# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Copyright (C) 2012 Aurelien Bompard Author: Aurelien Bompard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for the full text of the license. """ import datetime from zope.interface import implements from storm.locals import Unicode, RawStr, Int, ReferenceSet, Reference, Proxy from storm.locals import Storm from storm.expr import Desc from mailman.interfaces.messages import IMessage from kittystore.utils import get_message_id_hash from .hack_datetime import DateTime # pylint: disable-msg=R0902,R0913,R0903 # R0902: Too many instance attributes (X/7) # R0913: Too many arguments (X/5) # R0903: Too few public methods (X/2) __all__ = ("List", "Email", "Attachment") class List(Storm): # The 'List' name is part of storm's locals # pylint: disable-msg=E0102 """ An archived mailing-list. Not strictly necessary yet since the list name is used in the email table, but at some point we'll want to store more information on lists in the database. """ __storm_table__ = "list" name = Unicode(primary=True) display_name = Unicode() def __init__(self, name): self.name = unicode(name) class Email(Storm): """ An archived email, from a mailing-list. It is identified by both the list name and the message id. """ implements(IMessage) __storm_table__ = "email" __storm_primary__ = "list_name", "message_id" list_name = Unicode() message_id = Unicode() sender_name = Unicode() sender_email = Unicode() subject = Unicode() content = Unicode() date = DateTime() timezone = Int() in_reply_to = Unicode() message_id_hash = Unicode() thread_id = Unicode() archived_date = DateTime(default_factory=datetime.datetime.now) # path is required by IMessage, but it makes no sense here path = None # References attachments = ReferenceSet( (list_name, message_id), ("Attachment.list_name", "Attachment.message_id"), order_by="Attachment.counter" ) thread = Reference((list_name, thread_id), ("Thread.list_name", "Thread.thread_id")) full_email = Reference((list_name, message_id), ("EmailFull.list_name", "EmailFull.message_id")) full = Proxy(full_email, "EmailFull.full") def __init__(self, list_name, message_id): self.list_name = unicode(list_name) self.message_id = unicode(message_id) self.message_id_hash = unicode(get_message_id_hash(self.message_id)) class EmailFull(Storm): """ The full contents of an archived email, for storage and post-processing reasons. """ __storm_table__ = "email_full" __storm_primary__ = "list_name", "message_id" list_name = Unicode() message_id = Unicode() full = RawStr() email = Reference((list_name, message_id), ("Email.list_name", "Email.message_id")) def __init__(self, list_name, message_id, full=None): self.list_name = unicode(list_name) self.message_id = unicode(message_id) if full is not None: self.full = full class Attachment(Storm): __storm_table__ = "attachment" __storm_primary__ = "list_name", "message_id", "counter" list_name = Unicode() message_id = Unicode() counter = Int() name = Unicode() content_type = Unicode() encoding = Unicode() size = Int() content = RawStr() # reference to the email email = Reference((list_name, message_id), (Email.list_name, Email.message_id)) class Thread(Storm): """ A thread of archived email, from a mailing-list. It is identified by both the list name and the thread id. """ __storm_table__ = "thread" __storm_primary__ = "list_name", "thread_id" list_name = Unicode() thread_id = Unicode() date_active = DateTime() emails = ReferenceSet( (list_name, thread_id), (Email.list_name, Email.thread_id), order_by=Email.date ) _starting_email = None def __init__(self, list_name, thread_id, date_active=None): self.list_name = unicode(list_name) self.thread_id = unicode(thread_id) self.date_active = date_active @property def _starting_email_req(self): """ Returns the request to get the starting email. If there are no results with in_reply_to IS NULL, then it's probably a partial import and we don't have the real first email. In this case, use the date. """ return self.emails.order_by(Email.in_reply_to != None, Email.date) @property def starting_email(self): """Return (and cache) the email starting this thread""" if self._starting_email is None: self._starting_email = self._starting_email_req.first() return self._starting_email @property def last_email(self): return self.emails.order_by(Desc(Email.date)).first() @property def subject(self): """Return the subject of this thread""" if self._starting_email is not None: return self.starting_email.subject else: # Don't get the whole message if it's not cached yet (useful for # HyperKitty's thread view). return self._starting_email_req.values(Email.subject).next() @property def participants(self): """Set of email senders in this thread""" p = [] for sender in self.emails.find().config(distinct=True ).order_by().values(Email.sender_name): p.append(sender) return p @property def email_ids(self): return list(self.emails.find().order_by().values(Email.message_id)) def __len__(self): return self.emails.count() def __storm_pre_flush__(self): """Auto-set the active date from the last email in thread""" if self.date_active is not None: return self.date_active = list(self.emails.order_by(Desc(Email.date) ).config(limit=1).values(Email.date))[0]