--[[ This file demonstrates how attributes are getting calculated and how they can be linked to each other. See http://doc.manasource.org/attributes.xml for more info. --]] local function recalculate_base_attribute(being, attribute) local old_base = being:base_attribute(attribute) local new_base = old_base if attribute == ATTR_ACCURACY then -- Provisional new_base = being:modified_attribute(ATTR_DEX) elseif attribute == ATTR_DEFENSE then new_base = 0.3 * being:modified_attribute(ATTR_VIT) elseif attribute == ATTR_DODGE then -- Provisional new_base = being:modified_attribute(ATTR_AGI) elseif attribute == ATTR_MAGIC_DODGE then -- TODO new_base = 1 elseif attribute == ATTR_MAGIC_DEFENSE then -- TODO new_base = 0 elseif attribute == ATTR_BONUS_ASPD then -- TODO new_base = 0 elseif attribute == ATTR_HP_REGEN then local hp_per_sec = being:modified_attribute(ATTR_VIT) * 0.05 new_base = hp_per_sec * TICKS_PER_HP_REGENERATION / 10 elseif attribute == ATTR_HP then local hp = being:modified_attribute(ATTR_HP) local max_hp = being:modified_attribute(ATTR_MAX_HP) if hp > max_hp then new_base = new_base - hp - max_hp end elseif attribute == ATTR_MAX_HP then local vit = being:modified_attribute(ATTR_VIT) new_base = (vit + 3) * (vit + 20) * 0.125 elseif attribute == ATTR_MOVE_SPEED_TPS then -- Provisional new_base = 3.0 + being:modified_attribute(ATTR_AGI) * 0.08 elseif attribute == ATTR_INV_CAPACITY then -- Provisional new_base = 2000 + being:modified_attribute(ATTR_STR) * 180 elseif attribute == ATTR_ABILITY_COOLDOWN then -- Provisional new_base = 100 - being:modified_attribute(ATTR_WIL) end if new_base ~= old_base then being:set_base_attribute(attribute, new_base) end end local function update_derived_attributes(being, attribute) if attribute == ATTR_STR then recalculate_base_attribute(being, ATTR_INV_CAPACITY) elseif attribute == ATTR_AGI then recalculate_base_attribute(being, ATTR_DODGE) elseif attribute == ATTR_VIT then recalculate_base_attribute(being, ATTR_MAX_HP) recalculate_base_attribute(being, ATTR_HP_REGEN) recalculate_base_attribute(being, ATTR_DEFENSE) elseif attribute == ATTR_INT then -- unimplemented elseif attribute == ATTR_WIL then recalculate_base_attribute(being, ATTR_ABILITY_COOLDOWN) end end on_recalculate_base_attribute(recalculate_base_attribute) on_update_derived_attribute(update_derived_attributes)