path: root/ipa-client/ipa-join.c
diff options
authorRob Crittenden <>2010-09-17 21:37:32 -0400
committerRob Crittenden <>2010-09-20 16:07:42 -0400
commit6de0834fca74b89990e4acc82753544614a1a129 (patch)
tree244d3087cdef45898cba2a71e14c3f3a6561f5c4 /ipa-client/ipa-join.c
parent74e5d8c2af66a90d5cf85d80f7bafd6a21a724d5 (diff)
Unenroll the client from the IPA server on uninstall.
Unenrollment means that the host keytab is disabled on the server making it possible to re-install on the client. This host principal is how we distinguish an enrolled vs an unenrolled client machine on the server. I added a --unroll option to ipa-join that binds using the host credentials and disables its own keytab. I fixed a couple of other unrelated problems in ipa-join at the same time. I also documented all the possible return values of ipa-getkeytab and ipa-join. There is so much overlap because ipa-join calls ipa-getkeytab and it returns whatever value ipa-getkeytab returned on failure. ticket 242
Diffstat (limited to 'ipa-client/ipa-join.c')
1 files changed, 229 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/ipa-client/ipa-join.c b/ipa-client/ipa-join.c
index d18461f6a..c8bf421a2 100644
--- a/ipa-client/ipa-join.c
+++ b/ipa-client/ipa-join.c
@@ -288,8 +288,7 @@ get_subject(const char *ipaserver, char *ldap_base, const char **subject)
NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &res);
if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Search for ipaCertificateSubjectBase failed with error %d",
- attrs[0], ret);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Search for ipaCertificateSubjectBase failed with error %d", ret);
rval = 14;
goto done;
@@ -334,7 +333,7 @@ done:
* the state of the entry.
static int
-join_ldap(const char *ipaserver, const char *hostname, const char ** binddn, const char *bindpw, const char **princ, const char **subject, int quiet)
+join_ldap(const char *ipaserver, char *hostname, const char ** binddn, const char *bindpw, const char **princ, const char **subject, int quiet)
LDAP *ld;
char *filter = NULL;
@@ -353,19 +352,22 @@ join_ldap(const char *ipaserver, const char *hostname, const char ** binddn, con
*binddn = NULL;
if (get_root_dn(ipaserver, &ldap_base) != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unable to determine root DN of %s\n", ipaserver);
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to determine root DN of %s\n", ipaserver);
rval = 14;
goto done;
if (get_subject(ipaserver, ldap_base, subject) != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unable to determine certificate subject of %s\n", ipaserver);
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to determine certificate subject of %s\n", ipaserver);
/* Not a critical failure */
ld = connect_ldap(ipaserver, NULL, NULL);
if (!ld) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unable to make an LDAP connection to %s\n", ipaserver);
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to make an LDAP connection to %s\n", ipaserver);
rval = 14;
goto done;
@@ -378,18 +380,21 @@ join_ldap(const char *ipaserver, const char *hostname, const char ** binddn, con
if ((ret = ldap_search_ext_s(ld, ldap_base, LDAP_SCOPE_SUB,
filter, attrs, 0, NULL, NULL, LDAP_NO_LIMIT,
- fprintf(stderr, "ldap_search_ext_s: %s\n", ldap_err2string(ret));
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "ldap_search_ext_s: %s\n", ldap_err2string(ret));
rval = 14;
goto ldap_done;
e = ldap_first_entry(ld, result);
if (!e) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find host '%s'\n", hostname);
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find host '%s'\n", hostname);
rval = 14;
goto ldap_done;
if ((*binddn = ldap_get_dn(ld, e)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get binddn for host '%s'\n", hostname);
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get binddn for host '%s'\n", hostname);
rval = 14;
goto ldap_done;
@@ -414,10 +419,12 @@ join_ldap(const char *ipaserver, const char *hostname, const char ** binddn, con
ld = connect_ldap(ipaserver, *binddn, bindpw);
if (!ld) {
if (has_principal) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Host is already joined.\n");
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Host is already joined.\n");
rval = 13;
} else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect password.\n");
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect password.\n");
rval = 15;
goto done;
@@ -427,9 +434,10 @@ join_ldap(const char *ipaserver, const char *hostname, const char ** binddn, con
valrequest.bv_len = strlen(hostname);
if ((rc = ldap_extended_operation_s(ld, JOIN_OID, &valrequest, NULL, NULL, &oidresult, &valresult)) != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
- fprintf(stderr, "principal not found in host entry\n");
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "principal not found in host entry\n");
if (debug) ldap_perror(ld, "ldap_extended_operation_s");
- rval = 12;
+ rval = 18;
goto ldap_done;
@@ -452,7 +460,7 @@ done:
static int
-join_krb5(const char *ipaserver, const char *hostname, const char **hostdn, const char **princ, const char **subject, int quiet) {
+join_krb5(const char *ipaserver, char *hostname, const char **hostdn, const char **princ, const char **subject, int quiet) {
xmlrpc_env env;
xmlrpc_value * argArrayP = NULL;
xmlrpc_value * paramArrayP = NULL;
@@ -509,7 +517,7 @@ join_krb5(const char *ipaserver, const char *hostname, const char **hostdn, cons
callRPC(&env, serverInfoP, "join", paramArrayP, &resultP);
if (handle_fault(&env)) {
- rval = 1;
+ rval = 17;
goto cleanup_xmlrpc;
@@ -533,7 +541,8 @@ join_krb5(const char *ipaserver, const char *hostname, const char **hostdn, cons
} else {
- fprintf(stderr, "principal not found in XML-RPC response\n");
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "principal not found in XML-RPC response\n");
rval = 12;
goto cleanup;
@@ -547,7 +556,8 @@ join_krb5(const char *ipaserver, const char *hostname, const char **hostdn, cons
xmlrpc_array_read_item(&env, krblastpwdchangeP, 0, &singleprincP);
xmlrpc_read_string(&env, singleprincP, &krblastpwdchange);
- fprintf(stderr, "Host is already joined.\n");
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Host is already joined.\n");
rval = 13;
goto cleanup;
@@ -581,13 +591,196 @@ cleanup_xmlrpc:
static int
+unenroll_host(const char *server, const char *hostname, const char *ktname, int quiet)
+ int rval = 0;
+ char *ipaserver = NULL;
+ char *host = NULL;
+ struct utsname uinfo;
+ char *principal = NULL;
+ char *realm = NULL;
+ krb5_context krbctx = NULL;
+ krb5_keytab keytab;
+ krb5_ccache ccache = NULL;
+ krb5_principal princ = NULL;
+ krb5_error_code krberr;
+ krb5_creds creds;
+ krb5_get_init_creds_opt gicopts;
+ char tgs[LINE_MAX];
+ xmlrpc_env env;
+ xmlrpc_value * argArrayP = NULL;
+ xmlrpc_value * paramArrayP = NULL;
+ xmlrpc_value * paramP = NULL;
+ xmlrpc_value * resultP = NULL;
+ xmlrpc_server_info * serverInfoP = NULL;
+ xmlrpc_value *princP = NULL;
+ char * url = NULL;
+ if (server) {
+ ipaserver = strdup(server);
+ } else {
+ char * conf_data = read_config_file(IPA_CONFIG);
+ if ((ipaserver = getIPAserver(conf_data)) == NULL) {
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to determine IPA server from %s\n", IPA_CONFIG);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ free(conf_data);
+ }
+ if (NULL == hostname) {
+ uname(&uinfo);
+ host = strdup(uinfo.nodename);
+ } else {
+ host = strdup(hostname);
+ }
+ if (NULL == strstr(host, ".")) {
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "The hostname must be fully-qualified: %s\n", host);
+ rval = 16;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ krberr = krb5_init_context(&krbctx);
+ if (krberr) {
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to join host: Kerberos context initialization failed\n");
+ rval = 1;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ krberr = krb5_kt_resolve(krbctx, ktname, &keytab);
+ if (krberr != 0) {
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error resolving keytab: %s.\n",
+ error_message(krberr));
+ rval = 7;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ krb5_get_default_realm(krbctx, &realm);
+ asprintf(&principal, "host/%s@%s", host, realm);
+ krberr = krb5_parse_name(krbctx, principal, &princ);
+ if (krberr != 0) {
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing \"%s\": %s.\n", principal,
+ error_message(krberr));
+ return krberr;
+ }
+ strcpy(tgs, KRB5_TGS_NAME);
+ snprintf(tgs + strlen(tgs), sizeof(tgs) - strlen(tgs), "/%.*s",
+ (krb5_princ_realm(krbctx, princ))->length,
+ (krb5_princ_realm(krbctx, princ))->data);
+ snprintf(tgs + strlen(tgs), sizeof(tgs) - strlen(tgs), "@%.*s",
+ (krb5_princ_realm(krbctx, princ))->length,
+ (krb5_princ_realm(krbctx, princ))->data);
+ memset(&creds, 0, sizeof(creds));
+ krb5_get_init_creds_opt_init(&gicopts);
+ krb5_get_init_creds_opt_set_forwardable(&gicopts, 1);
+ krberr = krb5_get_init_creds_keytab(krbctx, &creds, princ, keytab,
+ 0, tgs, &gicopts);
+ if (krberr != 0) {
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error obtaining initial credentials: %s.\n",
+ error_message(krberr));
+ return krberr;
+ }
+ krberr = krb5_cc_resolve(krbctx, "MEMORY:ipa-join", &ccache);
+ if (krberr == 0) {
+ krberr = krb5_cc_initialize(krbctx, ccache, creds.client);
+ } else {
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to generate Kerberos Credential Cache\n");
+ rval = 19;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ krberr = krb5_cc_store_cred(krbctx, ccache, &creds);
+ if (krberr != 0) {
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error storing creds in credential cache: %s.\n",
+ error_message(krberr));
+ return krberr;
+ }
+ krb5_cc_close(krbctx, ccache);
+ ccache = NULL;
+ putenv("KRB5CCNAME=MEMORY:ipa-join");
+ /* Start up our XML-RPC client library. */
+ xmlrpc_client_init(XMLRPC_CLIENT_NO_FLAGS, NAME, VERSION);
+ xmlrpc_env_init(&env);
+ xmlrpc_client_setup_global_const(&env);
+#if 1
+ asprintf(&url, "https://%s:443/ipa/xml", ipaserver);
+ asprintf(&url, "http://%s:8888/", ipaserver);
+ serverInfoP = xmlrpc_server_info_new(&env, url);
+ argArrayP = xmlrpc_array_new(&env);
+ paramArrayP = xmlrpc_array_new(&env);
+ paramP = xmlrpc_string_new(&env, host);
+ xmlrpc_array_append_item(&env, argArrayP, paramP);
+ xmlrpc_array_append_item(&env, paramArrayP, argArrayP);
+ xmlrpc_DECREF(paramP);
+ callRPC(&env, serverInfoP, "host_disable", paramArrayP, &resultP);
+ if (handle_fault(&env)) {
+ rval = 17;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ xmlrpc_struct_find_value(&env, resultP, "result", &princP);
+ if (princP) {
+ xmlrpc_bool result;
+ xmlrpc_read_bool(&env, princP, &result);
+ if (result == 1) {
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unenrollment successful.\n");
+ } else {
+ if (!quiet)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unenrollment failed.\n");
+ }
+ xmlrpc_DECREF(princP);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "result not found in XML-RPC response\n");
+ rval = 20;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ krb5_kt_close(krbctx, keytab);
+ free((char *)principal);
+ free((char *)ipaserver);
+ if (princ) krb5_free_principal(krbctx, princ);
+ if (ccache) krb5_cc_close(krbctx, ccache);
+ if (krbctx) krb5_free_context(krbctx);
+ free(url);
+ xmlrpc_env_clean(&env);
+ xmlrpc_client_cleanup();
+ return rval;
+static int
join(const char *server, const char *hostname, const char *bindpw, const char *keytab, int quiet)
- int rval;
+ int rval = 0;
pid_t childpid = 0;
int status = 0;
char *ipaserver = NULL;
char *iparealm = NULL;
+ char * host = NULL;
const char * princ = NULL;
const char * subject = NULL;
const char * hostdn = NULL;
@@ -611,17 +804,19 @@ join(const char *server, const char *hostname, const char *bindpw, const char *k
if (NULL == hostname) {
- hostname = strdup(uinfo.nodename);
+ host = strdup(uinfo.nodename);
+ } else {
+ host = strdup(hostname);
- if (NULL == strstr(hostname, ".")) {
- fprintf(stderr, "The hostname must be fully-qualified: %s\n", hostname);
+ if (NULL == strstr(host, ".")) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "The hostname must be fully-qualified: %s\n", host);
rval = 16;
goto cleanup;
if (bindpw)
- rval = join_ldap(ipaserver, hostname, &hostdn, bindpw, &princ, &subject, quiet);
+ rval = join_ldap(ipaserver, host, &hostdn, bindpw, &princ, &subject, quiet);
else {
krberr = krb5_init_context(&krbctx);
if (krberr) {
@@ -635,14 +830,14 @@ join(const char *server, const char *hostname, const char *bindpw, const char *k
rval = 5;
goto cleanup;
krberr = krb5_cc_get_principal(krbctx, ccache, &uprinc);
if (krberr) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to join host: Kerberos User Principal not found and host password not provided.\n");
rval = 6;
goto cleanup;
- rval = join_krb5(ipaserver, hostname, &hostdn, &princ, &subject, quiet);
+ rval = join_krb5(ipaserver, host, &hostdn, &princ, &subject, quiet);
if (rval) goto cleanup;
@@ -733,9 +928,11 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
static const char *keytab = NULL;
static const char *bindpw = NULL;
int quiet = 0;
+ int unenroll = 0;
struct poptOption options[] = {
{ "debug", 'd', POPT_ARG_NONE, &debug, 0, "Print the raw XML-RPC output", "XML-RPC debugging Output"},
{ "quiet", 'q', POPT_ARG_NONE, &quiet, 0, "Print as little as possible", "Output only on errors"},
+ { "unenroll", 'u', POPT_ARG_NONE, &unenroll, 0, "Unenroll this host", "Unenroll this host from IPA server" },
{ "hostname", 'h', POPT_ARG_STRING, &hostname, 0, "Use this hostname instead of the node name", "Host Name" },
{ "server", 's', POPT_ARG_STRING, &server, 0, "IPA Server to use", "IPA Server Name" },
{ "keytab", 'k', POPT_ARG_STRING, &keytab, 0, "File were to store the keytab information", "Keytab File Name" },
@@ -758,12 +955,17 @@ main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (debug)
setenv("XMLRPC_TRACE_XML", "1", 1);
if (!keytab)
keytab = "/etc/krb5.keytab";
- ret = check_perms(keytab);
- if (ret == 0)
- ret = join(server, hostname, bindpw, keytab, quiet);
+ if (unenroll) {
+ ret = unenroll_host(server, hostname, keytab, quiet);
+ } else {
+ ret = check_perms(keytab);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ ret = join(server, hostname, bindpw, keytab, quiet);
+ }