexpire',
+ 'idnssoaminimum',
+ 'dnsttl',
+ 'dnsclass',
+ 'idnsallowdynupdate',
+ 'idnsupdatepolicy']}]).
+ facet(IPA.records_facet({
+ 'name': 'records',
+ 'label': IPA.metadata.objects.dnsrecord.label
+ })).
+ standard_associations().
+ build();
+IPA.records_facet = function (spec){
+ spec = spec || {};
+ var that = IPA.facet(spec);
+ that.record = null;
+ var record_types =[ 'a', 'aaaa', 'dname', 'cname', 'mx', 'ns', 'ptr',
+ 'srv', 'txt', 'a6', 'afsdb', 'cert', 'ds',
+ 'key', 'kx', 'loc', 'naptr', 'nsec',
+ 'rrsig', 'sshfp'];
+ function create_type_select(id,add_none) {
+ var type_select = $('<select/>',{
+ id: id
+ });
+ if (add_none){
+ type_select.append($('<option/>',{
+ text: '(any)',
+ value: ''
+ }));
+ }
+ for (var t = 0 ; t < record_types.length ; t += 1){
+ var record_type = record_types[t].toUpperCase();
+ type_select.append($('<option/>',{
+ text: record_type,
+ value: record_type
+ }));
+ }
+ return type_select;
+ }
+ var entry_attrs = {};
+ function add_click(){
+ var dialog = IPA.dialog({
+ title: IPA.messages.objects.dnsrecord.add
+ });
+ dialog.create = function() {
+ var dl = $('<dl/>').appendTo(dialog.container);
+ $('<dt/>', {
+ html: IPA.messages.objects.dnsrecord.resource
+ }).appendTo(dl);
+ var dd = $('<dd/>').appendTo(dl);
+ dialog.resource = $('<input/>', {
+ type: 'text'
+ }).appendTo(dd);
+ $('<dt/>', {
+ html: IPA.messages.objects.dnsrecord.type
+ }).appendTo(dl);
+ dd = $('<dd/>').appendTo(dl);
+ dialog.type = create_type_select('dns-record-type').appendTo(dd);
+ $('<dt/>', {
+ html:
+ }).appendTo(dl);
+ dd = $('<dd/>').appendTo(dl);
+ = $('<textarea/>', {
+ rows: 8,
+ cols: 20
+ }).appendTo(dd);
+ };
+ dialog.add_button(IPA.messages.buttons.add_many, function() {
+ dialog.add();
+ });
+ dialog.add_button(IPA.messages.buttons.add_and_close, function() {
+ dialog.add();
+ dialog.close();
+ });
+ dialog.add_button(IPA.messages.buttons.cancel, function() {
+ dialog.close();
+ });
+ dialog.add = function() {
+ var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name+'-pkey', true);
+ var resource = dialog.resource.val();
+ var options = {};
+ var key = dialog.type.val().toLowerCase()+'record';
+ options[key] =;
+ var command = IPA.command({
+ method: 'dnsrecord_add',
+ args: [pkey, resource],
+ options: options,
+ on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) {
+ reload();
+ }
+ });
+ command.execute();
+ };
+ dialog.init();
+ }
+ function delete_records(records_table){
+ var zone = $.bbq.getState('dnszone-pkey', true);
+ var thead = records_table.find('thead');
+ thead.find("INPUT[type='checkbox']").
+ attr('checked', false);
+ var tbody = records_table.find('tbody');
+ var records = [];
+ $('input[type=checkbox]:checked', tbody).each(
+ function(index, input){
+ var tr = $(input).parents('tr');
+ var resource = $('[title=idnsname]', tr).text();
+ var type = $('[title=type]', tr).text().toLowerCase();
+ var data = $('[title=data]', tr).text();
+ records.push({
+ resource: resource,
+ type: type,
+ data: data
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ if (records.length === 0){
+ return;
+ }
+ var dialog = IPA.dialog({
+ title: IPA.messages.buttons.remove
+ });
+ dialog.create = function() {
+ var to_delete_table =
+ $('<table class="search-table" >'+
+ '<thead><tr><th>Resource</th><th>Type</th></tr></thead>'+
+ '<tbody></tbody></table>').appendTo(dialog.container);
+ var to_delete_body = to_delete_table.find('tbody');
+ for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
+ var record = records[i];
+ var tr = $('<tr></tr>').appendTo(to_delete_body);
+ $('<td/>', {
+ html: record.resource
+ }).appendTo(tr);
+ $('<td/>', {
+ html: record.type
+ }).appendTo(tr);
+ }
+ $('<p/>', {
+ text:
+ }).appendTo(dialog.container);
+ };
+ dialog.add_button(IPA.messages.buttons.remove, function() {
+ var batch = IPA.batch_command({
+ on_success: function() {
+ reload();
+ dialog.close();
+ },
+ on_error: function() {
+ reload();
+ dialog.close();
+ }
+ });
+ for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
+ var record = records[i];
+ var command = IPA.command({
+ method: 'dnsrecord_del',
+ args: [zone, record.resource]
+ });
+ command.set_option(record.type+'record',;
+ batch.add_command(command);
+ }
+ batch.execute();
+ });
+ dialog.add_button(IPA.messages.buttons.cancel, function() {
+ dialog.close();
+ });
+ dialog.init();
+ }
+ that.is_dirty = function() {
+ var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || '';
+ var record = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-record', true) || '';
+ return pkey != that.pkey || record != that.record;
+ };
+ function create(container) {
+ container.attr('title', that.entity_name);
+ $('<h1/>',{
+ }).append(IPA.create_network_spinner()).
+ appendTo(container);
+ var details = $('<div/>', {
+ 'class': 'content'
+ }).appendTo(container);
+ var div = $('<div class="search-controls"></div>').
+ appendTo(details);
+ var control_span =$('<span class="record-filter"></span>').appendTo(div);
+ control_span.append(IPA.messages.objects.dnsrecord.resource);
+ control_span.append($('<input />',{
+ type: "text",
+ id: 'dns-record-resource-filter',
+ name: 'search-' + that.entity_name + '-filter'
+ }));
+ /*
+ THe OLD DNS plugin allowed for search based on record type.
+ This one does not. If the plugin gets modified to support
+ Record type searches, uncomment the followin lines and
+ adjust the code that modifies the search parameters.
+ control_span.append('Type');
+ create_type_select('dns-record-type-filter',true).
+ appendTo(control_span);
+ */
+ IPA.button({
+ 'label': IPA.messages.buttons.find,
+ 'icon': 'ui-icon-search',
+ 'click': function(){refresh();}
+ }).appendTo(control_span);
+ var action_panel_ul = $('.action-panel .entity-facet', that.container).
+ last();
+ var action_controls = $('<li/>',{
+ "class":"action-controls"}).appendTo(action_panel_ul);
+ IPA.action_button({
+ label: IPA.messages.buttons.remove,
+ icon: 'ui-icon-trash',
+ click: function(){ delete_records(records_table); }
+ }).appendTo(action_controls);
+ IPA.action_button({
+ label: IPA.messages.buttons.add,
+ icon: 'ui-icon-plus',
+ click: add_click
+ }).appendTo(action_controls);
+ div.append('<span class="records-buttons"></span>');
+ var records_results = $('<div/>', {
+ 'class': 'records-results'
+ }).appendTo(details);
+ var records_table = $('<table/>', {
+ 'class': 'search-table'
+ }).appendTo(records_results);
+ var thead = $('<thead><tr></tr></thead>').appendTo(records_table);
+ var tbody = $('<tbody></tbody>').appendTo(records_table);
+ var tfoot = $('<tfoot></tfoot>').appendTo(records_table);
+ var tr = thead.find('tr');
+ tr.append($('<th style="width: 15px" />').append(
+ $('<input />',{
+ type: 'checkbox',
+ click : function (evt){
+ tbody.find("INPUT[type='checkbox']").
+ attr('checked', this.checked);
+ }
+ })));
+ tr.append($('<th/>',{
+ text: IPA.get_entity_param("dnsrecord", "idnsname").label }));
+ tr.append($('<th>Record Type</th>'));
+ tr.append($('<th>Data</th>'));
+ }
+ function setup(container){
+ that.facet_setup(container);
+ that.pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || '';
+ that.record = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-record', true) || '';
+ $('h1',container).
+ html("<span id='headerpkey' />"+IPA.messages.objects.dnsrecord.title+":" + that.pkey);
+ //commented out until data is searchable
+ //control_span.append('Data');
+ //control_span.append($('<input />',{
+ // type: "text",
+ // id: 'dns-record-data-filter',
+ // name: 'search-' + obj_name + '-filter'
+ //}));
+ refresh();
+ }
+ function load_on_win(data){
+ display(that.entity_name,data);
+ }
+ function load_on_fail(data){
+ display(that.entity_name,data);
+ }
+ function reload(){
+ refresh();
+ }
+ function refresh(){
+ var options = {};
+ var resource_filter = that.container.
+ find("#dns-record-resource-filter").val();
+// if (resource_filter){
+// options.idnsname = resource_filter;
+// }
+ var type_filter = that.container.find("#dns-record-type-filter").val();
+ if (type_filter){
+ options.type = type_filter;
+ }
+ var data_filter = that.container.find("#dns-record-data-filter").val();
+ if (data_filter){
+ = data_filter;
+ }
+ var pkey = [$.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true)];
+ if (resource_filter){
+ pkey.push(resource_filter);
+ }
+ IPA.cmd('dnsrecord_find',pkey,options,load_on_win, load_on_fail);
+ }
+ function generate_tr(thead, tbody, result){
+ function generate_checkbox_td(tr, pkey) {
+ var checkbox = $('<input />', {
+ name: pkey,
+ title: pkey,
+ type: 'checkbox',
+ 'class': 'search-selector'
+ });
+ var td = $('<td></td>');
+ td.append(checkbox);
+ tr.append(td);
+ }
+ var tr = $('<tr></tr>').appendTo(tbody);
+ generate_checkbox_td(tr, /*pkey_value*/ '');
+ //TODO get this fixed on the back end. For now, workaround
+ if (result.idnsname){
+ tr.append($('<td/>',{
+ title:'idnsname',
+ text: result.idnsname[0]
+ }));
+ }else{
+ tr.append($('<td/>',{
+ title:'idnsname',
+ text: result.dn.split(',')[0].split('=')[1]
+ }));
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < record_types.length; i += 1){
+ var field_name = record_types[i];
+ var field = result[field_name+'record'];
+ if ( field ){
+ var record_type = field_name;
+ var record_data = field[0];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tr.append($('<td/>',{
+ title:'type',
+ text: record_type
+ }));
+ tr.append($('<td/>',{
+ title:'data',
+ text: record_data
+ }));
+ }
+ //TODO this is cut and pasted from search, we need to unify
+ function display(obj_name, data){
+ var selector = '.entity-container[title=' + obj_name + ']';
+ var thead = $(selector + ' thead');
+ var tbody = $(selector + ' tbody');
+ var tfoot = $(selector + ' tfoot');
+ tbody.find('tr').remove();
+ var result = data.result.result;
+ for (var i = 0; i < result.length; ++i){
+ generate_tr(thead, tbody, result[i]);
+ }
+ tfoot.find('td').remove();
+ if (data.result.truncated) {
+ var message =;
+ message = message.replace('${counter}', data.result.count);
+ tfoot.append($('<td />',{
+ colspan:2,
+ text:message}));
+ } else {
+ tfoot.append($('<td/>',{
+ colspan:2,
+ text:data.result.summary}));
+ }
+ }
+ that.create = create;
+ that.setup = setup;
+ that.refresh = refresh;
+ return that;