path: root/daemons/ipa-slapi-plugins/ipa-memberof/ipa-memberof_config.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'daemons/ipa-slapi-plugins/ipa-memberof/ipa-memberof_config.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 312 deletions
diff --git a/daemons/ipa-slapi-plugins/ipa-memberof/ipa-memberof_config.c b/daemons/ipa-slapi-plugins/ipa-memberof/ipa-memberof_config.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b2bd374ad..000000000
--- a/daemons/ipa-slapi-plugins/ipa-memberof/ipa-memberof_config.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; version 2 of the License.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *
- * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional
- * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU
- * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations
- * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code
- * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program
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- * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without
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- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
-# include <config.h>
- * memberof_config.c - configuration-related code for memberOf plug-in
- *
- */
-#include <plstr.h>
-#include "ipa-memberof.h"
-#define MEMBEROF_CONFIG_FILTER "(objectclass=*)"
- * The configuration attributes are contained in the plugin entry e.g.
- * cn=MemberOf Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config
- *
- * Configuration is a two step process. The first pass is a validation step which
- * occurs pre-op - check inputs and error out if bad. The second pass actually
- * applies the changes to the run time config.
- */
- * function prototypes
- */
-static int memberof_apply_config (Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry* entryBefore, Slapi_Entry* e,
- int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg);
-static int memberof_search (Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry* entryBefore, Slapi_Entry* e,
- int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg)
- * static variables
- */
-/* This is the main configuration which is updated from dse.ldif. The
- * config will be copied when it is used by the plug-in to prevent it
- * being changed out from under a running memberOf operation. */
-static MemberOfConfig theConfig;
-static PRRWLock *memberof_config_lock = 0;
-static int inited = 0;
-static int dont_allow_that(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry* entryBefore, Slapi_Entry* e,
- int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg)
- * memberof_config()
- *
- * Read configuration and create a configuration data structure.
- * This is called after the server has configured itself so we can
- * perform checks with regards to suffixes if it ever becomes
- * necessary.
- * Returns an LDAP error code (LDAP_SUCCESS if all goes well).
- */
-memberof_config(Slapi_Entry *config_e)
- int returncode = LDAP_SUCCESS;
- char returntext[SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE];
- if ( inited ) {
- "only one memberOf plugin instance can be used\n" );
- return( LDAP_PARAM_ERROR );
- }
- /* initialize the RW lock to protect the main config */
- memberof_config_lock = PR_NewRWLock(PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "memberof_config_lock");
- /* initialize fields */
- memberof_apply_config(NULL, NULL, config_e,
- &returncode, returntext, NULL);
- /* config DSE must be initialized before we get here */
- if (returncode == LDAP_SUCCESS) {
- const char *config_dn = slapi_entry_get_dn_const(config_e);
- slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_MODIFY, DSE_FLAG_PREOP,
- dont_allow_that,NULL);
- slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_MODRDN, DSE_FLAG_PREOP,
- dont_allow_that, NULL);
- slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_DELETE, DSE_FLAG_PREOP,
- dont_allow_that, NULL);
- slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_SEARCH, DSE_FLAG_PREOP,
- memberof_search,NULL);
- }
- inited = 1;
- if (returncode != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
- "Error %d: %s\n", returncode, returntext);
- }
- return returncode;
- * memberof_apply_config()
- *
- * Just use hardcoded config values.
- */
-static int
-memberof_apply_config (Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry* entryBefore, Slapi_Entry* e,
- int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg)
- char *groupattr = NULL;
- char *memberof_attr = NULL;
- char *filter_str = NULL;
- *returncode = LDAP_SUCCESS;
- groupattr = slapi_ch_strdup(MEMBEROF_GROUP_ATTR);
- memberof_attr = slapi_ch_strdup(MEMBEROF_ATTR);
- /* We want to be sure we don't change the config in the middle of
- * a memberOf operation, so we obtain an exclusive lock here */
- memberof_wlock_config();
- if (!theConfig.groupattr ||
- (groupattr && PL_strcmp(theConfig.groupattr, groupattr))) {
- slapi_ch_free_string(&theConfig.groupattr);
- theConfig.groupattr = groupattr;
- groupattr = NULL; /* config now owns memory */
- /* We allocate a Slapi_Attr using the groupattr for
- * convenience in our memberOf comparison functions */
- slapi_attr_free(&theConfig.group_slapiattr);
- theConfig.group_slapiattr = slapi_attr_new();
- slapi_attr_init(theConfig.group_slapiattr, theConfig.groupattr);
- /* The filter is based off of the groupattr, so we
- * update it here too. */
- slapi_filter_free(theConfig.group_filter, 1);
- filter_str = slapi_ch_smprintf("(%s=*)", theConfig.groupattr);
- theConfig.group_filter = slapi_str2filter(filter_str);
- slapi_ch_free_string(&filter_str);
- }
- if (!theConfig.memberof_attr ||
- (memberof_attr && PL_strcmp(theConfig.memberof_attr, memberof_attr))) {
- slapi_ch_free_string(&theConfig.memberof_attr);
- theConfig.memberof_attr = memberof_attr;
- memberof_attr = NULL; /* config now owns memory */
- }
- /* release the lock */
- memberof_unlock_config();
- slapi_ch_free_string(&groupattr);
- slapi_ch_free_string(&memberof_attr);
- if (*returncode != LDAP_SUCCESS)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- * memberof_copy_config()
- *
- * Makes a copy of the config in src. This function will free the
- * elements of dest if they already exist. This should only be called
- * if you hold the memberof config lock if src was obtained with
- * memberof_get_config().
- */
-memberof_copy_config(MemberOfConfig *dest, MemberOfConfig *src)
- if (dest && src)
- {
- /* Check if the copy is already up to date */
- if (!dest->groupattr || (src->groupattr
- && PL_strcmp(dest->groupattr, src->groupattr)))
- {
- slapi_ch_free_string(&dest->groupattr);
- dest->groupattr = slapi_ch_strdup(src->groupattr);
- slapi_filter_free(dest->group_filter, 1);
- dest->group_filter = slapi_filter_dup(src->group_filter);
- slapi_attr_free(&dest->group_slapiattr);
- dest->group_slapiattr = slapi_attr_dup(src->group_slapiattr);
- }
- if (!dest->memberof_attr || (src->memberof_attr
- && PL_strcmp(dest->memberof_attr, src->memberof_attr)))
- {
- slapi_ch_free_string(&dest->memberof_attr);
- dest->memberof_attr = slapi_ch_strdup(src->memberof_attr);
- }
- }
- * memberof_free_config()
- *
- * Free's the contents of a config structure.
- */
-memberof_free_config(MemberOfConfig *config)
- if (config)
- {
- slapi_ch_free_string(&config->groupattr);
- slapi_filter_free(config->group_filter, 1);
- slapi_attr_free(&config->group_slapiattr);
- slapi_ch_free_string(&config->memberof_attr);
- }
- * memberof_get_config()
- *
- * Returns a pointer to the main config. You should call
- * memberof_rlock_config() first so the main config doesn't
- * get modified out from under you.
- */
-MemberOfConfig *
- return &theConfig;
- * memberof_rlock_config()
- *
- * Gets a non-exclusive lock on the main config. This will
- * prevent the config from being changed out from under you
- * while you read it, but it will still allow other threads
- * to read the config at the same time.
- */
- PR_RWLock_Rlock(memberof_config_lock);
- * memberof_wlock_config()
- *
- * Gets an exclusive lock on the main config. This should
- * be called if you need to write to the main config.
- */
- PR_RWLock_Wlock(memberof_config_lock);
- * memberof_unlock_config()
- *
- * Unlocks the main config.
- */
- PR_RWLock_Unlock(memberof_config_lock);