diff options
authorRob Crittenden <>2009-03-19 15:39:53 -0400
committerRob Crittenden <>2009-03-20 09:28:06 -0400
commit5e2e3fd17dd16bbbd76b2f07292204864120d196 (patch)
parent2f17ebebba5c459fcedcd35f66278294bbc4afba (diff)
Add generic base class that will most of the heavy lifting for groups
1 files changed, 422 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ipalib/plugins/ b/ipalib/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54913566c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipalib/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# Authors:
+# Rob Crittenden <>
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Base plugin for groups.
+from ipalib import api, crud, errors, errors2
+from ipalib import Object, Command # Plugin base classes
+from ipalib import Str, Int, Flag, List # Parameter types
+from ldap.dn import escape_dn_chars
+default_attributes = ['cn','description','member','memberof']
+default_class = "groupofnames"
+def find_members(ldap, failed, members, attribute, filter=None, base=None):
+ """
+ Search for a list of members to operate on.
+ Returns a tuple of 2 lists: a list of DNs found, a list of errors
+ :param ldap: The ldap connection
+ :param failed: The current list of failed entries
+ :param members: list of members to find DNs for
+ :param attribute: The primary key attribute (cn, uid, etc)
+ :param filter: An LDAP filter to narrow the search
+ :param base: The search base DN
+ """
+ found = []
+ for m in members:
+ if not m: continue
+ try:
+ member_dn = ldap.find_entry_dn(attribute, m, filter, base)
+ found.append(member_dn)
+ except errors2.NotFound:
+ failed.append(m)
+ return found, failed
+class BaseGroup(Object):
+ """
+ Basic Group object.
+ """
+ takes_params = (
+ Str('description',
+ doc='A description of this group',
+ attribute=True,
+ ),
+ Str('cn',
+ cli_name='name',
+ primary_key=True,
+ normalizer=lambda value: value.lower(),
+ attribute=True,
+ ),
+ )
+ def get_dn(self, cn):
+ """
+ Construct group dn from cn.
+ """
+ assert self.container
+ return 'cn=%s,%s,%s' % (
+ escape_dn_chars(cn),
+ self.container,
+ api.env.basedn,
+ )
+class basegroup_add(crud.Add):
+ 'Add a new group.'
+ base_classes = ["top", default_class]
+ def execute(self, cn, **kw):
+ """
+ Execute a group add operation.
+ The dn should not be passed as a keyword argument as it is constructed
+ by this method.
+ Returns the entry as it will be created in LDAP.
+ :param cn: The name of the group being added.
+ :param kw: Keyword arguments for the other LDAP attributes.
+ """
+ assert 'cn' not in kw
+ assert 'dn' not in kw
+ ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap
+ entry = self.args_options_2_entry(cn, **kw)
+ entry['dn'] = self.obj.get_dn(cn)
+ if kw.get('objectclass'):
+ entry['objectclass'] = kw['objectclass']
+ else:
+ entry['objectclass'] = self.base_classes
+ return ldap.create(**entry)
+ def output_for_cli(self, textui, result, *args, **options):
+ """
+ Output result of this command to command line interface.
+ """
+ textui.print_name(
+ textui.print_entry(result)
+ textui.print_dashed('Added group "%s"' % result['cn'])
+class basegroup_del(crud.Del):
+ 'Delete an existing group.'
+ filter_class = default_class
+ container = None
+ def execute(self, cn, **kw):
+ """
+ Delete a group
+ The memberOf plugin handles removing the group from any other
+ groups.
+ :param cn: The name of the group being removed
+ :param kw: Unused
+ """
+ assert self.container
+ ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap
+ dn = ldap.find_entry_dn("cn", cn, self.filter_class, self.container)
+ return ldap.delete(dn)
+ def output_for_cli(self, textui, result, cn):
+ """
+ Output result of this command to command line interface.
+ """
+ textui.print_plain("Deleted group %s" % cn)
+class basegroup_mod(crud.Mod):
+ 'Edit an existing group.'
+ filter_class = default_class
+ container = None
+ def execute(self, cn, **kw):
+ """
+ Execute the group-mod operation.
+ The dn should not be passed as a keyword argument as it is constructed
+ by this method.
+ Returns the entry
+ :param cn: The name of the group to update.
+ :param kw: Keyword arguments for the other LDAP attributes.
+ """
+ assert 'cn' not in kw
+ assert 'dn' not in kw
+ assert self.container
+ assert self.filter_class
+ ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap
+ dn = ldap.find_entry_dn("cn", cn, self.filter_class, self.container)
+ return ldap.update(dn, **kw)
+ def output_for_cli(self, textui, result, cn, **options):
+ """
+ Output result of this command to command line interface.
+ """
+ textui.print_plain("Group updated")
+class basegroup_find(crud.Find):
+ 'Search the groups.'
+ filter_class = default_class
+ searchfields = []
+ container = None
+ def execute(self, term, **kw):
+ ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap
+ if not self.searchfields:
+ # Pull the list of searchable attributes out of the configuration.
+ config = ldap.get_ipa_config()
+ search_fields_conf_str = config.get('ipagroupsearchfields')
+ search_fields = search_fields_conf_str.split(",")
+ else:
+ search_fields = self.searchfields
+ search_kw = {}
+ for s in search_fields:
+ search_kw[s] = term
+ if self.filter_class and not kw.get('objectclass'):
+ search_kw['objectclass'] = self.filter_class
+ if self.container and not kw.get('base'):
+ search_kw['base'] = self.container
+ return**search_kw)
+ def output_for_cli(self, textui, result, uid, **options):
+ counter = result[0]
+ groups = result[1:]
+ if counter == 0 or len(groups) == 0:
+ textui.print_plain("No entries found")
+ return
+ if len(groups) == 1:
+ textui.print_entry(groups[0])
+ return
+ textui.print_name(
+ for g in groups:
+ textui.print_entry(g)
+ textui.print_plain('')
+ if counter == -1:
+ textui.print_plain("These results are truncated.")
+ textui.print_plain("Please refine your search and try again.")
+ textui.print_count(groups, '%d groups matched')
+class basegroup_show(crud.Get):
+ 'Examine an existing group.'
+ filter_class = default_class
+ default_attributes = default_attributes
+ container = None
+ takes_options = (
+ Flag('all', doc='Retrieve all attributes'),
+ )
+ def execute(self, cn, **kw):
+ """
+ Execute the group-show operation.
+ The dn should not be passed as a keyword argument as it is constructed
+ by this method.
+ Returns the entry
+ :param cn: The group name to retrieve.
+ :param kw: Not used.
+ """
+ assert self.container
+ ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap
+ dn = ldap.find_entry_dn("cn", cn, self.filter_class, self.container)
+ # FIXME: should kw contain the list of attributes to display?
+ if kw.get('all', False):
+ return ldap.retrieve(dn)
+ else:
+ return ldap.retrieve(dn, self.default_attributes)
+ def output_for_cli(self, textui, result, *args, **options):
+ textui.print_entry(result)
+class basegroup_add_member(Command):
+ 'Add a member to a group.'
+ takes_args = (
+ Str('group', primary_key=True),
+ )
+ takes_options = (
+ List('users?', doc='comma-separated list of users to add'),
+ List('groups?', doc='comma-separated list of user groups to add'),
+ )
+ container = None
+ filter_class = default_class
+ def _find_members(self, ldap, failed, members, attribute, filter=None, base=None):
+ return find_members(ldap, failed, members, attribute, filter, base)
+ def _add_members(self, ldap, completed, members, add_failed, dn, memberattr):
+ """
+ Add members to a group.
+ Returns a tuple of the # completed and those that weren't added
+ :param ldap: The ldap connection
+ :param completed: number of entries successfully added
+ :param members: list of member DNs to add
+ :param add_failed: members who failed to be added
+ :param dn: DN of group to add members to
+ :param membetattr: The attribute where members are stored
+ """
+ for member_dn in members:
+ if not member_dn: continue
+ try:
+ ldap.add_member_to_group(member_dn, dn, memberattr)
+ completed+=1
+ except:
+ add_failed.append(member_dn)
+ return completed, add_failed
+ def execute(self, cn, **kw):
+ """
+ Execute the group-add-member operation.
+ Returns the updated group entry
+ :param cn: The group name to add new members to.
+ :param kw: groups is a comma-separated list of groups to add
+ :param kw: users is a comma-separated list of users to add
+ """
+ assert self.container
+ ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap
+ dn = ldap.find_entry_dn("cn", cn, self.filter_class, self.container)
+ add_failed = []
+ to_add = []
+ completed = 0
+ members = kw.get('groups', [])
+ (to_add, add_failed) = self._find_members(ldap, add_failed, members, "cn", "ipaUserGroup", self.api.env.container_group)
+ (completed, add_failed) = self._add_members(ldap, completed, to_add, add_failed, dn, "member")
+ members = kw.get('users', [])
+ (to_add, add_failed) = self._find_members(ldap, add_failed, members, "uid", "posixAccount", self.api.env.container_user)
+ (completed, add_failed) = self._add_members(ldap, completed, to_add, add_failed, dn, "member")
+ return add_failed
+ def output_for_cli(self, textui, result, *args, **options):
+ """
+ Output result of this command to command line interface.
+ """
+ if result:
+ textui.print_plain("These entries failed to add to the group:")
+ for a in result:
+ textui.print_plain("\t'%s'" % a)
+ else:
+ textui.print_plain("members added.")
+class basegroup_remove_member(Command):
+ 'Remove a member from a group.'
+ container = None
+ filter_class = default_class
+ takes_args = (
+ Str('group', primary_key=True),
+ )
+ takes_options = (
+ List('users?', doc='comma-separated list of users to remove'),
+ List('groups?', doc='comma-separated list of user groups to remove'),
+ )
+ def _find_members(self, ldap, failed, members, attribute, filter=None, base=None):
+ return find_members(ldap, failed, members, attribute, filter, base)
+ def _remove_members(self, ldap, completed, members, remove_failed, dn, memberattr):
+ """
+ Add members to a group.
+ Returns a tuple of the # completed and those that weren't added
+ :param ldap: The ldap connection
+ :param completed: number of entries successfully removed
+ :param members: list of member DNs to remove
+ :param remove_failed: members who failed to be removed
+ :param dn: DN of group to remove members from
+ :param membetattr: The attribute where members are stored
+ """
+ for member_dn in members:
+ if not member_dn: continue
+ try:
+ ldap.remove_member_from_group(member_dn, dn, memberattr)
+ completed+=1
+ except:
+ remove_failed.append(member_dn)
+ return completed, remove_failed
+ def execute(self, cn, **kw):
+ """
+ Execute the group-remove-member operation.
+ Returns the members that could not be added
+ :param cn: The group name to add new members to.
+ :param kw: groups is a comma-separated list of groups to remove
+ :param kw: users is a comma-separated list of users to remove
+ """
+ assert self.container
+ ldap = self.api.Backend.ldap
+ dn = ldap.find_entry_dn("cn", cn, self.filter_class, self.container)
+ to_remove = []
+ remove_failed = []
+ completed = 0
+ members = kw.get('groups', [])
+ (to_remove, remove_failed) = self._find_members(ldap, remove_failed, members, "cn", "ipaUserGroup", self.api.env.container_group)
+ (completed, remove_failed) = self._remove_members(ldap, completed, to_remove, remove_failed, dn, "member")
+ members = kw.get('users', [])
+ (to_remove, remove_failed) = self._find_members(ldap, remove_failed, members, "uid", "posixAccount", self.api.env.container_user)
+ (completed, remove_failed) = self._remove_members(ldap, completed, to_remove, remove_failed, dn, "member")
+ return remove_failed
+ def output_for_cli(self, textui, result, *args, **options):
+ """
+ Output result of this command to command line interface.
+ """
+ if result:
+ textui.print_plain("These entries failed to be removed from the group:")
+ for a in result:
+ textui.print_plain("\t'%s'" % a)
+ else:
+ textui.print_plain("members removed.")