File: src/BTrees/BTreeItemsTemplate.c
Function: BTreeItems_slice
Error: returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
313 static PyObject *
314 BTreeItems_slice(BTreeItems *self, Py_ssize_t ilow, Py_ssize_t ihigh)
315 {
316   Bucket *lowbucket;
317   Bucket *highbucket;
318   int lowoffset;
319   int highoffset;
320   Py_ssize_t length = -1;  /* len(self), but computed only if needed */
322   /* Complications:
323    * A Python slice never raises IndexError, but BTreeItems_seek does.
324    * Python did only part of index normalization before calling this:
325    *     ilow may be < 0 now, and ihigh may be arbitrarily large.  It's
326    *     our responsibility to clip them.
327    * A Python slice is exclusive of the high index, but a BTreeItems
328    *     struct is inclusive on both ends.
329    */
331   /* First adjust ilow and ihigh to be legit endpoints in the Python
332    * sense (ilow inclusive, ihigh exclusive).  This block duplicates the
333    * logic from Python's list_slice function (slicing for builtin lists).
334    */
335   if (ilow < 0)
when considering range: 0 <= value <= 0x7fffffffffffffff
taking False path
336       ilow = 0;
337   else {
338       if (length < 0)
taking True path
339           length = BTreeItems_length(self);
340       if (ilow > length)
when taking True path
341           ilow = length;
342   }
344   if (ihigh < ilow)
when taking False path
345       ihigh = ilow;
346   else {
347       if (length < 0)
when considering range: -0x8000000000000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
348           length = BTreeItems_length(self);
349       if (ihigh > length)
when taking False path
350           ihigh = length;
351   }
352   assert(0 <= ilow && ilow <= ihigh);
353   assert(length < 0 || ihigh <= length);
355   /* Now adjust for that our struct is inclusive on both ends.  This is
356    * easy *except* when the slice is empty:  there's no good way to spell
357    * that in an inclusive-on-both-ends scheme.  For example, if the
358    * slice is btree.items([:0]), ilow == ihigh == 0 at this point, and if
359    * we were to subtract 1 from ihigh that would get interpreted by
360    * BTreeItems_seek as meaning the *entire* set of items.  Setting ilow==1
361    * and ihigh==0 doesn't work either, as BTreeItems_seek raises IndexError
362    * if we attempt to seek to ilow==1 when the underlying sequence is empty.
363    * It seems simplest to deal with empty slices as a special case here.
364    */
365    if (ilow == ihigh) {
when taking False path
366        /* empty slice */
367        lowbucket = highbucket = NULL;
368        lowoffset = 1;
369        highoffset = 0;
370    }
371    else {
372        assert(ilow < ihigh);
373        --ihigh;  /* exclusive -> inclusive */
375        if (BTreeItems_seek(self, ilow) < 0) return NULL;
when considering range: 0 <= value <= 0x7fffffff
taking False path
376        lowbucket = self->currentbucket;
377        lowoffset = self->currentoffset;
379        if (BTreeItems_seek(self, ihigh) < 0) return NULL;
when considering range: -0x80000000 <= value <= -1
taking True path
381        highbucket = self->currentbucket;
382        highoffset = self->currentoffset;
383   }
384   return newBTreeItems(self->kind,
385                        lowbucket, lowoffset, highbucket, highoffset);
386 }
returning (PyObject*)NULL without setting an exception
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