path: root/install/static/rule.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'install/static/rule.js')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/install/static/rule.js b/install/static/rule.js
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0fc918357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/install/static/rule.js
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+/* Authors:
+ * Endi Sukma Dewata <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat
+ * see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+/* REQUIRES: ipa.js, details.js, search.js, add.js, entity.js */
+function ipa_rule_details_section(spec){
+ spec = spec || {};
+ var that = ipa_details_section(spec);
+ that.text = spec.text;
+ that.field_name = spec.field_name;
+ that.options = spec.options || [];
+ that.tables = spec.tables || [];
+ that.columns = spec.columns;
+ that.create = function(container) {
+ if (that.template) return;
+ if (that.text) container.append(that.text);
+ var span = $('<span/>', { 'name': that.field_name }).appendTo(container);
+ if (that.options.length) {
+ for (var i=0; i<that.options.length; i++) {
+ var option = that.options[i];
+ $('<input/>', {
+ 'type': 'radio',
+ 'name': that.field_name,
+ 'value': option.value
+ }).appendTo(span);
+ span.append(option.label);
+ }
+ span.append(' ');
+ $('<span/>', {
+ 'name': 'undo',
+ 'class': 'ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all',
+ 'style': 'display: none;',
+ 'html': 'undo'
+ }).appendTo(span);
+ span.append('<br/>');
+ }
+ for (var i=0; i<that.tables.length; i++) {
+ var table = that.tables[i];
+ var table_span = $('<span/>', { 'name': table.field_name }).appendTo(span);
+ var field = that.get_field(table.field_name);
+ field.create(table_span);
+ }
+ };
+ return that;
+function ipa_rule_association_widget(spec) {
+ spec = spec || {};
+ var that = ipa_table_widget(spec);
+ that.other_entity = spec.other_entity;
+ that.add_method = spec.add_method;
+ that.remove_method = spec.remove_method;
+ that.init = function() {
+ // create a column if none defined
+ if (!that.columns.length) {
+ that.create_column({
+ 'name':,
+ 'label': IPA.metadata[that.other_entity].label,
+ 'primary_key': true
+ });
+ }
+ that.table_init();
+ };
+ that.create = function(container) {
+ that.table_create(container);
+ var buttons = $('span[name=buttons]', container);
+ $('<input/>', {
+ 'type': 'button',
+ 'name': 'remove',
+ 'value': 'Remove '+that.label
+ }).appendTo(buttons);
+ $('<input/>', {
+ 'type': 'button',
+ 'name': 'add',
+ 'value': 'Add '+that.label
+ }).appendTo(buttons);
+ };
+ that.setup = function(container) {
+ that.table_setup(container);
+ var button = $('input[name=remove]', that.table);
+ button.replaceWith(ipa_button({
+ 'label': button.val(),
+ 'icon': 'ui-icon-trash',
+ 'click': function() { that.show_remove_dialog(); }
+ }));
+ button = $('input[name=add]', that.table);
+ button.replaceWith(ipa_button({
+ 'label': button.val(),
+ 'icon': 'ui-icon-plus',
+ 'click': function() { that.show_add_dialog() }
+ }));
+ var entity = IPA.get_entity(that.entity_name);
+ var association = entity.get_association(that.other_entity);
+ if (association && association.associator == 'serial') {
+ that.associator = serial_associator;
+ } else {
+ that.associator = bulk_associator;
+ }
+ };
+ that.load = function(result) {
+ that.values = result[] || [];
+ that.reset();
+ };
+ that.set_values = function(values) {
+ that.tbody.empty();
+ for (var i=0; values && i<values.length; i++) {
+ var record = {};
+ record[] = values[i];
+ that.add_row(record);
+ }
+ };
+ that.show_add_dialog = function() {
+ var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || '';
+ var label = IPA.metadata[that.other_entity].label;
+ var title = 'Add '+label+' to '+that.entity_name+' '+pkey;
+ var dialog = ipa_association_adder_dialog({
+ 'title': title,
+ 'entity_name': that.entity_name,
+ 'pkey': pkey,
+ 'other_entity': that.other_entity
+ });
+ dialog.add = function() {
+ that.add(
+ dialog.get_selected_values(),
+ function() {
+ that.refresh();
+ dialog.close();
+ },
+ function() {
+ that.refresh();
+ dialog.close();
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ dialog.init();
+ };
+ that.add = function(values, on_success, on_error) {
+ };
+ that.show_remove_dialog = function() {
+ var selected_values = that.get_selected_values();
+ if (!selected_values.length) {
+ alert('Select '+that.label+' to be removed.');
+ return;
+ }
+ var pkey = $.bbq.getState(that.entity_name + '-pkey', true) || '';
+ var label = IPA.metadata[that.other_entity].label;
+ var title = 'Remove '+label+' from '+that.entity_name+' '+pkey;
+ var dialog = ipa_association_deleter_dialog({
+ 'title': title,
+ 'entity_name': that.entity_name,
+ 'pkey': pkey,
+ 'other_entity': that.other_entity,
+ 'values': selected_values
+ });
+ dialog.remove = function() {
+ that.remove(
+ selected_values,
+ function() {
+ that.refresh();
+ dialog.close();
+ },
+ function() {
+ that.refresh();
+ dialog.close();
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ dialog.init();
+ };
+ that.remove = function(values, on_success, on_error) {
+ };
+ return that;