path: root/install/ui/dns.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'install/ui/dns.js')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/install/ui/dns.js b/install/ui/dns.js
index d689a8941..740192653 100644
--- a/install/ui/dns.js
+++ b/install/ui/dns.js
@@ -54,13 +54,15 @@ IPA.entity_factories.dnszone = function() {
- facet({
- factory: IPA.dnsrecord_facet,
- name: 'records',
+ nested_search_facet({
facet_group: 'member',
+ nested_entity : 'dnsrecord',
+ name: 'records',
title: IPA.metadata.objects.dnszone.label_singular,
label: IPA.metadata.objects.dnsrecord.label,
- columns: [
+ load: IPA.dns_record_search_load,
+ get_values: IPA.dnsrecord_get_delete_values,
+ columns:[
name: 'idnsname',
label: IPA.get_entity_param('dnsrecord', 'idnsname').label,
@@ -87,470 +89,271 @@ IPA.entity_factories.dnszone = function() {
-IPA.force_dnszone_add_checkbox_widget = function(spec) {
- var param_info = IPA.get_method_option('dnszone_add', 'force');
- = 'force';
- spec.label = param_info.label;
- spec.tooltip = param_info.doc;
- spec.undo = false;
- return IPA.checkbox_widget(spec);
-IPA.dnsrecord_facet = function(spec) {
- spec = spec || {};
- spec.disable_breadcrumb = false;
- spec.disable_facet_tabs = false;
- var that = IPA.search_facet(spec);
+IPA.dns_record_search_load = function (result) {
+ this.table.empty();
+ var normalized_record;
+ var dns_record_types = IPA.dns_record_types();
+ for (var i = 0; i<result.length; i++) {
+ var record = result[i];
+ for (var j =0; j < dns_record_types.length; j += 1){
+ var record_type = dns_record_types[j].value;
+ if (record[record_type]){
+ var record_of_type = record[record_type];
+ for (var k =0;
+ k < record_of_type.length;
+ k+=1)
+ {
+ normalized_record = {
+ idnsname:record.idnsname,
+ type:record_type,
+ data:record_of_type[k]
+ };
+ this.table.add_record(normalized_record);
- function generate_recordtype_list(){
- var attrs = IPA.metadata.objects.dnsrecord.default_attributes;
- var record_types = [];
- for (var i =0; i < attrs.length; i+=1){
- var attr = attrs[i];
- var index ='record$');
- if (index > -1){
- var rec_type = attr.substring(0,index);
- record_types.push(rec_type);
+ }
- return record_types;
- }
- var record_types = generate_recordtype_list();
- that.init = function() {
- that.facet_init();
- that.table = IPA.table_widget({
- 'class': 'content-table',
- name: 'search',
- label: IPA.metadata.objects[that.entity_name].label,
- entity_name: that.entity_name,
- scrollable: true
- });
- var columns = that.columns.values;
- for (var i=0; i<columns.length; i++) {
- var column = columns[i];
- that.table.add_column(column);
- }
- that.table.select_changed = function() {
- that.select_changed();
- };
- that.table.refresh = function() {
- that.refresh();
- };
- that.table.init();
- };
- function create_type_select(id,add_none) {
- var type_select = $('<select/>',{
- id: id
- });
- if (add_none){
- type_select.append($('<option/>', {
- text: '(any)',
- value: ''
- }));
- }
- for (var t = 0 ; t < record_types.length ; t += 1){
- var record_type = record_types[t].toUpperCase();
- type_select.append($('<option/>',{
- text: record_type,
- value: record_type
- }));
- }
- return type_select;
- that.add = function() {
- var title = IPA.messages.dialogs.add_title;
- var label = IPA.metadata.objects.dnsrecord.label_singular;
- title = title.replace('${entity}', label);
- var dialog = IPA.dialog({
- title: title
- });
- dialog.create = function() {
- var dl = $('<dl/>').appendTo(dialog.container);
- $('<dt/>', {
- html: IPA.get_entity_param('dnsrecord', 'idnsname').label
- }).appendTo(dl);
- var dd = $('<dd/>').appendTo(dl);
- dialog.resource = $('<input/>', {
- type: 'text'
- }).appendTo(dd);
- $('<dt/>', {
- html: IPA.messages.objects.dnsrecord.type
- }).appendTo(dl);
- dd = $('<dd/>').appendTo(dl);
- dialog.type = create_type_select('dns-record-type').appendTo(dd);
- $('<dt/>', {
- html:
- }).appendTo(dl);
- dd = $('<dd/>').appendTo(dl);
- = $('<textarea/>', {
- rows: 8,
- cols: 20
- }).appendTo(dd);
- };
- dialog.add_button(IPA.messages.buttons.add, function() {
- dialog.add();
- dialog.close();
- });
- dialog.add_button(IPA.messages.buttons.add_and_add_another, function() {
- dialog.add();
- });
- dialog.add_button(IPA.messages.buttons.cancel, function() {
- dialog.close();
- });
- dialog.add = function() {
- var pkey = IPA.nav.get_state(that.entity_name+'-pkey');
- var resource = dialog.resource.val();
- var options = {};
- var key = dialog.type.val().toLowerCase()+'record';
- options[key] =;
- var command = IPA.command({
- entity: 'dnsrecord',
- method: 'add',
- args: [pkey, resource],
- options: options,
- on_success: function(data, text_status, xhr) {
- that.refresh();
+IPA.entity_factories.dnsrecord = function() {
+ return IPA.entity_builder().
+ entity('dnsrecord').
+ containing_entity('dnszone').
+ details_facet({
+ disable_breadcrumb: false,
+ sections:[
+ {
+ name:'identity',
+ label: IPA.messages.details.identity,
+ fields:[
+ {
+ factory:IPA.dnsrecord_host_link_widget,
+ name: 'idnsname',
+ other_entity:'host',
+ label:'Record Name'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ name:'standard',
+ label:'Standard Records',
+ fields:[
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ name: 'arecord',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ label:'A'
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ name: 'aaaarecord',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ label:'AAAA'
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ name: 'ptrrecord',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ label:'PTR'
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ name: 'srvrecord',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ label:'SRV'
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ name: 'txtrecord',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ label:'TXT'
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ name: 'cnamerecord',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ label:'CNAME'
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'MX',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"mxrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'NS',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"nsrecord"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ name:'unusual',
+ label:'Other Record Types',
+ fields:[
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'AFSDB',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name: "afsdbrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'CERT',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"certrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'DNAME',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"dnamerecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'DSRECORD',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"dsrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'KEY',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"keyrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'KX',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"kxrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'LOC',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"locrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'NAPTR',
+ name:"naptrrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'NSEC',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"nsecrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'RRSIG',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"rrsigrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'SIG',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"sigrecord"
+ },
+ { factory: IPA.multivalued_text_widget,
+ label:'SSHFP',
+ param_info: {primary_key: false},
+ name:"sshfprecord"
+ }
+ ]
- });
- command.execute();
- };
- dialog.init();
- };
- that.remove = function() {
- var values = that.table.get_selected_rows();
- if (!values.length) {
- return;
- }
- var zone = IPA.nav.get_state('dnszone-pkey');
- var records = [];
- values.each(function() {
- var tr = $(this);
- records.push({
- resource: $('span[name=idnsname]', tr).text(),
- type: $('span[name=type]', tr).text().toLowerCase(),
- data: $('span[name=data]', tr).text()
- });
- });
- var title = IPA.messages.dialogs.remove_title;
- var label = IPA.metadata.objects.dnsrecord.label;
- title = title.replace('${entity}', label);
- var dialog = IPA.dialog({
- title: title
- });
- dialog.create = function() {
- var table = $('<table/>', {
- 'class': 'search-table'
- }).appendTo(dialog.container);
- var thead = $('<thead/>').appendTo(table);
- var tr = $('<tr/>').appendTo(thead);
- $('<th/>', {
- text: IPA.get_entity_param('dnsrecord', 'idnsname').label
- }).appendTo(tr);
- $('<th/>', {
- text: IPA.messages.objects.dnsrecord.type
- }).appendTo(tr);
- var tbody = $('<tbody/>').appendTo(table);
- for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
- var record = records[i];
- tr = $('<tr/>').appendTo(tbody);
- $('<td/>', {
- html: record.resource
- }).appendTo(tr);
- $('<td/>', {
- html: record.type
- }).appendTo(tr);
- }
- $('<p/>', {
- text:
- }).appendTo(dialog.container);
- };
- dialog.add_button(IPA.messages.buttons.remove, function() {
- var batch = IPA.batch_command({
- on_success: function() {
- that.refresh();
- dialog.close();
+ ]
+ }).
+ adder_dialog({
+ pre_execute_hook:function(command){
+ var record_type = command.options.record_type;
+ var record_data = command.options.record_data;
+ delete command.options.record_type;
+ delete command.options.record_data;
+ command.options[record_type] = record_data;
+ },
+ fields: [
+ 'idnsname',
+ {
+ name:'record_type',
+ label:IPA.messages.objects.dnsrecord.type,
+ factory:IPA.dnsrecord_type_widget,
+ undo: false
- on_error: function() {
- that.refresh();
- dialog.close();
+ {
+ name:'record_data',
+ factory:IPA.text_widget,
+ param_info:{required:true},
+ undo: false
- });
- for (var i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
- var record = records[i];
- var command = IPA.command({
- entity: 'dnsrecord',
- method: 'del',
- args: [zone, record.resource]
- });
- command.set_option(record.type+'record',;
- batch.add_command(command);
- }
- batch.execute();
- });
- dialog.add_button(IPA.messages.buttons.cancel, function() {
- dialog.close();
- });
- dialog.init();
- };
- that.create_header = function(container) {
- that.facet_create_header(container);
- var span = $('<span/>', {
- 'class': 'right-aligned-facet-controls'
- }).appendTo(that.controls);
- that.filter = $('<input/>', {
- type: 'text',
- 'class': 'search-filter',
- name: 'filter'
- }).appendTo(span);
- that.filter.keypress(function(e) {
- /* if the key pressed is the enter key */
- if (e.which == 13) {
- that.find();
- }
- });
- /*
- The old DNS plugin allowed for search based on record type.
- This one does not. If the plugin gets modified to support
- Record type searches, uncomment the following lines and
- adjust the code that modifies the search parameters.
- that.controls.append('Type');
- create_type_select('dns-record-type-filter',true).
- appendTo(that.controls);
- */
- that.find_button = IPA.action_button({
- name: 'find',
- icon: 'search-icon',
- click: function(){
- that.find();
- return false;
- }
- }).appendTo(span);
- that.controls.append(IPA.create_network_spinner());
- that.remove_button = IPA.action_button({
- name: 'remove',
- label: IPA.messages.buttons.remove,
- icon: 'remove-icon',
- click: function() {
- if (that.remove_button.hasClass('input_link_disabled')) return false;
- that.remove();
- return false;
- }
- }).appendTo(that.controls);
- that.add_button = IPA.action_button({
- name: 'add',
- label: IPA.messages.buttons.add,
- icon: 'add-icon',
- click: function() {
- that.add();
- return false;
- }
- }).appendTo(that.controls);
- };
- that.create_content = function(container) {
- that.table.create(container);
- that.table.setup(container);
- };
- that.setup = function(container) {
- that.facet_setup(container);
- //commented out until data is searchable
- //control_span.append('Data');
- //control_span.append($('<input />',{
- // type: "text",
- // id: 'dns-record-data-filter',
- // name: 'search-' + obj_name + '-filter'
- //}));
- };
- = function() {
- that.facet_show();
+ ]
+ }).
+ build();
- that.record = IPA.nav.get_state(that.entity_name+'-record');
- that.pkey = IPA.nav.get_state(that.entity_name+'-pkey');
- that.header.set_pkey(that.pkey);
+IPA.dnsrecord_host_link_widget = function(spec){
+ var that = IPA.entity_link_widget(spec);
+ that.other_pkeys = function(){
+ var entity = IPA.get_entity(that.entity_name);
+ var pkey = entity.get_primary_key();
+ return [pkey[0]+'.'+pkey[1]];
+ return that;
- that.get_records = function(result) {
- var idnsname;
- if (result.idnsname) {
- idnsname = result.idnsname[0];
- } else {
- idnsname = result.dn.split(',')[0].split('=')[1];
+IPA.dns_record_types = function(){
+ var attrs = IPA.metadata.objects.dnsrecord.default_attributes;
+ var record_types = [];
+ for (var i =0; i < attrs.length; i+=1){
+ var attr = attrs[i];
+ var index ='record$');
+ if (index > -1){
+ var rec_type = {
+ label: attr.substring(0,index).toUpperCase(),
+ value: attr
+ };
+ record_types.push(rec_type);
+ }
+ return record_types;
- var records = [];
- for (var i=0; i<record_types.length; i++){
- var type = record_types[i];
- var data = result[type+'record'] || [];
- for (var j =0 ; j < data.length; j+=1){
- var record = {
- idnsname: idnsname,
- type : type,
- data : data[j]
- };
- records.unshift(record);
- }
- }
+IPA.dnsrecord_type_widget = function (spec){
- return records;
- };
+ spec.options = IPA.dns_record_types();
+ var that = IPA.select_widget(spec);
+ return that;
+IPA.force_dnszone_add_checkbox_widget = function(spec) {
+ var param_info = IPA.get_method_option('dnszone_add', 'force');
+ = 'force';
+ spec.label = param_info.label;
+ spec.tooltip = param_info.doc;
+ spec.undo = false;
+ return IPA.checkbox_widget(spec);
- that.refresh = function() {
- function on_success(data, text_status, xhr) {
+IPA.dnsrecord_get_delete_values = function(){
- that.table.empty();
+ var records = {};
+ var value;
+ var record_type;
+ $('input[name="select"]:checked', this.table.tbody).each(function() {
- var result = data.result.result;
- for (var i = 0; i<result.length; i++) {
- var records = that.get_records(result[i]);
+ $('span',$(this).parent().parent()).each(function(){
+ var name = this.attributes['name'].value;
- for (var j =0; j < records.length; j +=1){
- var record = records[j];
- that.table.add_record(record);
+ if (name === 'idnsname'){
+ value = records[$(this).text()];
+ if (!value){
+ value = {pkey:$(this).text()};
+ records[$(this).text()] = value;
+ }
+ }else if (name === 'type'){
+ record_type = $(this).text();
+ }else if (name === 'data'){
+ if (!value[record_type]){
+ value[record_type] = $(this).text();
+ }else{
+ value[record_type] += "," + $(this).text();
+ });
+ });
- var summary = $('span[name=summary]', that.table.tfoot);
- if (data.result.truncated) {
- var message =;
- message = message.replace('${counter}', data.result.count);
- summary.text(message);
- } else {
- summary.text(data.result.summary);
- }
- that.filter.focus();
- that.select_changed();
- }
- function on_error(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) {
- var summary = $('span[name=summary]', that.table.tfoot).empty();
- summary.append(': '+error_thrown.message);
- }
- var options = {};
- var filter = that.filter.val();
- if (filter){
- options.idnsname = filter;
- }
- var type_filter = that.container.find("#dns-record-type-filter").val();
- if (type_filter){
- options.type = type_filter;
- }
- var data_filter = that.container.find("#dns-record-data-filter").val();
- if (data_filter){
- = data_filter;
- }
- var args = [IPA.nav.get_state(that.entity_name+'-pkey')];
- if (filter) {
- args.push(filter);
- }
- IPA.command({
- entity: 'dnsrecord',
- method: 'find',
- args: args,
- options: options,
- on_success: on_success,
- on_error: on_error
- }).execute();
- };
+ var value_array = [];
+ for (var key in records){
+ value_array.push(records[key]);
+ }
- return that;
+ return value_array;