{% extends "base.html" %} {% load url from future %} {% load hk_generic %} {% load gravatar %} {% load storm %} {% block title %} {{ mlist.display_name|default:mlist.name|escapeemail }} - {{ app_name|title }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% include 'threads/month_list.html' %}

Activities on the list over the last 30 days

+ Start a new thread

Recently active discussions

{% for thread in most_active_threads %} {% include "threads/summary_thread.html" with counter=forloop.counter %} {% endfor %}

Most active posters

{% for poster in top_posters %}
{% gravatar poster.email 40 %}
{{ poster.name }}
{{ poster.count }} posts
{% endfor %}

Most active discussions

{% for thread in top_threads %} {% include "threads/summary_thread.html" with counter=forloop.counter %} {% endfor %}

Discussion by category

{% for category, threads in threads_by_category.items %}

{{ category.name|upper }}

{% for thread in threads %} {% include "threads/summary_thread.html" %} {% endfor %} {% empty %}

No category has been set this month (yet).

{% endfor %}
{% if top_author %}

Prominent discussion maker

{% for author in top_author %}
{% if author.email %} {% gravatar author.email 40 %}
{% endif %}
+{{author.kudos}} kudos
{% endfor %}

Tag cloud

{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block additionaljs %} {% endblock %}