diff options
4 files changed, 660 insertions, 499 deletions
diff --git a/install/tools/ipa-server-install b/install/tools/ipa-server-install
index c7fa5ae17..9fc78b538 100755
--- a/install/tools/ipa-server-install
+++ b/install/tools/ipa-server-install
@@ -20,369 +20,18 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-# requires the following packages:
-# fedora-ds-base
-# openldap-clients
-# nss-tools
-import sys
-import os
-import signal
-import random
-from optparse import OptionGroup, OptionValueError, SUPPRESS_HELP
-from ipaserver.install import bindinstance
-from ipaserver.install import installutils
-from ipaserver.install import server
-from ipaserver.install.server import (
- validate_dm_password, validate_admin_password)
-from ipapython import version
-from ipalib import constants
-from ipapython.config import IPAOptionParser
-from ipalib.util import validate_domain_name
-from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import root_logger, standard_logging_setup
-from ipapython.dn import DN
+from ipapython.install import cli
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
+from ipaserver.install.server import Server
-VALID_SUBJECT_ATTRS = ['st', 'o', 'ou', 'dnqualifier', 'c',
- 'serialnumber', 'l', 'title', 'sn', 'givenname',
- 'initials', 'generationqualifier', 'dc', 'mail',
- 'uid', 'postaladdress', 'postalcode', 'postofficebox',
- 'houseidentifier', 'e', 'street', 'pseudonym',
- 'incorporationlocality', 'incorporationstate',
- 'incorporationcountry', 'businesscategory']
-def subject_callback(option, opt_str, value, parser):
- """
- Make sure the certificate subject base is a valid DN
- """
- v = unicode(value, 'utf-8')
- if any(ord(c) < 0x20 for c in v):
- raise OptionValueError("Subject base must not contain control characters")
- if '&' in v:
- raise OptionValueError("Subject base must not contain an ampersand (\"&\")")
- try:
- dn = DN(v)
- for rdn in dn:
- if rdn.attr.lower() not in VALID_SUBJECT_ATTRS:
- raise OptionValueError('%s=%s has invalid attribute: "%s"' % (opt_str, value, rdn.attr))
- except ValueError, e:
- raise OptionValueError('%s=%s has invalid subject base format: %s' % (opt_str, value, e))
- parser.values.subject = dn
-def parse_options():
- # Guaranteed to give a random 200k range below the 2G mark (uint32_t limit)
- namespace = random.randint(1, 10000) * 200000
- parser = IPAOptionParser(version=version.VERSION)
- basic_group = OptionGroup(parser, "basic options")
- basic_group.add_option("-r", "--realm", dest="realm_name",
- help="realm name")
- basic_group.add_option("-n", "--domain", dest="domain_name",
- help="domain name")
- basic_group.add_option("-p", "--ds-password", dest="dm_password",
- sensitive=True, help="Directory Manager password")
- basic_group.add_option("-P", "--master-password",
- dest="master_password", sensitive=True,
- basic_group.add_option("-a", "--admin-password",
- sensitive=True, dest="admin_password",
- help="admin user kerberos password")
- basic_group.add_option("--mkhomedir",
- dest="mkhomedir",
- action="store_true",
- default=False,
- help="create home directories for users "
- "on their first login")
- basic_group.add_option("--hostname", dest="host_name", help="fully qualified name of server")
- basic_group.add_option("--domain-level", dest="domainlevel", help="IPA domain level",
- default=constants.MAX_DOMAIN_LEVEL, type=int)
- basic_group.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_addresses",
- type="ip", ip_local=True, action="append", default=[],
- help="Master Server IP Address. This option can be used multiple times",
- metavar="IP_ADDRESS")
- basic_group.add_option("-N", "--no-ntp", dest="conf_ntp", action="store_false",
- help="do not configure ntp", default=True)
- basic_group.add_option("--idstart", dest="idstart", default=namespace, type=int,
- help="The starting value for the IDs range (default random)")
- basic_group.add_option("--idmax", dest="idmax", default=0, type=int,
- help="The max value value for the IDs range (default: idstart+199999)")
- basic_group.add_option("--no_hbac_allow", dest="hbac_allow", default=False,
- action="store_true",
- help="Don't install allow_all HBAC rule")
- basic_group.add_option("--no-ui-redirect", dest="ui_redirect", action="store_false",
- default=True, help="Do not automatically redirect to the Web UI")
- basic_group.add_option("--ssh-trust-dns", dest="trust_sshfp", default=False, action="store_true",
- help="configure OpenSSH client to trust DNS SSHFP records")
- basic_group.add_option("--no-ssh", dest="conf_ssh", default=True, action="store_false",
- help="do not configure OpenSSH client")
- basic_group.add_option("--no-sshd", dest="conf_sshd", default=True, action="store_false",
- help="do not configure OpenSSH server")
- basic_group.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="print debugging information")
- basic_group.add_option("-U", "--unattended", dest="unattended", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="unattended (un)installation never prompts the user")
- parser.add_option_group(basic_group)
- cert_group = OptionGroup(parser, "certificate system options")
- cert_group.add_option("", "--external-ca", dest="external_ca", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="Generate a CSR for the IPA CA certificate to be signed by an external CA")
- cert_group.add_option("--external-ca-type", dest="external_ca_type",
- type="choice", choices=("generic", "ms-cs"),
- help="Type of the external CA")
- cert_group.add_option("--external-cert-file", dest="external_cert_files",
- action="append", metavar="FILE",
- help="File containing the IPA CA certificate and the external CA certificate chain")
- cert_group.add_option("--external_cert_file", dest="external_cert_files",
- action="append",
- cert_group.add_option("--external_ca_file", dest="external_cert_files",
- action="append",
- cert_group.add_option("--no-pkinit", dest="setup_pkinit", action="store_false",
- default=True, help="disables pkinit setup steps")
- cert_group.add_option("--dirsrv-cert-file", dest="dirsrv_cert_files",
- action="append", metavar="FILE",
- help="File containing the Directory Server SSL certificate and private key")
- cert_group.add_option("--dirsrv_pkcs12", dest="dirsrv_cert_files",
- action="append",
- cert_group.add_option("--http-cert-file", dest="http_cert_files",
- action="append", metavar="FILE",
- help="File containing the Apache Server SSL certificate and private key")
- cert_group.add_option("--http_pkcs12", dest="http_cert_files",
- action="append",
- cert_group.add_option("--pkinit-cert-file", dest="pkinit_cert_files",
- action="append", metavar="FILE",
- help="File containing the Kerberos KDC SSL certificate and private key")
- cert_group.add_option("--pkinit_pkcs12", dest="pkinit_cert_files",
- action="append",
- cert_group.add_option("--dirsrv-pin", dest="dirsrv_pin", sensitive=True,
- metavar="PIN",
- help="The password to unlock the Directory Server private key")
- cert_group.add_option("--dirsrv_pin", dest="dirsrv_pin", sensitive=True,
- cert_group.add_option("--http-pin", dest="http_pin", sensitive=True,
- metavar="PIN",
- help="The password to unlock the Apache Server private key")
- cert_group.add_option("--http_pin", dest="http_pin", sensitive=True,
- cert_group.add_option("--pkinit-pin", dest="pkinit_pin", sensitive=True,
- metavar="PIN",
- help="The password to unlock the Kerberos KDC private key")
- cert_group.add_option("--pkinit_pin", dest="pkinit_pin", sensitive=True,
- cert_group.add_option("--dirsrv-cert-name", dest="dirsrv_cert_name",
- metavar="NAME",
- help="Name of the Directory Server SSL certificate to install")
- cert_group.add_option("--http-cert-name", dest="http_cert_name",
- metavar="NAME",
- help="Name of the Apache Server SSL certificate to install")
- cert_group.add_option("--pkinit-cert-name", dest="pkinit_cert_name",
- metavar="NAME",
- help="Name of the Kerberos KDC SSL certificate to install")
- cert_group.add_option("--ca-cert-file", dest="ca_cert_files",
- action="append", metavar="FILE",
- help="File containing CA certificates for the service certificate files")
- cert_group.add_option("--root-ca-file", dest="ca_cert_files",
- action="append",
- cert_group.add_option("--subject", action="callback", callback=subject_callback,
- type="string",
- help="The certificate subject base (default O=<realm-name>)")
- cert_group.add_option("--ca-signing-algorithm", dest="ca_signing_algorithm",
- type="choice",
- choices=('SHA1withRSA', 'SHA256withRSA', 'SHA512withRSA'),
- help="Signing algorithm of the IPA CA certificate")
- parser.add_option_group(cert_group)
- dns_group = OptionGroup(parser, "DNS options")
- dns_group.add_option("--setup-dns", dest="setup_dns", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="configure bind with our zone")
- dns_group.add_option("--forwarder", dest="forwarders", action="append",
- type="ip", help="Add a DNS forwarder. This option can be used multiple times")
- dns_group.add_option("--no-forwarders", dest="no_forwarders", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="Do not add any DNS forwarders, use root servers instead")
- dns_group.add_option("--reverse-zone", dest="reverse_zones",
- help="The reverse DNS zone to use. This option can be used multiple times",
- action="append", default=[], metavar="REVERSE_ZONE")
- dns_group.add_option("--no-reverse", dest="no_reverse", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="Do not create reverse DNS zone")
- dns_group.add_option("--no-dnssec-validation", dest="no_dnssec_validation", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="Disable DNSSEC validation")
- dns_group.add_option("--zonemgr", action="callback", callback=bindinstance.zonemgr_callback,
- type="string",
- help="DNS zone manager e-mail address. Defaults to hostmaster@DOMAIN")
- dns_group.add_option("--no-host-dns", dest="no_host_dns", action="store_true",
- default=False,
- help="Do not use DNS for hostname lookup during installation")
- dns_group.add_option("--no-dns-sshfp", dest="create_sshfp", default=True, action="store_false",
- help="Do not automatically create DNS SSHFP records")
- parser.add_option_group(dns_group)
- uninstall_group = OptionGroup(parser, "uninstall options")
- uninstall_group.add_option("", "--uninstall", dest="uninstall", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="uninstall an existing installation. The uninstall can " \
- "be run with --unattended option")
- parser.add_option_group(uninstall_group)
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- safe_options = parser.get_safe_opts(options)
- if options.dm_password is not None:
- try:
- validate_dm_password(options.dm_password)
- except ValueError, e:
- parser.error("DS admin password: " + str(e))
- if options.admin_password is not None:
- try:
- validate_admin_password(options.admin_password)
- except ValueError, e:
- parser.error("Admin user password: " + str(e))
- if options.domain_name is not None:
- try:
- validate_domain_name(options.domain_name)
- except ValueError, e:
- parser.error("invalid domain: " + unicode(e))
- # Check that Domain Level is within the allowed range
- if not options.uninstall:
- if options.domainlevel < constants.MIN_DOMAIN_LEVEL:
- parser.error("Domain Level cannot be lower than {0}"
- .format(constants.MIN_DOMAIN_LEVEL))
- elif options.domainlevel > constants.MAX_DOMAIN_LEVEL:
- parser.error("Domain Level cannot be higher than {0}"
- .format(constants.MAX_DOMAIN_LEVEL))
- if not options.setup_dns:
- if options.forwarders:
- parser.error("You cannot specify a --forwarder option without the --setup-dns option")
- if options.no_forwarders:
- parser.error("You cannot specify a --no-forwarders option without the --setup-dns option")
- if options.reverse_zones:
- parser.error("You cannot specify a --reverse-zone option without the --setup-dns option")
- if options.no_reverse:
- parser.error("You cannot specify a --no-reverse option without the --setup-dns option")
- if options.no_dnssec_validation:
- parser.error("You cannot specify a --no-dnssec-validation option without the --setup-dns option")
- elif options.forwarders and options.no_forwarders:
- parser.error("You cannot specify a --forwarder option together with --no-forwarders")
- elif options.reverse_zones and options.no_reverse:
- parser.error("You cannot specify a --reverse-zone option together with --no-reverse")
- if options.uninstall:
- if (options.realm_name or
- options.admin_password or options.master_password):
- parser.error("In uninstall mode, -a, -r and -P options are not allowed")
- elif options.unattended:
- if (not options.realm_name or
- not options.dm_password or not options.admin_password):
- parser.error("In unattended mode you need to provide at least -r, -p and -a options")
- if options.setup_dns:
- if not options.forwarders and not options.no_forwarders:
- parser.error("You must specify at least one --forwarder option or --no-forwarders option")
- # If any of the key file options are selected, all are required.
- cert_file_req = (options.dirsrv_cert_files, options.http_cert_files)
- cert_file_opt = (options.pkinit_cert_files,)
- if any(cert_file_req + cert_file_opt) and not all(cert_file_req):
- parser.error("--dirsrv-cert-file and --http-cert-file are required if "
- "any key file options are used.")
- if options.unattended:
- if options.dirsrv_cert_files and options.dirsrv_pin is None:
- parser.error(
- "You must specify --dirsrv-pin with --dirsrv-cert-file")
- if options.http_cert_files and options.http_pin is None:
- parser.error(
- "You must specify --http-pin with --http-cert-file")
- if options.pkinit_cert_files and options.pkinit_pin is None:
- parser.error(
- "You must specify --pkinit-pin with --pkinit-cert-file")
- if options.external_cert_files and options.dirsrv_cert_files:
- parser.error("Service certificate file options cannot be used with "
- "the external CA options.")
- if options.external_ca:
- if options.external_cert_files:
- parser.error("You cannot specify --external-cert-file "
- "together with --external-ca")
- if options.dirsrv_cert_files:
- parser.error("You cannot specify service certificate file options "
- "together with --external-ca")
- if options.external_ca_type and not options.external_ca:
- parser.error(
- "You cannot specify --external-ca-type without --external-ca")
- if (options.external_cert_files and
- any(not os.path.isabs(path) for path in options.external_cert_files)):
- parser.error("--external-cert-file must use an absolute path")
- if options.idmax == 0:
- options.idmax = int(options.idstart) + 200000 - 1
- if options.idmax < options.idstart:
- parser.error("idmax (%u) cannot be smaller than idstart (%u)" %
- (options.idmax, options.idstart))
- #Automatically disable pkinit w/ dogtag until that is supported
- options.setup_pkinit = False
- options.dnssec_master = False
- return safe_options, options
-def signal_handler(signum, frame):
- raise KeyboardInterrupt
-def main():
- safe_options, options = parse_options()
- if os.getegid() != 0:
- sys.exit("Must be root to set up server")
- signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
- if not options.uninstall:
- standard_logging_setup(paths.IPASERVER_INSTALL_LOG,
- debug=options.debug)
- else:
- standard_logging_setup(paths.IPASERVER_UNINSTALL_LOG,
- debug=options.debug)
- root_logger.debug('%s was invoked with options: %s' % (sys.argv[0], safe_options))
- root_logger.debug("missing options might be asked for interactively later\n")
- root_logger.debug('IPA version %s' % version.VENDOR_VERSION)
- if not options.uninstall:
- server.install_check(options)
- server.install(options)
- else:
- server.uninstall_check(options)
- server.uninstall(options)
+ServerInstall = cli.install_tool(
+ Server,
+ command_name='ipa-server-install',
+ log_file_name=paths.IPASERVER_INSTALL_LOG,
+ debug_option=True,
+ uninstall_log_file_name=paths.IPASERVER_UNINSTALL_LOG,
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- # FIXME: Common option parsing, logging setup, etc should be factored
- # out from all install scripts
- safe_options, options = parse_options()
- if options.uninstall:
- log_file_name = paths.IPASERVER_UNINSTALL_LOG
- else:
- log_file_name = paths.IPASERVER_INSTALL_LOG
- installutils.run_script(main, log_file_name=log_file_name,
- operation_name='ipa-server-install')
diff --git a/ipaserver/install/server/ b/ipaserver/install/server/
index 11879a823..a6db965ca 100644
--- a/ipaserver/install/server/
+++ b/ipaserver/install/server/
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
# Copyright (C) 2015 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
-from .install import install_check, install, uninstall_check, uninstall
+from .install import Server
from .replicainstall import install_check as replica_install_check
from .replicainstall import install as replica_install
from .upgrade import upgrade_check, upgrade
-from .install import validate_dm_password, validate_admin_password
diff --git a/ipaserver/install/server/ b/ipaserver/install/server/
index 7bcb5d176..7a5aa3ce4 100644
--- a/ipaserver/install/server/
+++ b/ipaserver/install/server/
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import os
import pickle
import pwd
+import random
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
@@ -12,13 +13,16 @@ import textwrap
from ipapython import certmonger, dogtag, ipaldap, ipautil, sysrestore
from ipapython.dn import DN
+from ipapython.install import common, core
+from ipapython.install.common import step
+from ipapython.install.core import Knob
from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import root_logger
from ipapython.ipautil import (
decrypt_file, format_netloc, ipa_generate_password, run, user_input)
from ipaplatform import services
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
from ipaplatform.tasks import tasks
-from ipalib import api, errors, x509
+from ipalib import api, constants, errors, x509
from ipalib.constants import CACERT
from ipalib.util import validate_domain_name
import ipaclient.ntpconf
@@ -38,9 +42,13 @@ except ImportError:
-installation_cleanup = True
-original_ccache = None
-temp_ccache = None
+VALID_SUBJECT_ATTRS = ['st', 'o', 'ou', 'dnqualifier', 'c',
+ 'serialnumber', 'l', 'title', 'sn', 'givenname',
+ 'initials', 'generationqualifier', 'dc', 'mail',
+ 'uid', 'postaladdress', 'postalcode', 'postofficebox',
+ 'houseidentifier', 'e', 'street', 'pseudonym',
+ 'incorporationlocality', 'incorporationstate',
+ 'incorporationcountry', 'businesscategory']
def validate_dm_password(password):
@@ -247,44 +255,15 @@ def set_subject_in_config(realm_name, dm_password, suffix, subject_base):
-def init_private_ccache():
- global original_ccache
- global temp_ccache
- (desc, temp_ccache) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='krbcc')
- os.close(desc)
- original_ccache = os.environ.get('KRB5CCNAME')
- os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = temp_ccache
-def destroy_private_ccache():
- global original_ccache
- global temp_ccache
- if original_ccache is not None:
- os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = original_ccache
- else:
- os.environ.pop('KRB5CCNAME', None)
- if os.path.exists(temp_ccache):
- os.remove(temp_ccache)
def common_cleanup(func):
- def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
+ def decorated(installer):
success = False
- try:
- func(*args, **kwargs)
- except BaseException:
- destroy_private_ccache()
- raise
+ func(installer)
success = True
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- global ds
+ ds = installer._ds
print "\nCleaning up..."
if ds:
print "Removing configuration for %s instance" % ds.serverid
@@ -298,12 +277,11 @@ def common_cleanup(func):
- global installation_cleanup
- if not success and installation_cleanup:
+ if not success and installer._installation_cleanup:
# Do a cautious clean up as we don't know what failed and
# what is the state of the environment
- fstore.restore_file(paths.HOSTS)
+ installer._fstore.restore_file(paths.HOSTS)
@@ -311,24 +289,17 @@ def common_cleanup(func):
-def install_check(options):
- global dirsrv_pkcs12_file
- global http_pkcs12_file
- global pkinit_pkcs12_file
- global dirsrv_pkcs12_info
- global http_pkcs12_info
- global pkinit_pkcs12_info
- global external_cert_file
- global external_ca_file
- global http_ca_cert
- global ds
- global installation_cleanup
- # Use private ccache
- init_private_ccache()
- ds = None
+def install_check(installer):
+ options = installer
+ dirsrv_pkcs12_file = installer._dirsrv_pkcs12_file
+ http_pkcs12_file = installer._http_pkcs12_file
+ pkinit_pkcs12_file = installer._pkinit_pkcs12_file
+ dirsrv_pkcs12_info = installer._dirsrv_pkcs12_info
+ http_pkcs12_info = installer._http_pkcs12_info
+ pkinit_pkcs12_info = installer._pkinit_pkcs12_info
+ external_cert_file = installer._external_cert_file
+ external_ca_file = installer._external_ca_file
+ http_ca_cert = installer._ca_cert
@@ -339,27 +310,25 @@ def install_check(options):
print textwrap.fill(msg, width=79, replace_whitespace=False)
- installation_cleanup = True
+ installer._installation_cleanup = True
print("\nThe log file for this installation can be found in "
if (not options.external_ca and not options.external_cert_files and
- installation_cleanup = False
+ installer._installation_cleanup = False
sys.exit("IPA server is already configured on this system.\n"
"If you want to reinstall the IPA server, please uninstall "
"it first using 'ipa-server-install --uninstall'.")
client_fstore = sysrestore.FileStore(paths.IPA_CLIENT_SYSRESTORE)
if client_fstore.has_files():
- installation_cleanup = False
+ installer._installation_cleanup = False
sys.exit("IPA client is already configured on this system.\n"
"Please uninstall it before configuring the IPA server, "
"using 'ipa-client-install --uninstall'")
- global fstore
fstore = sysrestore.FileStore(SYSRESTORE_DIR_PATH)
- global sstore
sstore = sysrestore.StateFile(SYSRESTORE_DIR_PATH)
# This will override any settings passed in on the cmdline
@@ -371,7 +340,13 @@ def install_check(options):
if dm_password is None:
sys.exit("Directory Manager password required")
- options._update_loose(read_cache(dm_password))
+ cache_vars = read_cache(dm_password)
+ for name, value in cache_vars.iteritems():
+ if name not in options.__dict__:
+ options.__dict__[name] = value
+ if cache_vars.get('external_ca', False):
+ options.external_ca = False
+ options.interactive = False
except Exception, e:
sys.exit("Cannot process the cache file: %s" % str(e))
@@ -399,29 +374,29 @@ def install_check(options):
if setup_kra:
print " * Configure a stand-alone KRA (dogtag) for key storage"
- if options.conf_ntp:
+ if not options.no_ntp:
print " * Configure the Network Time Daemon (ntpd)"
print " * Create and configure an instance of Directory Server"
print " * Create and configure a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC)"
print " * Configure Apache (httpd)"
if options.setup_dns:
print " * Configure DNS (bind)"
- if options.setup_pkinit:
+ if not options.no_pkinit:
print " * Configure the KDC to enable PKINIT"
- if not options.conf_ntp:
+ if options.no_ntp:
print ""
print "Excluded by options:"
print " * Configure the Network Time Daemon (ntpd)"
- if not options.unattended:
+ if installer.interactive:
print ""
print "To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key."
print ""
if not options.external_cert_files:
# Make sure the 389-ds ports are available
- check_dirsrv(options.unattended)
+ check_dirsrv(not installer.interactive)
- if options.conf_ntp:
+ if not options.no_ntp:
except ipaclient.ntpconf.NTPConflictingService, e:
@@ -436,7 +411,7 @@ def install_check(options):
if httpinstance.httpd_443_configured():
sys.exit("Aborting installation")
- if not options.setup_dns and not options.unattended:
+ if not options.setup_dns and installer.interactive:
if ipautil.user_input("Do you want to configure integrated DNS "
"(BIND)?", False):
options.setup_dns = True
@@ -459,7 +434,7 @@ def install_check(options):
host_default = get_fqdn()
- if options.unattended or options.host_name:
+ if not installer.interactive or options.host_name:
verify_fqdn(host_default, options.no_host_dns)
host_name = host_default
@@ -482,7 +457,7 @@ def install_check(options):
if not options.domain_name:
domain_name = read_domain_name(host_name[host_name.find(".")+1:],
- options.unattended)
+ not installer.interactive)
root_logger.debug("read domain_name: %s\n" % domain_name)
@@ -494,7 +469,7 @@ def install_check(options):
domain_name = domain_name.lower()
if not options.realm_name:
- realm_name = read_realm_name(domain_name, options.unattended)
+ realm_name = read_realm_name(domain_name, not installer.interactive)
root_logger.debug("read realm_name: %s\n" % realm_name)
realm_name = options.realm_name.upper()
@@ -591,7 +566,7 @@ def install_check(options):
ip_addresses = dns.ip_addresses
ip_addresses = get_server_ip_address(host_name, fstore,
- options.unattended, False,
+ not installer.interactive, False,
@@ -625,7 +600,7 @@ def install_check(options):
"Directory unless\nthe realm name of the IPA server matches "
"its domain name.\n\n")
- if not options.unattended and not user_input(
+ if installer.interactive and not user_input(
"Continue to configure the system with these values?", False):
sys.exit("Installation aborted")
@@ -635,20 +610,35 @@ def install_check(options):
options.master_password = master_password
options.admin_password = admin_password
options.host_name = host_name
- options.ip_address = ip_addresses
+ options.ip_addresses = ip_addresses
+ installer._fstore = fstore
+ installer._sstore = sstore
+ installer._dirsrv_pkcs12_file = dirsrv_pkcs12_file
+ installer._http_pkcs12_file = http_pkcs12_file
+ installer._pkinit_pkcs12_file = pkinit_pkcs12_file
+ installer._dirsrv_pkcs12_info = dirsrv_pkcs12_info
+ installer._http_pkcs12_info = http_pkcs12_info
+ installer._pkinit_pkcs12_info = pkinit_pkcs12_info
+ installer._external_cert_file = external_cert_file
+ installer._external_ca_file = external_ca_file
+ installer._ca_cert = http_ca_cert
-def install(options):
- global dirsrv_pkcs12_file
- global http_pkcs12_file
- global pkinit_pkcs12_file
- global dirsrv_pkcs12_info
- global http_pkcs12_info
- global pkinit_pkcs12_info
- global external_cert_file
- global external_ca_file
- global http_ca_cert
+def install(installer):
+ options = installer
+ fstore = installer._fstore
+ sstore = installer._sstore
+ dirsrv_pkcs12_file = installer._dirsrv_pkcs12_file
+ http_pkcs12_file = installer._http_pkcs12_file
+ pkinit_pkcs12_file = installer._pkinit_pkcs12_file
+ dirsrv_pkcs12_info = installer._dirsrv_pkcs12_info
+ http_pkcs12_info = installer._http_pkcs12_info
+ pkinit_pkcs12_info = installer._pkinit_pkcs12_info
+ external_cert_file = installer._external_cert_file
+ external_ca_file = installer._external_ca_file
+ http_ca_cert = installer._ca_cert
realm_name = options.realm_name
domain_name = options.domain_name
@@ -656,25 +646,21 @@ def install(options):
master_password = options.master_password
admin_password = options.admin_password
host_name = options.host_name
- ip_addresses = options.ip_address
+ ip_addresses = options.ip_addresses
setup_ca = options.setup_ca
setup_kra = options.setup_kra
- global ds
- global installation_cleanup
dogtag_constants = dogtag.install_constants
# Installation has started. No IPA sysrestore items are restored in case of
# failure to enable root cause investigation
- installation_cleanup = False
+ installer._installation_cleanup = False
# Configuration for ipalib, we will bootstrap and finalize later, after
# we are sure we have the configuration file ready.
cfg = dict(
- debug=options.debug
# Create the management framework config file and finalize api
@@ -702,7 +688,7 @@ def install(options):
# Must be readable for everyone
os.chmod(target_fname, 0644)
- if not options.unattended:
+ if installer.interactive:
print ""
print "The following operations may take some minutes to complete."
print "Please wait until the prompt is returned."
@@ -730,7 +716,7 @@ def install(options):
# Create a directory server instance
if not options.external_cert_files:
# Configure ntpd
- if options.conf_ntp:
+ if not options.no_ntp:
ntp = ntpinstance.NTPInstance(fstore)
if not ntp.is_configured():
@@ -739,22 +725,25 @@ def install(options):
if options.dirsrv_cert_files:
ds = dsinstance.DsInstance(fstore=fstore,
+ installer._ds = ds
ds.create_instance(realm_name, host_name, domain_name,
dm_password, dirsrv_pkcs12_info,
idstart=options.idstart, idmax=options.idmax,
- hbac_allow=not options.hbac_allow)
+ hbac_allow=not options.no_hbac_allow)
ds = dsinstance.DsInstance(fstore=fstore,
+ installer._ds = ds
ds.create_instance(realm_name, host_name, domain_name,
idstart=options.idstart, idmax=options.idmax,
- hbac_allow=not options.hbac_allow)
+ hbac_allow=not options.no_hbac_allow)
ds = dsinstance.DsInstance(fstore=fstore,
+ installer._ds = ds
realm_name, host_name, domain_name, dm_password,
options.subject, 1101, 1100, None)
@@ -768,10 +757,10 @@ def install(options):
options.dm_password = dm_password
options.admin_password = admin_password
options.host_name = host_name
- options.unattended = True
options.forwarders = dns.dns_forwarders
options.reverse_zones = dns.reverse_zones
- write_cache(vars(options))
+ cache_vars = {n: getattr(options, n) for o, n in installer.knobs()}
+ write_cache(cache_vars)
ca.install_step_0(False, None, options)
@@ -794,13 +783,13 @@ def install(options):
if options.pkinit_cert_files:
krb.create_instance(realm_name, host_name, domain_name,
dm_password, master_password,
- setup_pkinit=options.setup_pkinit,
+ setup_pkinit=not options.no_pkinit,
krb.create_instance(realm_name, host_name, domain_name,
dm_password, master_password,
- setup_pkinit=options.setup_pkinit,
+ setup_pkinit=not options.no_pkinit,
# The DS instance is created before the keytab, add the SSL cert we
@@ -821,12 +810,13 @@ def install(options):
realm_name, host_name, domain_name, dm_password,
pkcs12_info=http_pkcs12_info, subject_base=options.subject,
- auto_redirect=options.ui_redirect,
+ auto_redirect=not options.no_ui_redirect,
realm_name, host_name, domain_name, dm_password,
- subject_base=options.subject, auto_redirect=options.ui_redirect,
+ subject_base=options.subject,
+ auto_redirect=not options.no_ui_redirect,
@@ -861,7 +851,7 @@ def install(options):
# Create a BIND instance
bind = bindinstance.BindInstance(fstore, dm_password)
bind.setup(host_name, ip_addresses, realm_name,
- domain_name, (), options.conf_ntp, (),
+ domain_name, (), not options.no_ntp, (),
zonemgr=options.zonemgr, ca_configured=setup_ca,
@@ -881,13 +871,13 @@ def install(options):
args = [paths.IPA_CLIENT_INSTALL, "--on-master", "--unattended",
"--domain", domain_name, "--server", host_name,
"--realm", realm_name, "--hostname", host_name]
- if not options.create_sshfp:
+ if options.no_dns_sshfp:
- if options.trust_sshfp:
+ if options.ssh_trust_dns:
- if not options.conf_ssh:
+ if options.no_ssh:
- if not options.conf_sshd:
+ if options.no_sshd:
if options.mkhomedir:
@@ -915,7 +905,7 @@ def install(options):
print "\t\t * 88, 464: kerberos"
if options.setup_dns:
print "\t\t * 53: bind"
- if options.conf_ntp:
+ if not options.no_ntp:
print "\t\t * 123: ntp"
print ""
print("\t2. You can now obtain a kerberos ticket using the command: "
@@ -946,19 +936,10 @@ def install(options):
if ipautil.file_exists(paths.ROOT_IPA_CACHE):
- # Use private ccache
- destroy_private_ccache()
-def uninstall_check(options):
- global ds
- global installation_cleanup
- # Use private ccache
- init_private_ccache()
- ds = None
+def uninstall_check(installer):
+ options = installer
@@ -969,11 +950,9 @@ def uninstall_check(options):
print textwrap.fill(msg, width=79, replace_whitespace=False)
- installation_cleanup = False
+ installer._installation_cleanup = False
- global fstore
fstore = sysrestore.FileStore(SYSRESTORE_DIR_PATH)
- global sstore
sstore = sysrestore.StateFile(SYSRESTORE_DIR_PATH)
# Configuration for ipalib, we will bootstrap and finalize later, after
@@ -981,7 +960,6 @@ def uninstall_check(options):
cfg = dict(
- debug=options.debug
# We will need at least api.env, finalize api now. This system is
@@ -989,7 +967,7 @@ def uninstall_check(options):
- if not options.unattended:
+ if installer.interactive:
print("\nThis is a NON REVERSIBLE operation and will delete all data "
"and configuration!\n")
if not user_input("Are you sure you want to continue with the "
@@ -1036,18 +1014,22 @@ def uninstall_check(options):
cmd = "$ ipa-replica-manage del %s\n" %
print textwrap.fill(msg, width=80, replace_whitespace=False)
print cmd
- if not (options.unattended or user_input("Are you sure you "
- "want to continue "
- "with the uninstall "
- "procedure?",
- False)):
+ if (installer.interactive and
+ not user_input("Are you sure you want to continue with the "
+ "uninstall procedure?", False)):
print ""
print "Aborting uninstall operation."
+ installer._fstore = fstore
+ installer._sstore = sstore
-def uninstall(options):
+def uninstall(installer):
+ fstore = installer._fstore
+ sstore = installer._sstore
rv = 0
print "Shutting down all IPA services"
@@ -1150,7 +1132,514 @@ def uninstall(options):
' # getcert stop-tracking -i <request_id>\n'
'for each id in: %s' % ', '.join(ids))
- # Use private ccache
- destroy_private_ccache()
+class ServerCA(common.Installable, core.Group, core.Composite):
+ description = "certificate system"
+ setup_ca = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ initializable=False,
+ description="configure a dogtag CA",
+ )
+ setup_kra = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ initializable=False,
+ description="configure a dogtag KRA",
+ )
+ external_ca = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description=("Generate a CSR for the IPA CA certificate to be signed "
+ "by an external CA"),
+ )
+ external_ca_type = Knob(
+ {'generic', 'ms-cs'}, None,
+ description="Type of the external CA",
+ )
+ external_cert_files = Knob(
+ (list, str), None,
+ description=("File containing the IPA CA certificate and the external "
+ "CA certificate chain (can be specified multiple times)"),
+ cli_name='external_cert_file',
+ cli_aliases=['--external_cert_file', '--external_ca_file'],
+ cli_metavar='FILE',
+ )
+ @external_cert_files.validator
+ def external_cert_files(self, value):
+ if any(not os.path.isabs(path) for path in value):
+ raise ValueError("must use an absolute path")
+ no_pkinit = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="disables pkinit setup steps",
+ )
+ dirsrv_cert_files = Knob(
+ (list, str), None,
+ description=("File containing the Directory Server SSL certificate "
+ "and private key"),
+ cli_name='dirsrv_cert_file',
+ cli_aliases=['--dirsrv_pkcs12'],
+ cli_metavar='FILE',
+ )
+ http_cert_files = Knob(
+ (list, str), None,
+ description=("File containing the Apache Server SSL certificate and "
+ "private key"),
+ cli_name='http_cert_file',
+ cli_aliases=['--http_pkcs12'],
+ cli_metavar='FILE',
+ )
+ pkinit_cert_files = Knob(
+ (list, str), None,
+ description=("File containing the Kerberos KDC SSL certificate and "
+ "private key"),
+ cli_name='pkinit_cert_file',
+ cli_aliases=['--pkinit_pkcs12'],
+ cli_metavar='FILE',
+ )
+ dirsrv_pin = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ sensitive=True,
+ description="The password to unlock the Directory Server private key",
+ cli_aliases=['--dirsrv_pin'],
+ cli_metavar='PIN',
+ )
+ http_pin = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ sensitive=True,
+ description="The password to unlock the Apache Server private key",
+ cli_aliases=['--http_pin'],
+ cli_metavar='PIN',
+ )
+ pkinit_pin = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ sensitive=True,
+ description="The password to unlock the Kerberos KDC private key",
+ cli_aliases=['--pkinit_pin'],
+ cli_metavar='PIN',
+ )
+ dirsrv_cert_name = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ description="Name of the Directory Server SSL certificate to install",
+ cli_metavar='NAME',
+ )
+ http_cert_name = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ description="Name of the Apache Server SSL certificate to install",
+ cli_metavar='NAME',
+ )
+ pkinit_cert_name = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ description="Name of the Kerberos KDC SSL certificate to install",
+ cli_metavar='NAME',
+ )
+ ca_cert_files = Knob(
+ (list, str), None,
+ description=("File containing CA certificates for the service "
+ "certificate files"),
+ cli_name='ca_cert_file',
+ cli_aliases=['--root-ca-file'],
+ cli_metavar='FILE',
+ )
+ subject = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ description="The certificate subject base (default O=<realm-name>)",
+ )
+ @subject.validator
+ def subject(self, value):
+ v = unicode(value, 'utf-8')
+ if any(ord(c) < 0x20 for c in v):
+ raise ValueError("must not contain control characters")
+ if '&' in v:
+ raise ValueError("must not contain an ampersand (\"&\")")
+ try:
+ dn = DN(v)
+ for rdn in dn:
+ if rdn.attr.lower() not in VALID_SUBJECT_ATTRS:
+ raise ValueError("invalid attribute: \"%s\"" % rdn.attr)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ raise ValueError("invalid subject base format: %s" % e)
+ ca_signing_algorithm = Knob(
+ {'SHA1withRSA', 'SHA256withRSA', 'SHA512withRSA'}, None,
+ description="Signing algorithm of the IPA CA certificate",
+ )
+class ServerDNS(common.Installable, core.Group, core.Composite):
+ description = "DNS"
+ setup_dns = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="configure bind with our zone",
+ )
+ forwarders = Knob(
+ (list, 'ip'), None,
+ description=("Add a DNS forwarder. This option can be used multiple "
+ "times"),
+ cli_name='forwarder',
+ )
+ no_forwarders = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="Do not add any DNS forwarders, use root servers instead",
+ )
+ reverse_zones = Knob(
+ (list, str), [],
+ description=("The reverse DNS zone to use. This option can be used "
+ "multiple times"),
+ cli_name='reverse_zone',
+ )
+ no_reverse = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="Do not create reverse DNS zone",
+ )
+ no_dnssec_validation = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="Disable DNSSEC validation",
+ )
+ dnssec_master = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ initializable=False,
+ description="Setup server to be DNSSEC key master",
+ )
+ zonemgr = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ description=("DNS zone manager e-mail address. Defaults to "
+ "hostmaster@DOMAIN"),
+ )
+ @zonemgr.validator
+ def zonemgr(self, value):
+ # validate the value first
+ try:
+ # IDNA support requires unicode
+ encoding = getattr(sys.stdin, 'encoding', None)
+ if encoding is None:
+ encoding = 'utf-8'
+ value = value.decode(encoding)
+ bindinstance.validate_zonemgr_str(value)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ # FIXME we can do this in better way
+ #
+ # decode to proper stderr encoding
+ stderr_encoding = getattr(sys.stderr, 'encoding', None)
+ if stderr_encoding is None:
+ stderr_encoding = 'utf-8'
+ error = unicode(e).encode(stderr_encoding)
+ raise ValueError(error)
+ no_host_dns = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="Do not use DNS for hostname lookup during installation",
+ )
+ no_dns_sshfp = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="Do not automatically create DNS SSHFP records",
+ )
+class Server(common.Installable, common.Interactive, core.Composite):
+ realm_name = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ description="realm name",
+ cli_name='realm',
+ cli_short_name='r',
+ )
+ domain_name = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ description="domain name",
+ cli_name='domain',
+ cli_short_name='n',
+ )
+ @domain_name.validator
+ def domain_name(self, value):
+ validate_domain_name(value)
+ dm_password = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ sensitive=True,
+ description="Directory Manager password",
+ cli_name='ds_password',
+ cli_short_name='p',
+ )
+ @dm_password.validator
+ def dm_password(self, value):
+ validate_dm_password(value)
+ master_password = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ sensitive=True,
+ deprecated=True,
+ description="kerberos master password (normally autogenerated)",
+ cli_short_name='P',
+ )
+ admin_password = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ sensitive=True,
+ description="admin user kerberos password",
+ cli_short_name='a',
+ )
+ @admin_password.validator
+ def admin_password(self, value):
+ validate_admin_password(value)
+ mkhomedir = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="create home directories for users on their first login",
+ )
+ host_name = Knob(
+ str, None,
+ description="fully qualified name of server",
+ cli_name='hostname',
+ )
+ domainlevel = Knob(
+ int, constants.MAX_DOMAIN_LEVEL,
+ description="IPA domain level",
+ cli_name='domain_level',
+ )
+ @domainlevel.validator
+ def domainlevel(self, value):
+ # Check that Domain Level is within the allowed range
+ if value < constants.MIN_DOMAIN_LEVEL:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Domain Level cannot be lower than {0}".format(
+ constants.MIN_DOMAIN_LEVEL))
+ elif value > constants.MAX_DOMAIN_LEVEL:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Domain Level cannot be higher than {0}".format(
+ constants.MAX_DOMAIN_LEVEL))
+ ip_addresses = Knob(
+ (list, 'ip-local'), None,
+ description=("Master Server IP Address. This option can be used "
+ "multiple times"),
+ cli_name='ip_address',
+ )
+ no_ntp = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="do not configure ntp",
+ )
+ idstart = Knob(
+ int, random.randint(1, 10000) * 200000,
+ description="The starting value for the IDs range (default random)",
+ )
+ idmax = Knob(
+ int,
+ description=("The max value for the IDs range (default: "
+ "idstart+199999)"),
+ )
+ @idmax.default_getter
+ def idmax(self):
+ return self.idstart + 200000 - 1
+ no_hbac_allow = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="Don't install allow_all HBAC rule",
+ cli_aliases=['--no_hbac_allow'],
+ )
+ no_ui_redirect = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="Do not automatically redirect to the Web UI",
+ )
+ ssh_trust_dns = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="configure OpenSSH client to trust DNS SSHFP records",
+ )
+ no_ssh = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="do not configure OpenSSH client",
+ )
+ no_sshd = Knob(
+ bool, False,
+ description="do not configure OpenSSH server",
+ )
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super(Server, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self._installation_cleanup = True
+ self._ds = None
+ self._dirsrv_pkcs12_file = None
+ self._http_pkcs12_file = None
+ self._pkinit_pkcs12_file = None
+ self._dirsrv_pkcs12_info = None
+ self._http_pkcs12_info = None
+ self._pkinit_pkcs12_info = None
+ self._external_cert_file = None
+ self._external_ca_file = None
+ self._ca_cert = None
+ #pylint: disable=no-member
+ if not self.dns.setup_dns:
+ if self.dns.forwarders:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You cannot specify a --forwarder option without the "
+ "--setup-dns option")
+ if self.dns.no_forwarders:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You cannot specify a --no-forwarders option without the "
+ "--setup-dns option")
+ if self.dns.reverse_zones:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You cannot specify a --reverse-zone option without the "
+ "--setup-dns option")
+ if self.dns.no_reverse:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You cannot specify a --no-reverse option without the "
+ "--setup-dns option")
+ if self.dns.no_dnssec_validation:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You cannot specify a --no-dnssec-validation option "
+ "without the --setup-dns option")
+ elif self.dns.forwarders and self.dns.no_forwarders:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You cannot specify a --forwarder option together with "
+ "--no-forwarders")
+ elif self.dns.reverse_zones and self.dns.no_reverse:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You cannot specify a --reverse-zone option together with "
+ "--no-reverse")
+ if self.uninstalling:
+ if (self.realm_name or self.admin_password or
+ self.master_password):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "In uninstall mode, -a, -r and -P options are not allowed")
+ elif not self.interactive:
+ if (not self.realm_name or not self.dm_password or
+ not self.admin_password):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "In unattended mode you need to provide at least -r, -p "
+ "and -a options")
+ if self.dns.setup_dns:
+ if not self.dns.forwarders and not self.dns.no_forwarders:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You must specify at least one --forwarder option or "
+ "--no-forwarders option")
+ # If any of the key file options are selected, all are required.
+ cert_file_req = (,
+ cert_file_opt = (,)
+ if any(cert_file_req + cert_file_opt) and not all(cert_file_req):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "--dirsrv-cert-file and --http-cert-file are required if any "
+ "key file options are used.")
+ if not self.interactive:
+ if and is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You must specify --dirsrv-pin with --dirsrv-cert-file")
+ if and is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You must specify --http-pin with --http-cert-file")
+ if and is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You must specify --pkinit-pin with --pkinit-cert-file")
+ if and
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Service certificate file options cannot be used with the "
+ "external CA options.")
+ if and not
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "You cannot specify --external-ca-type without --external-ca")
+ if self.idmax < self.idstart:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "idmax (%s) cannot be smaller than idstart (%s)" %
+ (self.idmax, self.idstart))
+ # Automatically disable pkinit w/ dogtag until that is supported
+ = True
+ self.setup_ca =
+ self.setup_kra =
+ self.external_ca =
+ self.external_ca_type =
+ self.external_cert_files =
+ self.no_pkinit =
+ self.dirsrv_cert_files =
+ self.http_cert_files =
+ self.pkinit_cert_files =
+ self.dirsrv_pin =
+ self.http_pin =
+ self.pkinit_pin =
+ self.dirsrv_cert_name =
+ self.http_cert_name =
+ self.pkinit_cert_name =
+ self.ca_cert_files =
+ self.subject =
+ self.ca_signing_algorithm =
+ self.setup_dns = self.dns.setup_dns
+ self.forwarders = self.dns.forwarders
+ self.no_forwarders = self.dns.no_forwarders
+ self.reverse_zones = self.dns.reverse_zones
+ self.no_reverse = self.dns.no_reverse
+ self.no_dnssec_validation = self.dns.no_dnssec_validation
+ self.dnssec_master = self.dns.dnssec_master
+ self.zonemgr = self.dns.zonemgr
+ self.no_host_dns = self.dns.no_host_dns
+ self.no_dns_sshfp = self.dns.no_dns_sshfp
+ self.unattended = not self.interactive
+ @step()
+ def main(self):
+ install_check(self)
+ yield
+ install(self)
+ @main.uninstaller
+ def main(self):
+ uninstall_check(self)
+ yield
+ uninstall(self)
+ ca = core.Component(ServerCA)
+ dns = core.Component(ServerDNS)
diff --git a/ipaserver/install/server/ b/ipaserver/install/server/
index d648818ad..149d6b4f0 100644
--- a/ipaserver/install/server/
+++ b/ipaserver/install/server/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import os
import shutil
import socket
import sys
+import tempfile
from ipapython import dogtag, ipautil, sysrestore
from ipapython.dn import DN
@@ -25,8 +26,6 @@ from ipaserver.install import (
from ipaserver.install.installutils import create_replica_config
from ipaserver.install.replication import (
ReplicationManager, replica_conn_check)
-from ipaserver.install.server.install import (
- init_private_ccache, destroy_private_ccache)
DIRMAN_DN = DN(('cn', 'directory manager'))
@@ -286,6 +285,31 @@ def remove_replica_info_dir():
+def init_private_ccache():
+ global original_ccache
+ global temp_ccache
+ (desc, temp_ccache) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='krbcc')
+ os.close(desc)
+ original_ccache = os.environ.get('KRB5CCNAME')
+ os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = temp_ccache
+def destroy_private_ccache():
+ global original_ccache
+ global temp_ccache
+ if original_ccache is not None:
+ os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = original_ccache
+ else:
+ os.environ.pop('KRB5CCNAME', None)
+ if os.path.exists(temp_ccache):
+ os.remove(temp_ccache)
def common_cleanup(func):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):