# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 1998-2012 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of HyperKitty. # # HyperKitty is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # HyperKitty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # HyperKitty. If not, see . # # Author: Aamir Khan # Author: Aurelien Bompard # import datetime import re from collections import namedtuple import django.utils.simplejson as json from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.template import RequestContext, loader from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousOperation from django.utils.timezone import utc import robot_detection from hyperkitty.models import Tag, Favorite, LastView, ThreadCategory from hyperkitty.views.forms import AddTagForm, ReplyForm, CategoryForm from hyperkitty.lib import get_store, stripped_subject from hyperkitty.lib.view_helpers import (get_months, get_category_widget, FLASH_MESSAGES) from hyperkitty.lib.voting import set_message_votes def _get_thread_replies(request, thread, offset=1, limit=None): ''' Get and sort the replies for a thread. By default, offset = 1 to skip the original message. ''' if not thread: raise Http404 if "sort" in request.GET and request.GET["sort"] == "date": sort_mode = "date" emails = thread.emails else: sort_mode = "thread" emails = thread.emails_by_reply # XXX: Storm-specific emails = emails.find() emails.config(offset=offset, limit=limit) emails = list(emails) for email in emails: # Extract all the votes for this message set_message_votes(email, request.user) if sort_mode == "thread": email.level = email.thread_depth - 1 # replies start ragged left if email.level > 5: email.level = 5 return emails def thread_index(request, mlist_fqdn, threadid, month=None, year=None): ''' Displays all the email for a given thread identifier ''' store = get_store(request) thread = store.get_thread(mlist_fqdn, threadid) if not thread: raise Http404 prev_thread, next_thread = store.get_thread_neighbors(mlist_fqdn, threadid) sort_mode = request.GET.get("sort", "thread") set_message_votes(thread.starting_email, request.user) # Tags tag_form = AddTagForm() try: tags = Tag.objects.filter(threadid=threadid, list_address=mlist_fqdn) except Tag.DoesNotExist: tags = [] # Favorites fav_action = "add" if request.user.is_authenticated(): try: Favorite.objects.get(list_address=mlist_fqdn, threadid=threadid, user=request.user) except Favorite.DoesNotExist: pass else: fav_action = "rm" # Category category, category_form = get_category_widget(request, thread.category) # Extract relative dates today = datetime.date.today() days_old = today - thread.starting_email.date.date() days_inactive = today - thread.last_email.date.date() mlist = store.get_list(mlist_fqdn) subject = stripped_subject(mlist, thread.starting_email.subject) # Last view last_view = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): last_view_obj, created = LastView.objects.get_or_create( list_address=mlist_fqdn, threadid=threadid, user=request.user) if not created: last_view = last_view_obj.view_date last_view_obj.save() # update timestamp # get the number of unread messages if last_view is None: if request.user.is_authenticated(): unread_count = len(thread) else: unread_count = 0 else: # XXX: Storm-specific unread_count = thread.replies_after(last_view).count() # Flash messages flash_messages = [] flash_msg = request.GET.get("msg") if flash_msg: flash_msg = { "type": FLASH_MESSAGES[flash_msg][0], "msg": FLASH_MESSAGES[flash_msg][1] } flash_messages.append(flash_msg) # TODO: eventually move to a middleware ? # http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/1865/ is_bot = True user_agent = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', None) if user_agent: is_bot = robot_detection.is_robot(user_agent) context = { 'mlist': mlist, 'threadid': threadid, 'subject': subject, 'tags': tags, 'addtag_form': tag_form, 'month': thread.date_active, 'first_mail': thread.starting_email, 'neighbors': (prev_thread, next_thread), 'months_list': get_months(store, mlist.name), 'days_inactive': days_inactive.days, 'days_old': days_old.days, 'sort_mode': sort_mode, 'fav_action': fav_action, 'reply_form': ReplyForm(), 'is_bot': is_bot, 'participants': thread.participants, 'last_view': last_view, 'unread_count': unread_count, 'category_form': category_form, 'category': category, 'flash_messages': flash_messages, } context["participants"].sort(key=lambda x: x[0].lower()) if is_bot: # Don't rely on AJAX to load the replies # The limit is a safety measure, don't let a bot kill the DB context["replies"] = _get_thread_replies(request, thread, limit=1000) return render(request, "thread.html", context) def replies(request, mlist_fqdn, threadid): """Get JSON encoded lists with the replies and the participants""" chunk_size = 5 offset = int(request.GET.get("offset", "1")) store = get_store(request) thread = store.get_thread(mlist_fqdn, threadid) mlist = store.get_list(mlist_fqdn) # Last view last_view = request.GET.get("last_view") if last_view: try: last_view = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(last_view), utc) except ValueError: last_view = None context = { 'mlist': mlist, 'threadid': threadid, 'reply_form': ReplyForm(), 'last_view': last_view, } context["replies"] = _get_thread_replies(request, thread, offset=offset, limit=chunk_size) replies_tpl = loader.get_template('ajax/replies.html') replies_html = replies_tpl.render(RequestContext(request, context)) response = {"replies_html": replies_html, "more_pending": False, "next_offset": None, } if len(context["replies"]) == chunk_size: response["more_pending"] = True response["next_offset"] = offset + chunk_size return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), mimetype='application/javascript') def tags(request, mlist_fqdn, threadid): """ Add or remove a tag on a given thread. """ if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponse('You must be logged in to add a tag', content_type="text/plain", status=403) if request.method != 'POST': raise SuspiciousOperation action = request.POST.get("action") if action == "add": form = AddTagForm(request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): return HttpResponse("Error adding tag: invalid data", content_type="text/plain", status=500) tagname = form.data['tag'] elif action == "rm": tagname = request.POST.get('tag') else: raise SuspiciousOperation try: tag = Tag.objects.get(threadid=threadid, list_address=mlist_fqdn, tag=tagname) if action == "rm": tag.delete() except Tag.DoesNotExist: if action == "add": tag = Tag(list_address=mlist_fqdn, threadid=threadid, tag=tagname, user=request.user) tag.save() elif action == "rm": raise Http404("No such tag: %s" % tagname) # Now refresh the tag list tags = Tag.objects.filter(threadid=threadid, list_address=mlist_fqdn) FakeMList = namedtuple("MailingList", ["name"]) tpl = loader.get_template('threads/tags.html') html = tpl.render(RequestContext(request, { "tags": tags, "mlist": FakeMList(name=mlist_fqdn), "threadid": threadid, })) response = {"tags": [ t.tag for t in tags ], "html": html} return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), mimetype='application/javascript') def suggest_tags(request, mlist_fqdn, threadid): term = request.GET.get("term") current_tags = Tag.objects.filter( list_address=mlist_fqdn, threadid=threadid ).values_list("tag", flat=True) if term: tags = Tag.objects.filter(list_address=mlist_fqdn, tag__istartswith=term) else: tags = Tag.objects.all() tags = tags.exclude(tag__in=current_tags).values_list("tag", flat=True) tags = [ t.encode("utf8") for t in tags ] return HttpResponse(json.dumps(tags), mimetype='application/javascript') def favorite(request, mlist_fqdn, threadid): """ Add or remove from favorites""" if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponse('You must be logged in to have favorites', content_type="text/plain", status=403) if request.method != 'POST': raise SuspiciousOperation props = dict(list_address=mlist_fqdn, threadid=threadid, user=request.user) if request.POST["action"] == "add": try: fav = Favorite.objects.get(**props) except Favorite.DoesNotExist: fav = Favorite(**props) fav.save() elif request.POST["action"] == "rm": try: fav = Favorite.objects.get(**props) except Favorite.DoesNotExist: pass else: fav.delete() else: raise SuspiciousOperation return HttpResponse("success", mimetype='text/plain') def set_category(request, mlist_fqdn, threadid): """ Set the category for a given thread. """ if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponse('You must be logged in to add a tag', content_type="text/plain", status=403) if request.method != 'POST': raise SuspiciousOperation store = get_store(request) category, category_form = get_category_widget(request) thread = store.get_thread(mlist_fqdn, threadid) if not category and thread.category: thread.category = None store.commit() elif category and category.name != thread.category: thread.category = category.name store.commit() # Now refresh the category widget FakeMList = namedtuple("MailingList", ["name"]) context = { "category_form": category_form, "mlist": FakeMList(name=mlist_fqdn), "threadid": threadid, "category": category, } return render(request, "threads/category.html", context) def reattach(request, mlist_fqdn, threadid): if not request.user.is_staff: return HttpResponse('You must be a staff member to reattach a thread', content_type="text/plain", status=403) flash_messages = [] store = get_store(request) mlist = store.get_list(mlist_fqdn) thread = store.get_thread(mlist_fqdn, threadid) if request.method == 'POST': parent_tid = request.POST.get("parent") if not parent_tid: parent_tid = request.POST.get("parent-manual") if not parent_tid or not re.match("\w{32}", parent_tid): raise ValueError("Invalid thread id, it should look like " "OUAASTM6GS4E5TEATD6R2VWMULG44NKJ") flash_messages.append({"type": "warning", "msg": "Invalid thread id, it should look " "like OUAASTM6GS4E5TEATD6R2VWMULG44NKJ."}) elif parent_tid == threadid: flash_messages.append({"type": "warning", "msg": "Can't re-attach a thread to " "itself, check your thread ID."}) else: new_thread = store.get_thread(mlist_fqdn, parent_tid) if new_thread is None: flash_messages.append({"type": "warning", "msg": "Unknown thread, check your " "thread ID."}) elif thread.starting_email.date <= new_thread.starting_email.date: flash_messages.append({"type": "error", "msg": "Can't attach an older thread " "to a newer thread."}) else: for msg in thread.emails: store.attach_to_thread(msg, new_thread) store.delete_thread(mlist_fqdn, threadid) return redirect(reverse( 'thread', kwargs={ "mlist_fqdn": mlist_fqdn, 'threadid': parent_tid, })+"?msg=attached-ok") context = { 'mlist' : mlist, 'thread': thread, 'months_list': get_months(store, mlist.name), 'flash_messages': flash_messages, } return render(request, "reattach.html", context) def reattach_suggest(request, mlist_fqdn, threadid): store = get_store(request) thread = store.get_thread(mlist_fqdn, threadid) default_search_query = thread.subject.lower().replace("re:", "") search_query = request.GET.get("q", default_search_query) search_result = store.search(search_query, mlist_fqdn, 1, 50) messages = search_result["results"] suggested_threads = [] for msg in messages: if msg.thread not in suggested_threads and msg.thread_id != threadid: suggested_threads.append(msg.thread) context = { 'suggested_threads': suggested_threads[:10], } return render(request, "ajax/reattach_suggest.html", context)