path: root/install/tools
diff options
authorPetr Viktorin <>2012-12-18 07:42:18 -0500
committerRob Crittenden <>2013-02-01 13:44:59 -0500
commit26c498736ec8eabb8dafbc090811c92c79a8c318 (patch)
treef4c2187920025a5f98b26e699179e3fdcd9d7b62 /install/tools
parent55cfd06e3a9cb730220836b07207f4e650de3a03 (diff)
Port ipa-replica-prepare to the admintool framework
Break the script into several smaller methods. Use modern idioms: os.path.join instead of string addition; the with statement for closing files. Add --quiet, --verbose, and --log-file options. Use logging instead of print statements. ( Part of: Fixes:
Diffstat (limited to 'install/tools')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 488 deletions
diff --git a/install/tools/ipa-replica-prepare b/install/tools/ipa-replica-prepare
index 274e8456a..21df34109 100755
--- a/install/tools/ipa-replica-prepare
+++ b/install/tools/ipa-replica-prepare
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#! /usr/bin/python -E
-# Authors: Karl MacMillan <>
+# Authors: Petr Viktorin <>
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -18,490 +18,6 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import sys
+from ipaserver.install.ipa_replica_prepare import ReplicaPrepare
-import tempfile, shutil, os, pwd
-from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import *
-import traceback
-from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
-import krbV
-from ipapython import ipautil
-from ipaserver.install import bindinstance, dsinstance, installutils, certs
-from ipaserver.install.bindinstance import add_zone, add_fwd_rr, add_ptr_rr, dns_container_exists
-from ipaserver.install.replication import enable_replication_version_checking
-from ipaserver.install.installutils import resolve_host, BadHostError, HostLookupError
-from ipaserver.plugins.ldap2 import ldap2
-from ipapython import version
-from ipapython import dogtag
-from ipapython.config import IPAOptionParser
-from ipalib import api, errors, util
-from ipapython.dn import DN
-def parse_options():
- usage = "%prog [options] FQDN (e.g."
- parser = IPAOptionParser(usage=usage, version=version.VERSION)
- parser.add_option("--dirsrv_pkcs12", dest="dirsrv_pkcs12",
- help="install certificate for the directory server")
- parser.add_option("--http_pkcs12", dest="http_pkcs12",
- help="install certificate for the http server")
- parser.add_option("--pkinit_pkcs12", dest="pkinit_pkcs12",
- help="install certificate for the KDC")
- parser.add_option("--dirsrv_pin", dest="dirsrv_pin",
- help="PIN for the Directory Server PKCS#12 file")
- parser.add_option("--http_pin", dest="http_pin",
- help="PIN for the Apache Server PKCS#12 file")
- parser.add_option("--pkinit_pin", dest="pkinit_pin",
- help="PIN for the KDC pkinit PKCS#12 file")
- parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password",
- help="Directory Manager (existing master) password")
- parser.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_address",
- type="ip", help="Add A and PTR records of the future replica")
- parser.add_option("--reverse-zone", dest="reverse_zone",
- help="The reverse DNS zone to use")
- parser.add_option("--no-reverse", dest="no_reverse", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="Do not create reverse DNS zone")
- parser.add_option("--ca", dest="ca_file", default="/root/cacert.p12",
- help="Location of CA PKCS#12 file, default /root/cacert.p12")
- parser.add_option("--no-pkinit", dest="setup_pkinit", action="store_false",
- default=True, help="disables pkinit setup steps")
- parser.add_option("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true",
- default=False, help="enable debugging")
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- if not options.ip_address:
- if options.reverse_zone:
- parser.error("You cannot specify a --reverse-zone option without the --ip-address option")
- if options.no_reverse:
- parser.error("You cannot specify a --no-reverse option without the --ip-address option")
- elif options.reverse_zone and options.no_reverse:
- parser.error("You cannot specify a --reverse-zone option together with --no-reverse")
- # If any of the PKCS#12 options are selected, all are required. Create a
- # list of the options and count it to enforce that all are required without
- # having a huge set of it blocks.
- if options.setup_pkinit:
- pkcs12 = [options.dirsrv_pkcs12, options.dirsrv_pin,
- options.http_pkcs12, options.http_pin,
- options.pkinit_pkcs12, options.pkinit_pin]
- num = 6
- else:
- pkcs12 = [options.dirsrv_pkcs12, options.dirsrv_pin,
- options.http_pkcs12, options.http_pin]
- num = 4
- cnt = pkcs12.count(None)
- if cnt > 0 and cnt < num:
- parser.error("All PKCS#12 options are required if any are used.")
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.error("must provide the fully-qualified name of the replica")
- return options, args
-def get_subject_base(host_name, dm_password, suffix):
- try:
- conn = ldap2(shared_instance=False, base_dn=suffix)
- conn.connect(bind_dn=DN(('cn', 'directory manager')), bind_pw=dm_password)
- except errors.ExecutionError, e:
- root_logger.critical("Could not connect to the Directory Server on %s" % host_name)
- raise e
- (dn, entry_attrs) = conn.get_ipa_config()
- conn.disconnect()
- subject_base = entry_attrs.get('ipacertificatesubjectbase', [None])[0]
- if subject_base is not None:
- subject_base = DN(subject_base)
- return subject_base
-def check_ipa_configuration(realm_name):
- config_dir = dsinstance.config_dirname(dsinstance.realm_to_serverid(realm_name))
- if not ipautil.dir_exists(config_dir):
- root_logger.error("could not find directory instance: %s" % config_dir)
- sys.exit(1)
-def export_certdb(realm_name, ds_dir, dir, passwd_fname, fname, hostname, subject_base=None, is_kdc=False):
- """realm is the kerberos realm for the IPA server.
- ds_dir is the location of the master DS we are creating a replica for.
- dir is the location of the files for the replica we are creating.
- passwd_fname is the file containing the PKCS#12 password
- fname is the filename of the PKCS#12 file for this cert (minus the .p12).
- hostname is the FQDN of the server we're creating a cert for.
- The subject is handled by certs.CertDB:create_server_cert()
- """
- if is_kdc:
- nickname = "KDC-Cert"
- else:
- nickname = "Server-Cert"
- try:
- self_signed = certs.ipa_self_signed()
- db = certs.CertDB(realm_name, nssdir=dir, subject_base=subject_base)
- db.create_passwd_file()
- ca_db = certs.CertDB(realm_name,, subject_base=subject_base)
- if is_kdc:
- ca_db.create_kdc_cert("KDC-Cert", hostname, dir)
- else:
- db.create_from_cacert(ca_db.cacert_fname)
- db.create_server_cert(nickname, hostname, ca_db)
- except Exception, e:
- raise e
- pkcs12_fname = dir + "/" + fname + ".p12"
- try:
- if is_kdc:
- ca_db.export_pem_p12(pkcs12_fname, passwd_fname,
- nickname, dir + "/kdc.pem")
- else:
- db.export_pkcs12(pkcs12_fname, passwd_fname, nickname)
- except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e:
- print "error exporting Server certificate: " + str(e)
- remove_file(pkcs12_fname)
- remove_file(passwd_fname)
- remove_file(dir + "/cert8.db")
- remove_file(dir + "/key3.db")
- remove_file(dir + "/secmod.db")
- remove_file(dir + "/noise.txt")
- if is_kdc:
- remove_file(dir + "/kdc.pem")
- if ipautil.file_exists(passwd_fname + ".orig"):
- remove_file(passwd_fname + ".orig")
-def export_ra_pkcs12(dir, dm_password):
- """
- dir is the location of the files for the replica we are creating.
- dm_password is the Directory Manager password
- If this install is using dogtag/RHCS then export the RA certificate.
- """
- if certs.ipa_self_signed():
- return
- (agent_fd, agent_name) = tempfile.mkstemp()
- os.write(agent_fd, dm_password)
- os.close(agent_fd)
- try:
- try:
- db = certs.CertDB(api.env.realm,
- if db.has_nickname("ipaCert"):
- pkcs12_fname = "%s/ra.p12" % dir
- db.export_pkcs12(pkcs12_fname, agent_name, "ipaCert")
- except Exception, e:
- raise e
- finally:
- os.remove(agent_name)
-def save_config(dir, realm_name, host_name,
- domain_name, dest_host,
- subject_base):
- config = SafeConfigParser()
- config.add_section("realm")
- config.set("realm", "realm_name", realm_name)
- config.set("realm", "master_host_name", host_name)
- config.set("realm", "domain_name", domain_name)
- config.set("realm", "destination_host", dest_host)
- config.set("realm", "subject_base", str(subject_base))
- config.set("realm", "version", str(version.NUM_VERSION))
- with open(dir + "/realm_info", "w") as fd:
- config.write(fd)
-def remove_file(fname, ignore_errors=True):
- try:
- os.remove(fname)
- except OSError, e:
- if not ignore_errors:
- raise e
-def copy_files(realm_name, dir):
- config_dir = dsinstance.config_dirname(dsinstance.realm_to_serverid(realm_name))
- try:
- shutil.copy("/usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt", dir + "/ca.crt")
- if ipautil.file_exists("/usr/share/ipa/html/preferences.html"):
- shutil.copy("/usr/share/ipa/html/krb.js", dir + "/krb.js")
- shutil.copy("/usr/share/ipa/html/kerberosauth.xpi", dir + "/kerberosauth.xpi")
- shutil.copy("/usr/share/ipa/html/preferences.html", dir + "/preferences.html")
- shutil.copy("/usr/share/ipa/html/configure.jar", dir + "/configure.jar")
- if ipautil.file_exists("/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/cacert.pem"):
- shutil.copy("/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/cacert.pem", dir + "/cacert.pem")
- except Exception, e:
- print "error copying files: " + str(e)
- sys.exit(1)
-def get_dirman_password():
- return installutils.read_password("Directory Manager (existing master)", confirm=False, validate=False)
-def main():
- installutils.check_server_configuration()
- options, args = parse_options()
- replica_fqdn = args[0]
- standard_logging_setup(None, debug=options.debug)
- # Just initialize the environment. This is so the installer can have
- # access to the plugin environment
- api.bootstrap(in_server=True, debug=options.debug)
- api.finalize()
- #Automatically disable pkinit w/ dogtag until that is supported
- #[certs.ipa_self_signed() must be called only after api.finalize()]
- if not options.pkinit_pkcs12 and not certs.ipa_self_signed():
- options.setup_pkinit = False
- if certs.ipa_self_signed_master() == False:
- sys.exit('A selfsign CA backend can only prepare on the original master')
- # get the directory manager password
- dirman_password = options.password
- if not options.password:
- try:
- dirman_password = get_dirman_password()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- sys.exit(0)
- if dirman_password is None:
- sys.exit("\nDirectory Manager password required")
- # Try out the password
- try:
- conn = ldap2(shared_instance=False)
- conn.connect(bind_dn=DN(('cn', 'directory manager')), bind_pw=dirman_password)
- conn.disconnect()
- except errors.ACIError:
- sys.exit("\nThe password provided is incorrect for LDAP server %s" %
- except errors.LDAPError:
- sys.exit("\nUnable to connect to LDAP server %s" %
- except errors.DatabaseError, e:
- sys.exit("\n"+e.desc)
- try:
- installutils.verify_fqdn(replica_fqdn, local_hostname=False)
- except BadHostError, e:
- msg = str(e)
- if isinstance(e, HostLookupError):
- if options.ip_address is None:
- if dns_container_exists(, api.env.basedn,
- dm_password=dirman_password,
- ldapi=True, realm=api.env.realm):
- msg += '\nAdd the --ip-address argument to create a DNS entry.'
- sys.exit(msg)
- else:
- # The host doesn't exist in DNS but we're adding it.
- pass
- else:
- sys.exit(msg)
- if options.ip_address:
- if not dns_container_exists(, api.env.basedn,
- dm_password=dirman_password,
- ldapi=True, realm=api.env.realm):
- print "You can't add a DNS record because DNS is not set up."
- sys.exit(1)
- if options.reverse_zone and not bindinstance.verify_reverse_zone(options.reverse_zone, options.ip_address):
- sys.exit(1)
- if (not certs.ipa_self_signed() and
- not ipautil.file_exists(dogtag.configured_constants().CS_CFG_PATH) and
- not options.dirsrv_pin):
- sys.exit("The replica must be created on the primary IPA server.\nIf you installed IPA with your own certificates using PKCS#12 files you must provide PKCS#12 files for any replicas you create as well.")
- check_ipa_configuration(api.env.realm)
- if == replica_fqdn:
- print "You can't create a replica on itself"
- sys.exit(1)
- ds_dir = dsinstance.config_dirname(dsinstance.realm_to_serverid(api.env.realm))
- print "Preparing replica for %s from %s" % (replica_fqdn,
- enable_replication_version_checking(, api.env.realm,
- dirman_password)
- subject_base = get_subject_base(, dirman_password, ipautil.realm_to_suffix(api.env.realm))
- top_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp("ipa")
- dir = top_dir + "/realm_info"
- os.mkdir(dir, 0700)
- if options.dirsrv_pin:
- passwd = options.dirsrv_pin
- else:
- passwd = ""
- passwd_fname = dir + "/dirsrv_pin.txt"
- fd = open(passwd_fname, "w")
- fd.write("%s\n" % passwd)
- fd.close()
- if options.dirsrv_pkcs12:
- print "Copying SSL certificate for the Directory Server from %s" % options.dirsrv_pkcs12
- try:
- shutil.copy(options.dirsrv_pkcs12, dir + "/dscert.p12")
- except IOError, e:
- print "Copy failed %s" % e
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- try:
- if not certs.ipa_self_signed():
- # FIXME, need option for location of CA backup
- if ipautil.file_exists(options.ca_file):
- shutil.copy(options.ca_file, dir + "/cacert.p12")
- else:
- raise RuntimeError("Root CA PKCS#12 not found in %s" % options.ca_file)
- except IOError, e:
- print "Copy failed %s" % e
- sys.exit(1)
- print "Creating SSL certificate for the Directory Server"
- try:
- export_certdb(api.env.realm, ds_dir, dir, passwd_fname, "dscert", replica_fqdn, subject_base)
- except errors.CertificateOperationError, e:
- print "%s" % e
- sys.exit(1)
- if not certs.ipa_self_signed():
- print "Creating SSL certificate for the dogtag Directory Server"
- try:
- export_certdb(api.env.realm, ds_dir, dir, passwd_fname, "dogtagcert", replica_fqdn, subject_base)
- except errors.CertificateOperationError, e:
- print "%s" % e
- sys.exit(1)
- print "Saving dogtag Directory Server port"
- port_fname = dir + "/dogtag_directory_port.txt"
- with open(port_fname, "w") as fd:
- fd.write("%s\n" % str(dogtag.configured_constants().DS_PORT))
- if options.http_pin:
- passwd = options.http_pin
- else:
- passwd = ""
- passwd_fname = dir + "/http_pin.txt"
- fd = open(passwd_fname, "w")
- fd.write("%s\n" % passwd)
- fd.close()
- if options.http_pkcs12:
- print "Copying SSL certificate for the Web Server from %s" % options.http_pkcs12
- try:
- shutil.copy(options.http_pkcs12, dir + "/httpcert.p12")
- except IOError, e:
- print "Copy failed %s" % e
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- print "Creating SSL certificate for the Web Server"
- try:
- export_certdb(api.env.realm, ds_dir, dir, passwd_fname, "httpcert", replica_fqdn, subject_base)
- except errors.CertificateOperationError, e:
- print "%s" % e
- sys.exit(1)
- print "Exporting RA certificate"
- export_ra_pkcs12(dir, dirman_password)
- if options.setup_pkinit:
- if options.pkinit_pin:
- passwd = options.pkinit_pin
- else:
- passwd = ""
- passwd_fname = dir + "/pkinit_pin.txt"
- fd = open(passwd_fname, "w")
- fd.write("%s\n" % passwd)
- fd.close()
- if options.pkinit_pkcs12:
- print "Copying SSL certificate for the KDC from %s" % options.pkinit_pkcs12
- try:
- shutil.copy(options.pkinit_pkcs12, dir + "/pkinitcert.p12")
- except IOError, e:
- print "Copy failed %s" % e
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- print "Creating SSL certificate for the KDC"
- try:
- export_certdb(api.env.realm, ds_dir, dir,
- passwd_fname, "pkinitcert",
- replica_fqdn, subject_base,
- is_kdc=True)
- except errors.CertificateOperationError, e:
- print "%s" % e
- sys.exit(1)
- print "Copying additional files"
- copy_files(api.env.realm, dir)
- print "Finalizing configuration"
- save_config(dir, api.env.realm,, api.env.domain, replica_fqdn, subject_base)
- replicafile = "/var/lib/ipa/replica-info-" + replica_fqdn
- encfile = replicafile+".gpg"
- print "Packaging replica information into %s" % encfile
-["/bin/tar", "cf", replicafile, "-C", top_dir, "realm_info"])
- ipautil.encrypt_file(replicafile, encfile, dirman_password, top_dir)
- os.chmod(encfile, 0600)
- remove_file(replicafile)
- shutil.rmtree(dir)
- if options.ip_address:
- print "Adding DNS records for %s" % replica_fqdn
- api.Backend.ldap2.connect(bind_dn=DN(('cn', 'Directory Manager')), bind_pw=dirman_password)
- domain = replica_fqdn.split(".")
- name = domain.pop(0)
- domain = ".".join(domain)
- ip = options.ip_address
- ip_address = str(ip)
- if options.reverse_zone:
- reverse_zone = bindinstance.normalize_zone(options.reverse_zone)
- else:
- reverse_zone = bindinstance.find_reverse_zone(ip)
- if reverse_zone is None and not options.no_reverse:
- reverse_zone = bindinstance.get_reverse_zone_default(ip)
- try:
- add_zone(domain)
- except errors.PublicError, e:
- sys.exit("Could not create forward DNS zone for the replica: %s" % e)
- try:
- add_fwd_rr(domain, name, ip_address)
- except errors.PublicError, e:
- sys.exit("Could not add forward DNS record for the replica: %s" % e)
- if reverse_zone is not None:
- print "Using reverse zone %s" % reverse_zone
- try:
- add_zone(reverse_zone)
- except errors.PublicError, e:
- sys.exit("Could not create reverse DNS zone for the replica: %s" % e)
- try:
- add_ptr_rr(reverse_zone, ip_address, replica_fqdn)
- except errors.PublicError, e:
- sys.exit("Could not add reverse DNS record for the replica: %s" % e)
- if not os.geteuid()==0:
- sys.exit("\nYou must be root to run this script.\n")
- main()
-except SystemExit, e:
- sys.exit(e)
-except RuntimeError, e:
- sys.exit(e)
-except Exception, e:
- print "preparation of replica failed: %s" % str(e)
- message = str(e)
- for str in traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]):
- message = message + "\n" + str
- root_logger.debug(message)
- print message
- sys.exit(1)