File: pycryptsetup/cryptsetup.c
Function: passwordDialog
Error: ob_refcnt of '*result' is 1 too high
47 int passwordDialog(const char *msg, char *buf, size_t length, void *this0)
48 {
49   PyObject *result;
50   PyObject *arglist;
51   CryptSetupObject *self = (CryptSetupObject *)this0;  
52   char *res = NULL;
53   int ok;
55   if(self->passwordDialogCB){
56     arglist = Py_BuildValue("(s)", msg);
when treating unknown void * from pycryptsetup/cryptsetup.c:48 as non-NULL
when treating unknown struct PyObject * from pycryptsetup/cryptsetup.c:56 as non-NULL
taking True path
57     if(!arglist) return 0;
when Py_BuildValue() succeeds
58     result = PyEval_CallObject(self->passwordDialogCB, arglist);
taking False path
59     Py_DECREF(arglist);
when treating unknown struct PyObject * from pycryptsetup/cryptsetup.c:59 as non-NULL
when PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords() succeeds
new ref from call to PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords allocated at:     result = PyEval_CallObject(self->passwordDialogCB, arglist);
ob_refcnt is now refs: 1 + N where N >= 0
when taking True path
61     if (result == NULL) return 0;
taking False path
63     ok = PyArg_Parse(result, "z", &res);
64     fprintf(stderr, "Parsing passw from callback result [%p]: %d %s [%p]\n", result, ok, res, res);
when PyArg_Parse() fails
66     if(!ok){
67       return 0;
taking True path
68     }
70     // copy the password
71     strncpy(buf, res, length-1);
72     Py_DECREF(result);
73     fprintf(stderr, "Passphrase received: %s [%d]\n", buf, strlen(buf));
75     return strlen(buf);
76   }
77   else return 0;
78 }
ob_refcnt of '*result' is 1 too high was expecting final ob_refcnt to be N + 0 (for some unknown N) but final ob_refcnt is N + 1 found 1 similar trace(s) to this